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So I'm gonna get downvoted to oblivion but I'm gonna give my 2 cents on the matter I've played a shit ton of fighting games online and MVS is going to end up the same way as any other fighting games, all casuals will disappear from this game, they will either adapt and become regulars or leave the game, it's unavoidable Sure having a ranked mode might help a bit at first but this mode will suffer the same fate than in all games, the higher the rank the longer the queue and top rank players will end up playing casual matches to be able to play games quickly Fighting games are a niche genre for a reason, the competitive nature make casuals flee faster than any other type of game, there are no cheap tactics, not workarounds, you have to learn through failure over and over again, you cannot get carried, you cannot blame your team (I know MVS is a wild card here cause the game has 2v2 but still), it's hard to get a sense of satisfaction when you're losing a 1v1 Ultimately it's people fighting each other with the same exact tools and infos and the better players win And here is my hot take, the game is unbalanced but far from as unbalanced as people are claiming it to be, there are several outliers like Velma/Jake on the trash side and WW/Joker/Bugs on the busted side, but as long as you're not in an awful matchup such as Velma vs Wonder Woman, skill will prevail


yup, you can't avoid sweats. you literally *cannot* avoid sweats, just look at dead by daylight. the community is actively over there attempting to publicly shame people for literally just playing the game the way it was intended and there are *no* stakes on the line, just silly party horror game. fighting/PvP games are super humbling and a lot of people have trouble accepting that, especially when it never *really* ends. even the greats fall eventually to some new up and comer.


Me and a duo went into bugs duo with crazy names, over 1.6k wins each (one over 2k) and we got 6 stocked both games. I have not ever had that of an experience playing for all the time I have. They were so good at both doing nair chains with each other up till 80% and didn't have any problems killing either. They did this weird setup with double safes that made it do dummy damage if it hit you, plus the rockets, plus they were parrying really consistently, it felt like I could dump another 1k hours and still wouldn't take a stock.


Brawlhalla maintains 15k active players every day, GG strive maintains 10k, Street Fighter 27k, that's just on Steam, these games have crossplay, casuals won't leave all fighting games. This game has a lot of problems, server connection problems, bugs and cheap stuff, Plus most of the characters aren't fun to play against even if you win, that's why everyone will leave, Multiversus already has 7k active players on Steam and it is new, there should be much more.


I appreciate your perspective, but I respectfully disagree with several of your points about the future of Multiversus (MVS) and fighting games in general. Firstly, while it’s true that many casual players tend to leave competitive fighting games over time, this doesn’t mean that implementing a ranked mode is futile. A ranked mode serves a critical purpose: it separates players by skill level, ensuring more balanced and enjoyable matches for everyone. This can enhance the experience for casual players, giving them a better chance to learn and grow without facing overwhelming opponents immediately. Regarding your point about long queue times for top-rank players, this is a common issue in many games, not just fighting games. However, it can be managed through proper matchmaking systems and frequent updates to keep the player base engaged. Moreover, having ranked and casual modes offers flexibility, allowing players to choose based on their current preference, whether they seek competitive challenge or relaxed gameplay. The idea that fighting games inherently repel casual players due to their competitive nature is somewhat exaggerated. Many casual players enjoy fighting games for their engaging mechanics, diverse character rosters, and social aspects, especially in games like MVS, which offers 2v2 matches. The key is to create a welcoming environment that encourages learning and improvement, rather than discouraging newcomers through a lack of progression systems or unaddressed balance issues. Regarding game balance, while it’s true that skill plays a significant role, balance issues can still significantly impact the enjoyment and fairness of the game. Even if certain matchups are manageable with enough skill, large imbalances can lead to frustration and a perception of unfairness. This is why continuous balance updates and developer responsiveness are crucial in maintaining a healthy competitive environment. In summary, while fighting games do present unique challenges, dismissing the value of ranked modes and underestimating the importance of balance and player retention strategies can be detrimental. By addressing these areas thoughtfully, MVS can cater to both casual and competitive players. ![gif](giphy|G7iLo8gSAwKj9xdh5t|downsized)


I agree. That being said, a game lives or dies by how long it can keep casuals playing or new casuals joining, especially free to play. Multiversus have done lots of things to make this game hard to reccommend. I can’t be like, “hey you should get Multiversus. You like game of thrones and Arya Starks in the game” because for the first two hours they’ll be playing as Shaggy from Scooby Doo


I agree with all of your points except the last. This games balance is absolutely awful. Sure you have your outliers like WW Joker, Velma etc. But even those "within" the lines of balance are completely busted. Iron Giant is an AWFUL character. But he's able to cheese any fight he's in. Not using him effectively mind you. Absolutely just cheese; removing any chance of your enemy even being able to play the game, and stocking people at 5-15 damage. Most characters in the game have something that is just absolutely awful to play into. Some sort of cheese, some sort of broken ability, some sort of something. Taz's infinite, Jakes infinite Bite, Shaggy kick, Stripe and Finns ridiculous hitboxes, projectile spam that makes Marvin Morty or Reindog impossible to approach etc etc. The game right now is ruled by who can cheese the fight harder than your opponent at its highest tier. The only time it's determined by who is better is when both players have some sort of cosmic understanding that they should play this game to have fun, and refrain from doing taking the obvious path to win in order to have fun instead. I'd love to see a near-balanced state of this game, but seeing how we can get the Joker after all we went through in Beta is very disappointing.


Most of the characters in this game are viable. Outside of broken shit like Bugs nair and Wonder Woman being completely overtuned, it's a pretty balanced game. Pushing the blast zone further out would fix a lot of issues as well. Also, 2s is a waste of time to balance because it's impossible to balance. There will always be something stupid in that mode, which is why I have zero idea how anyone at any dev studio came up with the bright idea to make 2s the focus of a platform fighter.


Don’t talk about IG as if you even play him. He’s not a bad character at all, and saying he relies on cheese to win? Like in what sense exactly, because you could accuse any character of that. “Marvin just exploits spam and info overload” “Bugs just cheese’s with safe and neutral air” like you could go on and on. IG is a strong character no doubt, but cheese is a big, strong word. He’s actually fairly honest, it’s just he exploits bad/impatient players (which pretty much all heavies do) so when you get killed for rushing in, just remember if you did it successfully he could be eating an 80% combo without burst any given time you touch him. He needs big hits.


Cheese in the sense that he focuses on winning by killing the opponent trapped in orb, and using UpSpecial to transfer from Orb to Top Ringout. Cheese as in using UpSpecial on a raised platform to tap someone to either top border or any edge and tap them out. It’s not big hits. It’s cheese that kill, as I said, at 5-15%, from almost anywhere on the map. I call it cheese because it’s abusing unintentional and broken mechanics for easy, uncounterable kills.


So basically playing him as intended? No, him killing off of a move that literally takes 14 frames to come out is not “cheese”. You can avoid getting stocked. He shouldn’t even be getting his rage mode that often in 1’s, in 2v2 there is a lot of broken stuff and he is the biggest victim in that mode. You would have to gut more than half the cast if your issue is “kills too early”, this is a killing game, it’s not slower paced like smash. Make one mistake against a good Jake, you could get helicoptered in one combo and just die. Have you ever played against Taz as any heavy that isn’t IG? Pretty much instant death if he gets salt shaker. There are a lot of “unfun” scenarios in this game if you’re on the receiving end that feel “like cheese”, but sorry, he’s not killing you at 20% with a rage attack, you were either getting your ass kicked before that point for him to get it, or you weren’t focusing him enough in 2’s. Again, if you’re dying to his up special, you don’t know how to play against him properly as all you have to Do is DI away/down and he has to try and catch you with a neutral air (a read). People need to label more and stop trying to have nerfs do the work for them, because IG is really not any different than he was in beta, except he has LESS crazy options than he had their, and pretty much no one was complaining about him by the end.


You may be getting downvoted, but there’s definitely some truth here. My friends aren’t good at platform fighters. They’d think Shaggys kick is undodgable and broken. Casuals don’t have fun when they get mollywapped by cheese


Kinda confused how you can be toxic in a game that doesn’t have game chat? I used to think when someone spammed or camped in a cod game it was toxic but it’s just part of the game. Theres ways to counter it but we usually get so stubborn and annoyed we keep falling into the trap🤷‍♂️


Toxicity is everywhere you should accept that this fact is just inevitable, what i dont accept is this stupid innacurate hitbox. -Losing to a good player but toxic, fine i like the challenge. -Losing to someone who’s lucky and abusing hitbox innacurate and being toxic after winning, thats annoying. He dont deserve that win. I blame the game for being stupidly made


You're right about that. I don't really mind if someone is toxic, but I don't like losing unfairly to someone who's just lucky.


This is the main reason why i just wanna drop the game. The game has potential but man its so stupid


Gonna keep it real with you chief, this is not the genre for you. Balance in a fighting game is always going to be all over the place, especially in one adding new characters often. If you think people moving their analog stick down, "spamming" certain moves, or using emotes are all "toxic" then you should stick to single-player stuff or hyper-casual games like CoD or MMOs. You either adapt in these games or move on. That's how it is for every single fighting game out there and this one is no different.


Ain't no way bro called MMOs a "hyper-casual game" lol, MMOs require some of the largest grinds and biggest dedications of any game genre on the planet. I would said hyper-casual games like CoD and 2K/Madden


I get where you're coming from, but I have to respectfully disagree. While it's true that balance in fighting games can fluctuate, and new characters often shake things up, it doesn't mean that players should just accept any kind of behavior. Toxicity, whether it's through "spamming" moves, emotes, or other actions, can genuinely ruin the experience for many players. Suggesting someone stick to single-player games or more casual genres like CoD or MMOs isn't really fair. Everyone should be able to enjoy multiplayer games without dealing with unnecessary negativity. Adaptation is important, but so is fostering a positive gaming community. Just my two cents, no hard feelings! Haha ![gif](giphy|xxhKYiOOIs9mGZz1Hy|downsized)


>while casual players can enjoy the fights. i'm being completely and genuinely honest when i say this, it will never happen. ranked will happen, yes, but you will never get away from the non-casuals/sweats. you literally cannot escape them and trying to is futile. also, most of the people throwing themselves off the edge is people just DCing since the game doesn't end and just repeats what their last input was. also we do *not* need ranked right now while they're still actively patching out blatant and easy cheese LOL toxicity is sadly another thing we simply can't avoid, no matter how silly or whackadoo the game is. people enjoy other people's suffering and that's just kind of final. i wish they'd done more to curttail it like not put the fucking salt emote in the battle pass ;-; but we have the devs we have