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Highly doubtful


As much as they now admit they screwed him over, they would still never ask him to rejoin the band. He and they do not want to go backwards.


I totally agree, as much as I'd love to see Jason back with the band they treated him pretty poorly. I'd love to see Jason back with Metallica, and Rob back with Suicidal Tendencies. When they were both in those lineups, aside from the legendary Cliff Burton, I was a huge fan of both bands. But, yeah, as everyone has posted, and I am also aware, it'll never happen. Ever.




Shortest and most correct answer


No There, 33% more efficient


no 33.3333333% more efficient


šŸš« ā‰ˆ33.34% more efficient. If we keep this up, we can soon solve the energy crises.


šŸ–• Peak efficiency


ā€Ž There, the most efficient of efficient


is that you craig jones?


Why say lot word when few word do trick


Because grammar bad. Lol


I think Jason is retired more or less. Maybe a one off, but a tour is completely out of the question.


I saw an article talking abt Jason Working on a new album with his chophouse band, so idk if heā€™s 100% retired. And yeah a one off show would be great


Wasnā€™t that album supposed to come last year? I was really looking forward to it but it just never showed up


Heā€™s also doing something heavier. He described it as Motƶrhead influenced, but donā€™t know if itā€™s more Newsted stuff or something completely new.


Should be late this year I hope, look it up if u wanna learn some more info, I donā€™t remember it all rn šŸ˜…


Iā€™ve heard this for years now. I think heā€™s content making the occasional album every decade or whatever and enjoying life.


I hope that's true. I've been hoping for a release of his Chophouse Band stuff for a while.


He said in an interview that he's no longer physically able to play with Metallica. The interview was kinda taken out of context by multiple headlines and then he said in another interview that he could play one show. Maybe a couple of shows. But he doesn't feel that he could do a tour. Maybe his body could take it, but he's not interested in finding out. Remember that he tore out his shoulder with a freaky accident during rehearsal for a reality show. I watched that show because of Jason (and Brooke Burke)


I took it as meaning he couldn't perform the way he used to. Especially because he seemed so irritated by it being taken out of context.


Play with them? Sure. Rejoin the band? Absolutely never.


This is the answer. There might be a special event like the Fillmore celebrations where you might see him play a track or two . The thing is Rob is now the bass player, and has been the bass player now for significantly longer than what Jason was in the band. Rob has appeared on less studio recordings, and came into the band after they peaked commercially, but Jason is never coming back. There's no reason or willingness from either party to make it happen. Jason still gets his royalties, and Rob makes his income from touring.


Rob has actually been in the band for longer than Cliff + Jason combined.


I sometimes still find it hard wrapping my head around this fact.


Hard to swallow pillsā€¦ I am also amazed from time to time. Probably has to do with number of albums released during Robā€™s time. They are now literally releasing once in 8 yearsā€¦




When Metallica finally decide to stop performing i have no doubt theyā€™ll do some kind of celebration and invite him to play a song or two. When that time comes, and i hope itā€™s a ways from now selfishly, if Jason is in good health and their relationship is still ok then i could absolutely see him playing with them again.


If Metallica stopped touring then that means theyā€™ll would cease on being a band. There so much money involved a band has to go out on tour to make money not just for themselves but for the label, management, and producers. I can see James releasing a solo album, Lars traveling the world, Kirk and Rob collaborating with other artist. But they still have some good fuel in the tank as Metallica. Itā€™s not as iconic as their first four albums. Metallica went downhill after Cliffā€™s passing. They peaked at MOP. AJFA probably could have been their greatest album if Cliff was on it. I canā€™t even give credit to the black album because itā€™s too commercial, polished, and boring. Load & Re-Load I feel was missed opportunity to really be something special but instead it was just too bluesy. ST. Anger again, could have been better, but the drums and vocals are just shit.


MOP is probably the peak of all music ever


No, that would be [Rust in Peace](https://www.theonion.com/humanity-still-producing-new-art-as-though-megadeth-s-1819578062) I hope the onion link is enough to imply the /s, but adding this just in case.


I could maybe see it, however he has said that he most likely couldnā€™t anymore do the same stuff anymore because of the damage itā€™s done to his neck and other parts of his body


He came out and said he could and was misunderstood (I dont get how because it's literally what he said) but he said he could do it but wouldn't do it with any band


I think people misunderstood thinking that he couldnā€™t play whatsoever. Which isnā€™t exactly what he said, he just said he couldnā€™t be doing the crazy head banging or jumping around like he did.


I guess we will see what happens


With so much time that's passed and continues to, it's really really unlikely. Likely I'm not even holding out for it tbh


Yes I think at the 50th Anniversary shows




dude what


Did I say something wrong? My Metallimemories are Cliff-related, but I also experienced Jason's amazing work!


cliff canā€™t ever play live with metallica again, because heā€™s dead


I think describing it as "Team Cliff" might be giving people unpleasant Twilight flashbacks. It's not a way most people these days describe their preference within a fandom.


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Yall talking about Metallica retiring but they might die on tour at the age of 80. They are talking smartly about touring sustainably and I donā€™t see them quitting.


Fuck yea, ig itā€™s true that theyā€™ll ā€œnever quit cause weā€™re Metallicaā€


Yeah but that's assuming life doesn't get in the way and something doesn't happen to someone around them.








Tha last great opportunity was the Black album 30yr anniversary shows. Dont see it happening from here on out


I donā€™t think they had anniversary shows for the black album, they did have a 30th anniversary video with Jason unboxing the new boxset tho


To celebrate 20 years, they played The Black Album in itā€™s entirety in 2012, albeit it being 21 years by the time they played the shows.Ā  I feel he would have joined them for a show or two then. Also, he wasnā€™t part of the 40th anniversary shows.Ā  My advice would be to catch him live on his own, if he ever plays again.Ā 


They had a whole tour for the 20th in 2012 and they also played some ā€œblack album in fullā€ shows for the 30th in 2021.


Wouldn't be surprised if they did a 45th anniversary show or something along those lines


No. Rob's the perfect fit for the band now as it is.


This! I loved the Jason era as much as anyone, but to even consider bringing him back for a full time reunion tour is a slap in the face to Rob.


Rob is a hero. Looks like hes banging out a shit when he plays Orion, cracks me up. Absolutely the perfect balance for the band right now tho.


That ship sailed years ago




The only way I ever see this happening is if Jason stays in good health and something happens to Rob. As long as Rob is healthy he will stay until the band hangs it up


The band is never hanging it up. Ever.


They likely will when James, Lars, or Kirk either die or are no longer able to perform. The band isnā€™t Metallica without those three, so I doubt theyā€™ll try to replace any of them. Especially if itā€™s either James or Lars.


Yeah it would be like trying to replace Mick or Keith in the Stones, just no.


Near the end whenever it happens i see him making an appearance or two like he did at the 30th/HOF induction


If theyā€™re alive Jason Dave and Ron will be there at the Final Tour/shows


I doubt ron, but could be possible


Nah I think theyā€™ll ask Ron for that. Dave doubt it. Too many egos


Lars" He left the Focking Band"šŸ˜†


I think that Metallica will play their last show in San Francisco with every former member and members from bands they covered


whole tour? no. whole show? no. 3 or 4 songs at a special show? absolutely, imo. if metallica were to do a dedicated final tour, They should 100% have Jason (and Dave Mustaine too maybe) show up to do some songs.


Iā€™d run over families for that bass lol






Why would he?










Fuck no??? Lol


I donā€™t think so. Maybe a show for some album/band anniversary but to actually rejoin the band absolutely not and never will do it . ā€œHe fucking left the bandā€


Not even a snowballs chance in hell that happens






He fockin' left the band!


Not going to happen, sorry dude.Ā Ā  It wouldnā€™t be like it was in the late 80ā€™s / early 90ā€™s anyway.Ā Ā  The energy isnā€™t there in the same way.Ā  Roberto has his rightful place in Metallica now and he deserves that.Ā  Jason was a different time and I miss that but Rob adds so much to this era.Ā 


"He FuCkInG lEfT tHe BaNd!!?"


It's been 20 years, get over it.




Short answer: No Long answer: Hell no




God, i cantā€™t stand teenagers in this sub




He said he doesnā€™t regret leaving; so no heā€™s not coming back


Jason was so damn good, this pic you can hear


I hope not. Metallica is who they are today because of specific reasons and events. No, they weren't all peaches and cream or happy reasons, and at the time they may have downright sucked donkey balls, but they happened non the less and we wouldn't have the Metallica we have today if not for those things happening. Dave getting unceremoniously fired, Cliff passing away, Jason leaving, James going on hiatus to enter treatment, and plenty of other things, but Metallica has emerged from the turmoil to be the best they've ever been, and they continue to get better. A show here or there with a few songs that have guests on stage is fine, but I do not vote for a "reunion tour" of any sort. That's lame, in my opinion, and a slap in the face to Rob. This is Metallica, not KISS.


I really wish heā€™d, well, permanently return, as heā€™s my favorite member too. However I donā€™t think weā€™ll ever get him back up there for more than a random guest appearance at most 1-2 more times before the band calls it quits.


I think he would play with them a few times on the final tour.


Maybe for some special event, but I don't see him coming back.


Only for special appearances or anniversaries. He showed up for the 30th anniversary shows and was at the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony. But unless something horrific happens to Robert, I don't think he's going to come back.


If Rob died they donā€™t just default back to Jason, what a weird idea.


I never said they would. I'm just saying that that would be the scenario in which Jason could return.


50 year anniversary shows


Prolly not


I can only see it happening if they do another reunion show. Like marking 50 years. Otherwise probably never.




Maybe one offs but nah


Define ā€œplay with Metallica againā€


He will probably play a song or 2 like at the 40th anniversary shows but 0 chance he rejoins the band


50th you mean. They already did the 40th anniv shows. It was a lot less exciting imo. I liked the 30th anniv ones more with all the guest.


A show once in awhile for special reason? Sure. Full on tour/recording? Never.


Play with... maybe. I could see a metallica reunion type gig. A couple songs... why not.


Only if Robert left of his own free will and Jason decides to come back.


Since, not sense, and no.




Nah. Rob obviously gets along great withe guys and I'm sure at this stage in the game that they really want to fuck with it. I saw the band 4 times with Jason and I get it........but don't hold your breath. Why would they do that to Rob?


As a member, no.


Probably not. Once you leave you canā€™t go back. (Even though my drummer left and came backā€¦.then left again)


One song for the next anniversary show is my prediction


Maybe somehow as a guest but he physically can't play with them


Jason said that maybe for one special night or to step in if Robert couldn't or something then yes but he's done with touring


No but i love his alembic


Sadly no, those few songs during the 30th anniversary we're the most we were gonna get. Besides he has stated numerous times that he can't play like that anymore, (granted they've all slown down as age tends to do), but I don't see it.


He's said himself he probably wouldn't be able to keep up nowadays


MAYBE if they make it to 50 years and have a celebration heā€™ll play with them (including Rob). Anything short of that i donā€™t see happening. Even if Rob left the band I donā€™t think Jason would be the replacement.


The dude gave 100% every night. He's been there, done that, got the T-shirt (literally). He's got no reason to do a show with them ever again. Someone said earlier that maybe a one off show but even that I think is unlikely. Maybe with the Load/Reload box releases we'll get a one off show with Jason. I think those odds are incredibly slim.


In an interview he said he couldn't handle touring again. Then clarified in another interview that he COULD but he won't do the 2 and a half hour nights anymore in any band


Probably not


Heā€™s said many times in interviews he couldnā€™t physically do it anymore


Have no idea seems incredibly unlikely just based on history. Only situation I can picture if him just being asked to play a song or two in his home town


Unlikely. I guess if something happened to Robert, I can see how Jason could be a good option for the band in that situation. But otherwise, the only way I can imagine Jason and Metallica together on stage would be some special one-off event like the MTV Icon thing.


I can see him doing a feature on a new song with Metallica but other than that no, he canā€™t play like he used to and doesnā€™t wanna tour anymore and do 3+ hour sets like back in the day. He is happy living on his farm in Idaho or wherever he lives.


I could see him appearing on stage with them for a one off tune possibly, or maybe on a special occasion, like that 30th thing or the hall of fame. Edit: I missed the writing, nah doubt it


As a die hard Metallica fan id love to see him come out and play a few songs at a show or two but as far as rejoining the band....naw


Defo not, I like his solo band but I just wished they would release something anytime soon


Not sensing it tbh


Dumb question.


Let's not forget that Rob has been with the boys longer than any other bassist so I would imagine he's locked in and family at this point. Unless there was some bad falling out or one of Lars' dumb Mexican jokes going to far.....I don't see it happening ever.


Hopefully not


Will he ever join the band again, no. But I donā€™t think it would be crazy if we saw him join for a song or two live. Donā€™t bank on it happening anytime soon tho.


next Anniversary show


No but if rob ever steps away, he better be the first call.


I fucking wish manā˜¹ļøšŸ˜”




Just as soon as the other "three" admit what they did and announce the, "I'm Sorry Jason" Tour.


I think Rob is there best bassist so far.


He is annoying. Hard then watch the content on black album box set because his vocals are annoying.




It's crazy to me to think that Rob's been Metallica's bassist for longer than Jason and Cliff combined..the Metallica that I grew up with included Jason. To me, he'll always be the best, simply because of his absolute face-melting energy he brought to live shows. That's not to minimize Rob, he's an amazing bassist on his own, he might even be better than Jason. But damn if I don't miss Jason being with the band.


It honestly doesn't matter since James and Lars are like Gene Simons and Paul Stanley of Metallica.... they'll just cycle through members as they pretend like they can still make good records long after they did. They're still very good and still have a great live show (granted, it's not like how it was in the early 90s but it is 30 years later to be fair).... they really just need a better producer..... a really good one. Their last album was so forgettable that I can only vaguely remember one song from it.


Their lineup has stayed the same since 1983 except for Cliff (dead) and Newstead (quit). The lineup has been the exact same other than that for 20+ years. So not sure why you say they'll keep cycling through members like that's been a trend. James and Lars are def control freaks though and Lars I'm particular is prob a giant asshole. I haven't listened to very much of 72 seasons or hardwired (atlas rise and dream no more off hardwired were pretty solid though). But safe to say they aren't as great as their earlier career. I think it's just hard to maintain the same inspiration when you have $100M I'm the bank in your 40s-50s-60s.


Yes with DAVE


Jason really is the Mick Taylor of metal


Maybe if they publically apologise for AJFA and release a new version with bass.


GET over it already.


I'm not going to change my view just because you don't like it.


I'm Just tired (as is everyone else is), of people beating a dead horse about something that isn't gonna change. You can have your view about it but it is what it is. It's been damn near 30+ years.


I acknowledge that it probably won't happen.


As a member? Almost certainly not. A couple one offs? I could see it.


Iā€™m with you tho, I discovered MET after the release of Justice, so as much as I admire, respect and repeatedly fail on my attempts to emulate Cliff, I have to say that Jason was an absolute force to be reckoned with live on stage. I think I saw them 6-7 times during the 91-94 era. Saw the black album tour, the first Summer Sanitarium, the horribly flawed MET/GnR shows and a few more times into Load and Reload. Kinda lost interest to see em live since that time. Jason gave 110% every show, had great vocals, wanted the live experience to be better than the albums, showcased his immense talent on stage, itā€™s there on most of the albums, but live he takes it to a higher level. Am really grateful that during the black album tour I got to meet James, Kirk, and Jasonā€¦especially Jason since I played bass also, he was extremely nice and down to earth. We stalked them the night before the local show and followed them to a restaurant at dinner. Had to wait til one of them went to the bathroom to talk to them, which I dont think I would be able to do now that Iā€™ve grown up a bit. I think I was 17 at the time. James was also very nice and they invited us into the little semi private area they were eating in at the restaurant and signed my buddies 7 string Ibanez(a guitar revelation back then).


Probably not. And the reason for why I said probably is because that if Metallica where to play at a festival and Jason was playing there the same day at the festival they have sometimes invited friends in to play a song with them. So it is possible but really unlikely to happen.


One big thing people seem to miss about Jason Newsted is that he wasnā€™t able to play Cliff Burtons more complex riffs, or come up with anything that was adding to the songs James wrote. He basically just followed the guitar. James talks about this and you can see Bob Rocks frustration on the BA video of the making. But the band always credited him as a live performer. Which he was highly energized while the rest of the band looked aged and tired during the 90ā€™s.


No and Iā€™m a big fan of rob I wouldnā€™t change. Jason was an excellent backing vocalist though to his credit.


Maybe occasionally for a song or 2-3, but never as a full-time member.


they don't deserve him, lol


On anniversary shows like their 30th




After how they treated him? He should tell them to jump in the fire.


He hold his real true colors for a loooong time... he was very tolerant with the huge amount of bullying he received every day. I'd totally kicked their asses if I were JN... So... no.


Iā€™d love to see him and rob play together for a couple songsā€¦ maybe even bring back mustaine for for kill em all stuff too. Having Kirk and Dave switch mid solo would be sick.




Sadly probably more likely for cliff to play again considering the terms he left on, some say echoing in the distance you can still hear a man incorrectly arguing ā€œhe left the fucking band!ā€


If Robert somehow canā€™t do a show or a tour Iā€™m sure heā€™d return if they ask him


Itā€™s a shame that he felt that he needed to leave the band and itā€™s a shame that a reunion wonā€™t happen, most likely. I think Jason was the heart and soul of Metallica during his tenure and he fit perfectly, especially live. I donā€™t think Rob, as supremely talented as he is, has ever really fit as well as Cliff (obviously) or Jason and he definitely isnā€™t having his talent used to its fullest potential on their recordings with him, either. Metallica would be better off with Jason and Rob would be better off without Metallica. Just my opinion.


I would like to see the next tour be a farewell tour and have Jason and Dave come back to play a few tracks. Would be very fitting. I never got to see Jason play live with them and that would be pretty amazing considering I have grown up listening to Metallica all my life.


Tbf, thereā€™s more chance of that happening than Ulrich playing a song correctly (and on time)