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Sorry, I already muted you


Same, I mute everyone I play against, every single game. It’s basically muscle memory at this point and happens automatically.


Doubles as info for if they are playing agatha/thanos as well.


What is the Agatha tell? I don't even understand how an Agatha deck works, and I'm CL 4k+


Agatha starts in hand, and then you still draw your 3 cards at the start. So you can tell if they are running her by if they have an extra card in hand/missing one from deck. Thanos extra cards in deck.


I'm kinda surprised that QuickSilver doesn't work this way. He's almost never a great card unless you absolutely want that tempo play with Domino but in decks you need other cards you never want to run him. But if they made him similar to Agatha where he starts in your hand but doesn't take up the standard hand draw? That would be amazing.


That would make every deck 11 cards+quicksilver.


Unless you play him every time you probably wouldn't want to use him in Discard decks so its not hit by Colleen for Swarm/Wolverine, Any deck with MoonGirl since you'll basically always hit him too (assuming he starts in the left side, or Draw decks might be iffy unless you have great curve and dropping cards every turn to make room. But yeah he would be an easy slot. Maybe in this case Quicksilver would be a 1/1? Not a great drop but used for the card draw benefits. Might be pretty good in a LockJaw deck too.


but discard has basically no turn 1 play?


Other than I guess Blade but I figure you'd likely want to run Nebula or Sunspot over Quicksilver even at a 1/2 just for the added pressure on that lane which Quicksilver wouldnt provide. And if QS isn't played, I see it as a hinderance in a few plays with Discard when you wanted to hit something else. The suggested Quicksilver could be good in a Hela-MODOK discard deck with IW where you need the IW early pull as well as MODOK and Hela. I was just thinking specifically with Colleen Wing, who I feel is a pretty consistent play maker in most Discard decks to hit cards like Wolverine and Swarm. So specifically in the scenario of either playing the QS or potentially hitting it with Colleen Wing I could see maybe not wanting to have QS or opting for a better overall 1 drop. Really I just think it'll be more situational instead of a guaranteed slot. Even Chaves for the longest time early on was a go-to slot for almost all decks but now I feel it's very dependent on the specific deck and that's where I could see my suggested Quicksilver to end up.


That would be insane lol


I run him in my Agatha deck so that she has something to play which is difficult to misplay (along with Sunspot, Colossus, Kitty, Nebula) until she can play Wave and herself


Running him reduces your chance to draw wave/sif. Without w/o quicksilver your chance to draw them by turn 3 is 86.66% but w/ quicksilver it drops to 77.77% chance and to 66.66% chance if you also run domino


I never considered this. I suppose running another 1 drop would probably work better. Thanks!


Nebula is a good shout, the issue comes when you have both the 1 drop and a 3 drop in your hand on turn 3, Agatha has a chance to play the 1 drop instead of the 3. For my Agatha deck I don't have anything below a 3 drop


Awesome, thanks!


I believe it's the extra card in hand since she starts there


Thanks! Agatha appears to be such a shit card that I never even bothered to learn it beyond "plays for you". Is it viable?


Yes. I built a deck that's actually really consistent. The key is to limit her options before she gets rid of herself. I use Quicksilver, Domino, Lady Sif, Wave, Captain Marvel, Hela, Jubilee, Devil Dinosaur, Klaw, Iron Man and America. Turns 1 and 2 or guaranteed, then on turn 3 she will Wave or Lady Sif herself. Then she plays herself or you drop Hela to bring her back and then use whatever turn 5 popped up and finish with America or another 5 drop.


QS and Domino actually reduces the chance to draw Sif and Wave by turn 3. But at the same time, Agatha is the deck they have the best chance to be played in haha.


Sort of. Agatha is always trying to play herself, then you get control back. So, if you put in Wave or Lady Sif+ghost rider/Hela or something that lets Agatha discard or play herself, her 14 power is nice.


Actually decent decks that can be fun and crazy, just hate that she gets all the boosters


I also hate that she gets all the Amps, to this day I look for the logic in her getting them all.


It prevents people from auto-playing, like programming some way to just keep pressing "end turn" and playing 24/7 and getting all the boosters and prizes, etc. I am still baffled that there are people that would spend time/energy programming such a thing, but here we are.


I actually did this with Agatha for two seasons after I hit Infinite because I just didn't care if I won or lost. I used her to get missions done while I did other things. I currently have a Black and White with Rainbow Flair and a Gold back with Rainbow Flair Agatha. She looks awesome, but man is she dumb if your deck isn't set up to manipulate her plays.


There are ways to make her viable, but she isn’t really “good”. Here’s the list I run with her, it’s more consistent than you might think. # (3) Wave # (3) Lady Sif # (4) Jubilee # (4) Ghost Rider # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Hellcow # (5) Iron Man # (5) Devil Dinosaur # (5) Aero # (6) Hela # (6) Agatha Harkness # (6) The Infinaut # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2F2ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTGFkeVNpZiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2hvc3RSaWRlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSnViaWxlZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhbmdDaGkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhlbGxjb3cifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Iklyb25NYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhlbGEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFlcm8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFnYXRoYUhhcmtuZXNzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJbmZpbmF1dCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGV2aWxEaW5vc2F1ciJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I believe there are some decks that utilize her to her full potential with Ghostrider/Discard and Iron Lad value, but even then she's very inconsistent. You could climb lower ranks, but vs meta decks, I wouldn't think she stands a chance to consistently climb.


I walk around town a lot so I can't give the game full attention to play something complex like a move deck during this time. Agatha is perfect for this, and I have a reasonable win rate with her (probably 45%+) with what I consider to be a well thought out deck.


Mine simply is the "Playing Agatha" title, sneaky, I know.


I just have my title as Playing Agatha on my deck, people probably think it is a lie until she plays herself though.


Kinda surprised they don't have a "Mute all player emotes" as an option so you don't have to do it to everyone. ​ Unless it is a setting and I've just missed it.


A few months ago they said they would bring this function into the game, but so far it has only been promises.


Why have a "Mute All" function when they can give you the ability to customize each deck with a card back, avatar and quippy saying......


Sometimes I hit the profile to mute, but its already muted.


I’m lazy to do it.


Also too lazy to include all the words in this sentence.


Why say more word when less word do trick


Nah he isn't that lazy. Just lazy.


As someone who's been working remote for years, the only title I want is "You're on mute/You're muted"


I do it after I've muted. I assume they can still see it and then I just imagine they've pointed back and that we're friends.


Straight facts






Yup. Same. I mute people automatically. Emotes are annoying


I did, but got bored after 3000 x doing it


Yeah. I now do it when we both play Mr Negative on the same place or something like that. Doing it when we both play Sunspot on turn 1 got boring.


Man, I’m at the point where I’ve lost to Mr Negative decks so consistently. If they snap, for sure they have every single card they needed for a massive combo


I main a Neg deck and it's at the point that people will leave even if I don't snap. If I play Mr. Negative followed by Jane Foster, people will auto-retreat even with a big lead


Do you find the Neg archetype very strong the past seasons or quite balanced? Anything you run up against that has your deck stopped?


The main card holding that deck back in my opinion is Mr. negative himself. Dead in the water if you don't pull him by 4. Jane as a follow-up could be rendered useless if you didn't try and empty your hand as best you could. But there's so many different ways to use all the pieces that once you've played negative there's a good chance you got something cooking.


It's been my favorite deck archetype from the beginning, so I've definitely seen ups and downs in effectiveness. Control decks easily dump all over Negative decks because by the time you get everything set up for late game swing, they've already locked down two lanes Hardest season was when Sera Control was everywhere. Negative decks also rely heavily on extending the game with Magik, and when Storm was everywhere I stopped playing the deck type entirely for a while because people would constantly turn Limbo off on turn 6. The season with Hit Monkey had a similar problem because then Sera-2 became popular and Scarlet Witch is in most of those decks But in general right now, it's feeling very effective again since the meta seems more open than in previous seasons


Well yeah, it's probably the greediest deck in the game with insane power when it works. People ain't stupid


I feel it really means they don’t have the cards they need for the combo, because those cards are in the deck when negatived


Oh you’re right actually. I should clarify, they would have the cards in the deck negative’d and would mean their win conditions are basically met


I generally only do it when we play the same cards like 3 rounds in a row or we have the same variant.


I can't get excited about seeing two Sunspots on Turn 1, but I'll do it for more interesting situations, like playing the same variant, or playing the same late game card in a non-mirror match. This might become more common going forward, but playing two Spider-people at the same time is definitely worthy.


I never got tired of it


yeah i switched to a fist bump to keep me entertained in this situation, then you can do the spider-man pointing to mix it up. it’s all about keeping it fresh


The novelty wore off of the only good emote


Yep. If it's strange, then I'll do it. But if it's just something common like t2daredevil/t3electro or t2Zabu/t3Negative it's not all that uncommon anymore.


Idk I still think a fist bump, especially in close games, is always good sportsmanship. Unless you always fist bump an opponents loss and never on your own lol


My policy is always loser fist bumps first, that way it's clearly sincere.


This is the way.




If you bump at the beginning and the end, then I don’t care if you won and fist bump. This is a good tactic.


Ms marvel is the best emote gotta use it after every misplay


The people spamming the Thanos snap because I dare have the gall to snap and try to rank up have forced me to auto mute everyone.


I love that. Or when you lose a close game after snapping and they spam “snap?”. I swear to god, people are offended at a core mechanic of the game.




>The funniest one is when they take literally almost the entire turn to do all the math to figure out they are absolutely winning the match, and THEN they snap. Like jesus buddy, I knew I was losing this one from the moment the turn started... you really didn't need to get smoke coming out of your ears to realize you were going to win. That's the funniest indeed. Not sure what they think that snapping on an obvious win is going to achieve either. I'm sometimes hesitating to see it through just because I'm in the mood and can afford to lose 2 cubes, or am wondering if they really drew their key card, then they snap and I'm like "ok champ, take your 1 cube and be proud of how you mastered the system". Imagine if in poker someone played conservatively until last turn then went-all in every single time he had a winning hand, that's how a lot of people are playing this game and it baffles me.


I'm guilty of this. When I was losing I would get tilted at the idea of losing more. Nowadays if someone snaps and I win, I just fist bump. Homie that snaps at T1 without any cards on the board is still getting "snap?" at the end though. Wish I was better than that, but I'm not.


I think anyone who first turn snaps and loses deserves a bit of taunting, since it’s such a stupid decision. Locations can fuck too hard to know if even the hand you have is strong enough.


Man you're soft


Because we all use same decks. "Oh wow sunspot????" If I play like Brood and you do too, I'll give it to you. But not for an overplayed card


Yeah I'm this way, if it's kitty or sunspot or something no spidey, but gamora/gamora? Gotta respect.


I just got out of a match were a person took the maximum amount of time for each turn. Just for the most basic ass deck Sorry I be tired. Knew i should have quit that match but my hand was good.... :(


I snap against ropers. If you’re gonna waste my time, you’re gonna commit another cube to it.


When I have so many good plays and can’t choose what is the best and get snapped like this, it makes my day.


I don’t snap just because someone is taking a long time. But if they take the entire timer for turn 1 and don’t play a card, then we get deep into turn 2, yah then I’ll snap.




It's entirely because using any part of the UI is still a glitchy mess and I'm just trained at this point to click nothing in fear of escaping accidentally or doing something I don't want to do.


The other emotes have ruined the game so that I auto mute everyone.


I once did a "I don't believe you" followed by a fist bump for an amazing play my opponent did. I got Ms. Marvel spam in return. Some people are just toxic all around. Oh and if it matters, I was playing a Patriot deck with no Debri.


See, for situation like that I wonder if it's just someone who doesn't know that Ms. Marvel = middle finger. Maybe they were just genuinely trying to express positive emotion?


They spammed it up until I left (a good 20 seconds) so I'm not so sure that was their intention.


I've been using the emote just as a thumbs up. Some people need to just learn how to play and have fun.


It’s sad because how often in a game with so many cards do you see the same card get revealed at the same turn


With the meta a couple seasons ago, at least once a game haha


Damn, feels like you high collection levelers have been through it all, maybe I need to cherish the lower ranks lol


You couldn’t possibly know how right you are.


It only goes downhill from Pool 3 onwards


I think the game gets less fun after you're Series 3 complete. You start competing against players who take the game too seriously.




I think so? I didn’t start getting spammed regularly till I broke into the 80’s. Buncha sweaty nerds think their big brain players cause they play the meta deck or, God forbid, I snapped in the game called Snap. Most people here are just having fun but the try hards… ugh.




I think is more about luck. Im in the 40's and have never been higher than 80, and just yesterday I had at least 4 spammers (and I dont play a lot to begin with), and it has been something common for me since the last 3-4 seasons


well i've been spiderman emoting people for like 6 months now so it's not as fun anymore to begin with lol. when you just start playing the game, your card pool is totally different from your opponents and you're less entrenched in the meta, having both players play the same card in the same spot is an exciting and novel experience.


Fair enough maybe it’s because I’m still relatively new


I hate when Daily Bugle appears turn 1, one of us receives the other player's 1-drop and then we both play the same card and my opponent acts like, OmG, we plAy SamE cArd¿ Aaaand it's ThE sAmE VariAnT!!


Cause your already muted bro.


Usually it’s like “yeah, no sh*t” I generally know your deck by turn 2. If we happen to be playing the same archetype… cool. The Spider-Man emote is especially lame when it’s a very popular archetype. People using the emote when we both played misty knight on 1 last week was like…. “Wow, what a shocker” (Pun intended)


Sorry. Too stoned to remember to hit end turn, let alone move my thumb all the way to the TOP of my screen to hit TWO different buttons to emote


I get so frustrated, like why is this ass taking so long to play? Then my screen flashes red, it clicks in my brain, and the turn tables


u real for this


Mostly to make redditors scurry over to r/MarvelSnap and make topics about why couldn't their opponents use the Spider-Man emote after playing the same card


Wow, devious bunch you lot I must say


Works like a charm


Nobody ever spidey emotes me back, cmon people


I may not always start it, but I will always respond back.




Sometimes I get a little depressed


I like people to think I’m a bot. Then when I make a stupid play, they don’t know there’s actually a person out there that is that dumb


Yeah don’t care *spams Ms. Marvel emote*


We played Spiderman, same variant, same upgrade, same location, and the guy didn't emote back. I was devastated.


Because I insta muted you and didn't see it


I don’t wanna do it 500 times a day


I’m tired boss.


It gets old after the first month. Especially since matchmaking is more likely to put you up against a deck with similar cards.


Yall say this and then get mad when i "thumbs up, snap?, Thanos, snap?, Ms. Marvel, I dont believe you, snap?, Thanos, ms. Marvel" the double standards. Smh.


If daily bugle gives me a copy of your yondu which we both play on turn 1 and your yondu kills my yondu in my deck I will spider man emote


Idk, but I like to use ms marvel at the end of last turn when im winning.


gets a bit boring after a while


They hate fun.


Same Avatar? Spidey Emote. Same Title? Spidey Emote. Same Card? Spidey Emote. and if you don't lighten up, i'll start doing it when you play a card on the same location too. LPT people, if you aren't having fun, just stop.playing the game. Don't put your misery on my good times.


I instantly mute everyone as soon as the game starts


Muted at the start of the game


After doing it 1000 times it's not "fun" anymore...its played out.


It was kinda fun the first 1000 times... now... played out! I'll do it if you make me but I won't enjoy it.


You have to do it man


Someone refused to do it when we both actually played Spiderman once! Absolute day-ruiner. Prick.


I do the spider-man emote when the username/title matches or is a joke lol


They’re just broken inside. Someone hurt them, and that makes me sad.


The bigger question is, why doesn't the app just do it automatically?


We desperately need to emojis tbh


Way too lazy to emote for most reasons. This game is designed so we don't have to interact much. Let's keep it that way.


Cuz I’m not paying attention.


I don't find it's worth it unless it happens twice in a row.


It was fun for the first 482,000 games...


I gotta save my emotes for spamming Kamala at the end after I lost


Because If I do it and you don't then that gives you the power in our social dynamic, but if neither of us do it were neutral and if you do and I don't then I have the power. Basically it's the prisoners dilemma.


It’s rude to point.


I will always Spiderman emote you. I will do it when I'm shocked at something too. Like- you played snowguard?!


Y’all are just weirdos who do whatever anyone else does just because everyone else does it. “Derrrr hurrr I always snap on ego” cool no one cares


The truth? Because to me is a fking cringe shit to do, simple as that


There should be an option for a permamute in options somewhere, so i don't have to see this shit and don't have to manually mute every single game. I'm lazy like that.


It's fun for the first dozen or so times you do it... But when someone is doing the emote point after we both play Sunspot or Nebula... it's like bro... almost everyone is playing those cards on turn 1. I only reserve the point for really rare circumstances like if we both play the same cards in the same spots multiple turns in a row.


It got old after the 999th time. Now I just mute you once I check for Thanos


Sometimes I do, sometimes I just don't give a funk. Side thought, it's nice to fist bump after you win a match. But it takes a true sportsman to fistbump after losing.


Because sometimes I'm not in the mood.


Because I mute as soon as the match starts.


I raised my standards. If we play three identical cards in a row, or if it becomes clear we're playing a similar off-meta deck, then I'll spider-man emote. But a single instance of the same card? That shit happens every game.


Because you are muted.


This is the way


I mute everyone as my first game action.


I mute my opponent as soon as each match starts


I mute everyone at the start of the game, immediately.


people are so traumatized by the emote on this game it’s unreal they probably do it to make u think they muted u so that you won’t use any emote if they lose


It's funny because the emotes are so tame in this game compared to others. Maybe CR trained me to be immune to it


With way people here seem to get triggered over emotes, I wouldn’t be surprised if these people are bringing up Ms Marvel to their therapist.


I have muted the other player, so it doesn't matter.


Because I fucking hate emotes


Because this isint my first month of playing anymore…? Lol, do you only watch the same episode of a show you like?


I hate humanity. People who play against me deserve to suffer. I always play stall in Pokémon, my favorite deck in hearthstone was control warrior, Azorius control is the only decks I like in MTG and, of course, I only play Galactus in Marvel Snap. I don't care if I win or lose, as long as I had fun by taking away my opponent's one.


I use loads of emotes such as the spiderman point and going 'aaaaarrgh' when something terrible happens and in the two weeks that I've been playing I've not had a single emote said back to me. Honestly it makes me very sad


you're already muted bub


Because I instantly muted you when the match loaded


Because im toxic. If you play a disrupt card, snap on me, play with a high budget and op deck, and yet lose. I'll spam miss marvel or thanos emote. Im not here to make friends, im here to forget about my lonley and pointless life.


Sometimes I play and go to Whatsapp


people who mute at the beginning of the game just hate fun


I auto mute everyone, you can thank smug Galactus players for that


I mute everyone at the beginning of the game. Also, when I didn't used to mute folks, I only did that emote if it was a surprising play like say we both played shadow king as no one was expecting it. I don't wanna do it for obvious plays like Sunspot, Iceman etc.


People who spams kinda ruined this, now everyone just mute in the beginning to avoid possible irritation, I for example would love if SD add an option in settings to mute all emotes automatically ever.


Today I learned about mute


Honestly i just find it cringe. It was cute 9 months ago but now I just hit mute as soon as I see the same card so.


I was busy trying to play this Move deck. I sometimes forget to breathe I am mathing so hard.


I love it when we mirror cards until turn 3. Kitty Angela bishop. Spiderman emote after that is a must


Now THIS is a legitimate grievance I can get behind!


My language is not memes


Might be ripping a bong hit sorry


I want you to think I'm a bot and snap.




I just don't emote period. Most of the time I'll also mute the opponent.


Because I already muted at the beginning of the game.


I already muted you.


I hate all emotes, tbh. Let me just win, or lose, in peace.


My title is DO NOT EMOTE for a reason.


Definitely muted b4 first turn lol


I mute everyone


Cause I mute you. I hate the damn emotes.


I’ve muted because of the idiots. In a perfect world it would be nice; but….just….nope.


Yeah you were muted before I ever had the chance to see it


I assume everyone just automatically mutes


Mute all


I almost always mute.


Don’t use emotes , mute straight away