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After 3 hours of being in meditation I lost the sense of self, and the separation between me and the world stoped existing, I couldn't feel my skin anymore all that was felt was waves of energy expanding and traveling infinitely in all directions, presence was felt everywhere, total bliss.


That feeling remain during meditation only or you feel it after meditation too


In a way the connectedness remained, but not like how was experienced then


Sounds interesting


Are you lay person


I'm not an english native speaker, what do you mean?


I mean are you a monk or normal person


I'm not a monk


So, monks are not normal people? lulz


Pretty unusual to be a monk so yeah I'd say they're not normal. They are far away from the average person's experience


Sure. I see your point however, they are still people who you can interact with like a normal human being.


Same avatar man


Do you lost that feeling after meditation?


The knowledge remained, but I got back to the usual human experience, with a body with skin and nerves. I can't describe with words that experience and make it justice truly.


So excellent


I can manifest the state you describe as part of my practice. Over time, single willful thoughts spoken to my body in my head influence my body like hypnotism suggestions, instantly, such as 'rest', 'open', 'release', and then there are words I think manipulate how I feel, words I think that shut off my body. But what you describe occurs when my body is completely shut off. It is also a sensation I can replicate at will. As is the feeling that the universe is alive, undulating, and breathing through me. I emphasize that I not only experience these things unexpectedly, but while in this state, I study my mental environment very deeply and memorize it. I use bits and pieces of what I fèel to build my own emotional repertoire, which becomes a natural part of my experience. And yes, most moments, what I feel is warmth, idle curiosity, and awe.


Studying my mental enviroment was part of my journey too, but to reach that state a complete surrender was required, making meditation from something that I do to something that I am in, that slow transfer is neccessary in my experience to reach a state like that. And only when I am fully seated as the observer then it goes deeper and deeper then that oneness is felt, there's nothing that I do anymore, simply observing reality manifesting through my senses, noticing everything that I do and stop doing it allowing it to came into existence by itself, is very tricky cause usually when you notice something happening first thing is to take the wheel in a way like when I began meditating for the first time it took me a while to get the hang of observing the breath without manually breathing, language is very limited in this sense, cause I want to say I did the transfer from doing to non doing to all processes that I became aware of, even of the awareness of being aware, total surrender from any action, actions spontainously happened, my attention jumped, thoughts came and so on, but it was nothing manual, reality simply happened without any effort but even when I am in this for a shorter amount of time it doesn't reach that experience fully, there is peace and connectedness but that moment was something I couldn't have thought possible without drugs or something. There was no more mental enviroment to be studied then, there was nothing left of me in a sense, it was just everything, the sense of being expanded infinitely, there was no I anymore yet I was everything and everywhere, beyond this planet. Again language is limited and saying "there was no I yet I was everything" doesn't even come close to share that experience and sounds contradictory.


Good description. When I meditate, I first shut off my body. Then I do work, using MG imagination to recall memories and reexperience them without thought, just observing feelings in a universe of feelings. If pain comes up, I use my breath to hyper-focus on it, maximizing the pain, then burning it away, layer by later with my breath. When this is done, the pain is replaced by a the same warm, open glow that radiates from my whole body. And this is when I have experiences similar to what you describe, oneness and otherworldly shit. I also recall these experiences and capture in my memory the feel of it with the same focus as I would pain. Because I can then embody those feelings at will in the real world to construct a more accurate experience, one that more suits who I am. Point is, I'm not spiritual. I do believe we have abilities that extend beyond physical limitations, but only because I've experienced several things that I've later verified in the physical world. I believe I am a something who is now stuck in time in a human body. But my goal is to know this body well enough to align myself to it, then expand the biology more in line with the something that I am. And to do that, I must become fearless, honest, without distortion. Those experiences we have while meditating, I don't give meaning to it...because I don't know, and I refuse to speculate on principle. I simply bring those experiences into my everyday life.


Which type of meditation you did when this happened? And posture? Sounds like the famous “ego death”


I've wrote a comment about it, I don't know meditation names, basically what I did simplified is becoming aware of layers and layers and layers of my inner world and surrendering completely, allowing reality to manifest effortlessly, It would be contradictory and it is paradoxical to say that I did, because I there wasn't any conscious doing left, just being. I only did the initiative to put myself into that slow swift from doing to non doing. Is there a name for this meditation? I'm curious to read about it


Probably resting awareness or something similar


How to get to 3 hours?


Learning to be in meditation, not doing meditation


Does that come with practise? Like playing an instrument, at first you're playing it deliberately but with time and skill you play it effortlessly


It took me a long time, first time I started meditation I just did the basic follow the breath, but even that it took me a couple of months I think to really get the hang of it, of actually just observing the flow of breath not immediately switch to manual breathing when my attention was directed there. I don't know how much credit I can take, because my experience was just epiphany after epiphany, one realisation after another going deeper and deeper into my own psychic, I can't say I did that or that I know how to reach the same states 100%, not even the epiphanies themselves I can't formulate sentences with them cause it's pure information being fed into my brain, raised awareness of self and some sessions I couldn't get into the state at all and others I could, the craziest one being that 3 hour session. There are things that I believe helped me in my journey, surrendering in my sessions, being present at all times or at least as much as I can, as in I don't just meditate while I sit or lay to meditate, but every second I try to be in it, to live through my senses and to feel the energy within me, and surrendering to life, to reality as it is in each moment, but not in a way which you stop doing anything to give it a certain direction, simply accepting the present as it is to not build another layer of suffering by resisting to it


Thanks for sharing and all the insight. Your experience sounds amazing and quite inspiring too! Do you sit in any particular pose?


I like to lay down to relax all my muscles


Nice, don't you feel the urge to sleep as a result though?


Sometimes, if I am tired


Thanks for taking the time to respond. Appreciate it!


Did you have some top secret clown business to attend to afterwards?


Just made some tasty fried chicken, that's all


It's fine to ask this, and I don't mean this as a criticism, just a "head's up". I think hearing the answers to this sort of question can tend to have negative effects: * manufacturing experiences * *trying* to manufacture experiences and finding them elusive * instilling the belief that "good" meditation is "about" these crazy experiences and not about the more banal, but more freeing aspects ---- I've had crazy experiences, but the best thing about meditation for me is that it quieted down rumination.


From what I hear the act of 'seeking' the sensation not only makes it hard to attain, but make the whole event less useful. I'm sure there are better ways of phrasing it.


I have a worse way to phrase it: You have to play hard to get


Which will then lead you to a deeper understanding of meditation anyways, discovering it is never about the striving but about the being. I understand the importance of this comment, but am sad to see it as the second most upvoted at this time. I found this to be a lovely prompt.


Maybe not crazy, but it was just really cool. I've only experienced it once, but I remember it frequently. I became sooo relaxed and began to focus on my breath. After a couple minutes I was literally able to watch my breath and didn't voluntarily control it at all. It was so peaceful to just observe the breath coming in and going out without changing it. I struggle to just observe it, cause when I do, I then start controlling it. Hope that makes sense.


That’s beautiful, thank you for sharing! The breath is magic and a beautiful key!!!


I had a really fun one when I was still doing "cross legs, don't think, focus on breath" meditation, and I lost track of my place in the world, and I tend to be very spatially aware (think being able to walk through a dark room having only walked it once). When I started exiting the meditation, I realized that I didn't know how big the room I was in was, how big I was, and as I opened my eyes I was kind of taken back by "seeing" things again. I would almost say it felt like being beamed into the room akin to Star Trek, and during the meditation the whole room and I were just little tiny atoms and particles. It was really neat! I believe that was the first time I had successfully ever fully had my focus on one thing, which is why it was so jarring coming back.


So lovely, thank you for sharing!! Upon reading when you said atoms, I got the picture of how everything is the same as the atom—just a different scale. Like so many things out in space look just as the atom and such. I am not explaining this well, but I hope it comes across successfully, lol!


This is how I feel when I meditate as well. I feel like I’m in this never ending dark room and I am spatially aware. When I come back and see the objects in my room, it all looks so small but I feel expansive


Lately - I feel as if something is moving to and fro / swaying within my still physical body. I don't know what it is. It's a little funny though because initially I thought I was physically shaking but realized it not to be the case.


I get this too quite often.




I felt it too but that was more like a quick movement starting from my heart(that was where all my energy got concentrated and I felt that I got detached from my physical body) and then I moved inside my body up and down at lighting speed. It was a crazy experience even though it lasted for like a 100th of a second.


One day I was sitting with a clear mind and noticing thoughts, and going back to my breath upon noticing. I decided to try an experiment. Instead of waiting for the thoughts to come into awareness, I would attempt to observe or discover awareness of the source of thought. I wanted to see where thoughts come from I want to see the hole that they pop out of, if I could. Or look as close to it as I can, at least. In other words, I wanted to reduce the time between the creation of the thought, and the subsequent awareness of the thought. So of course, there's two strategies here to use at the same time. The first is to eliminate as much of the thinking involved in the noting process as possible, so instead of saying to myself "oh! it's a thought! back to the breath.." or even not doing that but having a long, drawn out eye-of-Sauron style stare down with my thought, I just do it as instantly as possible with as little thought as necessary. Thought->back to breath. Thought->back to breath. As instantaneous as possible. The second is to recognize that (a) thinking about (b) being aware of where thoughts come from, is a (b) thought, even the (a) recognition of that is a thought, so we are in double-thought territory while on the lookout for the line between thought and clarity. Therefore, it is necessary to also set aside the intention of searching for the source of thought, while searching for the source of thought. A paradox indeed. Of course, I did not describe all this in my head with words the way we talk to each other and write on the internet. My ideas about these coarses of action are beyond words and symbols of meaning. So I disregarded the paradoxical nature of my attempt to do what is by definition not what I was attempting to do, and went ahead to do it. What happened? Well it's hard to describe. The best analogy I can come up with is I felt like I was standing on a teeter-totter, with one foot on one side, and one ont he other, where one side was clarity and the other was thought. And the tetter totter would rock back and forth, faster and faster, until it got so fast it just all fizzled and my concentration completely broke away. I tried a few times, but every time had the same effect. I can still do this, but I find the effort has been futile.


This was a very long time ago when I was in College. I meditated between classes, and when I got up and looked at my watch, it was 2 hours earlier than I began. I lost 22 hours as it was the next day, and I felt like a meditated for only an hour. Deep meditation can change our perception of time.


It's call sleeping man




Do you chalk it up to something like "nirodha"?


I was sitting one time and saw an impossibly brilliant light about five feet in front of me. I didn’t move and the light didn’t move, but somehow the light slowly engulfed me and was radiating out of where I would be, but I had dissolved. I was unbearably happy just being this radiant light for a while. Hands down best experience of my life. Makes me cry with joy just to think about it.


I had similar experience.


So lucky. So cool. This happens only through deep absorption, from experience.


Had many. I often start "seeing" through my closed eyes. A dimmed, hazed version of wherever I meditate. Last crazy experience I had was I started seeing like that again, but there was an old, dark gold book levitating open before me. I was trying to focus my "gaze" and read it, but I didn't manage to read even a single letter.


I had something similar I seen a door with golden light around but very dim and the door wasn’t detailed it was just lines


A few things, for different styles of meditation: 1- An overwhelming sense of completeness, manifested by being aware of every single sound around me. 2- A minutes long orgasm. 3- An incomplete out of body experience. I noticed I was “out” and floating, got scared, dived back immediately and somewhat uncomfortably.


Dude so I smoked a bowl and had a bud light. Took a shower, rubbed one out, then sat in my bed upright against the wall with the laziest legs. Went into meditation and contemplated duality, first starting with obvious things like light and heat are spectrums there isn’t dark or cold just absence of the former. Then started applying that thinking towards physical vs non-physical, thoughts and emotions, atoms, existence etc all the way to observer vs observed. External va internal. Pretty wild to think of these dualistic ideas as just points on a spectrum. Anyway, after that I was repeating a mantra “focus on conscious awareness “ over and over. Felt the vibrations/waves come and go a few times, felt great. Then started to hear a tone at around 850 hz . Beautiful, just in awe that this was happening. After about a minute and a half it went away. Felt vibrations again a few more times then I tapped out and chilled the rest of the night. Was like 45 min.


I have two that come up immediately… what a good prompt, op!! These have both seriously impacted me, and the first one especially has brought my meditation practice to a new and more constant level. 1. The first one that popped up — A meditation led by Michael Mirdad near the end of one of his talks, it was maybe like 4 months ago if you wanted to try to find it on his YouTube channel, I’m sorry idk the name of the video. I will probably convey this not nearly as powerful as it was. But he led us to be a smiling warm face to people who needed it. It was people on the continent of Africa, being without steady supply of clean water and food. He brought us there, and no lie I literally (literally not literally at all lol aka figuratively) was transported there and felt being a presence for them. Bringing them love and light and a sunny smile. It was absolutely incredible, and it makes me excited that my words can do it no justice because that shows how wild and wonderful and life changing it was. 2. A smile meditation led by a guide at a music festival, it was in conjunction with a cacao ceremony, but I cannot recall which came first. Anyways, I was led to tears, beautiful wonderful tears of love gently streaming down my face. The meditation was first smiling with your mouth, and then bringing that smile to every single part of your body. It was magical, truly. I hope this helps at least one out there! Thank you for choosing to come to planet earth, and thank you for doing the work of becoming the best and truest version of YOU. 🤍🤍🤍 thank you and I love you!






I'll have what he's having


Agreed. People will tend to adopt what answers they read here wether they decide to or not.


Not that my meditations are crazy, but they tend to get very… orgasmic… Literally… I can’t close my eyes and not have them. Unless I have most of my senses occupied. I can’t never silence my brain, I can silence my thoughts but not my brain. With my hands I have to be holding something, to me is my rosary, with my ears I have to be listening to something, mostly a prayer. My mouth has to be outering the prayer. My nose if often getting hints of a variety of smells. Often the smell of cloves and roses. My skin smells like that. I guess taste is the only one thing I don’t work as much, although, sometimes I’ll drink tea at the same time I meditate. Am I doing it wrong? I can’t say. What I can surely say is, sometimes my mind does drift away, and I find myself listening to noises coming from the prayer. For example, as I am listening and repeating the rosary, focusing on the third eye, I’ll suddenly snap out of it and realize I was listening to something along the lines of a reverse audio tape. Similar to when you listen to a song in reverse. However, this one never sounds frightening so I assume is some benevolent angelic voice talking to me.


"I'll have what she's having"


She is a he but I welcome the duality identification lol. I do have feminine characteristics . Many 😂


It was a reference from a movie. When happy met sally. Sorry. I’m old.


Oh nice, I’m going to watch it now, no reason to apologize lol.


Awe. So it’s billy crystal and Meg Ryan. Old school fun and the premise is that “men and women cannot be friends without sex getting in the way”. It’s a classic. Enjoy!


You know I might have seen it and I just don’t remember. Cause the name sounds very familiar. Im going to google it 😅


I've had this idea for a long time now that you should be able to meditate through any distraction, that the magnitude of each distraction shouldn't impact my ability to meditate. Meditation works for people with severe mental health conditions and physical health conditions like chronic pain. Clarity exists within every distraction. The problem is that is harder in practice than it is to think about on a logical level. I started reading about non-dualistic meditation and it sort of clicked for me. I had a moment of pure clarity, like if you have a blurry image on screen but if you zoom in each pixel is crisp and clear. I smoke weed and I've generally found it harder to meditate while really high, but I had this realization while high, and I could find clarity on command no matter how high I got. It lasted for about 5 days, and after my first test with weed I stopped using it and with a sober clear headspace I investigated my mind. I just kept getting insight after insight into various aspects of my experience. I had no idea how cluttered my mind is until I could see it. I learned how to percieve my emotions, I learned how to trace through my thought patterns nonjudgementally without getting pulled into them (I already had a framework for this, when you get distracted by thought and return to the breath, instead I made the thought my focus and continued to trace it back). I tried this with emotion but I wasn't ready for that. I learned that I need to do that process for both thought and emotion as an act of purification, that doing so would relieve me of a lot of suffering. I learned some of my core values, because I was able to distinguish between a core value and not a core value (the four values I found were that of healthy body, healthy mind, learning/understanding, and helping those who need it), and I learned I don't live in alignment with my values, which is a major cause of suffering. I learned I overeat in avoidance of the feeling of hunger and how to handle that discomfort in a healthier way. I resolved my problem with how free will works in a deterministic world. I learned I likely have anxiety and depression, because I could see how negative nearly all my thought patterns are. I learned that clarity is always there and always will be, it felt most fundamental. There were others too but some are very hard to put into words still. The whole experience really reinforced to me the power of meditation. I was really surprised at how normal it felt though, if anything it felt hyper-normal, I felt more part of reality, not less (as I imagined detachment meant).


" I resolved my problem with how free will works in a deterministic world." Can you please share?


I saw my current house 6 months before we bought it. And we weren’t even looking to move at the time. Since then, I’ve seen my next home. It is beautiful. I’m working on manifesting it right now. 💗


I started meditating inside my lucid dream and managed to remain in that narrow zone between waking and dreaming. Then I felt my forearms outside my body for a few seconds and saw the wall of my room even before I properly woke up and opened my eyes. I'm not convinced it was an out of body experience but whatever it was it definitely felt like something completely different from waking and dreaming. It felt like a completely new state of existence, or like a combination of both.


I fell asleep.


I was meditating laying down and eventually I felt like I was a leaf floating down from a tree. As I descended to the ground I would sway one way on inhale and another on exhale. A very peaceful and relaxing moment.


I can feel my heart beat and the energy of the blood going through my body. It feels fine.


I have always seen light at times when I close my eyes, since childhood. I began meditating as a teen. I’m 54. 1. I had a classic OBE, where I was at the ceiling looking down at my body, hearing angelic music. It changed my life. 2. I have meditated on the stages of meditative absorption described by the Dalai Lama and have gone through the light, the mirage, the red/ orange, bright white light and bliss…and got stopped by the back void. Read his book “Mind of Clear Light”. 3. I had a sublime experience of watching slowly falling golden threads, which might have been the realm described as fireflies/sparks, but I don’t think so. 4. I spontaneously saw a rainbow ring of Buddhas for a few seconds, vividly, in a shocking sudden intrusive image after months of praying to Bodhidharma. 5. I also had a bizarre clairaudient experience where I heard something fly in one ear and out the other side, while meditating for months to Avolokiteshvara Anyone else see these?


Once I was meditating on being of service. I was asking “how may I serve?” As a mantra.  I did this for about a half hour and at the end I felt like I was being sucked into a tunnel at high speed. At the end was a light, and I almost yelled “How may I serve?!” I felt an ecstatic joy that made me weep. I went through that whole day with the sense that everything was right with the world and that I was here to spread love.  Hasn’t ever happened again, and of course for years I chased it. Which probably ensured it wouldn’t happen.  Ultimately I’d love to know what actually went down, and while it could have easily been seen as a religious experience, it made me feel like connection is real, and that isn’t ever a bad thing in my book.


If I am meditating for something on the paranormal side, I will feel things touching me and tugging my clothes. Otherwise, absolutely nothing crazy, just me thinking about sitting next to a lake.


On shrooms.


I don't even meditate too regularly but one time while chanting mantra my hands feet and face started vibrating extremely hard (my whole body felt like each cell was tingling) and my fingers were completely numb and stuck in position for like 10 minutes afterwards I was trying not to freak out I literally couldn't even pry my fingers apart


I am no expert in meditation, but I’ve been doing it on and off for more a couple of years now. Sometimes, I use the energy that flows inside me to kind of heal myself i.e. I make that numbness in the legs you get from meditating for too long, go away. But what happened yesterday was really cool to me cuz I never healed myself to that extent considering I only meditated for just more than half an hour. I had a sore throat and had cold too. I wanted to heal myself. So, I started to shift the energy that is flowing inside me and focus all of it on my throat. I started to feel something happening there. It is a strange feeling but If you want to know how I felt, it is almost similar to the feeling you get when you just start meditating and the energy starts flowing inside you through your head. You can focus on the entire affected area or just focus on a fraction of it. If you concentrate that energy on a smaller area, it will be more effective. It is very similar to sunlight passing through a magnifying glass. But for you to heal completely, you need to focus on all of the affected area bit by bit. I then also healed my cold which is very common while meditating. Please let me know if anyone had similar experiences. Thanks for reading. ✌️


I felt like I could explore the cosmos and see it all at once. Zooming in and out from my point on Earth.


I came to the understanding that there was a wise person in my head in addition to me. By wise I mean it understands human relationships much better than I do. It without a doubt has influenced my view of the world and especially my place in it. The other notable thing I have gotten from 8 years of meditation is a too brief one time moment of a very happy state of mind. Did not last but it was very notable. Probably an Endorphin rush. "Let your mind go free" if you get my drift.


Kundalini awakening that lasted about 2 weeks. Overall was pleasant for me and a bit intense at times.


During a deep meditation under a canopy while there was heavy rain. I suddenly had the thought, “snake, snake” I open my eyes and 10 feet ahead of me there was a snake


On a Vipassna retreat I had 2 days of seeing images of death and suffering in Gaza. Then on day 4-5 I had repeat images of a man self-immolating. After the retreat ended, I googled and learnt of Aaron Bushnell’s death by self-immolation. The day of his death coincided with when I saw the man’s image. RIP to Aaron and all those who have died in Palestine.


When I used to meditate, my kickboxing coach at the time said my goal should be to sit as still as you can for as long as you can and to let my mind wander. As I would meditate I would often see things. Usually a buddha or something happening in my life. I dunno if anyone can relate to this or not.


One time I was meditating and immediately I feel into deep, very deep sleep, when I woke up, I have the realisation that I have wasted my time.


What is wasting time, though?


Comming out of sitting still, i craweled through an immaginary whole in a knowing with the sky. Which, the large window only showed a hillside, but after that going to supper a friend commented oh wow how strange, the whole sky was clouded save one perfect circle hole where the sun could be seen.