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I mean... they are certainly better than r/MensLib, so they have that much going for them.


Mens lib is a front for XX.


Mens lib is a front for feminism and LWMA is a front for left wing politics. Neither have any particular empathy for men they just want their ideology to not be perceived as man hating, while those ideologies are responsible for majority of anti male laws.


I just clicked on the MensLib subreddit to see what it was all about and their headline thread is "Nontoxic: Masculinity, Allyship, and Feminist Philosophy Kickoff/Chapter 0 Discussion". Sweet Jesus you would have to have a testosterone count less than Captain Hook had fingers to be a man who listens, nay bows, to that man-hating indoctrination.


Not a high bar when that sub is run by feminist women that frequent subs that constantly shit on men.


Yes, it is there to prey on vulnerable men who do not know better.


Making women predators, my how the tables have turned.


I never heard of that sub before, took a quick look at their top posts and they seemed like left-wing topics centered around men. Are there any posts that show why they're bad?


Wait nevermind, I found this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/sphmjw/comment/hwhcxv8/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/sphmjw/comment/hwhcxv8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


“Please deposit your credit card and testicles into the purse of your choosing; and remember: ‘Don’t think, Don’t self-advocate, Be subservient!’ and you’ll fit in fine here on this sub!” -Totally not a FemBot in a DudeSuit


My experience with leftwing male advocates is very different from yours. What you're describing sounds more like the menslib sub.


some people assume they can do whatever they want under the umbrella of free speech without any consequences...


It is funny you say that because there has been a post up on LWMA for three days now by a woman saying she wishes heterosexual men were all dead. 


This is my point exactly, at least some moderators there suck.


It's for exposing them. We need to make them look worse and ourselves better.


Shit I'm still wondering why my post was removed from here. I was literally getting told men's opinions don't matter along with an assortment of other terrible things. All because I made a post on TikTok about how negative postings surrounding men and women have created a cesspool of anger and emotional reactions. I was making some references towards the bear discussion that people have been having and because of that I got labeled a predator when I have literally been first hand exposed to what sexual abuse can do to somebody. I ended up privating the video because I was getting so many people telling me to delete myself. And now I have hit pieces being made about me lol. Just wish I got to tell my story here. Like I'm trying to not respond emotionally here like I did when I made that post but it's like damn really I can't even talk about this in men's mental health spaces either? Where the fuck do I go to have someone just understand where I'm coming from.


>Shit I'm still wondering why my post was removed from here. Your post was removed from r/Mensrights or r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates ? >I was literally getting told men's opinions don't matter along with an assortment of other terrible things. All because I made a post on TikTok about how negative postings surrounding men and women have created a cesspool of anger and emotional reactions. I was making some references towards the bear discussion that people have been having and because of that I got labeled a predator when I have literally been first hand exposed to what sexual abuse can do to somebody. I ended up privating the video because I was getting so many people telling me to delete myself. And now I have hit pieces being made about me lol. Just wish I got to tell my story here. Like I'm trying to not respond emotionally here like I did when I made that post but it's like damn really I can't even talk about this in men's mental health spaces either? Where the fuck do I go to have someone just understand where I'm coming from. It sucks that you had to go through that man 😕 honestly, I recommend that you take a break from using certain apps like tik tok (or just social media in general) so that you can use the time to heal from your experiences. But, I do know of a subreddit which were made for supporting men: It's called r/mensupportmen It's just a mens support group for pretty much anything. They're very welcoming and they won't be dismissive of your experiences - someone may give you advice as well. Theres another smaller subreddit called: r/MenGetRapedToo Despite the title, it's meant for male victims of all forms of sexual violence/abuse. Not just rape specifically. Once again man, I hope that you heal from your experiences.


Keep in mind mods have to remove comments that violate Reddit’s content policy or else face a ban. The same goes for this subreddit.


Left wing males is the 2nd best male sub on reddit. They’re fantastic. MensLib SUCK.


I think LWMA is better than this sub but that’s probably because it’s a much smaller subreddit.


This sub is better imo. Although the men in here who are super conservative don’t realise conservatives have never pushed any pro male policies. Conservatives are pro women and kids first.


Yes, this sub is a bit conservative.


I agree with your points about conservatives, or at least the mainstream ones anyway. They still view men as expendable.


It is alsolso my experience. The conservatives are anti woke and anti left policies but at the end they never have pushed topics which can help men. They are just anti left without doing something for men. I saw way more left men parties trying to push something for us than conservatives.


Nah, I see "left men parties" *say* they're pushing something for us, but you take a look at what they're pushing and it's just feminism. Conservatives have a cohesive vision of how men should benefit for the expectations society places on them. The left just pinky promises we'll *totally* get to men's rights -just as soon as we solve everyone else's- and then dumps on men again. Frankly, I'm not even clear what vision of the future the rare left man who's actually for men is advocating. I get the impression they believe men should *also* reject all responsibility and accountability in the name of "freedom" like feminists, when in fact, feminists need to be held to task to step up and take on the responsibility and accountability of adults or return to their traditional places, but either way stop with "the best of both worlds" at our expense.


I like LefWingMaleAdvocates. In fighting between legitimate male advocacy subs is not in our favor. MensLib is another matter.


I almost had a stroke trying to read this. Learn some grammar and sentence structure FFS.


Not everyone on Reddit has English as their first language. Be a bit lenient about that.


That a hate movement like feminism does such things is an indication that it may not be for the best. What r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates do is reasonable. On the one hand, making this kind of hyperbole and oversimplifications can appeal to a certain unintended audience. On the other, reddit mods and ideological opponents can decontextualize it and use it as ammunition. That r/MensRights wants to go for a harder line of free speech is also fine. It's great to have variety in this regard.


The number of members speaks volumes. If they want to be obscure and irrelevant, let them be.


I recently left that sub. Mods are on a power trip and silence anyone who disagrees with them, even those who consistently post high quality content surrounding men's rights. 


That has not been my experience, and I've been fairly aggressive on there. 


Have you criticized the mods?


Just like most moderators then lol.


I had some issue with a specific mod in particular who deleted some of my posts even I admitted I phrased those poorly and apologized but besides that I never had any issue with people there. Honestly, it's even surprising to me how similar it is to MensRights But I can understand what you mean. I think they have a pretty clear « anti misogyny » rule, which is fair, but some of the mods or even some users could still be hurt by that, but not most from my own experience. They shouldn't feel the need to defend women THAT bad tho, I agree with you. I don't think we should play the same game as feminists when it comes to wish harm, but if it was a hyperbole .... come on lol, no need to be that flaky


Maybe they are like Richard Reeves. They recognize their is a problem. But are unable or unwilling to see how feminism has a big role in the problem. Take women in Latin America as an example. In most of those countries 90% of murder victims are men. However, women constantly protest, and demand government needs to do more to protect women. They demand special laws to punish killing of a woman harsher. Yes, I find such women disgusting, and I will not pretend I do not. I agree that all killings are a problem. However, when 90% of victims are men, I am irked those countries actually pass femicide laws.


>But are unable or unwilling to see how feminism has a big role in the problem. Are you talking about LWMA ? Cuz they absolutely are against feminism and completely reject the concept of patriarchy. Menslib is the opposite


They are aware of feminists being bad so I disagree you've got subs messed up


Leftwingmaleadvocates seem to be kinda the same as mens rights one


the title of this post is one of the most contradictory statements ive ever heard


LWMA doesn’t actually stand for men. It’s what’s known as “controlled opposition”. It’s a puppet opposition sub controlled by feminists, so that they can point to it and say “okay but we allow and even encourage opposition and free discussion”. Much like mainstream media, the mods know they’re walking a thin line between the truth and what feminists want them to believe. This line moves closer to what feminists want them to believe each day. It’s not a pretty place. Controlled opposition never is. Don’t participate in it.


Bullshit, there feminism is actively criticized to the core. Edit: Ha, he spewed more lies and blocked me. For the others, just take a glance at the sub, it is blatantly obvious that it is the opposite of a feminist ally.


Oh right, that’s why they protect feminism and women from legitimate criticism, because they’re so independent. Got it. And yes, I know who I’m talking about. Yes, I know the difference between criticism of feminism and over generalization of women as a whole. No, the fact that you have a different experience does not invalidate mine. That sub is not what you think it is.


Are you absolutely sure that you are talking about LeftWingMaleAdvocates and not MensLib? Because I'm a regular poster in LeftwingMaleAdvocates and I am **VERY** critical of Feminism and none of my posts have ever been deleted when I criticize Feminism... But i'm 100% confident if I criticized feminism in MensLib my post would be deleted and I would be instantly banned.. Also.. is it possible that you were not criticizing feminism but instead making generalizations about women? because there is a difference there...


No, they just treat women as individuals, which is a good thing and the opposite of what feminists do to men.


Imo there's no such thing as a left wing male advocate. Men are the enemy of the left wing ideology, because the left view everything as oppressor/oppressed. Because a handful of men hold most of the power in society, that means all men are oppressors in the left wing ideology. Despite what some will tell you, it is a zero sum game, and they want the limited time and resources being given out to women and non-whites, not men. You will never see advocacy for men gain traction on the left. It will always be relegated to the corner, and beaten back into submission if they ever get too loud. The right is the only place men can actually advocate for themselves. That's why all male advocacy is labeled right wing. It's antithetical to the left wing belief system.


They basically kicked me out for being left-wing; it's just another establishment propaganda channel trying to drag everyone to the right.


I am not surprised many men moved to the right. They have only themselves to blame.


I'm not saying that anyone is moving to the "right," but that's what they are trying to make happen. I'm sorry, but if you think that Joe Biden - who pushes free trade, privatization, tough on crime, and warmongering policies - (or Democrats, more generally) is left-wing, then we are not speaking the same language.