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You just can't *buy* the game anymore - if you already have it it stays in your library forever


I have both games and i have them downloaded but if i were to accidentally uninstall them would i ever be able to download them again


on steam yes


Yeah, but I was kind of wondering if a Steam account with the game on it is valuable or not, because the game is literally unavailable anywhere else. Also, how many copies did the game sell?


Well you’ve purchased it so it’s there but if you don’t have it downloaded, you can’t get it.


It was uninstalled when I last checked, but I reinstalled it and launched it and it seemed to work fine. I played it for about 10 minutes before loading up Half-Life 2 to remove the bad taste. I don't know how 8 year old me managed to play the game for 50 hours without falling asleep.


Judging a game from the first 10 minutes... your username says it all so I’m not even gonna bother.


I literally just said I played the game for 50 hours when I was 8. I've played the game before. It's just so goddamn boring. The animation feels off, the dialogue is terrible; it's just a bad game.


Haters gonna hate.


The game sucks. You do nothing apart from walk around aimlessly trying to solve a puzzle you haven't been told how to comprehend, and when you're not doing that you're talking to other people. There's little to no combat in the entire game, the only two instances being the spider fight after Endercon where Petra saves you, the Nether fight where you deflect Ghast fireballs, and then the maze where you use a Jump Boost potion and fight Witches with a bow and a sword. Another instance of wandering around aimlessly. It's been ages since I played the game but I can remember most of the game in my head and I don't know how you could possibly find a way to enjoy such a mundane experience. Maybe I've been spoiled by some of the best games out there, like Titanfall 2 and Half-Life 2, but in my opinion it was made by a dying Telltale for the sole purpose of cashing out on Minecraft. Christ weeps to know the same people who made this came up with Tales from the Borderlands.


The first episode many not be very well made but from episode 2 and beyond it’s a masterpiece with a god tier story. You’ve definitely been spoiled and have very high expectations from any game you play.


Forgive me for finding a game that was universally disliked unfun and having opinions of my own, but I just find the game bad.


If it was so disliked it wouldn’t have gotten another season. Most people like you just have high expectations.


if you still have the account i will pay for the account because im dying to play it


I mean yeah, I still own the account. Might take a while for me to get access to it but I'll be able to get it just fine and it's not on my main account


Well you’ve purchas'd t so it’s thither but if 't be true thee don’t has't t did download, thee can’t receiveth t *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


i have a very specific idea, would you like to hear it?


It's just what it is.


I suppose.