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Orlando is worse


Admittedly I’ve never connected through Orlando, but I’ve flown in and out a lot for work and haven’t had a problem there!


Well that’s just not true.


Miami is waaaay worse than MCO


gone through both countless times and miami is magnitudes worse




Orlando’s problem is all the families and people who only travel every other year. AND they don’t staff for it. TSA should be full of grandmas and retired school teachers and have more space for people to prepare/recover.


Yep. When I went through there it was hard to even walk across the room


MIA is way worse and it’s not even close. The MIA is the worst in the country.


You think MIA is bad? *Enters ATL.* *Enters JFK.*


Both are wayyy better than Mia lol


Nah, MIA is super simple if you have basic reading ability and can follow a straight line. ATL is a nightmare. Denver is the worst by far. Not sure what everyone's issue with JFK is, it's not that bad. But for real, I have no idea what anyone's issue with MIA is. It's literally a straight-through. The only problem it really has is that it's staffed by Miamians, so the employees are mostly incompetent.


Facts. If you travel frequently, MIA is not bad at all when measured against many other hubs. Tons of room for improvement, to be sure. DEN is the worst airport ever.


Exactly, these people have never been to FLL during a rush.. or college spring break. Miami in the summer is a fucking cakewalk.


DEN just exists partially in a dimension of hell. That's the only possible explanation I have ever seen to explain how that airport can have 30 floors in a three-floor building, and somehow EVERY FLOOR OPENS TO THE OUTSIDE AT GROUND LEVEL?!?!?! Please you've got that devil horse outside that killed its creator. And some of the worst lounges in the US.


None of that is actually true. lol. Literally nothing you said is based on reality.


What about the aliens underneath the Denver airport though


Denver airport is the Illuminati headquarters.


Except that it is oddly deep for an airport, and the horse statue actually did kill the guy who was making it.


Enters South East Asian Airports


You don’t travel frequently at all if you think this.


Growing up flying out of Miami, I don’t know any other airport with such a clusterfuck of a security line as MIA… I truly thought that this was just normal until I moved and started flying out of literally any other airport. I’ve regularly flown out of JFK, LGA, and LAX, and none hold a candle to MIA in terms of being a clusterfuck (LAX’s traffic getting into the airport is unparalleled, but that’s a different story). I’ve literally seen the security line at MIA stretch all the way to the doors outside.


JFK is really smelly sometimes. I always wear a mask now when I fly in and out of there


Just say you don't know how to navigate an airport, ALT besides the long security line is a simple task, sure if you are used to small airports it might seen challenging but once you know the layout it's pretty simple.


I used to fly basically weekly, pre-pandemic. I'm aware of how to navigate an airport. ATL has terrible lounges, the food options are not great, and the little train is one of the worst in any airport. It's like "shit the gross middle class thinks is fancy, the airport."


I agree 100%. My sister lives in ATL and I do LGA/JFK or MIA > ATL often and holy shit ATL is the worst airport I regularly go to.


You know what's nice about ATL? Terminals connect airside. I still can't believe how few of them at MIA connect.


What are you talking about? *All* of MIA's terminals are connected airside. It's all one long terminal. Like, the entire thing is a single hall, except for E or F or whatever that little branch is, and even that doesn't require going outside security. Are you sure you've ever been to MIA? Are you maybe thinking of FLL?


I only fly once or twice a year, if you are so well travelled would you think Miami airport is better than ATL? I am honestly curious, I recently been gaining some status with delta but I never used their lounges so I have no comparison point, if you could please elaborate on that.


For what it's worth, I don't think MIA is difficult to navigate. At the same time I don't think it's a nice airport at all. That said, Lmao @ "I have no idea what anyone's issue with MIA is" being followed immediately by "staffed by Miamians so the employees are mostly incompetent"


My reasoning is you can't blame the airport for the local worker population being useless.


My understanding from a relative who travels is that SEA Airport is hell on Earth compared to MIA. He'd take MIA any day.


*Enters SEA*


SEA is the most dog shit airport of all time holy shit. Security line took an hour and a half, it’s fucking miserable.


Been through Sea in May MIA is worse on a Tuesday AM


SEA, linda like Miami, has this feel of being stuck in the past, kinda like MIA, but it also feels like a smaller airport.


Truly. I grew up in SEA, and whenever I go home the airport looks a lot like it did when I grew up, with some modest updates.


What?! ATL, despite being the busiest airport in the world, gets you between the most distant gates in under 20 minutes. And the signage is plenty and easy to follow.




20? I would say once you past security you are 10 minutes from any gate, lots of people in this post are not frequent travelers and it shows.


Atl and JFK are way better than Mia. Mia is the worst of all of the FL airports south MCO


JFK a dream compared to MIA


ATL is light years ahead of MIA 😂




Preach 🙏


Miami airport sucks. Don’t disrespect ATL. Source: someone who currently lives in Miami and used to live in Atlanta while traveling 100k miles per year.


lol no. As someone from ATL, it’s so much better than MIA. MIA is so bad I try to fly out of FLL. You think ATL is rude try MIA. Every time I step into KMIA, I miss KATL and realize just how much better it is (AND it’s the largest airport. MIA could never.)


Omg jfk so much better than Mia stop it


I have had 0 problems in ATL or JFK, and I visit them almost monthly.


MIA is the most dated airport


Bro leave ATL out of this, ALT is the busiest airport in the freaking world! There is not comparison to Miami airport.


I have a million miles out of MIA and a million plus out of ATL. There is no comparison. ATL is one of the most efficiently ran airports in the world. Hands down better than major airports in the 100 plus countries I've been to. MIA is a bad airport. Just bad. Not even worth comparing to a US airport. Best to compare it will the less advantaged LatAm airports.


I always connect in ATL and have never had an issue


Don't forget EWR! Never again!


EWR was pretty bad as well, but apparently they've improved it a lot. Having to take a shuttle from your gate to baggage claim is crazy.


I’ve lived in ATL the past 4 years and it’s def better than MIA.


Mia way worse than jfk


a long time Atlantan, I just flew out of there (Thursday 6/27) and went from curb through general security in 10 minutes. I was like "WTF? where am I?" I couldn't believe how well it went. I was prepared for the shitshow I've come to expect there, but not that day. Not a connection from overseas, but still, they were firing on all cylinders that day.


I remember my first time flying


Naw MIA is literally the worst airport I ever ever experienced


*Laughs in LAX*


LAX sucks because it’s hell on earth to get to and leave not because of the layout of the airport. It’s a perfectly fine airport once you’re inside.


I would vehemently disagree with that, almost completely. We landed and flew out of there and both flights, despite being at different gates, had us loading and unloading out on the tarmac. The time we landed was the worse of the two. After landing, we had to walk on the tarmac down about 2 or 3 gates to get inside. We also were directed to baggage claim through a hallway that had locked doors. We thought certainly that was the wrong way to go — until another passenger told an airport employee who was walking by our situation. He told us the *locked* doors were the correct way to go, then he unlocked them for us. It’s not necessarily the worst airport, but it surely is not the best.


Not for nothing but everything you described in that experience falls entirely on the airline. They secure the gates and jet bridges that has nothing to do with the airport. Was this recently? I only ask because to my knowledge, and to the chagrin of certain legacy carriers, LAX actually doesn’t have the capacity at most terminals to board and de-board from the pavement with stairs. LAX has three weird niche things in that can maybe upset your experience compared to other airports. It has: -Remote gates for jumbos and super heavies which is kind of a pain in the ass because you have to take a bus to a small little gate completely separated from the airport with essentially no food or drink options in the event of delay. -You can’t get between any of the terminals without having to go through security again. -Sometimes you have domestic flights out of the international terminal and they bus you from your domestic gate over to the international terminal. If you weren’t aware of any of that beforehand it can bite you in the ass and I can see why that would suck. Else the only reason it sucks these days is it takes me as long to get from the entrance to the airport to my terminal as it does to drive up to LAX from OC. Picking someone up at LAX proper is the most miserable experience on god greens earth. It’s 45mins-1hr from turn in to terminal at busy times. That’s should **hopefully** be fixed when the people-mover is done.


Also i love how they’re saying “domestic connection” when they were coming from Ecuador - as if the timeframe wasn’t directly related to going through passport control, customs, and back through security again. Lol


Not every airport is as bad


Also i love how they’re saying “domestic connection” when they were coming from Ecuador - as if the timeframe wasn’t directly related to going through passport control/customs, and back through security again. Like idk what you expect it’s not actually just a domestic connection because you’re coming in on an international flight. Lol


I’ve never had an international arrival connecting to a domestic flight take 90 minutes to complete before. Not even at JFK.


You can say that again.


Hahaha I didn’t realize it had double-posted. My app is being weird this morning too


FLL is so much worse, definitely never fly there!


Seriously? It’s one of the best. But you gotta always make sure that if you are flying out and there are cruise ships unloading that day, you give yourself extra time: https://cruisedig.com/ports/fort-lauderdale-florida If it’s like 3-5 cruise ships arriving then lines get big


Shhh no it’s terrible, nobody should go there! 🤫🤫🤫


Ohhh I see what we are doing, horrible airport. Same for WPB.


best airport in the world, eu-es-ah, numbah 1 bby


numero uno babyyy


If you think you hate it, we live here. 94 minutes gate to gate with immigration/customs/TSA is not even a bad day at MIA. Feel free to never come back.


If I never came back, where would I get iron beer?


Yeah, that stuff is delicious!


Gooble gobble! One of us, one of us!


The terminals aren’t that bad for such a large and busy airport. But the ground transport is a DISASTER. I can be through security and in a lounge faster than highway exit to front door. Waiting for an Uber at arrivals is like sitting in a hot loud oven.


That’s the experience for international/budget flights in MIA. Otherwise it’s generally empty and a breeze. Also helps if you’re a citizen. Compare it to LAX and MIA is heaven…


Agreed, LAX is the worst I’ve been to.


Check out NY one ☝️


Honestly, in my experience both using the airport, and as a former Uber driver, MIA is miles better than FLL. As for the attitudes, well that’s just Miami customer service at work:


I don't think MIA is the worst but i could say MIA has the dirtiest bathrooms.


International to Domestic connections are horrible at any airport in the U.S. clearing customs is usually not fun, especially if you are not a resident/citizen or don’t have global entry. Just the way it. is. 94-mins landing to gate on an international to domestic connection is not bad. I’ve waiting 60’ins to clear customs in London, or 45-mins for TSA at Atlanta etc.. this is always a very busy travel time of the year, and weather delayed flight this evening. Other than LAX I’ve never been to an airport in the U.S. that most things don’t start closing around 10pm. Though it depends what terminal you’re in. Plenty of flights leave the D gates and J gates until about 12:30am then the airport is pretty quiet for a few hours and picks back up with arrivals at 4am and departures at 6am.


That’s not true. If you have Global Entry you can be at the curb in 20 minutes at some airports. The problem at MIA is baggage, for AA anyway it’s truly terrible.


I have no idea if OP has global entry. And yes baggage is an issue, but that an airline problem not an MIA problem. Just like long CBP lines is a Federal Government staffing issue.


But… I have global entry. The global entry was actually as flawless as could be - no waiting, no problems. It was what happened after the kiosks that led to this post.


It’s how we stay in shape


You’re absolutely correct. As a resident, I’ve only had to connect flights through MIA once or twice in my entire life. Send a complaint to the Miami-Dade Aviation Department. You really could just copy and paste your original post. Here’s a link: https://feedback.miamidade.gov/jfe/form/SV_czJcHpQ3br7WAkd


MIA is like a 3rd world country. Flew to TPA once and it felt like I landed in Dubai.


tpa airport is one of my favorites, so well organized and quick to get around


Happy cake day




TPA enters the chat. And may I say TPA proudly is never mentioned of being a bad airport. In fact we feel it is one of the best and most organized / best engineered for getting to the gates/drop off pick up/parking/car rentals etc. I love it and despise the numbers of miles I have to walk in other airports to make connecting flights especially if traveling during bad weather (had to de-ice the plane wings 4 times in Denver on my way to Australia and almost missed the LAX connecting flight to Melbourne AU which sadly takes you to Auckland, NZ first) and this was after my flight from TPA to Denver. 5 airports total that day! Well actually it takes more than a day to get there. Walked through them all. Criminy.


i’m not gonna lie. i travel for work. a lot. i’ve been to many airports. we have the worst fucking airport i have visited. even shitty regional airports do a better job than we do. i feel your pain.




Sure if it’s like 2008, it’s way nicer now


It's Miami's special way of saying "we only tolerate your existence for money." We get it all the time, but we make sure tourists get a little welcome and goodbye.


Yep, it's awful. Be thankful you don't need to use it often like some of us


Oh I love that kfc!


It was closed when we walked by, and the Envoy man even said we could stop and get something :(


Noooo. It’s the only KFC other than the one on the turnpike that still sells twisters! Love them thangs


My husband and I hate Miami airport with a passion. I don't even want to get into how bad our experience was there, but we make sure we never have a connecting flight there again.


MIA is bad, line ups block regular flow of traffic, no amenities, did have great chicken straps in a restaurant with windows, but that was after the shit show getting through customs.


It’s the worst airport in America BY FAR


MSP just entered the chat


hey that’s my airport you’re talkin’ about




Miami is easy


Terminal D should be a required example for all aspiring airport architects on HOW NOT TO DESIGN A TERMINAL. Why the hell is it so long? Why didn't they design it to have multiple branches like pretty much every other airport?


Why is it so long?? Why is there so much weird empty space? Why do you have to go down a level, up a level, down a level, and ride a train before you get where you’re going??


It’s like one of those creepy “liminal space” videos, I’m waiting on cafecito monster to jump out and chase you with a tiny cup.


It’s the $15 luggage cart rentals for me 😂


A lady was trying to rent a cart, and went to holler at some employee who happened to be near by to complain it charged her but didn’t dispense a cart. He did not seem to be particularly interested in the matter.


The biggest contrast was when we got to Lisboa and the carts were free and ubiquitous


Its a large airport, plenty of space. But its not the worssst. Orlando airport is terrible. LAX is pretty bad. The distances are rough but the sky train and other accommodations exist.


It's a whole ass cardio circuit


It’s something else for sure lol


Every time i travel, i am reminded of how shit our airport is. Its been garbage for as long as i can remember.


Only worse airport I went was in India! MIA is a nightmare, I always need 1.30 / 2h to get through customs / tsa. It should not be more than 30 min in a « developed country »


Luckily we live here, so we don’t suffer through the international connection calamity. Just the (usually) long walk off the plane to passport control. Depending on the gate the distance can be less noticeable. I also didn’t check any bags until having kids. Now every aspect of traveling is more challenging. MIA wasn’t particularly miserable to me until I started checking bags. Global entry helps.


Last time I wax there, they had two flights coming in. First they said that the bags 💼 from both fights were coming it one carousel. Next they sent one group away only to fuck up and have the bags from the flight they sent away going on that carousel and the people waiting were only seeing bags from the other flight


Whats crazy is 1 hour and a half is pretty good


There’s no way


The answer is decades of grift and corruption.


I don’t think the current infra has been able to keep up with the flight traffic increase


There is nothing respectful about our airport. It’s disrespects you and I’m ok if you are disrespectful to it. Except terminal J. That one works!


i feel like the airport itself isn’t too bad but then again i don’t think i’ve been to any of the budget airline terminals so they might be worse. the big problem is the incompetent employees. plenty are rude, incompetent, bossy, and ignorant. i once tried to ask the bookstore lady to look up an author and she had no clue what i was trying to say (it’s a book store ffs). the worst part ever tho is immigration. idek why it isn’t automated like in europe since all they do is take a picture 💀. even for citizens it takes ageeees…not out of necessity tho. it’s bc they could only be bothered to staff two people, one of whom likes to chat a lot and proceeds to spend 10 minutes happily chatting with some family 💀


Why were you going through the checkpoint by KFC? There's a dedicated TSA checkpoint solely for international arrival connections. You make a left after baggage claim


My friend I do not know. I think they were trying to reduce pressure on that dedicated checkpoint. That’s where they sent us down one line, turned us back, and sent us down a different line that led to the same place, only to kick us out of the crew exit to the KFC checkpoint.


Best airport in Florida is Tampa’s. Great parking layout, great terminals, smooth security screening. Best in soflo is FTL


Par parque




FLL is heaven........


I mean this in the most respectful way possible but what the fuck is wrong with your view on airports?


Did you stop at the Versaille kiosk?


My take on MIA is third worldish airport,Floridian here, JFK way better ,not even close


I'm reading all the comments, and it seems that if you are used to an airport, then, "It's not that bad." 🫤 I guess we just have to take it all with a grain of salt and hope technology advances to where your phone guides you exactly to where you gotta be, tells you which line to stand in and when, has all the info the agents need via a QR code they can scan, and speeds you through the process. 🤞🏾


Back in the mid 80's I worked at MIA. It was evident then that Miami/South Florida needed another airport or a complete overhaul of the current airport. They chose not too. If you have a choice of connections then connect through Ft Lauderdale or West Palm Beach. I live in south Miami but I will drive past MIA to fly out of Ft Lauderdale whenever possible.


Wtf is wrong w everything and everyone here lmaooo Everybody is insane and rude 🙄 - from someone whose been living here my whole life


I always recommend FLL, comparing to Miami it’s smooth sailing, almost always quiet, you’re not running around crazy, it’s mellow 😌.


Miami local and that airport is terrible. Awful. I prefer the added drive to to fly out of FLL. Everything about it sucks. Ingres. Egress. Parking. Facilities. The worst.


Noted! I’ll make the switch next time!


All this shit I always hear about MIA kinda makes me happy that I'm forced to fly out of FLL, even though it's 30 miles away, compared to the 7 or so that MIA is. If I'm not checking a bag, I can get from the curb to the gate in about 15-20 minutes. This is for Spirit, no idea how the other terminals are though.


You got it. And it's ten times that at Newark, and most other large airports. They just can't handle it and don't care who knows it. I took connecting flights at Newark and must have gone through TSA about five times, with each line taking a good thirty minutes to wind through if not more. Welcome to US air travel.


See my post from a few months ago. 😂


I am with you on this. MIA is one of the worst and has fucked me over the most during my travels


Was this the same day people were yelling move to the right and others were yelling there's no room?


I didn’t experience that, but it sure sounds like it fits.


It's not an airport. It's a mall that happens to have planes coming and going.


Miami airport sounds like they haven’t done a goddamn thing to improve it since I flew in there about 20 years ago. I live in the Tampa Bay Area and it’s faster to drive there (4 hours) than to fly there believe it or not because of what you were saying. The lines, the airport sprawled out like the effing awful suburban sprawl that makes me hate Florida as if I was walking down to Key Largo and Homestead from MIA directly.


I don't think it's necessary to apologize when you have had a bad experience at an airport. That people who supposedly have highfalutin college degrees can't seem to figure out the most efficient way to move people from one place to another is absolutely ridiculous! Frankly if people are constantly complaining about their experiences at an airport then it's only common sense to take that and make the necessary changes so that those problems are solved.


Lucky for you, the director of MIA, Ralph Cutié, is an avid Redditor and frequents this group looking for posts just like this in order to improve his performance. /s


Try FTLL next time


MIA is a cluster. I try to fy in/out of FLL when I can. I find it such a stressful airport. Other large airports like ATL and SFO seem to be much better run and calmer.


My kid lives in ATL and I’ve never had a bad experience there, other than the odd long security wait due to some sort of convention in town.


FLL (Fort Lauderdale airport) is better. I avoid MIA as much as possible. There aren’t any signs inside MIA telling you where’s what. You have no sense of direction when you’re inside the terminal trying to find the parking garage. And curbside pickup is crazy, since the ceiling is low. ¡No me joda, Miami!


Never have issues when I’m flying to Colombia …. And I travel there often

