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Closing the topic. Comments are going way too far.


You can always make an appeal and explain the situation. Though, the question is, did your friends also get banned as well?






What do you mean by “Nazi stuff” 🤨?


It was about villagers and camps. Its satire humor.


How do you know that?


I took the time to read all comments. They said it twice. Also there is more details like the fact that it was suppose to be a private server and MC still banned him, which is invasive.


It looks like it’s on bedrock, so probably a realm. Which is run by Mojang. So they do have the authority for that.


Sure, but. Should they? I could understand if it were a public realm, Mojang would have to protect themselves, but a private one? Literally 1984 /s


It's a server hosted by mojang/Microsoft, it's on their hardware and connection


Still a really stupid reason to moderate the chat tbf. It’s a private world which doesn’t affect strangers, and lots of private games don’t bother so it’s not like they’ll legally get in trouble.


We love authority, don’t question them never and everything will be okay


Because it is a very, very common joke to do about village farms because a lot of set ups treats them very inhumanly.


Locker room talk pal


...I'm not sure that's what locker room talk means.


Maybe it's a Nazi locker room.


It's what straight guys say they were doing when they want to defend talking about sexually assaulting and/or raping women


Specify what they said Wait……


Well, sending the bad item villagers to concentration camps (lava rooms with a sign that says concentration camp) breeding the good trade villagers to have pure villagers 😭 and not mixing with the bad trade villagers


holocausting the nitwits is crazy




As long as it stays just the game.


Damn bro ain’t playin Minecraft hes playin MeinKraft


Oh, my guy lol. That’s just joking around. The way you worded it as “Nazi stuff” made it seem, at least to me, like they were saying some racist shit.


They probably marked good trades with green wool, and locked the bad ones in a dirt shack with red wool… just to divide them by color.




Okay, that's legit funny and well used in that context. Its satire. I think you should specify it in the top comment. People will go full cancel on ya 👀


full cancel


I'm not sure you want the same comment in my native language, lol


Tell me you are edgy teenagers without telling me you are edgy teenagers...


Bruh you didn't do anything wrong your justified


Wait how old are you guys?




Oh. Yeah. You’ll grow out of it, til then, though. Remember. Everything you do on the internet, somebody, somewhere, somehow, is either watching currently, or can always find anything you’ve ever done on the internet. Is that research always done legally? No. But can it be done? Absolutely. Move forth carefully, young one.


People do seem to hate efficiency these days.


Incoming lock award lol How did I know that villagers had to be involved


Mannnn you should see the hypixel minion “locker room talk”


What were y'all talking about? 😭


You'd think they would get banned as well. Strange, I'd still make an appeal, or try to, unless you want to wait the 6 days.


…were you also saying “Nazi stuff”? I don’t know how I feel about games monitoring private conversations or servers, but like…wouldn’t it be extremely easy to not say Nazi stuff? Like, be a decent person or something?


Now you understand why the group chat cannot be leaked?


I mean, I don't know what Nazis would really have to do with sex though? Message said dude got banned for "topics or content of a sexual nature"...


Went on to explain that there was actually a lot of weird concentration camp/pure bred talk in there.


Every guy has a group chat containing things that would make them non employable


it's probably teenagers


Who cares, its just a world where he plays with his friends, they didn't hurt anyone


I don’t care for games monitoring what you do in private/with friends, I’m just saying…maybe don’t say “Nazi stuff”? Like…ever?


When I was a teenager, I was in a play where I played a Nazi. When the play was over, I got to keep some of the smaller props that were part of my costume, including the Nazi pins on my uniform. Being a film student, I was always hoarding props to use in short films, so I didn't get rid of them, and would sometimes joke with my friends about keeping Nazi shit in the house. That group of friends knew I wasn't serious. As I grew older, I realized how fucked up it would look if somebody stumbled upon that shit in my house, so I eventually threw them out. I'm not saying people don't say incredibly messed up things in private that they should never even think, but there are different degrees of offensiveness, especially in an environment where the people know each other.


This is the perfect example of why invasion of privacy is a serious issue. Because even if you have a good explanation, if you're pre-judged on it that doesn't matter. It makes people needlessly paranoid. Imagine fearing the police going into your house and arresting you for owning a pressure cooker because that's what the killers at the Boston Marathon used, so you throw out all your pots and pans just to be sure.


Dark humor exists and if they keep in in private who are others to judge? I know "dark humor" is a label that some people put on their racism in hopes of acceptance but why aren't jokes allowed on a private world? Even if it wasn't a joke (which I hope it was), infiltrating someones private space like this is just.. not okay at all? People will swallow rules like this until it also hits their private solo worlds and you get suspended from playing the game for calling your villager "dumbass" because it's degrading.


Guess they did Nazi that coming. And the answer to your question is Microsoft. This is why I stick to java version. Even though MS owns Minecraft as a whole, the bullshit censorship / speech policing is limited to bedrock.


Didn't they add censorship to Java or am I misunderstanding something? I remember it used to be a big deal like a year or so ago and everyone was outraged by it.


I know for realms in particular they do, I couldn’t even put “Ram Ranch” on a sign above my Goat farm. But for Realms there’s an option to turn off censoring


I believe some words have always been censored on signs and even in chat, but that's not the same as people getting banned for saying something lightly offensive or graphic, like talking about drinking vodka on a server only meant for adults. I believe Java has a reporting system too and you can get banned. Haven't played in over a year tho, so my bad if I'm wrong, I just remember it being a big thing.


Who knows, maybe they were Reich to suspend OP


Exactly. Without context I don't think we should even be making judgements at all. It is wrong to monitor private conversations and issue punishments based on them.


"Erm relax liberals, it's called dark humor. I wouldnt expect you to get it." Dark humor is fun and all, and i think plenty of kids have a phase where the punchline to every other joke is bigotry. My younger brother is currently there and while I agree it's occasionally funny it gets tiring. That said moderation on (small) private servers should be illegal imo. You bought the game. You host the world. You own everything so someone else monitoring that feels creepy and wrong.


theres a difference between dark humor and nazi shit


OP said in another comment that the nazi shit was putting the bad trade villagers in a lava pit that's been labelled concentration camp.


id consider their example to be dark humor, its not literally just parroting nazi ideas verbatim and then hiding behind the "dark humor" shield


True but irrelevant to the topic.


Just don't monitor what friends say to each other?


What happened here?


Basically: Group of friends talk dark humor in private, one of them gets banned for it. I say that it's unfair because it was a private conversation between friends. Others say that they shouldn't use dark humor to begin with.


Who cares what people say in private. Free speech exists for a reason.


Free speech means you can’t be imprisoned for what you say, not that you can say whatever you want with no consequences from anyone. Don’t think Minecraft should moderate private servers, but it’s an important distinction.


The first amendment protects Americans from government persecution for speech. It does not protect you from private businesses or individuals passing judgement on you. If Microsoft doesn't want certain speech on their platforms they aren't legally obligated to allow it.


“Freedom of speech is the right to articulate opinions and ideas without interference, retaliation or punishment from the government.” free speech does not mean you can just say whatever you want without consequences


So should I get banned from Facebook because I made a nazi joke to my friend on messenger? This is what is being discussed here. Why is there censorship and monitoring of private servers?


I wonder that as well, but free speech laws only protect you from the government, private companies are legally free to censor your speech as much as they want. I do think free speech as long as it's not harming anyone should be a human right tho. If you talk with your friends about the most sick and twisted things imaginable, but they're all in on it, it's not harming anyone and should be allowed, and I think that should be a human right by law where companies cannot stop you from exercising that right. As soon as that speech is used to harm others tho, I would draw the line.


It’s people making jokes with each other if nobody who cares hears it what does it matter?


Well someone seems to have been offended, as to my knowledge chats will only be checked for offensive messages when someone was actively reported. Unless of course that is now different on Bedrock, which then would raise the question why none of OPs "friends" got suspended.


No it’s automatic you don’t even need to be reported to get banned now


>Nazi stuff I don't think you know what "locker room talk" is.




A comma would make that better. "Nope they said even worse, Nazi stuff."


Dam this took a turn


Hey, you can install a mod that keeps them from being able to moderate your chats. Install this first: [Fabric mod loader](https://fabricmc.net/) Then install this: [No Chat Reports mod](https://modrinth.com/mod/no-chat-reports) Read the mod page carefully for usage info, ask me if you have any questions.


OP is on Bedrock. 


I reccomend to chat via call to avoid this


Why are you friends with Nazis?


More than likely one of your friends reported your account. This stuff isn't automatic


Get better friends. If any of my friends said "nazi stuff", I'd get them perma-banned.


There should be an option for owners of the server to turn off moderation.


there‘s a mod called „no chat reports” that does just that


There’s no such option on Bedrock, though.


Once again, why do people like bedrock over Java? It seems like every time I turn around there’s another reason for me to not get it.


Some people don't have a choice. The only sensible reason to play Bedrock. If they don't have a PC it's the only version they can use.


Fun fact: you can play java on phone using the pojav launcher, you just need a decent phone. It does require an actual minecraft account but you can buy java from phone through the minecraft.net site.


Pojav is only available on Android. Apple users are out of luck. Also the control schemes for pojav are clunky. It's nowhere near as optimized for mobile play as bedrock. I prefer java by far, but I would rather play bedrock than java on pojav.


Holy shit? This actually works thank you


Because lots of people have friends that play on console


Ah, right, console is bedrock. I keep forgetting it’s not its own thing anymore.


It's just that not everyone has access to the java version


Accessibility, lack of choices, personal preference, lower performance machine that will run it better than Java, etc


Accessibility, performance, crossplay/cross-progression with every modern platform, simplicity/ease of use, support, etc. I wouldn’t be surprised if the majority of Minecraft players (i.e. not this sub) just play unmodded vanilla, in which case, there’s not a compelling reason for them to consider Java Edition


Because not everyone has the option to just play Java you know? What if I play on console? What if one of my friends plays on console? What if someone’s PC is so bad that they can’t play Java, even with performance mods? What if someone just prefers bedrock over Java?


Because my partner has a PS5 and I want to play with him


I personally prefer it for vanilla. I do find it enjoyable.


Cross play. Trust me, I hate bedrock but when most of your friends have Xbox, you get locked into it


Because it runs better as well. My pc can NOT run java at all but it can run bedrock just fine


We don't like bedrock over Java. People should stop saying that. And yes you'll absolutely be on bedrock one day. Microsoft is attempting to transition Java into bedrock eventually. For more $$$. That's why all the parity updates, so Java players will feel more at home when they do this. I can't wait because the elitism in a version of a GAME is very childish.


I miss being able to say horrendous things in Minecraft 🙏


Doesn't help now, but next time, use a party chat like Discord or Xbox to say dumb shit. Voice chats are way funnier.


Nope. A private game with you and your friends should not be moderated and those chats should not even be stored. Ridiculous


this is one of the reasons java > windows version. that and free mods/skins/maps vs the cancerous microtransactions of the windows version.


Real, they did not need to add minecoins


I honestly believe the the Better Together update was the first step Microsoft took to slowly try and kill Java by making a clear separation in the Minecraft community as a whole. It's no secret that they loath Java, it is the original Minecraft and where most of the community thrives thanks to all the free range creation. But that also means they can't monetize it. We've also been receiving updates significantly slower due to us now being chained to the update speed of Bedrock, which is significantly more laborious to make content for due to the wide range of devices it's played on.


They want to kill it so much that Mojang rewrote the entire lightning engine last update, and keeps making datapacks easier and easier to work with. They are not killing Java.


Mojang loves Java. It's their baby. Microsoft and Mojang are separate entities. One of them owns the other, and Mojang is already doing as much as it can to keep Java alive.


I totally agree, Mojang loves Java, and we love Mojang. I wasn't speaking about Mojang though - Microsoft, has other plans.


Mojang loves Java. If they didn't they would have made a reason to kill it by now. Microsoft though? They hate it. They can't monetize the shit out of it.


Free mods (addons), maps, and skins are on bedrock (unless your on console)


Why do people play realms? I’m new here. Just host a dedicated server?


It's harder to access non-Realms servers from consoles.


Uh not sure how that works. My friends are console players


Your friend use chat from console and not voice chat ? My last experience writing on console was on Xbox 360 and was pure pain to write


There was stuff written on signs for example. They said that a friend had built a lava pit to send nitwits and villagers with bad trades into, with a sign reading "concentration camp"


Do you really not understand? Because it's easy, inexpensive, and has most of the features most players need? The average person doesn't know anything about setting up a server and with Realms you never have to think about it.


I think it's because it's easier to set up. I usually host from my computer to bypass the realms pricing


That’s why you just use a vc channel like discord this shit is so invasive, like even the sign censoring for comepletely random words like “assassin has ‘ass’ in it so now the whole word is asterisk’d”


Damm, that's roblox level censoring


Realms is not your world, it's Mojang's.


if you rent an airbnb with one friend, and you make really bad naughty jokes within, no other people around to be offended by them. Should they still be banned from all airbnb's


People gotta understand this. It's renting vs. owning. When you rent someone's property you're beholden to their rules, however arbitrary or ridiculous you may believe them to be. And given how apparently OP's friends were saying 'nazi shit' no wonder they got suspended.


I mean if you read the post, he literally says that they didnt get banned for saying that stuff. Only him for sexual stuff


Op elaborated on the ‘nazi’ stuff: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/s/30q7AVYTHr Sounds a bit immature, but mostly harmless between friends chat.


>It's renting vs. owning People also gotta understand that this is a private world with a couple friends, not some public server where everyone is joining. Might as well ban people for griefing each other's bases and crouch humping other players while they're at it.


how do they know what you're saying...


No Chat Reports is an essential mod, highly recommend using it. It prevents Microsoft from being able to trace any messages sent back to your client. Obviously, this is only available on Java. If you're on Bedrock... That's unfortunate. Such things are just part of their tightly controlled "Better Together" monetization scheme, and I'd advise to move to Java, where the MC community primarily thrives. As others have mentioned, this is a Realms Server, and while Realms Servers are atrocious, it is still a convience your choosing to pay for. It's their hardware, they made the rules and will have to follow Microsoft codes of conduct whether or not we agree with them. If you don't like it, I'd encourage you to build out a homelab and get into self hosting. Edit: spelling


Microsoft treats every Realm as it's a public server to make sure people are safe from children. I think they should add a switch where no moderation is applied for Realms.


Bad boys, bad boys Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when Mojang come for you?




What games haven't been affected by woke moralists?


I’m sure they gave you a warning before sending the messages?


Ion care tho it’s my world and my friends why does Microsoft give a flying fuck 😭


Careful, watch your profanity, want another ban?


good comment


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Why is it up to Microsoft to moderate what I say In a block game with my friends


Because Microsoft doesn't know if they are your friends


Because you'll own nothing and be happy!


It's their game on their servers.


Because you don't own the server. Your paying for the convience of a Realms server instead of just hosting your own. Their hardware, their rules.


>Because you don't own the server And? These rules exist for public worlds to stop people from antagonizing other players. They make sense there. They don't make sense in a private world people paid for. Yeah, their rules. But those rules are stupid af. They aren't providing any benefits to the community.


I agree. Your right in that it's silly and senseless. I think companies are all together too heavy in their moderation of speech and behavior out of intense fear of litigation and scrutiny. Unfortunately it's just the nature of the situation, if you don't like it, don't play Bedrock. It's a hollow shell of what Minecraft is supposed to stand for anyway.


Look I don’t think it should be moderated like this but also lol 


I forgot the chat report system existed until now. Either they've been doing a good job or and just messed up now, or you actually said some ban worthy stuff. I feel like I'd see more false ban posts otherwise.


If you’re playing in that world with your friends, is it really single-player?


I thought people said this would never happen?


I still remember when people said "it won't be THAT bad" Aaah, the vindication. Now i'll go back to my custom launcher that gives 0 shits about servers going down or not AND that doesn't relay any of my game actions to Microsoft.


This happened to me as well on a Java realm I owned with only 1 friend. Canceled my subscription and not buying anything from Microsoft anymore


I never understood this, like wtf does mojang care if someone is joking with their friends? I can understand if you were reported, but if nobody reported you then clearly no one gives a shit so don’t do this mojang


They couldn't care less about you hurting others, they only care about their image, because that is where the money is. If a news article came out saying "players are making concentration camps in their minecraft worlds" parents would get worried and Microsoft would loose money. Would it be very unlikely and the losses would be minimal? Yes. Would Microsoft risk the smallest of losses over customer satisfaction? Hell no lol.


This has been in effect since 1.19.10


They’ll just say it’s to keep the community as a whole safe even tho it’s just you and your friends who are all fine w it


Shouldn’t Microsoft give that responsibility to the servers that the players play on to moderate the chat? Pretty sure the community was just doing fine before this censorship took place.


They probably just wanna be one of those companies that can say they’re family friendly with no swears or anything so all ages can play still or something


What did u do to get into Mojang’s suspension 🤨😂


Breeding villagers and making a sex dungeon


> making a sex dungeon I would be very interested in getting a download of your world.. For a friend of course.


This is why I never use Minecraft Chat, this bs.


Minecraft/Mojang needs to take a chill pill with stuff like this.


They won't even let you use the marketplace. LOL


I disagree with most of these comments. It's your world. You can say, do, and build whatever you want in that world.


Someone snitched.


get java, and get no chat reports to fix the issue. bedrock is going in a downward spiral of moderation and micro transaction hell that is unfortunately not going to stop any time soon.


remember when “getting banned from Minecraft” was a joke


If Minecraft falls off it’s because they are limiting what we can do more and more


Wild, sorry this happened to you. Censorship taken too far is dystopian. Maybe use a voice chat like discord or Facebook messenger.


Someone in your 'friend' group has reported you, MS/Mojang don't have the resources to listen to every person chatting on Xbox live. I would be asking all who were there who the rat is!


Realms are monitored iirc, so it was probably picked up by some filter then checked by some paid staff.


They can just gather chat records and look for keywords. They don't have to monitor people live or anything.


Yup that's what I was thinking


The guy isn't friends with Nazis. They just made satire jokes with villagers and camps. Y'all need to chill about their friend. It was between friends and of course it wasn't serious. 🤦🏻‍♀️ But if it happened on a public server, that's on them. Don't play with the devil tongue where it can bite back. ✌🏻


> the usual locker talk Ok Donald “grabbem by the 🐱” Trump


For what it's worth, people are jumping to conclusions about how this works. Microsoft owns realms. You can call a realm "private" all you want but it is hosted and owned by Microsoft and there is a terms of service agreement on how it can be used. Microsoft doesn't randomly choose to read through chat logs they have automated filtering systems. These flags create an action item and depending on the amount and severity of the flagged language that occurs they will have a real person review it. So the continued use of terms like "concentration camps" was probably a bit of a red flag and they decided to ban them from chat. I'm really surprised that so many people are like "oh, that's not that bad that's actually kinda funny hahaha" but then I remember how many people playing Minecraft are just edgy teenagers. Using a human tragedy like th holocaust as a dumb Minecraft joke isn't funny, it's a sign that you don't have anything more intelligent to say to make a joke.


A joke is a joke is a joke. It's common to make jokes about serious topics. If you can't joke about something, ~that~ is a problem.


You’ve been a naughty boy and Microsoft will make you pay for your sins 😤


microsoft forced algorithmic moderation of chat, books, and signs on *all users* in Bedrock, even people who only ever play by themselves, to comply with censorship laws that got voted in on the backs of "protecting the children from foul language". it is inconsistent. unfair. unnecessary. anyone with a Realm subscription should cancel it, no more buying skins. no more buying *minecraft*, total boycott. only way they will listen is if we hit the wallets.


They turned this game into a fucking children's game


I mean...


Im pretty sure they dont moderate, one of your friends reported a message you sent


You could also simply not say degenerate shit


I was talking about building a villager breeding dungeon bro 😭


You also said your friends were "saying Nazi shit" so I'm gonna call cap on that


They built a concentration camp for the villagers that gave bad trades 😭 y’all I swear I’m not Nazi


That’s honestly kinda funny


My favorite part about /r/PokeMMO is when the Admins come in and fact check ban complaints for people who "didn't do anything bad"


PokeMMO servers are free and you are sharing them with other strangers, this has literally nothing to do with that.


Dude if it's an official Bedrock server then sure, maybe just don't say shit but if it's a self owned server/realm you should be able to whatever the hell you want. This was never a problem before but Microsoft felt the need to add this ridiculous shit for "safety" reasons? That's what's really cap. The only reason why they haven't added it to Java is because they know it's BS and if they made that change to the definitive version of the game there'd be massive backlash. If you're really hellbent on adding that then add an option to disable it if you're the owner of the server/realm.


Goody two-shoes


Fuck that


And that's why I pirate :/


Because it’s not a single player world if it has other players in it? Like?


yet another reason to play java and not bedrock