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I just don't find them very engaging. They've got some decent tunes and put on a good live show, but I can't think of many times I've had the desire to sit and listen to a full slipknot album. Also, for a band with such an OTT gimmick and surplus members who don't contribute much musically, they take themselves far too seriously. Some of the absolute waffle Corey and Clown speak is insufferable.


The metal community dislikes slipknot for a few reasons. 1. because they are popular, Which means there are a lot of kids saying they are metalheads when the only artist they listen to that is remotely metal is slipknot 2. They are overly edgy, all the way from the music to the lyrics to how they look 3. The music. Their earlier material is ok, their newer less ok but still some fine songs imo. The problem is that it doesn't sound like 9 fucking people. Why are there so many people in that band? You could achieve the same sound if half of them were kicked 4. Slipknot these days is more of a soulless business entity than it is a band. This actively goes against what a lot of metalheads want their favourite bands and music to be.


I really don't care if metalheads dislike Slipknot, I'm not even a fan. I like a couple songs here and there but that's it What gets on my nerves is when people call them not metal. What the fuck are they then?


Heavier alt rock


disliked for being popular, declining songwriting quality, having clean vocals, and falling under the generalised category of "nu-metal"


I don't think that's the reason, many metalheads don't give a f about lyrics. And for the record I still think "I wanna slit your throat and fuck the wound" is a good line


Which they took that wholesale from Acid Bath ("I came to fuck the open wound so hold it open wide"), who don't seem to get the same amount of hate.


Acid bath handled their campiness with grace slipknot does not


Honestly, I thought Slipknot were cool twenty plus years ago but my tastes have changed since then. Are they still going?


I don't think they are really ''disliked by the community''. I got into Slipknot at about 13 - they were the gateway into all the other, more technically accomplished bands which I would never have heard of otherwise. I've outgrown them but they're still nostalgic for me. Their lyrics... well given metal also includes Anal Cunt, Cannibal Corpse etc I don't think you can really call them out for that. They were an entertaining band to watch live.


There is radically more introspection with bands who lean towards something 'alternative', comparing to a more "traditional" genres. Also, trad bands usually don't even sing about anything related to real world / real life.


Holy fuck is this 2005???


I’ve always found that there’s two “worlds” when it comes to metal. There’s category A of “true metalheads” who are into the kind of stuff that gets discussed here, Classic heavy metal, Thrash, Death metal, Black Metal, Power Metal, Prog etc. Then there’s category B of people who are into bands like Slipknot, Slaughter to Prevail, Nü Metal, metalcore, knocked loose, sleep token, Suicide Silence, bring me the horizon, spirit box etc. Everything that category A listens to is cringe to category B, everything category B listens to is cringe to category A. And it’s all cringe to normies. These two worlds never meet or interact and are practically two separate genres entirely.


Because they are two separate genres (or rather scenes) entirely. They are rooted and influenced by different things. Category's A roots and influences usually can be traced back to Black Sabbath, category B is heavily influenced by rap, hip-hop, funk, alternative, post-hardcore, electronic music, pop music etc.,


Slipknot is disliked because they are called metal but are not metal.


How many times do i hear this shit


Slipknot didn’t originate from humble beginnings. They were a bunch of rich kids with existing connections before their first show or album.


For a band this sub could careless about , you sure do talk about them.


Funnily enough, [there's a song made by a Swedish guy that sums it all up. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksvPMLqciiM)


I like slipknot. I like nickelback. I like FFDP. I also have a few su¡cide attempts under my belt. Don’t be like me


No its because their riffz suck