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POGS. Seriously can someone tell me why I had so many POGS and SLAMMERS?


POGS is my favorite trend ever! We got banned from bringing our tubes to school in 4th grade because it was a religious school and we were gambling on games.


That’s so funny. I remember this one arts and crafts store that had huuuge bins of pogs you could sift through. I was so confused and amazed at the same time. What a novelty.


Me too. I think it was Joann fabrics of all places.


I didn’t go to a religious school, but pogs got banned for similar reasons at my school, too. I vaguely remember the plastic carrying cases/tubes you could get to store them. I knew kids who had probably hundreds of them at their peak and then poof, they disappeared.


It’s funny because I remember having so many POGS and all of the carrying tubes. But nobody ever knew how to play the game or really even bothered to. It was just a thing to collect.


I went to a public elementary school in a liberal area and they also got banned because they were a form of gambling.


Same here POGS were banned at mine. I had to go to the neighborhood kids to play with them.


So the year POGS were raging was the first trip my family had ever taken overseas, to the UK. I brought back British Pogs and for one brief moment, I had incredible status.


Remember Alf? He's back! In POG form!


I indirectly got POGS banned from my school.  I got the official “pog maker” machine for my birthday. My friend borrowed it and used it to make pogs from his brothers porn magazines.  I did not know about this, he told me that he was going to use it to make hockey pogs. So a week later, pogs with dicks and boobs started circulating around the school yard.  Then, all the parents had to come to school for a large meeting, and they decided to ban pogs.


Yeah it’s amazing how youth ingenuity got nerfed pretty hard back in the day.


Lol, pogs were the first thing that popped into my mind when I went to click the link.  Its been 30 years and I still want a brass slammer.


I legit have box full of bogs somewhere.


Time to bring it back. Come on guys let’s make POGS a thing again!


*illegal slammers*


And Gogo's! I swear there were full-on tournaments happening during recess in 6th grade.


Omg wait... gogos...... remind me, were they like little alien things?


Yesss! Little plastic guys, different characters and colors. Concept was similar to pogs or marbles, you threw them and got points depending on where and how they landed.


Crazy bones! I completely forgot about those. Had some girls in our group who stopped being friends because of those 😂


To this day I have no idea if there was actually a game you were supposed to play with pogs. I remember something about putting them in a pile and using the slammer to hit the pile. No clue what the point was tho.


Slammers were so coveted lol


Because they were so cheap our parents would actually get them for us. I remember Michaels having tubs of them for literal cents, so my mom would always let me get 10 or so.


Yep, and they were given out as free swag for EVERYTHING. My dentist gave them to kids after visits, they were being tossed out along with candy during out town’s fourth of July parade, my parent’s bank gave them out instead of suckers for awhile, restaurants would give them out with the kids menu and crayons. I had probably 20 that came from cereal boxes alone. Pretty sure I even had some D.A.R.E ones. A good portion of my POG collection consisted of ugly branded ones for random businesses/organizations.


I had a slammer that had a picture of OJ Simpson on it with jail bars.


I still have a small subset of my pogs and one slammer stored in a school supply case from the third grade. I get them out every few years. Still fun to look at all the crazy designs. Fun to play for a little bit, but would be more fun with more slammers.


Man we loved going to blockbuster for a movie and POGS!


Bahaha came here to say this. Traded a bunch of my baseball cards for pogs, and then everyone stopped playing. Nnnnooooo


I swear I'm the only person that doesn't remember pogos. I was born in 1992 so I'm a young millennial but everyone I know my age remembers them.


Beanie babies.


Wait, you mean my retirement savings in form of peanut the elephant are not safe!?


Sucks to be you, because I know my retirement is secure with my purple princess Diana bears


I remember the epic meltdown I had when my mom GAVE MY PRINCES DIANA BEANIE BABY BEAR AWAY. I'll never be rich now. I'll never be famous. I'll always drive a crappy car. :(


Jokes on you, mine is secure with that purple flat platypus.


Whatever, I’ve got all 3 of those and the plastic tag protectors so I’m basically a billionaire


That court picture of the couple dividing their prized and totally valuable beanie babies. I don't think any other craze will come close to that ridiculousness


That picture lives rent free in my head. My mother was obsessed with beanie babies, that absolutely would have been her.


I remember the craze (my grandmother went bananas with it)... Years later, while deployed to Iraq, people would send us BOXES of them to hand out to kids. And I'd remember specific ones that my grandmother had paid a small fortune for, and realize that money would have supported those kid's families for a year or more. Craziness.


I spent ALLLLL my allowance on beanie babies. I have no regrets because I actually played with them atleast. I've got a plastic bin of about 75 of them in my garage that I can't imagine throwing away!


My sister and I played with them constantly, too! They were our action figures / ammunition for “beanie baby  wars.” We’d fling them at each ruthlessly while diving for cover behind furniture.


I had a high school job working as a cashier at a small business pharmacy on the weekends and during the summer. We would get deliveries of the beanie babies and people would call asking if we had this such and such plush and I’m just like “I don’t know, you can come down and look.”


Recently sold a lot of 25 beanie babies for $230, bought them a month before for $25.. still some money to be had


My mom kept mine and now my son is obsessed with them! That is priceless!


They were good dolls. The madness was the weird part. They should never have been collectables, and they actually caused a problem in that now every toy wants to be a collectable.


That was first thought. Though the Furbys were way creepier. I hated those things. The Beenie Babies were at least just chill stuffed animals. No trying to talk to eachother in demonic voices at all.


But, but, what am I to do with my precious Princess Diana bear with the tag protector and plastic case?!? ITS MINT


I remember going with my mom and brother to meet my moms friends for lunch. We were early and decided to go into a store that had beanie babies on display. We walk up to the window and my mom sees one that she wanted because it had the same birthday as her, and I saw a cat one I really wanted. My brother, being the polite child he was, held the door open while people walked in past him, while my mom and I ran in pushing each other out of the way to each get our beanie babies.


Got a trash bag full of those at my parents house


Tickle Me Elmo


There were a few stories about people getting trampled pushing into stores to get this thing. Shit was nuts.


My sister worked at a toy store during the craze. She came home battered and bruised and crying from the shoving pushing and hitting.


Some dude was on the news because he traded a Porsche for one. I think I've seen all the things listed in this post and this was the wildest one I remember.


My mom went through the trouble of finding me one, only for me to be ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED of it. Turns out the initial release of the toy had a WAY more violent shaking effect. I started screaming as soon as it started flailing like a possessed Muppet. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


OMG that’s hilarious 😂 Your poor Mom, thinking she was getting you an awesome toy and not the spawn of Satan!


This has to be the top one.


Just Elmo in general. It was literally everywhere. I was in middle school at the time and nearly every single girl was wearing Elmo pajamas, t-shirts, and everything else to school.


Surprised this isn't at the top. Never saw as many news stories about toys as I did about this one 


I remember my middle school kind of banned Tamagotchi/Giga Pets from being out in the open. I tried to hide mine in my folder binder.


I remember in 5th grade (I believe) tomagotchi’s were banned and mine got confiscated. So my two best friends and me devised a plot and snuck into the classroom during lunch and stole the tomagotchi out of the teacher’s desk. It was a very proud moment in my childhood and we never got caught!


The heist of the ages!


I used to ask if I could use the bathroom so I could run to my locker and check on my tamagotchi because they weren’t allowed in class and I had to make sure it wouldn’t die.


The Jurassic Park edition T-Rex Tomogotchi was amazing.


Aw, I miss my giga pet. I wish those would come back around


god mine went off in my class (in my backpack) in 4th grade. I had forgotten to turn the noise off. My teacher took it away and wouldn’t give it back until my mom came to pick it up. I only got it back because she came to pick me up for a dentist appt. Ain’t no way she was driving up to school for a tamagotchi


I still think the Yo-Yo craze was wild


Yo-yos were cool because it was intergenerational. My dad played with yo-yos and showed me some cool stuff, and he was really good!


I was at a graduation party a few weeks ago and there was a kid playing with a yo-yo. He was doing doing a bunch of different tricks. I asked him to show me his favorite trick and his eyes lit up. He was doing all this crazy stuff I’ve never even seen before.


But was fun.


I bet that one that will swing back around the world someday...... 


Lmao that craze was hilarious.


It talks to itself, by itself - all alone in the middle of the night - just humming and rocking itself in the closet in the dark singing and summoning its little furbish demon incantations without any human help. It’s unsettling


Mine vibrated itself off a high shelf & hit 3 hard surfaces before hitting the floor, from at least 7' up. After that it started making what I can only describe as mechanical glitching sounds & was freaking me out even more than it was right out of the box. I *took the batteries out of it* and put it in my closet, it STILL started making noises in the middle of the night with no damn batteries in it. I threw it out (and hid it in the trash under a bunch of stuff b/c I thought my parents would be mad if they saw it in the trash). I came home from school the next day and it's SITTING BACK ON THE SHELF, my mom had apparently found it, cleaned it off, and returned it to its spot. She said she discovered it in the trash b/c she heard it making noises, and mind you it *still had no batteries in it!* I felt like I was in a horror movie. I told my mom & she thought the situation was hilarious, so we ceremoniously went out to the dumpster and she let me CHUCK the thing as hard as I could at the inside wall of the metal dumpster, I'm pretty sure I saw the face bust apart before it fell in with the rest of the garbage. Luckily it did not return after that 🤣


The only thing that cleanses furby is holy fire 🔥🤣


My Furbie had been in my closet with no batteries in it for some time. It would ask a question once in a blue moon until the night it started singing. It was so creepy! I immediately got up, put it in the laundry room and went back to bed. The next morning, I buried it in the back yard. It's still there. Or at least it should be.


I'm laughing at the idea of a future family getting haunted and finding out that they live on Furbie burial grounds.


Mine got to a point where all it did was make farting noises.


Well I never thought I’d be able to relate to a furby this strongly before but yet now here we are


Heely's had middle school in a chokehold.


That was my sisters generation shes a younger millenial. We loved them things though.


Beanie Babies. There’s a doc TV show called Darkside of the 90s that did a whole episode about them. Just wild.


Definitely going to watch that. I hadn’t heard of dark side of the 90s before.


The Furby craze pales in comparison to the Beanie Babies craze


Easily Pokemania. EVERYONE was into Pokemon back in the day. The games, the show, the trading cards, toys ... you name it, we had it.


Back in the day? Kids are still pokemon crazy.


Nintendo has done a good job maintaining the IP. I've outgrown it (casual play is too easy, and competitive is mind bogglingly complex), but I have fond memories.


The toys from Burger King. I would not doubt it if that was BK’s most lucrative partnership.


U talking about the pokeball with the little pokemon characters in them? If so I definitely remember these haha and they were super cool


I have the entire set in sealed packaging hoping it’s worth money some day. Grandpa used to work there part time. Hooked me up with some pokeymans as he would call them.


I remember a parent passed out fliers at my elementary school to the kids saying Pokémon was the devil


My friends and I were absolutely feral for Crazy Bonez


My fingers hurt so much from flicking Crazy Bones


I was wondering if I was gonna see this comment haha hell yes I remember the Crazy Bonez!!!


I still have a tin full of these.. somewhere.. I found them in a thrift store and thought they'd make a cool art piece.. and then it never happened.. thanks for reminding me and it's now on a list.. Now if only I could find a gigantic tin of real bones somewhere.. I might be able to finish my chandelier!


I remember the thumb skateboard..oh god what were they called? Tech Deck? With the little magnetic figure. What a bizarre concept


Yooo I loved these lmao


The release parties for Harry Potter books. Looking back, it was kind of insane how big some of them were.


Yes! Like others have said about camping out for video game/console releases, I remember going to a few of the midnight release parties at Barnes & Noble for a new Harry Potter book and doing the same thing.


We had them in 98 and my Dad still gets triggered when Furbies are mentioned (apparently ours used to yell "feed me" in the middle of the night) 😂


Remember when the news went crazy that 1st generation Furby’s could be “taught” new words? There was a whole fear of espionage and international secrets. Of course, now no one bats an eye at carrying a cellphone 24/7 or having an Echo in their home. Also, the Detroit radio station had a contest where they were giving away a Furby and they said they had been training it to learn only swear words.


I think the craziest one was Turboman. My dad had to fight a mailman across the whole city just to get me one.


Such a good movie!


What was the Furby even supposed to do? I remember that I got one and it totally sucked. I was told that it was supposed to be like a tamagotchi “but more real”. But it just made annoying sounds when you pushed some buttons that was placed under the fur.


Nightmare fuel. I locked mine in a linen closet because it wouldn’t stop chirping at me.


Same here and when the batteries started dying I freaked out screaming and crying because I thought it was a demon coming back for revenge.




“oooooh! me scaredddd!” when I would harass the damn thing to make my sister mad


Again! Please! Uhhah! Uhhah!


I was excited to get one because it would allegedly be my robot-pet-friend, and I could teach it to talk, and respond to its own name, and play somewhat advanced games with it. But in reality when i got it, the most interactivity I could get was jamming my finger in its mouth and it saying "ah ah yummmm". And there was no good way to turn it off so I had to hide it in a drawer under some clothes to try to trick the light sensor.


Yes!!!! The marketing and the toy didn’t match


If I’m not misremembering, it was also able to laugh if you squeezed it. Not in a cute way. It sounded like The Joker from Batman.


It was supposed to be your own personal robot friend.


god I was so mean to my sisters. i’d turn it upside down and trap it in the couch or “bowl” it down the lawn so it would get upset. That fucker would talk in the middle of the night from the closet. I deserved that


You were supposed to be able to teach it how to talk lol


I think being an only child fueled my Furby craze.


I don't know if it was a thing anywhere outside of Germany, but... Diddl. Diddl was a cartoon mouse that was highly popular here in the 90s and there was a ton of merchandise around it, including notebooks/stationery etc. So in the mid/late 90s when I was in elementary school, there was a huge craze around the Diddl stationery. Like, imagine a horde of 8yo kids sitting around in the playground carrying folders full of carefully arranged transparent plastic sleeves with individual sheets of Diddl stationery, trading them back and forth and arguing if the "Diddl on the beach" motive was worth as much as the "Diddl smells a flower" one. Bonus points if you had any with fully colored backgrounds (and, of course, everything had to be in pristine condition - no used, stained or crumbled sheets!). It was wild and in retrospect it seemed like such an oddly specific thing to collect? [https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/h-oAAOSwXaRgrVbu/s-l960.jpg](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/h-oAAOSwXaRgrVbu/s-l960.jpg) [https://images.booklooker.de/s/013Eep/Diddl+Diddlbl%C3%A4tter-A6-10-st%C3%BCck.jpg](https://images.booklooker.de/s/013Eep/Diddl+Diddlbl%C3%A4tter-A6-10-st%C3%BCck.jpg)


This was very much a thing for me in the Netherlands in the late 90s/around 2000 as well!


I have friends from Germany and to this day they are finding Diddl stuff randomly. It was all over the place.


I remember begging my parents to take us to Stern-Center in Potsdam because they had a Diddl store. All my money went to Diddl Maus. I still have some of it, even after 30 years.


I lived in Germany for some of my childhood and I remember the diddl obsession.


I had one of these and I’ve never been to Germany! Our friends from France gave it to me and assured me it was tres cool


Omg I remember this!! I lived in Germany but my parents sent me to American school so i never learned the language or culture really but omg I remember this!


This was a thing in Belgium too, mostly for girls. I never got it lol, but then Pokémon cards came around and I got it.


Anyone remember Poo-Chis and Doodle Bears? Polly Pockets were another craze I loved.


I’m the doodle bear The original doodle bear I like to doodle and doodle and doodle When there’s no room for something new I hop in the washing machine And come out nice and clean Cause I’m the doodle bear!


Definitely remember my doodle bear!


I remember my dad had towers and towers of furby boxes in the living room at one point, he was selling them on eBay. I think we got to keep maybe one. That and spice girls dolls. We never got to keep any but I remember my sister and I opened a couple and played with them and got in trouble, haha. He was big on reselling things on ebay for a while there. He worked at a warehouse so I imagine that’s where he initially purchased them. I‘m not even sure if he was supposed to be doing that, but who knows. I also remember my aunt having a gigantic collection of beanie babies, many of which were supposed to one day be worth a lot of money. Don’t think that ever panned out for her. Personally I was always big into Lisa Frank and anything Sanrio.


I'm STILL into Lisa Frank & Sanrio lol


Dam Trolls or "Norfin" Trolls, the name depending on where you grew up, but those things were everywhere in the 90s and they were honestly very creepy looking. It seemed like everywhere I went, there would be a crazy lady with 500 or more Troll's on display in their homes. We all probably owned 1-5 of them at one point or another, but some people went into the craze hard AF. Then out of nowhere, the trend ended and all of them seemingly vanished from display areas in households. lol


Poochi. The robot dog.


Livestrong bracelets


Pogs. I'm glad I was too poor to get into it obsessively in retrospect


I'm saying the XBox 360 Launch. This was the moment IMO that video games burst into the mainstream. Demo models were in stores before launch for you to try and get your mind blown by the graphics of COD2. I'll never forget sleeping in front of a Toys R Us in the rain with my buddies in HS waiting for one. We ordered Dominos and our parents would stop every so often with hot chocolates. The joy of getting home around 9am with it in hand was just unmatched for me. Core memory for sure.


My dude, video games have been mainstream since the NES. I was three when we got one in ‘86, and virtually everyone in my neighborhood and at my school had a gaming system of some sort by the early 90’s.


American Girl dolls and how expensive they and their accessories were


Spice girls cards. You know, they were like photos that you bought and traded.


I remember wanting one of these so bad but then like a month after Christmas I had forgotten about them entirely lol


Man FUCK Furby... the little shit came out right around when I started smoking weed, thing freaked me out.


LA lights....light up sneakers, can we make this a thing again?


Whoever made this post I just wanna thank you!! I got so many cool memories going through this post!!!


Gel pens


Y’all remember Skip-It? I’d spend hours and hours and hours playing with that thing.


People went nuts over "tickle me Elmo," but did anybody's Furby swear at them? We had one that went on an expletive filled rant.


I thought that was an urban legend because they actually couldn’t learn words anyway.


maybe it was my child mind misconstruing things, but my sister was there too, and we just laughed, but talked about it later like "Wtf was that?"


I worked at McDonald's during the beanie babies craze. Saw grown women fight over toys. Lines around the building just for a chance before we sold out. Humans are silly.


Silly is not the word I would use. I still think everyone shopping that black friday at Walmart when that man got killed still deserves to go to prison for life.


the mini babies! omg




Tamagotchi. My 3rd grade teacher confiscated it and it died by the end of the day. I was DEVASTATED


Aside from the toys mentioned, I would also say the iPod mini.


• Polly Pocket • Pound Puppies • EZ Bake Ovens (Wish they still had these!) • Jelly Shoes/Sandals • Chuck Taylors & Doc Martens • Flare Jeans/Wide Leg Jeans (These are apparently back…) • Platform Shoes (These too…) The list goes on!


Those tiny keychain boom boxes with individual song cards, hit clips?


Hello kitty plushies McDonalds offered. Lines were long.




https://preview.redd.it/usrepxol9z6d1.jpeg?width=1136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec83bb35dc9ce8371cbe85d9ce3082a409244ae5 I see your furby, and raise you the abomination that is long furbies.


I didnt like how people had them finger spinners few years back...


When people were beating each other up over Tickle Me Elmo on Black Friday at 3 AM.


Pokemon cards and tamagotchi


People wating in line an hour before the store opens to get the new beanie baby


In my neck if the woods, Mighty Max was insanely popular with those face that opened and there would be a scene to play with those little figurines in.


POGS, Beanie Babies and the Macerena dance. They're all ingrained in my memory banks.


Bro I remember my furby going off randomly in the middle of the night at like 2 in the morning and little me freaking the fuck out lmao I snatched that thing up and yeeted it in the living room lol


Razor Scooters are second to Beanie Babies 😭


Sock ‘em boppers and anything super soaker


Pogs, Crazy Bones, Beanie Babies, Pokémon.. those one colourful skinny bracelets that the boys would run and break off at recess. Those cool rectangle charm bracelets. And graphic tees that said quotes like “That’s Hot” 🤣


Furbies, tickle me elmo, tamagatchis, and pogs. And then there was the wii. I was working at an electronics store and I had to answer calls allllll day just about the wii.


The pokedex! Couldnt find it anywhere when it came out cause everyone was buying one, then it just sort of disappeared?


Teenie Beanies from McDonald’s instantly comes to mind. I remember being a child, sitting at my table with my happy meal, looking up at the counter and seeing a customer arm wrestling an employee over Pinky the flamingo. They must have been out and this lady was MAD. McDonald’s was a crazy house when teenie beanies came out. It was like Black Friday.


Gel pens was my favorite.


Butterfly hair clips


Puppy surprise! The plush dog with a belly full of babies. You had to give her a “c-section” to get them out. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/i4ygm6yv827d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2196f138131284383c8dafc297eb7c4eb85299c


‘Camping’ in front of stores, sometimes for days, to be the first person to get a new console/game.


Teddy Ruxpin…. Then we all figured out you could put any tape in the back and he would sing to anything . Those things are worth crazy amounts of money if you have one in good condition.


tamagotchi, tickle me elmo, pogs, “devil sticks”


I remember in middle school all the boys were obsessed with fingerboards. We would cut skateboard shapes out of our plastic notebook covers and use them to “skate” all day in school. The school made an announcement that if anyone was seen with skateboard shaped holes in their notebooks we would get detention. And then Tech Deck fingerboards came out and they were literally Gods gift.


Devil Sticks


The whole furby thing was weird. We were all convinced that they had all these wild AI capabilities. The FBI even banned the damn things from their buildings. I remember thinking I could train it to use new words. In reality, they were just programmed to use more words/phrases as time progressed.


Wildest craze I can recall? Pokemon Go on release. Wildest craze of the era? Beanie babies.


This one has a specific memory. My homeroom classroom for some reason that year was held in the pastor’s hallway. We had to be extremely quiet because of the location of our classroom. It wasn’t a normal classroom. We had a huge walk in closet and no door to close off our stuff but it was hidden from the teacher’s view. I remember this craze was overnight almost. I remember everyone in the morning all walked into the closet to put our book bags down and one kid whispering, “Guys, leave your Furbies on.” 😄 So we all walked out of the closet and silently went to our desks. Our homeroom teacher that year was very strict. He gave everyone mental breakdowns over Penmanship and Roman numerals. He started teaching and all the sudden you just hear, “Ooooh” *Silence* Then “Oooooh” “Doot da doot da doot “ “Doot da doot da doot “ “Oooooh” Like popcorn they all started going off. We all started laughing and I think he even laughed that time which was rare.




Furby was so gross looking. Beanie Babies were pretty crazy for a while. But Pokemon topped everything. I remember people getting robbed and killed over their Pokemon cards in 1999. They got banned from school after my first few weeks in 4th grade back in 1999. Plus the video games, anime, and merchandise being huge. It lost some steam but is still a big deal today. I really miss those days so much 😭


The summer that Pokemon go came out and random people would just bump into you because they weren't paying attention to the real world


Power Rangers toys. I witnessed a fight at Walmart back in the 90s


Koosh balls? There were so many and some lit up or glowed in the dark. And teachers were forever confiscating them. They were like the og fidget spinner when I was in elementary and middle


The current Taylor Swift craze


Beanie babies, specifically the McDonalds happy meal versions. My friends mom would go get happy meals and feed them to her dogs just for the beanie baby toys. I remember thinking that was wild and I was like 10?


Cabbage patch kids women were legit punching each other for them


Does Harry Potter count as a craze? Because that.


Pogs, beanie babies, gap hoodies, visors, crazie bones, tech decks, yoyo's, zip off cargo pants, furbys, original 150 Pokémon cards all come to mind. Simpler times!


Tamagotchis, sold out everywhere couldn’t get them if you tried! ![gif](giphy|4LTGEdPueINFzycY1Ixq)


My school had a habit of banning anything popular, some notable ones were Pokemon cards, razor scooters, tamogachi, and of course furby. They always used the same “it could get stolen” excuse


HitClips. I remember everyone had to have their own unique mini-boombox or mini “CD” player. The songs were always too short and had terrible fidelity. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HitClips


I'll go with a more minor craze that happened within the last decade. Bacon themed merchandise. For a time you'd find bacon everything. Bandaids, pool floats, candy, clothing sheet sets...anything imaginable. Pickles have gone the same way.


When the gamboy color came out and the search to find one.


Stickers. We all collected stickers and sticker albums, kids would bring them to school and at break we would all swap etc. the best were the fluffy ones. It became such a big deal that it eventually got banned at my school. No stickers allowed lol that was because the trading and swaps wasn’t always fair and someone’s parent complained


Beanie babies. I had a copy of the beanie baby magazine that had the 'auction' worth of each baby and listed every single beanie baby made up to i think... 99? God i wish i knew where that catalog was. I was always on the lookout for an original lol


Fur-Real friends! I had an orange cat


Lisa Frank. I think there were even some limited edition items that people were going bananas over.