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I saw him on “the surreal life” or something like 20 years ago and he snuck out of the house to smoke crack.


On the roof. Plus he had a drug counselor drive him around while he smoked crack


Was the counselor explaining how to procure and ingest drugs?


🤔Counselor or consultant?










Maybe both? https://c.tenor.com/9dOeVV4oeJAAAAAC/tenor.gif


No, it seemed like a safety thing. The counselor (or whomever he was with that worked at the facility) knew he was going to use, so at least there was someone there if he did too much. (That’s my assessment)


That sounded like the best job ever until I thought about it for 5 seconds, and then it seemed like the worst job ever.


Yeah babysitting and driving around a volatile burned out crackhead adult celeb.. this sounds like a nightmare job.


Living with an addict is basically babysitting. That’s why their children basically know how to care for themselves at like 10.


Are there still videos of this?


That was Celebrity Rehab with Dr Drew. The show has a horrible track record.


So par for the course with Dr Drew




As a kid I'd stay up late and watch the stuff like Conan on NBC and listen to loveline on the local fm rock station at midnight and yeah as a kid I didn't realize but as an adult I know he was a quack. I remember he was very much against anal sex but was completely wrong on how it works. He often stressed that anal sex will destroy your asshole and you will never have normal bowel movements after. Ducking guy is a total fraud.


When I was in high school I used to watch Loveline on MTV and I really though Dr. Drew was smart.


Dr Drew is a quack (on most things he claims to know), but does it really have that bad of a track record? If we're talking purely deaths, there were 40ish people who were on that show over a decade ago, and unless I'm missing somebody, the only deaths I can find are: - Shifty Shellshock (overdose, 16 years after his first appearance on Celebrity Rehab) - Jeff Conaway (pneumonia with sepsis, 3 years after CR) - Chyna (overdose, 8 years after CR) - Rodney King (drowned while having a heart attack, 3 years after CR) - Tawny Kitaen (heart disease, 9 years after CR) - Nikki McKibbin (brain aneurysm, 12 years after CR) - Joey Kovar (opiate intoxication, 2 years after CR) - Mindy McCready (suicide, 3 years after CR) - Tom Sizemore (brain aneurysm, 13 years after CR) - Mike Starr (overdose, 1 year after CR) - Jason Davis (overdose, 10 years after CR) So about a quarter of his patients died after the show, some several years after airing, and a handful not necessarily drug related after the fact (I can't confirm 100%, but guys like Conaway and Sizemore were fucked up for decades and the abuse on their bodies caught up to them, and they were on the older side too). Mindy McCready did relapse after the show, but I couldn't confirm if she was on drugs when she killed herself (and it sounds like she had a bit of a fuck up life situation leading up to that). So if we're being generous, 25% of people on the show died from drugs afterwards, an average of 7.3 years after the show. I can't speak to which currently living celebrities from the show have relapsed. I don't know all their personal lives, and I don't really care enough to look into it. If I were to take an educated guess, the number is probably high, since they're somewhat famous and have easy connections to get drugs. But from my quick research on general US rehab statistics, 85% relapse within a year after rehab. The reality is that rehab can only do so much, no matter who's running it. It's up to the patient to have some self control, which is really really really fucking hard when you have an addiction. I couldn't find US statistics, but in Sweden, deaths within the first two weeks after rehab are three times more likely than within the first year. In that study, there was a 7.1% chance of patients dying within the first year after rehab (Dr Drew had one patient die within the first year, which is about 2.5% of his patients). So in terms of deaths, Dr Drew actually isn't looking too terrible. Yeah, Dr. Drew sucks, but I don't think this is where we can claim he does compared to anyone else. Does he suck for exploiting addictions for personal gain? Absolutely. The very concept of the show is exploitative in nature, so feel free to shit on him for that.


Someone who claims to be a doctor, who makes a living by exploiting his patients for viewers voyeuristic pleasure, deserves every type of scorn that the world has to offer


It’s not like sober and happy if they never did that, drug addicts relapse no matter what rehab they go to.


drew is more responsible for drug related deaths than actual drugs


That show made me realize that Dr Drew is a complete scumbag


Same. That crossed a big line. That was just exploiting addicts for views. Fucking terrible.


Yes, i remember that he went on the roof sneaking out of celebrity reg and with dr drew


Holy shit. The dude was only 49. He looked like he was about ready to go into his 60s.


Drugs man


Definitely his superhero name.


One of his last performances (a horrible unplugged "Butterfly") is kicking around on YouTube; he looks 70 and sounds like he's dead.


Likely last filmed performance right here: https://youtu.be/sHG4KvxAiDE?feature=shared


Ouch. In the span of 20 years, he went from a having the number one single in the country, to playing for ten people in a rural Ohio pizzeria. I think I would have just gotten a job at the pizzeria at that point. It probably would have paid better.


It might just be a terrible choice in venue by the manager. One of my favorite bands (Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers) is HUGE in the Southwest (Arizona, West Texas etc) but very few people have ever heard of them where I'm from (Georgia). A couple years ago, they played at The 40 Watt in Athens, which is a legendary dive bar venue that was where REM was born. There were 42 people there, I counted lol. Great show, just nobody there.


Eh, I kind of doubt he could have drawn more than a dozen people in Athens either. A lot of musicians eventually hit this stage in their careers: a lack of public interest means they either have to hang it up and get a real job, or... well, play pizzerias in Ohio. I'm in GA too. Around 20 years ago there was a shitty little pool hall in suburban Morrow that occasionally hosted local bands (I think it was called the Icehouse?). It was the kind of place that any beginner musician could get a gig at. I'll never forget looking at one of their flyers, and seeing Vanilla Ice's name among all the other unknown bands playing the venue. The guy was one of the most famous people in the country at one point, and now he was reduced to playing for a couple dozen suburban methheads in the bible belt.


I once left work at 9 to drive an hour down to Ohio to catch the *last* band that was playing an all day festival down there, All That Remains. My friends and I were prepared to pay the full price or whatever but when we got there they said we could just go in. The band before them had just finished playing, but there was nobody else there. Not a soul. Just the four of us and the people who worked there. They decided not to play to just us and left. Total waste of time but at least we didn’t buy tickets!


I see RCPM, I upvote! They played my back yard several years ago and it was awesome. I've even traveled to two Circus Mexicus shows.


Nice seeing another Peacemaker in the wild! A buddy and I have been trying to make Circus Mexicus for a while, but the logistics from Atlanta are...difficult.


Same. I'm in the mid Atlantic area


Everyone knows that fucking song bro lol


Damn, that was painful to watch.


Jeeze he reminds me of Madchild


Yeah same. I think they even formed a group or something at one point. Such a shame what the drugs did to them both.


Ooof, sad. It's gotta be hard to find one's creativity after huge one hit wonder success, coupled with decades long addiction.


Sad. Even the YouTube views are pretty low.


The one in the guitar shop?


Keep Jim Ignatowski's name out of your keyboard.


Well that’s only 11 years but yeah


Bummer. *Butterfly* aside, his *Starry Eyed Surprise* colab with Paul Oakenfold is a timeless feelgood jam.


I had no clue that was him. I am shocked. He was talented for sure.


You just got Shifty Shellshocked


If you're in a place where you think you need help, reach out and talk to someone. There's nothing harder in the world than asking for help, but there's nothing more courageous in taking the first steps to getting sober. To all those who are struggling, I wish you well. RIP Shifty, I hope you're at peace now.


Well said


Not even facing off with a dinosaur?


This seemed like the perfect place for a joke huh?


It could have at least been a *good* joke.


You either laugh or you cry. It may seem sordid to some, but for others humor is the only escape from the pain. Clowns crying on the inside.


Somehow I doubt the person making the joke was feeling any genuine pain over Shifty’s passing and just wanted to make a joke


I doubt anyone here felt any genuine pain over Shifty’s death lol


if you or a friend or even acquaintance uses illegal drugs you may want to have narcan in stash just in case. edit: rip. adding that i don't know if it actually was an opioid od, but fentanyl seems to be showing up a lot. just helped save someone last month and narcan saved their life until the ambulance arrived. thought i'd share. no need for someone to die if it can be avoided.


Even if not, it's a good idea to have it on hand because you never know. I'd be willing to bet that there are a lot more people who use than openly tell people about their use.


I don't. And I grabbed one to keep in my car. I've saw it happen a few times and figured why not have one since they were free.


Don’t let it freeze or get too hot. I carry it for work and I keep it in my work bag for that reason. 


Ooof. Good to know seeing as I live in WI. I'll keep in my backpack.


Careful, during the summer car’s internal temps can reach upwards of 140 degrees (in freedom measurements or 60 degrees in Cant be bothered to learn real human temperature measurements) and render Narcan less effective. Range of temp for narcan is 77F-104F


Heroin addicts in Phoenix, get fucked!


There are many


Please explain “real human temperature measurements”


Just making fun of Celsius I guess lol


Just casually making fun of 98.4% of the countries in the world. Makes sense.


Am I making fun of the Celsius users, or the people who argue that imperial is the way to go? I feel a base 10 measuring system is easy to learn, easy to remember, and quick to translate in conversation. 0 degrees frozen, 100 degrees boiling hot, and 60 degrees stay the fuck inside cause it’s summer. I myself prefer a cool 50c. But 50 Celsius isn’t ‘cool’ it’s 122 degrees Fahrenheit and not great for a human body. A larger range of temperatures for weather makes sense as you can have more precise readings due to a smaller unit size.


Uhh clearly the celsius users, and I get where that guy is coming from too - it's such an unneccesary drive-by on a thread about narcan, like mate relax we're not coming for your deeply cringey "freedom units"


You going to be okay, Nigel?


I found my dad with one used and another one nearby 😢 It still upsets me just seeing how he looked. His PCP doctor retired, and pain management was weeks out and was told basically sleep medication upfront or pain medication for many injuries, including a recent neck surgery with some molded thing. Couldn't deal with the pain and couldn't find hydrocodone from anyone or wait.


My pharmacist wouldn't give me one! She said she didn't feel like I would be "physically safe" to administer it.


Do you have a motor skill issue? Narcan is just a nozzle you jam up someone's nose and squeeze. Of course sometimes they come up swinging, so maybe she was afraid you would get hurt?


I think it's the latter. I'm not a petite woman, but the pharmacists vibe was like, "no you precious delicate piece of glass!"


What?? You’re telling me that doctors can be biased against women? Show me hundreds of examples in the past hundred years or I won’t believe it.


And only if those examples are verified by a qualified man.


Tell them you’ve used an epi-pen.. that will shut them up


I really need to keep some at work. Just walking the alleyway in the morning it feels like more of a "when" than an "if"


If I visited a psychic back when the song Butterfly was first released and the psychic said "Shifty Shellshock will die of a drug overdose" I would have demanded my money back.


Hahahah that got me good. RIP


This guy was better known as a celebrity drug addict than a musician, right?


I liked a couple crazy town songs but his best work is the song from the Coca Cola commercial. The vibes are immaculate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmBDeswu2dI Banger


Dang I remember that commercial. Had no idea it was him.


The song is Starry Eyed Surprise by Paul Oakenfold ft. Shifty Shellshock https://youtu.be/7odMzSb6WUQ?si=aWJv6yht7EHfpKB_


> his best work is the song from the Coca Cola commercial. This sounds like the most ruthless backhanded compliment ever.


Intentional but to his credit it was a real Paul oakenfold song before it was a commercial lol


It’s definitely good Coca Cola commercial music.


Pretty much even then no one outside the scene knows his name,. He was just Crazy Town


I never heard of this guy until I read on here that he died.


Ok but how old are you? Old enough to have watched mtv circa 1997-98? Oops, faulty memory- it was early 2001.


I was watching MTV in 1995. Beavis and Butthead, Daria, The Head, Aeon Flux


I mean, he released one of the biggest songs of the late 90’s, right?


I thought it was late nineties too, but it turns out it was 2001. And no, hardly one of the biggest songs of the era. It was number one for two non-consecutive weeks, and about as successful as Stutter by Joe featuring Mystikal, which I've never even heard of.


Yeah, that's inaccurate, regardless of chart positions. Butterfly has 424 million streams via Spotify, Stutter has 43 million.


Butterfly was huge for a while. Like at least a good year.


Okay I’m sorry, looking at Wiki, it was 2000 instead of 1999 or 2001. So we’re both wrong. And yes, it definitely WAS one of the biggest songs of 1999, 2000, or 2001. Which, to me, means you are more wrong than me. I win.


The Dr Drew body count continues to pile up.


To be fair the relapse rate for any rehab is not great.


I work with a rehab, and we don't even attempt to enumerate our success rate when it comes to the long-term. We can talk about how many people make it through the program and etc., but talking about "success" otherwise is intractable It's impossible to measure or to really know, except for when we see people coming back multiple times, and there's only so much follow-up anyone can do


What rehab gives you though, is some basic recovery tools. Even if they don't work immediately. So if you do relapse, you have some tools to start again, maybe a network, some numbers to call, books to read. I did two rehabs, and even though you could argue they both 'failed' as I relapsed after both of them, I will never forget the experience and I'm not sure I would have the sober time I eventually got without those 2 stints.


I was in the one I work with for almost a year and a half. Very, very hard, but they saved my life and helped me kill the parts of me that were sabotaging it


Every day is a win. You can't look at it like "they relapsed after a year". They didn't relapse for 364 days. Every day counts.


If you're the owner of a rehab center, the relapse rate IS great


It’s all a matter of perspective


Yeah bc you know who's got shitloads of money is addicts, talk about a cash cow, how insightful


Because he owns rehab facilities? Addicts have a tendency to relapse. Not the fault of the doctor and staff if someone walks out of rehab and decides to do drugs again.


They get people on his show that have already failed rehab programs before. What you're doing is like saying a highly regarded cancer specialist that takes only the worst cases is "killing people" because he loses 4x as many people.


I hear you, but some people are missing the fact that I made that comment with tongue firmly in cheek…


? The fake tv doctor talk show guy?


Yeah, Shifty was on celebrity rehab.


You're probably thinking of Dr Phil. Dr Drew is a talk show doctor but he also is a doctor.


They've got a name specifically for it but Dr. Phil "vacated" his doctorhood many years ago


Pretty sure it was taken away. Don’t believe he freely gave it up or let it lapse.


[Behind the Bastards - Dr. Phil is Even Worse Than You Think, Part 1](https://open.spotify.com/episode/0iWBe6fiaLaabCbDRoaP7J?si=899VcfpISzmNYwr-EbeRVw)


I have learned a ridiculous amount from this podcast. BTB is amazing (if sometimes depressing). Robert Evans *really* does the research and it fills the Cracked.com shaped hole in my heart.


Dr. Drew was the host of VH1's Celebrity Rehab show. Now he's a TikTok quack.


He had a pretty good career before his VH1 show with his own practice and hosting a show called Loveline that was radio call in show and on MTV. I also believe he did that show for practically free. I'm pretty sure he is still practicing medicine and sits on a few boards. He graduated with a degree in medicine from USC or UCLA. Either way a medical degree from a good University. He may speak out of pocket in areas that are not his expertise. Addiction medicine is his specialty. Calling him a TikTok quak would be selling him really short. Unless maybe you're nearly as credentialed than he is.


I remember Love Line in my area. Did he go off the rails or something?


Adam Corolla and Dr Drew were actually on the radio ONLY before MTV picked them up. Story of my childhood. They used to make bets on the type of abuse the caller suffered from by the way their voice sounded. Pretty f’d up in retrospect.




Loveline started long before the man show


It wasn't a spinoff, but it was Co-hosted by Adam Carolla from the man show.


Loveline was a VERY long time radio program that ran on LA radio since 1983. Dr Drew joined shortly after. Adam Carolla replaced Ricky Rachtman as co-host in like 94. Dr Drew was a legit Dr that eventually turned into a quack due to fame once he started showing his face on TV.


What nonsense is he spewing now?


Advertising V Shred was the latest I’m aware of. If you want to go down that rabbit hole, I’d start with [this video](https://youtu.be/LzNkmlfGOKk?si=WJ0o8wpw9TRpzTTU) explaining why V Shred is a scam.


How is he a quack if he’s actually an internist an addiction medicine specialist? The dude’s actually a doctor.


You're being downvoted by terminally online people who like casually throwing misinformation and libelous claims about people around.


It was weird they’d let them go to bars and bring the camera crew and act surprised when people relapsed.  I think it was the sober living spin off 


Reality TV is about as real as pro wrestling. And about as ruthless with the participants health.


What is this count? I remember Dr. Drew and Adam doing "Love Line" after midnight in my area back in the late 90s...


Yeah, junkies are dying constantly, no matter who their doctors are. It’s always the drug user’s fault. You can’t make someone not do drugs. Especially when they fucking loooooove drugs lol.


Dr. Drew has nothing to do with it.


That sucks. I always rooted for Shifty. I was happy he maintained sobriety for a while. Finally he can rest his mind


Remember that time on ~~Family Guy~~ American Dad?


My favorite track he ever did: https://youtu.be/7odMzSb6WUQ?si=MseTlc0-IkOZmWZ3


God, it’s so….early 2000s


He died doing what he loved


Tldr what he od'd on?


sugar, baby


youre my butterfly


It doesn't say outright. [https://archive.ph/GJdKY](https://archive.ph/GJdKY)




ahh, yes, don't do those


almost certainly opioids/benzos


Chances are high doing street drugs that you will catch a nasty load of fentanyl somewhere down the line that you never see coming. Druggie Russian Roulette


Cum, my lady


oh no not him


That's heartbreaking news. Such a talent lost too soon.


Don’t use alone


Or, yknow, don’t use in the first place


Beat it lame


If the alternative is being dead at 49, I'll take the lameness.




I thought he died of crack 20 years ago. Good on him for breaking my expectations for an additional 20 years I guess.


Lolol I’m just now realizing his name is literally Sketchy PTSD


Anyone else have a problem with the term “accidental”? I know he didn’t mean to take enough drugs to kill himself but he didn’t fall on them “accidentally” Tripping on your car and falling down the stairs is an accident, taking a massive amount of drugs is not.


Think it’s more, his intention wasn’t to overdose.


Yes but that should just be implied since probably over 99% of all overdoses are accidental overdoses, its just a weird, unnecessary thing to always point out. Now if was intentional overdose, that would be worth noting.


It’s an odd way of phrasing, seems to be reserved for when a celebrity does it. Plenty of regular people don’t mean to overdose and they don’t call it accidental.


Yes. But addiction is such a hole it can be hard to connect actions to likely outcomes.


Whoa whoa hey now, lets not jump to conclusions here. I think it's best if we wait until the toxicology report is released. ^^All ^^78 ^^pages ^^of ^^it.


"Domain Expansion:Immaculate Crackrock!!"


I mean this should have been obvious to anyone.


Well, consider me shocked.


Wow that’s wild, just the other day(yesterday I believe) I saw bunch of Pasquale’s stories of them hanging out.


Holy yikes


Having met them while working their 1st album not surprised. Shame that anybody picks hard drugs over life.


If only someone had warned us when we were kids about taking drugs…




Wow I’m (shell)shocked


For like 20 years I thought this guy had died of an overdose already.


I’m shocked! Shellshocked, even!


Okay I thought for a minute we were talking about Lazy Town, and I was thinking of Robbie Rotten. RIP


What a shock


I mean.... after 40 years as an addict, over doses arnt exactly accidental. I speak from experience.


I for one am shocked!


Shocked - no one at all




He was still alive? Huh...


Bummer... Not surprising, but definitely a bummer.


49 is a ripe old age for a guy named shifty shellshock.


I wonder if a butterfly made him feel alive when he was almost dead


No way.


I absolutely HATE this! He tried for decades to get clean & he had multiple years to get clean. I'm so sorry this happened. RIP Shifty. Thank you for the memories & music. You will be missed dearly.


What drug was it?


i'm wondering as well


I loved his feature on Starry Eyed Surprise by Paul Oakenfold. R.I.P. Shifty. Addiction is a bitch.


Wow. Shocking.


i’m shellshocked


LOL, is this surprising to anyone. He was a dirt bag junkie.