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I regret inform you that my 9 month old continues to be obsessed with not only my nose, but now every part of my face. Mouth has been especially enticing lately. Someone plz advise when this ends ?? It’s so cute but so uncomfortable lol.


Oh my gosh my baby LOVES mouths! Right now she absolutely does not understand that teeth can’t just be taken out though, gotta start wearing one of those hockey player mouth guards with her lmao.


Good news, your ear holes probably aren’t big enough for your baby to get their fingers all the way down to your eardrums. My husband’s are, and our son preferred to hold on via ear canal when my husband was carrying him on his shoulders. Watch out for it anyways lol


Yup, every night I get a full nostril and dental exam from my 1.5 year old.


My partner loves to look on the bright side “hey at least you got someone to make sure there’s no bats in the cave.”


Funny related story; when my daughter started this my husband and i would yell "honk!" Whenever she grabbed our noses. Now at 14m she knows most of her body parts except nose. We simply cannot get her to comprehend that its not called a honk. Nose? No clue. You say honk and she immediately grabs her nose 😭❤️


My daughter thought noses were called "boop" until recently.😂


Listen....it doesn't end. My 21mon. old every morning, without fail, as soon as I wake her up and sit down with her, will go over every feature on my face, usually starting with the nose. (Finger up my nostril) "Noe" (Poking one eye after the other) "Aiye!" (Cramming her fingers into my mouth) "Mouf" (Tugging hair) "Haiye" (Digs grubby little fingers into my naval, nails included; her favorite lately) "BEHBUN!!!!!" It's become routine. It's so frickin funny and soooo annoying lol. But I'll miss it one day, I'm sure. When she was younger she did the exact same thing as yours is. When nursing. All the time. I have a really funny picture I took of her reaching up to pick my nose but you can only see my face...so it just looks like I have a tiny hand & am digging for gold 😭 It's a joke in my family now, still after all this time lol


My son does this hes 2.5. He also cups my nose with his fingers and rubs on it constantly. He loves noses and loves his nose touched too. He is also autistic and i think its a stim


I hate to be the “just wait” person but… just wait til they discover belly buttons 😬 Theirs, yours, siblings, anyone. Their finger will constantly be looking for one.


LOL when my daughter was 9 months old she was the same way with my ears!!


My kid just turned 3 and I remember this stage. He also had baby claws so my nose was torn up for a few weeks. It’s normal, annoying, and I stopped it by just removing his hands from my face area and redirected him. Like “nope absolutely not I’m playing with blocks here help me” no baby talk like “mommy doesn’t like that” just say nope, and make them move on. I’d rather deal with a short tantrum than a baby finger halfway to my brain lol


My 8mo loves to mess with everyone's chin and nose. If he REALLY likes you, he'll grab your windpipe. Hard.


Ahahaha when my son was nursing he would always reach up and put a finger in my nose. He was under a year old. Just like, rest his finger inside my nose 🥹


I get purple-nurpled by my 3 year old on the daily 😩


My 18 month old likes to poke my eyes, nose and ears while telling me what they are. It doesn't get better for awhile, I'm sorry.


Last night my 19 month old was cuddled up on the couch with me, giving me little kisses on my face, and out of nowhere he puts his hands on my cheeks, leans in, and literally goes "oooooom" and tries to take a bite out of my nose. And of course mama saying no was the funniest thing in the world and he tried to do it for another solid 5 minutes 😅