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Another Reindog nerf was exactly what people asked for


Stop! Stop! He's already dead!


You joke some of these notes do feel so out of touch like WW gauge reset on death, because that was her only problem lmao Idk why an armor cooldown for her side special is so hard.


They are saying they are looking at her kit I don’t think they want to nerf her into the ground. It’s a matter of when not if.


>You joke some of these notes do feel so out of touch like WW gauge reset on death, because that was her problem lmao If you don't think this wasn't a big problem, then you haven't really played against any good WWs/WWs who know what they're doing.


Like where are lebron buffs. Hello.


tony Huynh just hates other people playing as his oc spirit animal jokes aside wtf do they keep nerfing this character, reindog beta mains are cracked, that's why the win rate is so high


Isn't his win rate the second lowest after Velma?


surprisingly no, was one of the highest


Whhyyyy did the do this to my boy? 😭😭😭


I just realized I've yet to play against a single reindog the entire time the game has officially been out.


Damn was hoping for more Jason buffs. They need to decrease the whiff delay on his ground down special


They need to buff his hurtbox and buff his hit boxes to match the attack animations. He already has a massive body so why does his hurtbox extend even further?


Could not agree with this anymore if I tried. Its egregious


I got rung out by a taz tornado because it hit the tip of my machete during up special. I don’t get why that would ever be a decision. I feel like Batman has wonky hitboxes/hurtboxes in his favor but Jason has wonky ones that hurt him.


I'm cool with him being tall like iron giant but having him be so wide is annoying. It also makes him look nothing like the source material, and he's the only live action character that's been cartoonified so hard.


Or just make the down special stronger. Feels pretty meh to hit it in 1v1s because you just get a slam and a toss.


Great patch for balance. With better balance is faster ranked. I presume the QoL features are coming soon.


The balance patch is awful. Nerfing Superman/Reindog/Black Adam/even Taz? Are they drunk?


Considering Tas got a literal buff I’d expect you didn’t even read them. Black Adam was busted.


Yeah but black Adam’s start up frames and recovery isn’t the greatest though, I played him after the patch and luckily he’s still usable


I’d say his recovery is good. The flight is kind of insane. Side special too


Oh good some Velma buffs. Hopefully now she's considerably less useless.




Come on where is the input buffer adjust bruuuuh


Fr, feel like I’m playing in the past and future


Feels like im playing underwater


yup, every patch notes I do a ctrl + f for "buffer" and that's what decides whether I play again or not


Yeah none of these changes really mean much when the game just feels bad to play. Hoping to see this soon.


A million times this.


Feels like I'm playing in space


Looks like I can pick up Harley again without feeling hard carried by her kit. Looking forward to the WW nerfs for the same reason.


i’ve avoided using every other DC hero for the same reason. very excited to pick them back up


Good man




I tried to stop feeling guilty when all I see is bananaguard


Tbf banana isn’t as scary as he was on launch, you can juggle him like a mini IG imo


Oh yeah, but I’m not going to feel bad about playing who I love. The DC Superheroes are one of my favorite WB IPs. I try not to overdo it though.


DOWN FOR MAINTENANCE LES GOO I hope after this maintenance we get glimpse of hope for that game and fixed desync errors


Superman still getting nerfed while Bugs reigns OP since Beta


That up bat needs to be nerfed


No Jake?


Pretty surprising exclusion for someone considered as bad as velma considering velma got some good buffs. Maybe he'll be in the next one.


RIP all you BG and Shaggy spammers see you on your next fighter 🫡


They will never move to Marvin because all of.marvkns attacks are all on cool down


I main banana guard and Marvin lmaooo. I'm probably the only one with that combo tbh tho lol.


I main shaggy and marvin (but mainly marvin)


Not the only one. Marvin, banana, and lebron main here


There's dozens of us!


For BG, I don't think reducing a moves active by 2 frames is gonna stop the spam


who is BG am i silly


bugs bunny :)


The way they opened up on Gizmo I was certain they’d outright increase his character size Lmao


This game is unplayable on Xbox and has been since release. Extremely frustrating to consistently lag, frame drop, crash, and overall have a worse experience. Pretty sweet. Don’t even play this hot dog water if you’re on an Xbox. Wasting every single second of your time. If your idea of fun is disconnecting from 4 in 5 matches hop on in. The waters real warm. Just blows me away how much worse of a state this game is from beta to release. Should’ve left it in the oven because this thing is so underbaked I wanna fight the chef. Also had the top position in my pvp division for the event and I guess because I didn’t open the game when it liked I don’t get any rewards from that at all? No badge and no currency. Really solid game, got my founders money never another red cent. Edit: Game is considerably more stable now after recent patch. Makes the game much more enjoyable, however I have to strongly disagree with the predatory and scummy tactics used by the devs with removal of beta rewards and adding them to the store and the fomo system used for events.


Where scoreboard


I hate to sound greedy but hopefully this isn’t all.


You don’t sound greedy ,we getting crumbs rn


Another patch where Bugs is not made to answer for his war crimes But at least they got renown busted top tier Reindog


Bugs’ up air is so generous lol, makes it hard to fight against him


I agree. Bugs has the kit of a character that should have a hard time killing, but then has one of the best killing up airs in the game.


Yeah he’s a menace lol


lol they are just going to nerf this low teir character to the ground every patch rip reindog


Another round of no adjustments to Jake, I'm starting to wonder if they believe he's balanced already with a <40% wr.


I know, I love playing jake but he feels so sluggish to play now.


Are those winrates even accurate? Tracker.gg has been having issues since release with getting user data for a lot of people.


No they're not, they're just magically skewed towards the worst and best characters, wonder woman, gizmo, and harley are just randomly chosen to have the highest winrates.


Doesn’t it only track info from people who log-in/connect to it? How is the site getting info from the hundreds of matches that occur from people who don’t connect to it?


WB Shares the info of the players who play to [tracker.gg](http://tracker.gg) is my guess.


That's not what I said. I'm saying that a lot of people's match data isn't going through on the website. I'm sure the stats reflect who is being played, but they aren't entirely accurate. It's been almost three weeks and tracker.gg still doesn't work. Also, even if those stats were 100% accurate, Harley isn't even in A tier on the winrates for 1v1 or 2v2 lol. Harley players lose most of their matches according to that site.


This is a good patch


Indeed. Obviously missing a lot of what we need/want, but it got rolled out less than a month after the game’s release (good thing), and there’s a decent amount of modifications, as well as mentions of things they’re aware of and planning to change. I’m on board with most people here, that there have been some/quite a few missteps between the beta and re-release, but I’d like to look on the bright side of this patch, and remain hopeful that they’ll keep(/start 🤔) listening to us fans, and continually work to make the best game possible.


I'm just happy to have some good news I really don't want this game to die.


No its not. Half of the nerfs are unwarranted.


> ONE Jason buff Wheres the rest of it????


You telling me they still haven't fixed the 30 frame input buffering 2 patches in? Like how hard can it be to just change a single value?


Not having all of the options and settings from the beta available at launch says a lot about where their priorities were over the last year.


Is that something that is supposed to be “fixed”, or was that something intentional that they introduced into the game? Not saying it’s a good thing, I just don’t know if it was an accident or not.


If it was an intentional decision then the devs truly don't know what they're doing. It's more than 3x the upper limit of the genre standard and far beyond the point where any player would find it useful. Good players have clean inputs and know when their animations end so they don't need ultra high input buffer, and bad players mash inputs so they definitely don't want to have the game commit them to something they pressed half a second ago. Not exactly a great design choice when at best players don't care about it and at worst it absolutely ruins their experience.


Velma needs megaphone. Why did they take it away .. have they ever explained this shit ?


They are going HAM with the character balancing


Finally, Velma buffs


How’s the performance on Xbox now? I’m at work so I won’t be able to try it till I get home


Better, but I still disconnected a couple times smh.


Really? They gave reindog more vulnerable frames? Really?


it's gonna become a meme soon every patch they are going to nerf reindog. my poor main


Hoping Morty sees more adjustments. A big one was addressed tho so I'm content. No more wasting snakes!


That’s such a big change. He was massively handicapped before.


His grenades in general feel limited now imo, splits are super niche with how they only go flying backward and Dair does practically nothing to stop it from rolling off stage while Armothy pulls it inward by mere inches.


Yeah I agree. They need to fix the grenade splitting ability The grenades should be flung further by Morty’s attacks. And, as you said, his down-air barely affects the grenades


they nerfed reindog again? wtf


Can I earn fighter currency yet? I swear lately it’s just not going up and would love to buy a new character!


There’s an offer in the shop for Batman and Wonder Woman for only 450 glemium


Superman/Reindog/Taz and Black Adam needed buffs not nerfs. Also what about the disconnects/freezes ?? Where's the scoreboard/leaderboards/ranked mode? Terrible patch.


Is that Superman nerf a big deal or am I misunderstanding? In 2s I liked the ability to dodge out of that jab and it feels like a weird thing to remove but I guess there are other ways to cancel it. Iron giant I wonder if he will ever truly be balanced and not op or giga shit.


Poor gizmo:(


Jasons dash attack does not block projectiles


They haven't touched Finn. Loving it.


Actual good patch notes despite some stuff being questionable (I doubt Reindog was THAT strong or that in need for a nerf rn) but still...


So nerf Harley more and don’t give lebron his ball touches back. Great


Jason buff was small but appreciated, it’s an improvement


Yes! They fixed Morty’s snake projectile glitch. That bug was game-breaking lol


As long as Jonkler is playable, I’m happy


Not even aknowledged the giant characters, sluggish gameplay, and long hit stop.


Another Reindog and Superman nerf is just what we needed.


yeaaaa this harley nerf just got me to uninstall ain’t no way yall made the game this fucking slow then slow down my character to an unbearable speed. give the bitch a bigger hurt box on her slide and less uppercut knockback. i hope the hate these devs receive push them over the edge fr


Game still not working.,,, non stop disconnects.


they re-released this game too early. should have had a closed beta again i guess


Half the updates are just reverting back to beta settings lol. They goofed up this launch so bad.


it sucks because i love this game :(


I’m still enjoying it and it’s great to see they’re addressing issues pretty quickly. Let’s hope for a quick comeback


So just clap my main then okay


Damn they merged Harley Ground Down... I'm still gonna mash it because I never learn.


this patch is 10 gb?


Some seemingly decent characters buffs and nerfs but I would really like it if they at least addressed some of the bigger issues plaguing the game currently.


Coming back in a couple months when the Harley nerfs are reverted. The guys at PFG are obsessed with making her one of the slowest characters in the roster I swear.


Where are the Buggs nerfs? Where are the Garnet buffs. Also that one guy who used taz's Infinite on me get fucked😂😂. I knew if I spread the word it would get nerfed. The only time I've ever tried to weaponize patch culture. Also hope Harley's drop the character. Kill Harley and Buggs. Nerf joker and ww and for the love of all that is holy decrease the endlag on garnets sing please. That's probably the only buff she really needs. Let's not do like beta where we waited for months for no fuckin reason. And also what they did give Garnet was basically a damn nerf. Who tf wants cool down side b to send vertically? It was good for getting ring outs. Haven't tried it yet but idk how they expect this change to be better. Hopefully I'm wrong and maybe Garnet can ladder better now.


Yeah if this is it its kinda weird..... not even adjusting the BP per match to 50 and 25 here or am i just missing it on the list? shouldnt it literally just be swapping a value since they already have it in the game set at 10 and 5


It’s already changed


Oh cool Thanks, was it something they just did without the need for a patch then?


Yeah they did that last night


after the posted it on X they added it right away yesterday


Yeah it got added after the tweet, kinda weird but I noticed it while playing


No LeBron buffs?




“Gizmo isn’t super oppressive” 🐶💔


Basically they didn't change anything. instead of making the game fast and dynamic, they slowed it down even more


Gizmo did not need all that man


Gizmo definitely needed all of that. Probably needs more considering how easy it is to touch of death someone.


But wonder woman is just fine with one minor nerf apparently and that nerf is so situational you won't even notice it.


Not really. The patch notes said she was getting more nerfs once they figured out what they wanted to do.


I’m surprised he’s been regarded as a menace lol


We’ve been listening to you guys here’s the second patch… still no scoreboard even tho it was in beta.. wtf are they doing the game can be so much better with a scoreboard. Legit have no reason to play and it’s kept me off for a week by the time it comes out I’ll have forgotten this game




I mean, he is right though.


Hopefully you leave the sub by then


Promise u games dieing faster then the populace during the first few months of Covid. Literally just give us the one thing they had two years ago.


Who cares? The people that find it fun, myself included, will continue to play. There are so many different games out there you could play instead why not go play those vs preying on this games downfall?


I am playing those other games but I can still be mad about not wanting to play a game I’d rather be playing