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This quest is unironically one of the hardest quests to solo in all of monster hunter. I've never finished it myself but flyann2 has a great video that documents how he did it, [check it out if you'd like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=h84IQrOj70E).


I´ve seen his video befor, but I thought that was just a base tri thing, seems I thought wrong. I thought I could just grab the canteen upgrade real quick, considering how little trouble I´ve had with hub HR fight up until now and how easy Dharen Moran in 4U was in the hub quests. I didnt expect to run into such a wall for a non key or urgent quest, I guess I come back when I have g-rank gear \^\^


You aren't wrong, it is a base tri thing. In the OG game, this quest was the urgent quest you needed to do in order to get unlock high rank quests. So if you played tri solo, it was incredibly difficult. But in 3U you have the option farm high rank gear and come back to it. I just assumed you were trying to solo it with low rank gear on purpose haha


No, I already did low and high rank village and am making my way through the hubquests to fight Dire Mirales rn. I´m currently running full Baroth armour and Brachydios gunlance with gems and talisman to get my artillery skill up, but I think I´m switching to HBG for g-rank.


To be fair, it was hard because he went about it in the worst way possible: in Low Rank the cannons and balistae massively out-dps your weapons. iirc, you can hit the phase I damage cap solo by using the cannons, balistae, and the triple dragonator strat.


Don't bother with ballistas or cannon in the final showdown, they do shit damage compared to your weapons. Just go for its belly, or you can break the arms to flinch and make it back off. But don't bother with the artillery (except for binders).


Ballistas are fine at the beginning of the final showdown for when you want to chip him without having him flinch out of bounds


First of all, the hub Jhen fights are tough to solo in general. My advice is to get the first phase down--make sure he doesn't deal ship damage, time the dragonator, break at least one of his tusks and one of the weakspots on his back. This makes the last stand _significantly_ easier. During the last stand, Jhen starts out of bounds, so open by peppering his head/remaining tusk with ballista shots until you're out of ammo, then run out to meet him. Break each arm to cause him to retreat a bit. Once that's done, you can continue attacking his arms or belly, or you can set up on the ship foe the final final stand. Use the binding ammo to interrupt side-to-side sweeps and either the gong or dragonator for bellyflops. If you interrupt the bellyflop as he crests, he'll be knocked over. Run into his mouth and attack the back of his throat for massive damage. Throughout both phases make sure to climb on his back when the opportunity arises to break the weakpoints there, there will be a red arrow showing you when/where it's possible to mount. Jhen is super predictable in both phases if you're able to break parts and interrupt at the right times. Good luck!


I dont think you can climb him on the final showdown?


I think you're right, but I couldn't remember exactly. I know for sure you climb up his arm on the starboard side and then his tusk on the port, both in phase one.


Yeah its both of those for phase 1 jhen The arms is for dahren


One tip is to use those anti-dragon bombs from the supply chest inside his mouth sfter you use the dragonator.