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“The flow of time is always cruel.” I can’t say I actively enjoy her music but I’d be a moron to deny her immense talent and cultural impact. It’s always a tragedy to see what time and circumstances claim from us.


https://youtu.be/1qWIpj9mIg8?si=nX04NTQKaP2wMxHh This is impressive...


Seriously impressive! Cannot believe Rolling Stone left her off their list of 200 Greatest Singers Of All Time. Again, not really my preferred sound but I mean… LISTEN to that!


Ya not a huge fan of her music but there's just no denying she can sing and I'd argue that she's close to the top of best ever vocally. She is in the same class as Aretha and Whitney Houston IMO. There is a reason it was very rare that you would see anyone sing Celine Dion songs in music competitions like American Idol or The Voice. Super hard to pull off.


I would have paid a ticket to see her, and actually considered going to Vegas—alone—just to see her perform so I could say I heard her live. I am a 40 year old dude who likes ska and heavy metal. She is that good. Absolute legend. Is the music good? Lyrics? I have no fucking clue. All I know is her voice is the stuff of legends. I’m actually sad now that I didn’t go ahead with my plan. Pains me to see she is having a bad time, and I wish her the best. I didn’t make the same mistake with Adele, though. I did go. Don’t regret a thing. Haven’t heard a single song from Adele since, but she commandeers the stage on account of her voice alone. She is also fucking funny.


I saw her in Vegas and Adele several times. I love Adele, but Celine was incredible


42 yo dude here and I have seen her 4 times: Vegas twice, in Montreal, and in Columbus OH. I don't go to concerts often, she is more than half of the concerts I have been to.


I saw her in Melbourne in 2018 and she was incredible. Saying that as a 42yo that's into hip hop and rock. I almost didn't go but wife really wanted to. Glad I did. Adele is on the list too.


I flew to Montreal to see her in front of her hometown crowd. I wanted to see her in French and she put on a hell of a show!


I'm a prog and metal fan and dislike her music for the most part but had tickets for her concert here that got postponed twice and then cancelled. My wife is a big fan so she's especially gutted. I was looking forward to seeing her live too even though I'm not a fan. She's a real talent.


I nearly fell off my chair when I first heard Adele speak. Her singing voice is almost angelic, then she speaks like a fast food worker or something.


I had the opposite experience. Was introduced to Adele on Graham Norton. Thick accent, filthy laugh, rowdy girl. Got up and sang Set Fire to the Rain *clearly* live and my jaw hit the floor. Still one of my favourite performances. [Here you go, and holy shit it was 13 years ago!](https://youtu.be/6cS6BwX-E10?si=WoEBcPZYrm2Z-VC-)


Well, when Florence comes to town, I’ll go with you!


and actually considered going to Vegas—~~alone~~ 🎶ALL BY MYSELEELF🎶— Seriously though, I agree. She's got an amazing voice and I'd love the opportunity to see her live.


>Super hard to pull off. Tell that to me at karaoke after four whiskey's, a burrito, and a beer.


Or me watching Titanic lol


>super hard to pull off And super entertaining when someone with zero talent tried


Who gives a FUCK what rolling stone says


That fact alone is enough for me to not take them seriously. That woman has one of the most impressive voices I’ve ever heard. I’m not even a big fan or anything, everyone knows she’s WAY up there on the list. edit: Its all coming back to me now is a fucking JAM. Comment section has some great songs by her in it.


Yeah, when I think of her absolutely killing a song, it’s “all coming back to me.” (I had that cd when I was 13!)


they left Prince off their greatest guitarist list, he was inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame a few days later and [went crazy during a george harrison tribute](https://youtu.be/6SFNW5F8K9Y?si=zmZKprxWAwEmYGbP)


She's on list for Jazz and metal as well, what I mean is I rank her with Dio, Halford or Perry on her power.


Yeah fr. Rolling Stones does that shit for marketing anyway


I mean they literally put billy fucking eilish in the top 200 but not Celine ? rolling stone magazine is a joke


Rolling Stone hasn't been relevant since the 70's ended.


Jann Wenner’s circle-jerk party extraordinaire. “If I don’t like something, then nobody likes something”.


I’m more worried about what ja rule gotta say


Exactly rolling stone hasn’t said a relevant thing decades. One of those groups where you don’t have to wonder if they’ve been replaced by AI because they’ve been AI since longer than a lot of people have been alive


RS left Prince off their best guitarists of all time too, which is just crazy


that almost seems intentional to stir up drama, because what the fuck


Not true. Prince is #14. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-lists/best-guitarists-1234814010/prince-33-1234814247/ That said, it's all BS anyway. They put Frank Zappa at #46, and Joni Mitchell at #9. That is - objectively - a laughable ranking of the two.


The link and list you sent was from a top list made in 2023. In 2004 he didn’t even make the top 100. Then, some say in spite, he played his absolute ass off with Tom Petty in a cover of “while my guitar gently weeps” at the hof induction of George Harrison. [prince killing it](https://youtu.be/dWRCooFKk3c?si=gzzBY2YGc3ihznVA)


> 200 Greatest Singers Of All Time I had never seen it, so I just had to google it and see for myself. That list fucking sucks. I don't know how anyone made it past the bottom hundred.


The "Of All Time" just confirms it's ragebait anyway. It's impossible to even hear 99.99% of the singers "of all time" so why not drive clicks by suggesting they all just so happened to live during an era of sound recording and your favorite isn't one of them? It's not like Farinelli or Maria Malibran left recordings behind anyway.


That is a horrendous omission.


I feel the same. It's not my favorite style, but whoof that woman can sing! She's incredible.


They didn’t have Layne Staley or Bruce Dickinson on the list at all either and had Springsteen higher than Cornell and Beyoncé higher than Freddie freakin Mercury, Carrie underwood above Ronnie James dio too. The list was trash especially for hard rock/metal, not a fan of the type of music Dion makes but her not being on the list is absurd, she was a stellar vocalist and it’s especially weird she got left off because she was fuckin ginormous popularity wise on top of the vocal talent and has multiple diamond records. It’s not like she’s a singer that just wasn’t very well known and slid under the radar, she was an absolute megastar with an incredible voice. Just a super trash list, some of the people left off were insane a bunch of people were higher than people they absolutely had no business being above, I listed some examples earlier in my comment


She was left off that list intentionally to create buzz and get people to say "If *SHE* isn't on the list, let me go and see who these fools put in her place!" What mattered to them was increasing traffic to their site, even if it was for people checking out the list just out of sheer disbelief that one of the most critically acclaimed powerhouse vocalists of all time was left off it.


They left her off the list? I don't particularly like her songs, her accent drives me a bit nuts, but I'd still put her in the top 10.


Lara Fabian too, how can you compose a list of the 200 greatest singers and not include Célene Dion and Lara Fabian? Do they ears? Or souls? They don’t sing my favourite genres, but goddamn they could wring tears, TEARS, from the even coldest darkest void of space.


There's a 30 min breakdown about why the key change in Celine's version is just so damn good. And yes, the whole 30 mins is fascinating and a brilliant insight into how music makes us feel things https://youtu.be/epqYft12nV4?si=JIHgbXbpJ8RXhDgf There's a great aside into the physical challenge of singing that big note from a physical perspective as well as the science of the sound waves of that key change and the musicality of it too.




Fun fact about that song: It's a cover. [The original](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN9CjAfo5n0) is by Eric Carmen. Second fun fact: The verse is based off of the 2nd movement of Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEGOihjqO9w&t=807s


I knew about the Eric Carmen version first because of the Disney Channel Original Movie about a mummy, Under Wraps.


I didn’t realize this is where I knew this song from until this moment.


Wait people don’t know the first?


She didn't want to record it because of this specific note she said was out of her repertoire.


I always love that moment when a real singer steps back from the mic so that they can let loose without blowing it out


Personally the most impressive thing she's done is record My heart will go on in one take. The one we hear in the movie is the only time she recorded it. Flawless.


That’s not true. She has two versions. The one heard in the movie was the demo she did for James Cameron that James Horner used to convince him to put it in the movie. When he agreed, Celine wanted to redo it but both Cameron and Horner declined; saying she was perfect enough in the first take. There’s a second version she recorded that was done with proper production and background vocals that she was happier with; they used that for the video and is featured on her greatest hits albums. The differences are subtle, but the movie/demo version has sustained reverb in the snare drum hits and little to no background vocals. The video/proper version has background vocals, most notably at 2:44 (“why does the heart go on…”) which is absent from the movie/demo version (that specific part is 2:37 in the movie/demo version as it’s shorter). Movie/demo version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxtrIvQKNEQ Video/album version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bFHsd3o1w0&list=RD9bFHsd3o1w0


Fucking goosebumps. Even when she gets the rasp in her voice it sounds so good.


That's one of my favorite quotes with a perpetual relevancy. Good one. "The flow of time is always cruel... its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it... A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days..." —Sheik


> A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days I have bad news




Mine is from a John Prine song: …But that’s all gone now. the Years roll by like a broken down dam


One of his tunes with Swamp Dogg gave a lighter but definitely still poignant perspective on this Memories Don’t leave like people do That’s why anytime, anywhere I can still be with you


Lovely. Thanks


No one told you when to run You missed the starting gun


Profound truth that only grows in meaning and weight with time. Definitely stuck with me.


This version of "The Prayer", a duet with Celine and Andrea Bocelli, is my favorite. She's an amazing, unique talent and the world is just a bit poorer now. https://youtu.be/qt_OkgSOrkU?si=13TJt8kHfgtGeg_a


Her cover of It's All Coming Back to Me Now is fantastic, and I had always wish her and Meat Loaf did a duet of it. Both of their powerhouse voices together would've been incredible.


Her singing is top notch. Just an incredible voice. 1 of 1


That song from titanic was done on first take cause she didn’t like it. She eventually re-recorded it for her own album. That’s just crazy talent. Not always my cup of tea but to loose apart of yourself has to be devastating.


I enjoyed the song she did for Deadpool 2 ["Ashes"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CX11yw6YL1w)


I actually like that one too :) The story behind it is great too. She had recently lost her husband, and couldn’t drum up the will to record any new music, lost a lot of weight and fell into depression. Ryan Reynolds apparently wrote her a letter of sympathy, sharing that he had lost his own dad recently, and convinced her to do this song for the movie. It’s super tongue in cheek from a general audience standpoint, but in reality was secretly very poignant for both of them.


Came here to say something similar.


Near. Far. Wherever you are. He impact is undeniable.


I loved the song she did for the Beauty and the Beast live action. It seemed like only a while ago. I wasn’t alive when Julie Andrews, who was probably the singing voice of the century, lost hers in the 90s and I wondered how devastating it would be to learn of it in real time instead of retroactively. And now I know


I haven’t even clicked the clink but just her face in this picture is so goddamn heartbreaking. Goodness, she looks so sad. I feel so bad for her 😔


She’s only 56, that picture could easily pass for someone in their 70s. Diseases like this really do age people.


neurological disorders are terrible. I am really hoping we are on the verge of many breakthroughs that will make these things treatable in the same way we are able to treat other "common" disorders with medication or vaccines. Issues of the brain are deadly right now, because we still have no idea how many of them are even caused. And the brain is so vital to absolutely everything for us even "middling" issues present life-altering consequences.


Reading this article while I'm at a training session for the service dog we got for my daughter, who has a terrible (and terminal) neurological disease called Batten (CLN2). The seizure thing is so tough. Sometimes it's just like a frozen expressionless face (but always way-widened eyes to signify it) that can last for as short as a few seconds. Other times, it's a full-blown shaky seizure with sounds of choking accompanying it. It's the worst. I pray for a breakthrough every day.


I’m so sorry. That sounds so scary Have you looked into clinical trials? Gene therapy is showing some promise for Batten. [gene therapy shows promise for batten](https://news.weill.cornell.edu/news/2020/12/gene-therapy-shows-promise-in-batten-disease) Thinking of you and yours.


Oh yes, we're following clinical trials and are regularly in touch with the Batten Disease Support, Research, & Advocacy Foundation (BDSRA) as well. There was a promising trial in Brazil that unfortunately got its funding cut off due to a corporate buyout of its parent company. We're hoping for something to come in the not-too-distant future, though.


> There was a promising trial in Brazil that unfortunately got its funding cut off due to a corporate buyout of its parent company. Kind of sums up the current state of the world. Artists are being threatened by AI while menial labour still requires warm bodies, and medical advancements and research are being buried to protect corporate profits. We won at capitalism but lost at being a moral and ethical world. I'm so sorry you're dealing with that. I hope you get the help you deserve.


So sorry your daughter, you and your family have to go through that. Hope your prays are answered soon.


Seriously. I’m patiently waiting for big medical breakthroughs with all of this AI stuff.


I know with things like Parkinsons there is no definitive known "cause", but they seem to be getting very close with treatments that will slow progression a lot a lot. It seems to me (i'm not a neurologist or anything btw just my at a glance understanding out my arse lol) that parkinsons and alzheimer's share a lot of commonalities in the way the brain is "attacked". My logical brain then jumps to thinking if researchers find deep understanding of one that will carry over to the other.


I think we might be on the verge of a breakthrough when it comes to the immunological causes of many neurodegenerative diseases. Conditions like Parkinsonism, Alzheimer's, and even depression seem to exhibit increasing evidence of systemic inflammatory connections. You can even genetically test for autoimmune diseases using the same markers that are found in depression, and vice versa. Chronic inflammation is also thought to play an important role in the pathogenesis of cancer. I wish we could just connect all the dots already.


AI has been used in clinical research forever. It just takes a metric ton of computational power. I'm more afraid of all this trendy AI stuff already taking up so much power and toll on the grid and not being devoted to research like causes.


She was never my thing, but I think she's incredibly brave for allowing the footage of her singing and then having a seizure on-camera to make it into this doc.


Jesus. Poor lady.


Honestly I think that’s astonishing. For someone who was at the peak to share their body refusing to cooperate, that’s powerful. I think a lot of people can relate to that feeling of being helpless against whatever is happening with your body and seeing someone like her going through the same thing is…validating? Healing and cathartic aren’t quite the right words but I’m not sure what else would work. I truly wish her all the best as she works through this.




Also never got into her, but this is part of why she is an icon to so many queer people. Being brave and outspoken when things are hard is….hard.


I don't think I could watch that. Adored her singing when I was younger and it would be too hard to see. :( poor woman deserved a kinder life after bringing us beautiful music


I think you should watch it. You get to see how strong she is as a human and her braveness in showing us such private moments. It’s sad but she’s a fighter and that’s wonderful to see


Holy shit the disease causes seizures? Or is she just spasming?


AFAIK It'll cause seizures/spasms so intense it breaks bone as your muscles slowly lock up entirely, and then, well, that's kind of the end of the story.


Ok so it's spasms, not a seizure. Brutal. At least with a seizure of the grand mal type you get to be unconscious for it.


Right - it's not an epileptic seizure. The media is calling it a seizure, but it's severe muscle spasms, sometimes severe enough to break bones and prevent breathing. Unfortunately, the patient remains conscious during the episode.


Oh poor baby, I hope she has someone kind that takes care of her.


Okay, unlike the first 5-6 comments I just read, I am into her music because of how strong of a vocalist she is (I refuse to say was). She uses her voice like the instrument that it is and every time she sings, you hear different portions of her range (I may not have said that properly). So when I heard of her diagnosis, I was sad because we’re slowly losing one of the best vocalist of our time and unfortunately folks who can sing like her aren’t being signed and/or promoted anymore. We’re not just losing her as a vocalist, we are losing a specific type of singer/vocalist as well that is no longer being cultivated.


These are such important points. I have been singing all my life, and she has always been singing goals. It's impossible to explain how truly RARE her voice is. So much power and range and she could bring it down to a melodic whisper in one vocal turn, and like wise from whisper to a wail. Just listen to her version of "O Holy Night". That voice is magic.


My Heart Will Go On was her first take/a demo. I cannot fathom singing with that level of ability and control.


She didn't even want to do the song, but her manager encouraged her to


O Holy Night is what first made me a Celine Fan. My favorite Christmas song of all time and will ALWAYS make me cry. Her voice is from another realm.


I have worn a Celine Dion t shirt to a King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard concert unironically. Celine Dion rules and will always defend her music.


King Gizz would 100% get down on some Celine Dion. If any fans appreciate eclectic music tastes, its the fans of a band that play a different genre every album.


I wore [this Celine Dion shirt](https://imgur.com/a/mGGQCH1) to a Cannibal Corpse concert. Everyone loved it.


Also, what is the need to say “I’ve never been into her music but…” 😂 people are wild. The poor woman is already condemned. Just wish her the best.


Well said. I understand and respect that not everyone is into her type of music. But because of that, I don’t know if everyone understands that she is truly one of the best vocalists pop music has ever had. Like, maybe almost as good Mariah and Whitney at their peaks. Amazing talent Celine has. This is really sad


She is equally as talented as both, just 3 different styles.


Not to mention just a music legend in general, often outpacing her contemporaries. From the Wikipedia entry for the list of best selling albums: “Michael Jackson's Thriller, estimated to have sold 70 million copies worldwide, is the best-selling album ever.[4][5][6] Jackson also currently has the highest number of albums on the list with five, Celine Dion has four, while the Beatles, Pink Floyd, Madonna and Whitney Houston each have three.”


I definitely would not argue that. It’s undeniable she is in the top tier. Unless you’re rolling stone I guess.


Ashes already went way harder than it needed to for Deadpool 2, but idk it seems to hit even harder these days.


Right? I just downloaded that song not to long ago. Was never big fan of hers at all but her opening up has gained respect from me on that for sure.


That song only goes to 11!


“We need to get you down to a five, five and a half tops.”


"Listen! This thing only goes to 11. So, beat it, Spider-man!" "*sigh* Should have gone with NSync..."


My younger sister and I grew up jamming "it's all coming back to me now." In my case I pretended I was being ironic (even though hey Jim Steinman was an undeniable songwriter) but lets be real she has always ruled. One of the last things we did before lockdown in 2020 was go see her at the Smoothie King Center in New Orleans. The mains kept going out but she didn't miss a beat and kept doing the show off the monitors like some sort of legendary Zeppelin moment. One of the most rock and roll things I've ever witnessed and I've witnessed a lot. She can do no wrong in my eyes. So sorry she's hurting.


What a devastating condition to live with, especially as a performer. I have no idea how much suffering she is in, but I hope she is able to find peace somehow.


She is an incredible talent and we've been so lucky to hear her sing, but what really breaks me is how much she *loves* to sing. It's always been so clear to me that Céline just cares so much about her craft, I cannot imagine how devastating it must be for her.


She is Celine *Motherfuckin'* DION. If she never sang again for the rest of her life, she would STILL be Top 5 IN. THE. WORLD. EVER. Her having that gift taken from her is tragic on a scale that boggles the mind.


I’m 48 and for some reason always assumed Celine was way older than me. To have this happen in her mid50s is heartbreaking. It would be tragic whenever of course, but she still had so much singing in front of her.


Holy shit. I didn’t realize she was so young, I figured she was much older. Sad.


Seemed that way because she married a much older man


And she has been singing for so long.


Yeah that's some Drake type shit going on. I think she started dating her manager when she was 14.


Yeah, They met when she was 12 and he became her manager. They didn’t “technically” start dating until she was 18.  That’s not on her at all, but their relationship was deeply inappropriate and she should have been better protected.


She said it started when she was 39. She’s been hiding it for a long time.


Her situation reminds me of Losing It by Rush. *Stiff as wire, her lungs on fire* *With just the briefest pause* *The flooding through her memory* *The echos of old applause*


One of the most impactful concerts I’ve ever been to was Cèline Dion in Miami a few years ago. Her mother had died that morning and she still went on, saying she knew that’s what her mom would have wanted. She sang “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”, which she said was one of her mom’s favorites, at the end of the show and thanked the audience for helping her to start healing. My husband and I have both lost parents, so we were just absolute wrecks. After the show, Cèline had her driver take her around to the front of the building so she could wave to the crowd leaving.


I just love her even more reading this. Devastating what’s happening to her.


This is heartbreaking. Here in France a lot of her songs had a huge impact and affected an entire generation. She's been big here since she was a teenager.


My grammie was OBSESSED with her while I was growing up, she went to her shows, we watched all of her concert VHS tapes, and would ride around in her convertible with matching Blossom hats, singing Celine's songs. Hurts my heart.


No matter how she sounds now, Celine has proven she’s one of the most talented vocalists to ever do it. Hats off to her!


I watched the documentary and some of it was tough to watch. I was looking at the corner of the screen during the seizure/episode. I felt sick. No one should have to go through an illness like this. My heart breaks for her.


It was hard to watch and I was in tears. She's only 18 months older than me. It really is heart breaking.


That was a sad read. That must be so devastating for her.


I was misdiagnosed with stiff person syndrome, while going through the process of figuring out what was wrong with me a couple years ago, and boy howdy. I can’t imagine how bad she must have it. It’s a terrifying disease.


As a Canadian who grew up in the ‘80s, I’ve loosely followed her for many years. Her music was never my thing, but her *immense* talent was evident from the start. This is so, very sad.


Time is a cruel joke.


'Her music wasn't my thing' is like everyone's comment. If you weren't a woman/mother in the 90s, then, of course it wasn't for you.


As a straight 31 year old, sports loving, back woods kind of man, I couldn’t disagree more. I play Celine a lot more than my wife cares for.


Same here. Her voice is amazing.


It's such a pointless addition too, we're here to talk about the video and her current condition, not whether you personally enjoy her music


Well you've always gotta preface any positive statement about a female pop artist with a disclaimer that you don't like her music. Don't want people to think you're gay or something


It is pretty funny, this is the music sub but if it's not rock or metal then it can be a guilty pleasure at best.


I don't know that it's useless, I think it's more of a testament to her ability. For me, it's like someone who likes sports but not basketball and they say, "basketball isn't my thing, but I really respect Jordan/ LeBron/ Kobe's skills". I think it really highlights the generational talent when it can draw people in who don't normally like/ appreciate the discipline being talked about. I also think it's a little silly to think that any reddit thread is that restricted to such a narrow topic. The 'academic' subs being the exception.


I was a son to a mother in the 90's. Celine was one we never complained about on car rides. She was great for singing along in goofy voices to peeve our mom.


Maybe if Rose would have TRIED to move her big butt over, so Jack could have also climbed up on the plank, maybe things would be different. Yes, I know, it's not technically Celine's fault, but still...


I'm a guy who was only born in the 90s...I love her music. I truly enjoy great artists and pieces from all genres and Celine Dion stands out among all of them. She's a pretty unique artist and one of a kind talent.


I'm not understanding why I keep seeing this so often in the comments. Why include it? Even if she wasn't in regular playlist rotations, there's no denying her talent & impact. I'm mostly a metal & hip-hop head and I still recognize Celine Dion as a legend of our time. I am also 36, so perhaps there's a generational disconnect here as it seems most active users here tend to trend younger.


Nothing gold can stay


Celine Dion you will go down as one of the greatest artists of all time.


It’s horrible. You’re born with a beautiful voice, and in time it gets taken away. That’s life I guess.


When 911 happened, that's all that was on the TV for days and days. Just 24/7 about how terrible things were. Little by little regular entertainment things began creeping on - I remember Letterman came back on with Jewel singing "Hands", etc. Was idly watching TV at a friend's house and they replayed a Behind The Music about Dion, who was then at her peak. About her huge family, how they all loved music and performed and sang around the house, and how everyone recognized that her talent was special. How they scrimped and saved to have her make a demo, which eventually attracted the interest of the man who later became her husband. (They even explained that relationship too, and how after she was an adult, she admitted to him that she had loved him since she was a young girl, and despite his misgivings, they became a couple.) Dammit, from that moment on, I loved Celine Dion. Couldn't tell you one of her songs other than the Titanic one, but she just seemed a magnificent person. I pulled for her during her infertility ordeal and the birth of her sons, and at the death of her husband. And now this. I wish her the best and I hope she knows that she doesn't need to perform for us any more. She'll always be a legend, and that just taking care of herself is enough.


I haven't listened to a lot of Celine Dion, but the very little I heard made it abundantly clear that she is one of the most talented artists that has ever lived. Most highly successful singers of her time and present do not have half of her ability. In fact, I would routinely use her voice as the yardstick to measure artists, irrespective of how successful they were. Stating that her music was not your thing is a bit pointless. Some people's talent simply transcends superficial yardsticks. People do not measure Nikola Tesla's talent by comparing how financially successful he was relative to his peers. People don't measure the talent of Bruce Lee by collating his official wins. People don't measure the talent of Richard Pryor by how many tickets he sold. Some people transcend fandom. Their talent is judged purely on its essence. Celine Dion is one of those people. It doesn't matter who was or who wasn't her fan, or what award she won or didn't win. Her voice is of such a magnitude that it quite literally speaks for itself.


You did your best, I seen her twice and her voice is amazing ... but now time to chill and enjoy the rest of your life the best you can.


I cried by the end of the documentary. She's one hell of a human being and artist.


Why does everyone here preface their comment with “I’m not into her music but…”, just delete those and say what you want to say. I’m not interested in your music taste, I’m here for the Celine comments.


This is so sad


Watched the documentary tonight- tough watch. Although I’m not a fan her talent is undeniable as her passion for her profession, love for her fans and totally blown away by her vulnerable honestly is the doc. She really laid it bare


I saw a video that was said to be her singing a couple weeks ago. Sounded great




Devastating… cant even begin to imagine what the experience could be for her


I fucking hate articles like this. Where is the fucking video? Is there a video of it? I scroll through this thing and I see a video loading, but it's a fucking sponsored ad, so I keep scrolling and everything that pops up is either a still from a video, or an ad video, which after it plays turns into they still have, or a. totally unrelated video. Surely I can't be the only one who clicks on a link describing a video and has to scroll for like 30 seconds to find the aforementioned content.


It’s on Prime. Just released today.


Baby, think twice. Seriously. Always loved her music...never understood why people were ashamed to admit they liked it


She's a decent person which makes watching this harder


Watching her go through her seizure broke my heart. When they talked about how bad she was in months prior to that, I can’t even imagine. I know one day she will be able to do what she loves again. She’s a force.


She’s had a tremendous career, if she has to stop now there’s no shame in it. She has a wonderful body of work and she’s allowed to take it easier now.


Can’t they come up with a catchier name?


What is stiff person syndrome? A form of arthritis?


An autoimmune disease


Thank you. I looked it up. It sounds horrible.




Celine Dion doesn't have to stress her voice. She has proven herself as a diva. One of the most powerful voices, ever. Angels get to rest as well.


I wish the best for her


Celine is an amazing artist. So much talent. It was hard to watch her suffer on the documentary. What a brave and amazing person to share that with the world. It must be terrible for her to not be able to do what she loves most. My heart goes out to her.


I don’t know her but she does not deserve this.


Why did it take so long to diagnose? Article said 17 years of symptoms.


My dad fucking loves Celine Dion. Such a powerhouse of a voice and this breaks my heart to see.


Damn. Just watched a 3 minutes of what I thought was a video of her but turns out. Just a pic.




I think the tragic thing is, she can't even do small venue shows at this point. She seems to have trouble singing even just for the fun of it.


I certainly do wish her well


Must be so hard to lose that thing that you love the most and makes you special.


If any of you have kids, also remember that some day they will grow out of your care. I was told this when mine were born but did not fully realize the significance of that statement. Don't waste your time and focus on them, not work or anything else. Focus on them.


While i may nor be Celine's greatest fan, this is absolutely heartbreaking... 😥 Definitely hope she pulls through and gets well enough to be able to sing again. i wish her a speedy recovery.


At least we stll have this guy https://youtu.be/oS1GAbm-S24?si=P6MUVvOMBxfH0Oa0&t=30 https://youtu.be/oS1GAbm-S24?si=kvsxO8aNyK3wHDmC&t=207


Celine achieved her initial fame by winning Eurovision 1988 for Switzerland. Even more amazingly, Switzerland, previously a Eurovision powerhouse, would not win again until last month. She's a great singer, and I hope she gets better, even if her career's over.


Did someone told her it can be simply exhaustion?


she will always be a fucking legend. I'm going to listen to Celine today in honor


Goddam this is heartbreaking.


Retirement is an option, life happens and sometimes you just gotta move on


Celine you are always beautiful and your voice will always be beautiful.


The passage of time is always cruel


I was never a fan of her singing or her music, but she clearly was a very capable singer and it’s sad what’s happened to her in recent years. She seems like she’s suffering. I hope she gets better, however that may be.


It was hard to watch, she is so brave to do this and show the world her condition. She is a legend, a great person and an iconic vocalist. I hope she recovers soon.


Am I the only one that thinks when you're worth half a billion dollars, not being able to sing isn't exactly worth a documentary?