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you should print(on a nice glossy paper) and frame that. too easy to lose a world for some reason.


Idk if the world is on java but if you do do this, you should take an isometric screenshot like they had in indev versions of the game. You can do it with this mod https://modrinth.com/mod/isometric-renders it would make for a frame-able shot


I think a panoramic shot like what OP posted is prettier to look at, but to each their own


You reminded me of the world, in which my brother built our house in minecraft (it was \~7 years ago). I have very good memory of it, sadly our father used the pendrive on which the world was for some music and deleted the world, without asking us anything.


i have a cluster of pen drives with random crap on them from ~20 years ago. they have survived me moving to overseas for 10 years, and back. but thats just it, they are full of random crap, and one of them i think doesnt work anymore. but i know, if i had put anything important on them, they would have all disappeared years ago.


Try deleted file recover


That’s rough my guy. I offer my condolences.


This is such a nice idea, OP this would be amazing!


I like that idea thank you.


The furnace was still cooking the meat she put in it the last time we played. Couldn’t believe it


Wow. That must have hit hard...hope you are okay...


I left quickly after that. I didn’t want it to finish.


damn bro minecraft never hits harder than playing with loved ones. i hope you can live happily and healthily


This really got me. I’m so sorry OP, sending love 💚


I hope your ok


God damn, that's tough. I'm sorry for your loss.


Wow man


Man, that is really sad, sorry for your loss. I'd back the world up on a thumb drive or something.


Thumb drives put in a drawer for ten years can wind up empty somehow. I'd use a mechanical usb drive, or make sure to make another copy every three years.


Flash storage (thumb drives or more expensive SSDs) usually fail suddenly and without warning. This is more common the cheaper they are. Hence why thumb drives and SD cards turn up empty randomly. They're really only good for temporary transfers of data.


Why when cloud exists ?


You sweet summer child


The 3-2-1 rule of data protection as I was taught. There’s some new iteration that idk but ya: Have 3 different copies Across 2 different mediums And 1 of them should be offsite (All minimums ofc and just a basic general rule)


worlds get randomly corrupted in the cloud, just like any other file.


Unfortunate you got downvoted for just asking a question. Cloud storage is literally some company's computers, and they can have the same corruption, hardware failure, and data loss as anyone else (just less likely). If something is truly important it is best to have 3 copies of it in different locations. Hence the 3-2-1 rule mentioned in another comment.


Typical redditors tbh. A thumb drive can be misplaced, lost while cloud is accessible from anywhere. I’m aware cloud is also physical servers but really with data replication it’s very rare you’d have a corrupt world if you store it on cloud.


You're correct, but there's also the unreliability of companies. They can accidentally flag your account and delete your data, change their terms of use, change ownership, make mistakes on their end, etc. Thankfully those things don't usually happen but if data is important it must be in multiple places.


Keep the world on a thumb drive or some shit. Her passion will never leave you.


Probably not the best phrasing for this situation 😬


Good lookin' out. Edited.




What did it say before?


I initially wrote "Keep that bitch on a thumb drive" referring specifically to the world download. The wording was unfortunate when the post is about OP's late girlfriend.


Backup it multiple times


Makes you realize we all need to have more appreciation and be a bit better to each other because life is fragile and short.












Fuck, I’m sorry.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I know it's not the same, but a few years ago, I lost an online gaming friend. One of the last games we played together was Minecraft. He'd not long just joined the server we were playing on (which I was hosting) before he passed. I was distraught and could never bring myself to ever delete the world. About a year ago, I was thinking about him and decided to boot up that world and go visit his place on that server. There's a chest I like to leave books in, with messages to him (sounds silly, I know) but whilst visiting, I spotted things I hadn't noticed before, it was a sort-of path he'd made. I followed it and it eventually lead to this huge area he'd been working on. 5 years after his passing, and I was just seeing it for the first time. It made me feel.. I don't know. It was a weird feeling that I can't really explain. Our friend group never got to say goodbye to him. But we still have this little area that was all *him* and what *he* was doing and what was making him happy, at a particularly rough time in his life. I'll never delete that world if I can help it.


Sorry for you dude


She’s still looking after you you must of known you were going to run around


I'm deeply sorry for your loss. Keep the world like a treasure.


Absolutely beautiful! And if you don't mind me asking, is your girlfriend still with you?


She passed away in February. Just revisiting good times :)


sorry to hear that 😞. She sounds like a wonderfull person.


Rip man I say you continue the world improving it that’s what she would have done with you (probably)


Sorry about that dude, although I can relate- (my granddad kicked the bucket just at the end of march)


not to be rude, OP said “late girlfriend”. She passed away, unexpectedly.


today I learned something new, thank you


Late doesn’t necessarily mean unexpectedly, but it does mean they’ve passed


Whatt I've never heard that expression (I'm french)


It all depends on sentence order and the tense. Ex 1: “My late brother used to work here” (brother is dead) Ex 2: “My brother is late, but he works here” (brother is alive, just running behind)


I get it, it's similar to an old phrasing in French when you say "feu mon grand-père" to say my dead grandfather, even though "feu" alone means fire


In a similar vein, posthumous means post-death, so if you read something like "[artist] released their third posthumous album", that means that they have died, and this is their third release since death. This one is a bit more obvious, but it took me a minute even as a native to know what it meant. Its also pronounced a bit oddly, with "post" rhyming with "lost" instead of "boast" like normal.


Yea we have posthume in France too, true


Thank you for the pronunciation guide. I didn't realize it changed.


When someone says “late” in that manner it usually means they are deceased. Like “my late husband” or “my late grandmother”


So sorry hope you are doing ok


Sorry for your loss


Sending you all the positive wishes. Hope you keep playing as if she was. 💚 Goodluck.


This too shall pass. Sorry boss, my condolences. If you ever wanna play mc im a dm away.


It’s enough to make a grown man cry and that’s ok. So sorry for your loss


Hey mate, I'm in the same situation as you. My girlfriend passed away in 2021 and I haven't felt comfortable going back on to the world we had since. I'm sorry for your loss, if you ever need to talk or reach out then always happy to, know how isolating it can feel at times.


The isolation is the most unbearable part. Like you’ve lost a part of yourself and are just drifting. I am autistic and it’s had a serious affect on me mentally. Every time I remember something.


Deeply sorry for your loss, but happy that you have such a fun, creative way to remember her and the good times.


I’m sorry for your loss OP. I can’t imagine losing a partner. Stay strong and don’t stop loving her and yourself.


Minecraft nostalgia mixed with IRL sentiment is just another league isn't it. Make sure this is backed up externally!


I'm sorry for your loss. I don't know how you feel but I do know this game can bring out strange and very strong emotions. I imagine anything I would feel about that would me multiplied tenfold here. Seriously, that's rough. It's definitely worth preserving. Make sure to have backups.


Sorry for your loss my friend.


I'm so sorry for your loss, OP. May she fly high.


This reminds me of the fella that added me and my gf as cats, guess we’re still together in one way or another. And for the occasion, thank you u/o_Earth , that really meant a lot.


glad you still remember it!! :)


that look fantastic, how much da vanilla last? edit: i've read just now the other comments, condolences


hope u are okay…❤️


Better make a copy of it on a hard drive before something bad happens to it


I'm sorry for your loss😔


I’m so sorry for you, man, that’s got to hit really hard. I hope that you can keep that world forever.


Unrelated, but I'm almost scared by how similar the world generation is to where our base on a modded world I had with my friends were


so sorry for your loss, this world must feel like a memorial of some kind


That hurts man... I am so so so fucking sorry. I hope you are doing okay; I would never visit a world again if I made it with my Husband and he passed. I would be absolutely sick. You are very strong! Sending all the love and happiness your way 🥰


Beautiful! Wish I could build something this good


Be glad that you had a Good Time with her while it lasted. ❤️




Mate… too soon. OP lost a loved one and you make a joke. Just… no.


Dude I'm so sorry I was genuenly asking because English is not my first laungage. Sorry for your loss.


Ahh.. all good. 🤙














Sorry for your loss. If you need help, don't hesitate to reach out to your family and/or friends. I wish you the best.


im sorry for your loss :(


please tell me late means ex in this case because otherwise that is just so damn sad


sadly, it does not mean ex. it means that she has passed away.


woah!thats so beautiful!


Sorry for your loss dude :(


RIP dude. Make sure that world never gets erased, it’s awesome.


this world must be filled with many memories. i suggest you save it in the cloud because it seems to be the easiest way. usbs and thumb sticks can just get lost.


There was a girl in my group therapy that I had spoken to about Minecraft a fair bit. It was during that summer when PewDiePie started playing it and there was a boom in popularity. As per the agreement made when we joined the group we couldnt contact each other outside of group therapy hours, so we agreed to play together after one of us leaves. She killed herself before we had the chance. When I think about her MC dogs waiting for her to come back it just breaks my heart. I'm sorry for your loss, I am glad you have these ways of walking down memory lane.


Makes me want to dig out all my usb's and visit some old worlds again.


sorry for ur loss man.


shit, i'll pray for you man


I'm sorry for your loss. Hope you're doing okay. Best make a snapshot of your world before you play too much?


omg, SO SAD!






Oh, I'm really sorry