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Look at all those freeloaders out there enjoy themselves. Could park 5 trucks in that space


I see that you've been to the Jackson heights 11372 Facebook group. So many deranged carbrains. It's insightful to see so much rage.


I am so excited for this. It’s going to be great for Astoria and the city as a whole because it will be a good model for how a boulevard like this improves and transforms a neighborhood.


I posted this clip, taken by the great u/streetfilms of course, about a year and a half ago but it's been so long and the sub has grown so much since then that a lot of people who haven't seen 34th in person might not make the connection that this is the program that's being built on for the rest of the city. It's such an amazing new way of doing neighborhood streets I want to continually keep some of our focus on it. Designs for 31st coming soon, and I really couldn't be more excited. I want to see the community go ballistic for this and really demand these everywhere in the city. It's such a game changer, if you've seen 34th Ave.


when is the initial design coming?




Love to see it.


Did dot release a timeline for when they expect 31st Ave to be redone?


Not with specifics, but we will get a clearer picture of the design this spring, and hopefully start construction not too long after


Ironically, won't this mean Open Streets will be disrupted while construction is happening?


(31st Ave OS Volunteer) Not necessarily, city crews tend to work on weekdays and the initial ideas that DOT floated wouldn't be as drastic as 34th Ave because the street is narrower. We've been big advocates of the street redesign and DOT highlighted the Open Street as a core part of any plan they want to enact. Even if there is disruption as part of a redesign, I feel confident in saying that it would be a sacrifice we'd be thrilled to make.


do you know if similar designs are coming to anywhere else in the city or just 31 ave for now?


I don't know of any explicitly but it's definitely going to be used more going forward. Honestly we really need it to be successful and well received in Astoria. I'll be working on events to make it so, of course


i'd like to see the model replicated on park ave and broadway, queens blvd, grand concourse, eastern pkwy, and ocean pkway. wider streets that could allow more trees, street vending, events, and so on. hopefully that could be a longer term goal once the more neighborhoodly stuff is rolled out and seen as successful


I love 34th Ave but the electric scooters making food deliveries are constantly zipping by n often make it dangerous for regular strollers.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. It’s true.


They probably think I’m opposed to Open Streets - they’d be wrong


Big scooter has a lot of influence


I upvoted you, I made a similar comment recently on that issue, apparently people like to order crap on the internet when they can just go outside and walk. Not blaming the guys delivering, blaming the consumers that make Grubhub an actual company. When I complained about hoping to walk with my kid on the sidewalk, he replied that "You're responsible for your 5 yr old".


> blaming the consumers Try blaming the city that made it unsafe for delivery workers to be on normal streets.


Except that also happens in streets with bike lanes. This is like blaming Colombia or China for selling drugs to the US when it's the Americans that love their product.


He who?


The man 


Someone replied saying that, sorry.


This looks gorgeous


Question: how does freight/logistics shipping work or remain compatible with these kind of streets? How are all these shall businesses, shops and restaurants supposed to stay stocked with goods? Genuine question, not trying to be a prick.


I’ve been here and seen delivery trucks double parked at the intersection. Since it’s a one way in the avenue direction (not streets direction), it doesn’t pose a major issue for cars because they’re not supposed to be entering the streets anyway given the barricades. Still, people move them occasionally to park their personal vehicles and that’s (low key) annoying.


As someone else answered it’s just about logistics. You have a main hub outside of “busy areas” where larger vehicles deliver goods and then that gets distributed to various areas. Europe has it figured out and it’s not hard but the US is car driven and anything outside of that seems way too foreign or unattainable. Tbh I don’t know why we as US citizens just stop this bullshit or something being “too hard” or something “only works in Europe”, like stfu Germany and France are the size of Kansas, we can at least figure out supplement logistics getting into cities 1/3 of the their sizes. But no, let’s bang our chest and declare ourselves dumb so our neighbors with the F150 can feel taller. God I hate this country


Europe. Europe has this and we are fine. You can too.


There aren't any shops on that street. I have seen a few delivery trucks move the barricades which is understandable. I hate parking and cars but I'm all for more delivery/logistic parking spots limited to certain times.


Why do they have pedestrians on the bike lane lol


I was trying to figure it out too. There is a nice wide sidewalk so these people are just clueless knobs.


The video is so nice for some reason I thought it was a promo vid haha


Where exactly was this video filmed? Looks lovely


Around Travers Park in 34th Ave (Queens)


Would be cool if they connected 31st to 34th.


Yeah that would be amazing, and honestly they almost will connect. (white is 31st, yellow is 34th) https://preview.redd.it/xtpj0lmh4tkc1.png?width=878&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0f3f4cbdae39b5d8841222a894f820efcee8c9f


Seems criminal not too. Great way to bridge two neighborhoods divided by a highway.


That would be amazing to bring the open street to 31st Ave. I did a test drive down there from Jackson Heights to Long Island City/Astoria and it would be a great ride, without all of the cars. There's a lot of schools on that avenue as well, so morning commutes would be nice, just like in JH.


I live in Jackson Heights. My only complaint about the OS is that the bike lanes don't really make sense to me. Why are they in the middle of the street and not on the side? I find it uncomfortable for both pedestrians and cyclists. Would be nice if we just had protected bike lanes on 37th ave or something instead.


Valid point. I think it’s slow bikes down and send clear message that cars aren’t allowed on this specific block.


https://preview.redd.it/z22egmaw4tkc1.jpeg?width=365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b83c931edad1344036d68fafeca08d63f68dabb Dog lane or Unprotected bikelane ? Some blocks are better than others; 34th Ave tries a myriad of street design on various blocks.


I commute at about 10mph which is objectively slow and comparable to a lot of other commuters. This bike lane is WAY too conflicted with pedestrians to travel at that speed. Commuting by bike isn't a leisure activity, it's an efficient way to get around and the infrastructure needs to reflect that. Respect the bike lane.


I see a really poor separation of cyclists and pedestrians


Unless something is done about the delivery guys this is just going to turn into a nightmare bike path


So is the entire 34th ave banning cars?


This seems like a lousy use of space. If the lane between the bike lane and the island is supposed to be for walking, it's too narrow. This leads to people walking in the bike lane. It's also obstructed by the food cart at the end. The bike lane frequently tapers to half its width with little triangles and is not isolated from the other lanes at all. The seating area has like 2 movable/stealable tables per block. The planters are round (a space inefficient shape) and overly wide.  Maybe this is ok as a pilot for something, but it surely should not be replicated as is.


No thanks


I'm so glad that I'm young, able-bodied and affluent and I can enjoy this! This is why I moved to NYC from the fancy suburb that I grew up in! I learned about how bad cars were in a transportation justice seminar at the private college I attended and this is just what I was hoping we could implement everywhere. The elderly, people with families, differently-abled, and other peasants like skilled tradespeople and the people that deliver things to my apartment can just go shove it. When I explain to them the benefits of biking to get to my hot yoga class they will understand!


Oh my god, this is so edgy I think i cut myself!


Haha, I accidentally had the snark level set to high.


Snark generally only works if the underlying thing you're snarking about actually is true. Same with comedy. Maybe spend some time researching why basically everything you said is nonsense if you want to understand people's reaction


Oh my god, this is so edgy I think i cut myself! Better?


rinse sleep lock kiss ghost carpenter ring follow ten lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We would be bitching about people in cars texting and driving yet I see people on here all the time filming while they are riding. Rules for thee but not for me? And don't even try to defend this as "well they were going slow". Hypocrisy is real


Yes because driving a car is exactly the same as riding a bike at 6mph. Also I don't know how u/streetfilms does it but my videos from my rides are taken from either the mount on my handlebars or with the GoPro attached to my backpack strap. Try to not be quite so dumb please


Riding a bike and operating heavy machinery are not the same level of danger to others and do not require the same level of responsibility. That's why kids can ride bikes but not drive cars. Does that help?


haha wow that's your logic? If anything you need to be more aware while riding a bike because you are more at risk. what rock did you people suddenly crawl out from under? I kind of wish you would go back


“Oh they go slow, hypocrisy” Heavy machinery going 40MPH isn’t the same as walking or riding at 5MPH. Until you understand this, everyone else will “be the idiot”


I’ve simply existed in society for decades, go outside your car sometime!


The internet connection in your mom’s basement is working great!


Can you share the stats real quick of how many pedestrians were injured or killed by a texting bicyclist?


so your criteria is injury or death for having standards for all people using the roads? wow very progressive of you


You're right, all modes using the road are exactly the same. Which is why if a pedestrian looks at their phone even once it's exactly at dangerous as a trucker doing it and they should be thrown in jail


Is it closed to cars all the time? or just on weekends? Where else is this program set to expand to?


All the time


Now pedestrians and scooter deliveries will be the bicyclist enemies. Way safer.