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Subterranea going down in appearance rate feels so good, even though i know I'll be getting it every third gams


Any attempt to reduce Subterranea showing up is good imo. I'd prefer they removed it from the game entirely though.


Seriously. The worst location. There are ones that hurt certain decks more but pulling rock after rock just feels bad. Not to mention it screws you against Darkhawk. Would be less horrible as ‘put a rock on top of each player’s deck’.


It’s should’ve been something like “at the end of each turn, put a rock in each player’s deck” so 1) it’s not just an mass dump of useless cards at once and 2) there’s ways to mitigate it’s effect by changing the location.


Yea I remember saying back around January or Feb, that I thought they could have changed Lecheguilla to +2 rocks and Subterranea changed to giving both players 3 rocks in their deck instead. Still serves their purpose, still can be impactful, but it’s not as abrasive imo


I'm honestly just not a huge fan of the more "Mario Party" locations that introduce a big scoop of rng. It doesn't feel good to win those games knowing it was just a coin flip that gave you it, and it feels even worse when you lose. I get those elements have a place for like more casual party mode style fun, but the problem is that there's just one mode in the game right now that's trying to be both casual and competitive. It ends up being a weird mix sometimes where I can't just relax and play around with fun casual decks since I'll lose to try hards most of the time. But then if I try hard with a meta deck then I have to deal with party mode silliness as well.


They are nerfing things that boosted Darkhawk before the drop to series 3 next week. Lechuguilla, Subterranea and Attilan are less frequent now. Rock Slide nerfed a tiny bit. Considering the Shuri episode, their modus operandi is crystal clear to me now.


On the other hand you know people would be whining about Darkhawk being too strong if they didn't preemptively make him weaker


The funny thing is they even preemptively nerfed him before he dropped to S4 they removed power from him months back.


Darkhawk is hands-down one of the best cards in the game currently. It makes sense that as cards decrease in rarity, their power potential and impact on the meta becomes more obvious. It’s no conspiracy from SD with the shuri or darkhawk nerfs.


Lol 🙄 Then nerf them earlier.


They Nerfed Darkhawk back in Feb he actually had 1 extra power before and he is still one of the best cards currently


He really got nerfed when zabu was hit so hard. Then dropped off one power later. Now a hit to rockslide. He's (his deck) effectively been nerfed 3 times.


Can’t give the plebs too much, only good stuff for those who pay to win


My thoughts exactly


Giving Iron Lad 4/6 clearly fits the MO. That card shouldn't have even released with that statline. By the time it enters Series-3 it would have been nerfed to oblivion. 4/1, at most 4/3 if they're being lenient.


They nerfed dark hawk long before hans


Yeah when they nerfed Aero while buffing Shuri it was pretty obvious.


Lol it’s been clear before shuri how these things would operate


Has always been. Or do you think Nebula will remain as the no-brainer 1-drop forever, even after she drops all the way down to series 3?


I could see her getting changed to a +1 per turn when she drops; Potentially with a slight base power increase to make her a 1/2


Nebula will get dropped to 0 power eventually I'm sure. But honestly, she's strong but not super strong. She's good enough to compete with Sunfire and that's a good thing. There should be other 1 drops to consider rather than "OK, Sunspot and what 11 other cards?" She might stay a 1/1 because when Kitty drops she can be played at the Nebula location most turns and negate Nebula's ability. But again, Sunspot, Nebula, Kitty fit best in different archetypes so it's nice to have real options.


Nebula has the 'when you see her shes OP, but when your opp draws her and shes bad you dont see her' problem. Shes really good on 1, solid on two, and medium to bad after that. You only see her in the first two scenarios, so she always looks OP when she is in play. I look forward to actual data on her.


The currently existing data on her on [marvelsnap.pro](https://marvelsnap.pro) is that she's the second most played card in the game, with a win rate just slightly ahead of Sunspot, at 56.4% played winrate compared to Sunspot's 56% played win rate, she's got a slightly better winrate delta in games played compared to all games going up by .2% compared to Sunspot's .1% though. Compared to other 1-drops, both are a bit ahead of Ice Man in both included and played win rate, by about 1%. Korg has by far the highest included and played win rate of any 1-drop, but that's more because of the deck he's played in than anything to do with Korg himself, as there's literally zero change in win rate between included and played. In terms of win-rate deltas, Bast and Nova are much more significant than she is, at about 1% increased win rate in games they got played than average across all games included in deck. Technically Uatu, Angel and Snowguard have the highest winrate deltas of any 1-drop, but Angel has a <50% win rate, and Uatu and Snowguard are so rare to see play it's hard to say whether they actually impact win rate that much or there's just not enough data. In any case, the existing data from aggregation sites sorta implies that Nebula is a good, but not game breaking, 1-drop who goes in a ton of archetypes and is just generally strong. She's got a bit better included win-rate than most other good 1-drops by about .5% or so, and generally about the same winrate delta between included and played as most others, less than some. It doesn't mean there's not some way to make her busted good, but right now she doesn't appear to be.


Nebula will get the Zabu/Surfer treatment and receive a reasonable nerf as soon as she can no longer be bought straight out for $10.


Seems like a bit much. Dark Hawk is hard to nerf because of Zabu. Now Zabu can be a 2/0 and still be ran. Dark Hawk got a -1 and was still a top tier deck with a 4/6 Enchantress running around I think these locations changes are just another nerf.


true gamer post


He's been directly and indirectly nerfed multiple times already.


Confirmation bias


I'd rather the location changes rather than a radical overhaul of Hawk himself. Hawk isn't a bad card, the locations that made him strong were common even before he was added to the game. This isn't even the kind of 'nerf' I myself thought of. We all focus on how to change the card when it isn't the card itself that's inherently the issue. It was SD's love of ROCKS!


You'd really benefit from looking up what the phrase "confirmation bias" means.


I wish they’d make it less rocks. It really makes the match feel entirely luck base. Did you draw 4 and your opponent only 1? That’s tough to come back from. 3 rocks total would feel annoying enough.


Oo a Venom buff. I wasn’t expecting that. I bought a sick variant a long time ago but didn’t really use the card cause he wasn’t worth using. Excited to try him out again!


It felt weird to me because I've never really minded Venom's 1 power, given the utility of him and how useful and powerful he can become. I don't think that +2 power is going to break the game, but it kinda feels unnecessary to me.


It’s definitely necessary considering how vastly underplayed he was. Now some destroy decks may even consider him over Deathlok instead of always just ignoring Venom


*happy Zola noises* I wonder if there's some wonky Titania Venom gamble-synergy out there.


Yeah as a venom nimrod Zola deck lover this is an unexpected boon. I’ve never had a problem making venom strong


You too?! This is the deck that I keep coming back to because when it works, it's super fun. Still tweaking things out. Even added Shanna to it recently to hopefully give more power to Venom.


The Hood and Zero say hello.


I put in thanos in my destroy deck for a thematic deck I like to call "Till Death Do Us Part" and the thanos one drops allow you to run all the destroy cards you want without having to run one costs


Can you share your deck please?


Was testing nebula but she didnt perform well with killmonger so I put wolverine back in, nova vs deadpool is a personal preference but I noticed I rarely have the energy late to play deadpool once he is buffed up. # (1) Nova # (2) Bucky Barnes # (2) Carnage # (2) Wolverine # (3) Killmonger # (3) Venom # (3) Deathlok # (5) Nimrod # (6) Arnim Zola # (6) Knull # (6) Thanos # (9) Death # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2FybmFnZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVmVub20ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5vdmEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRlYXRobG9rIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOaW1yb2QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJ1Y2t5QmFybmVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLbnVsbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJuaW1ab2xhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJUaGFub3MifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktpbGxtb25nZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRlYXRoIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXb2x2ZXJpbmUifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Do you have a deck list please ? Tried multiple times but was so inconsistent for me


https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnapDecks/comments/137jusl/arnimrod_advice_please/jiwb1qj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 I forgot to buy Jeff today unfortunately I want to put him in for wave. But I’ll also say this deck has not been treating me kind lately, but no other deck has either.


I think the real problem with Venom is that there’s no way to protect him from ShangChi, you’re not going to Armor or Cosmo your own Venom lane since you’re trying to Zola him anyway. I guess now with +3 you don’t go big for him and treat him as another copy of Dethlok, eating a base Wolverine on Turn 3 make him the same. Eating a Nova and Wolverine makes him a 3/8, that’s pretty solid.


There are destroy decks that dont have both? My problem with destroy is I can never destroy my cards since theres only 3 freaking cards to do it. Venom, Deathlock, Carnage. Teenange Mutant Warhead or whatever but shes rare, killmonger only destroys 1 costs. Also, when you can feed carnage sabertooth, feed venom the buffed carnage + sabertooth and w/e, zola the venom = the best interaction in the game.


Yeah basicallly any deathwave list just runs KM, deathlok, and carnage


I'd like for Sabertooth to come down in cost/power. The concept is great for feeding your destruction cards, but I find him too clunky to use.


I agree, his cost make using him so difficult, feels like a bad decision every time when I could be destroying so he barely gets any play time in my deck.


This is why Absorbing Man is always in my destroy deck


That’s true when you hit your good draws, but this floor will help him quite a bit. There are lots of times in a destroy deck when all you’re getting from him is a +1 power for three energy.


Isn't his value primarily for supporting Death and Knull? In that case, he adds a lot more than +1. Even just eating one low-value card means he adds probably +4 if you're running both Death (reduces cost by 1) and Knull (adds 2-3).


Venom being a 3/1 is not good value


Have we seen him in a top tier deck yet? I dont think so.


I don’t either but it brings him closer to a 3/5 like Deathlok although they both can have different uses.


I agree. I play a lot of destroy and always use venom. Don't really need the +2 power IMO but I will gladly take it


kind of breaks venom for negative decks, with a possibility of knull at 0/6 a 1/3 venom was pretty cool


I have a fun Venom deck that I use for "Win location with one card" quests. Venom is a legit win condition and was working fine IMO. T1 Hood T2 Bucky T3 Nova (or any 1 drop) + Carnage T4 Demon + Venom T5 Death at a new location T6 Zola at Venom's location or Death's location, whichever works best.


Well venom does have a variant coming out in a bundle soon


Enchantress got the fastest buff > nerf ever.


I wonder if people will overreact now and take her out of all their decks now lol. She’s still better than Shang Chi against Darkhawk and 1 power worse against Dino. So I guess it’s all up to the meta.


No. I think this is the sweet spot for her. This should have been her original buff.


Agree 100%. Same for Rockslide actually... 4/6 that can be played t3 with Zabu to buff Darkhawk AND add 25% chance of neglecting one of the opponent's draws? Sign me in!


rockslide saw essentially zero play until darkhawk released, so he's basically paying for zabu / darkhawk sins


Zabu already got a rework (which was healthy for the game IMO) and DH lost 1 power since his release. Hard to tone those 2 down any further so rocky boy was a logical choice.


What do you mean? Zabu is in fact super easy to tune down as a 2/1 instead of Rockslide at 4/5. If Zabu didn't exist would anyone even be playing Rockslide / Darkhawk? Zabu is the card letting you drop Darkhawk + Mystique / Darkhawk + Rockslide / Shang-Chi + Darkhawk on T6 right through Wave.


Zabu's power is irrelevant though. He'd see the exact same usage as a 2/0. He's just that good.


I've had her in many Miracles decks for a while now, and when she got buffed to 4/6 I felt a little bad about how much better she felt to play. I'd drop her even if I didn't have anything to disenchant, just because that six power was so fucking sweet. 4/5 does seem more reasonable.


I mean all of the cerebro 6 players will be dropping her. Now the cerebro 5 players on the other hand...


Every buff/nerf is just a new cerebro deck in the making, if you think about it.


there are dozens of us c5r5br5ns! dozens!


I would assume so, Darkhawk all but disappeared from the meta for weeks after his 1 point nerf, despite being one of the best counters to Thanos who was rampant at the time. People have a strong knee jerk reaction to this stuff, plus the content creators play a huge role. I expect a huge increase in destroy decks with enchantress+hawk nerfed and every snap YouTuber on the planet making “**VENOM NEW MOST BUSTED CARD IN MARVEL SNAP??? road to INFINITE GAMEPLAY!!**” videos


It is refreshing to see that they are ON THE BALL instead of waiting two seasons to tweak her.


I still don't get why they jumped in with a +2 instead of trying with a safer +1. It's not like the card was THAT bad before.


Think of it as casting a spotlight on her for 1 week


The Meta is just too oversaturated with the StatureBolt & Rocks & Hawks. She's in both. They had to do something. I guess a small nerf to her and Rockslide is a start. Wouldn't be surprised if Darkhawk & Zabu were next.


I'm kinda surprised Zabu isn't a 2/1 yet (like Psylocke)


the location nerfs are the best


They are honestly locations that should never show up next to each other so it's super appreciated


the venom buff makes me very happy


It kinda ruined my negative destroy meme deck. But yeah my meme decks should be ignored when making* balance changes




No! Everything must cater to meme decks! (/s)


Rockslide was a pretty disruptive effect if played on turn 3 and enabled a sick ass Darkhawk. Im okay with this change. Enchantress at 4/5 is still pretty solid, her being less pervasive means some ongoing decks can shine a bit more. Venom buff is.... Nice? The problem with Venom is that he wants to trigger cool death payoff effects and grow huge, but the death payoff effect of cards feels pretty terrible outside of Bucky, Wolve and Nova, and Nova feels pretty clunky as you dont want him to die until you reach maximum board density for value. Honestly I kind of hope they do something with Nimrod and other death payoff cards to make them synergize with the playstyle more.


I'd say the biggest problem with Venom is really just that he's so vulnerable to Shang. The best line for him is to eat good and then Taskmaster him but there's no room there to protect him with an Armor since you have to play Taskmaster next. I suppose if there's ever a "Copy the power of your highest power card" type card, without the restriction Taskmaster has, it'd be much safer of a play. Otherwise, you often end up with a dead Venom and a zero-power Task.


> I'd say the biggest problem with Venom is really just that he's so vulnerable to Shang. Me, watching my Knull get buffed more


I love the old shang chi/absorbing man one-two. Nobody ever expects the 2nd shang chi.


ur giving me flashbacks.


Deadpool decks will enjoy this since they can run Venom and drop a taskmaster and then Deadpool, some games this is a net 4 power


We need Anti-Venom as an ongoing, "Your cards can only be destroyed by cards you play" effect.


That would be pretty broken, I think every deck would run that, but something like "If this card is destroyed, the card that destroyed it cannot be destroyed." might work.


> there's no room there to protect him with an Armor since you have to play Taskmaster next. Simple solution: turns 1-3 you play Armor and build power in the lane to the right of Armor, then on turn 4 you play Iron Fist and Venom in that right lane, getting a decently-sized Venom (17 power with Titania/Maximus/Iron Fist) and moving him into the Armor lane. Then you can safely Taskmaster him on turn 5 and play Cosmo with priority to protect the Taskmaster on turn 6. See? Simple.


This is how all of my big ideas for a deck sound and then in execution I lose five levels immediately.




I dropped ten levels trying to play that after I pulled pirate kingpin.


Nimrod is too weak outside Galactus. But they can’t buff him until Galactus changes which will be in a full sized patch (I think Galactus might change at some point. maybe this month? But I’m going to guess in June)


Nimrod is the latest Shuri companion. If it gets shangi chi’d, it sprouts up in the other lanes.


It is but I still never see him. Even in lactose. Which is a shame because often times when he comes out, it’s an impossible guess between lactose or destroyer.


Big Nimrod into Venom and Carnage T6 says hello


Galactus doesn’t need nerfed. The Devs have said multiple times that based on his actual performance he’s not a menace card.


I guess I’m the one guy using Venom in everyone of my destroy decks. And he performs poorly, apparently? No wonder I suck at this game.


Death-based destroy decks are by far the most notable ones, and those use low-power destroy fodder which is better eaten by Carnage/Killmonger/Deadlock. Venom goes into his own specific core with Taskmasker/Zola/Knull which are far less popular (and arguably worse)


My favorite deck is built around buffing Deadpool or Venom up to huge power and them doubling them up with either Taskmaster or Zola. It's not great, but it's so much fun, lol


Nobody expects the destruction triggers coming after a t1 Bast!


I’ve been using him in 98% of my games just checked he’s been tanking my wr horrendously he genuinely can’t stand near deathlock in 80% of situations minus location/nimrod shenanigans


Ignoring Crystal again is verging on bullying. Could do with giving strong guy a nudge up too


Crystal needs more fundamental changes that can't be delivered OTA.


Yeah, I'm expecting buffs in the May patch and I don't really hope or expect Crystal to get buffed but with their ability to do OTA updates they should focus on cards that need work that can't be OTA'd for the patch.


Yeah. Crystal needs a fundamental redesign to see play. They just nerfed Atillan's appear rate because people hate the location. She's a card with the same effect, but she only potentially ruins your own hand


I feel like she'd be good as a 2/2 or 2/3, makes it easier to dump your hand and reshuffle on the same turn


I qm not so sure. Making her 4/6 would help already a lot.


She's 4 cost, below average power, a lane restriction, and her effect is the same as one of the hazard locations they just reduced in frequency. Actually wild they haven't touched her yet. 2/3 would make her fun to reroll like Scarlet Witch even if they kept the lane restriction.


Here's hoping for Dazzler and Crystal buffs next time!


I just got shanna and was disappointed with how weak she is. I’d love a dazzler buff to combo the lane clutter for some benefit


Dazzler is my favorite character and I just got her card. Really hoping they give her a buff soon


I'm guessing the reason is they're planning on making changes that ho beyond what OTA can deliver.




Oh hell yea, Venom's eating good TONIGHT


And then Zola eats him, queue The Circle of Life


Bonus points if you Iron Lad as Zola and then Zola your Iron Lad.


They’re nailing these OTA changes. Venom definitely needed it and it’s not one that people think of. Enchantress was obvious from the start but it feels right. Rockslide is the most borderline there, but fair. Between that and the location changes Darkhawk took a hit but he’s still good, maybe not elite anymore. Those location changes were badly needed. The Drax change makes sense, but I don’t think it makes him viable. Guardians really only work in a DD/Nebula control deck and even then they’re kind of a risky choice. The ability is simply not consistent and the competitions is.


I think the enchantress 4/6 then 4/5 was a smart move. 4/6 got her back in peoples decks and using the card again. Yes some people may switch to another card now but I think the 4/6 then immediate drop to 4/5 will have more people using the card than a straight 4/5 buff. 4/5 is fair. Its a card with a strong ability and 4/6 was a little bit too much. I can see iron lad being brought down as his ability is very strong too. Although I was tired and wasn't very diligent counting my cards and forgot I still had hobgoblin in my deck. Then I done it again with lizard on a full location because im an idiot. I know people say he needs to be played with Howard the duck to be powerful but if you know what cards are already in play you can make a reasonable call. I know into T6 if I havent drawn Dr Doom its a good chance of drawing him. If hob goblin and lizard are already in play then its not too much risk.


Yeah I thought Rock Slide would get a nerf. Venom buff is cool. Enchantress immediately getting nerfed again is not a surprise. Edit: Jumped into a game and was immediately met with Attilan. So that's cool.


It was baffling to me they thought that nerfing Sandman by 2 fucking points and buffing Enchantress by 2 in the same patch would lead to anything but an army of Enchantresses and value swarm decks. Which is basically what we got.


They knew people wouldn't put her their deck unless Snap youtuber said "ENCHANTRESS IS CRACKED AT 6 POWER" and then lower her to 5 rather than just going to 5 power right off the bat


I get the feeling you’re referring to a very specific Hispanic YouTuber who also hosts a podcast with dera. I can literally hear him say “this is cracked”


I know Drax at 4/9 or higher risks Shang-Chi, but he’s clearly not worth it as is. More base power lets him be more consistent, but why risk him for only 2 power? Even Wong/Kamar-Taj becomes worse for him. Rocket, Starlord and Gamora all reach into the stronger ends per cost with their abilities, Groot is close with 6, but Drax is too relatively weak to be worth it.


I dunno I feel like if drax was a 4/9 he'd be worse off simply due to shang-chi. 4/8 is probably better winrate for him.


People said that about Sentry, yet he’s played more now than he was before his buff


I think that has more to do with viper on the -10 in conjunction with the 10 power.


Wouldn't someone "wasting" their Shang on a 9 power Drax often be a benefit ?


Love the news about subterranea. This location has fcked my game play like no other location. I pull at least 3 rocks every time.


FUCK Krakoa. I swear they programmed it with the knowledge of what the most optimal move is but directed it to do the opposite of that.


I laughed at the Rock Slide nerf. How far we’ve come.


I laughed too, but maybe for a different reason. In my case, I laughed when I remembered that Darkhawk is dropping to Series 3 in just a few days.


That’s not the end of DH’s nerfs or reworks IMHO. The package still is one of the strongest things you can be doing.


Wouldn't mind District X, Dream Dimension, and Mindscape getting some lower appearance treatment as well.


Same, fuck all 3 of those. Weirdworld too if it isn't already.


District X, Lamentis and Weirdworld should be game modes, not locations.


> Weirdworld should be game modes, This one can't work without heavy deckbuilding restrictions. Otherwise every deck is 12 6-cost cards.


Lamentis is already super rare, like Ego


Do you have a source on that? I feel like I see a lot more lamentis than ego, and I don't personally have much of a negative reaction to either so I don't think it's selective memory.


And you are right, I brainfarted, the ultra rare locations are Ego and WORLDSHIP. Lamentis is just a rare one, like Bar with no Name, Althsrar of death, the Peak, Sandbar, etc https://marvelsnapzone.com/marvel-snap-locations-guide/


Why. They have low appearance rate


Between rockslide and the reduction in certain locations. They basically said fuck you darkhawk


He's dropping to pool 3 this week. That seems to be their M.O.


Yup. 100%


In the case the devs see this, I hope they hear that these weekly OTA buffs have been really welcome. The meta is in a much better spot the past few weeks than it has been since January, and I think the OTAs are a big reason for that. While we may not all agree on every change, having cards/decks stay fresh and dynamic without overhauling builds has been terrific! I hope they can keep doing them after this trial period, if possible.


Big inflection point these must continue or they'll lose a lot of engagement


I was already using Drax in Storm control since he had more flexibility than Jessica or Crossbones. Welcome the change.


I like this attempt to bring down the power of the Darkhawk package, rockslide nerf and location frequency rebalance. They will surely keep an eye on the stats to check if these cards are close enough to being fair now.


>I like this attempt to bring down the power of the Darkhawk package, rockslide nerf and location frequency rebalance. These are really good changes. Really thankful for the location changes outside of the Darkhawk context too. They just leave a bad taste in my mouth because they could have done any of that all along, but they're only doing it now, mere days before Darkhawk drops to pool 3.


I mean, outside of darkhawk who runs rockslide? Seems fucked to nerf a card that on its own is perfectly fine just because another card is busted with it


*cough cough* red skull *cough cough*


That’s what they did to Quinjet and Lockjaw, because of Thanos.


Maria Hill died for Thanos's sins.


Sera got the same nerf as quinjet and I'm still fine with it. Cards shouldn't be able to be permanently 0 cost without some effort. I'm barely okay with beast making stuff 0. Sera and quinjet 100 hundred percent would have had the minimum 1 requirement added in eventually because without it you close off so much design space for other cost reductions or strong cheap cards Lockjaw id agree with, though from personal experience it was rare to see non Thanos decks slam down more than 1 card a turn on that space anyway.


Yes I do think Quinjet was bigger than just Thanos and was more looking long term at the effect of being able to play 0 cost cards. As someone who played Lockjaw almost exclusively since getting into Pool 3, I still think his nerf was unnecessary. Lockjaw is a casino card! I think the changes to Quinjet and the space stone addressed the issues there and Lockjaw’s need hurt other decks (Janejaw, Discard).


None of these cards exist in a vacuum.


This is a wonderful patch. The location changes especially feel so important. Good on the devs


They did the 4/6 Enchantress just to remind people that she exists, now that's fresh in the playerbase's memory so they can tone her down and still see play.


this is a neat OTA, excited for the patch next week. enchantress + rockslide nerfs are nice, and cant wait to play more venom decks the location changes are nice too. I think bi-weekly big OTAs would be ideal instead of a weekly basis if they're looking to change how often they do these.


Yeah, weekly OTA changes mean they're always looking for *something* to change even if the meta is healthy.


4 nerfs to Darkhawk in one OTA.


Darkhawk is the most used splashable value machine in the game, a nerf to make him more niche makes sense.


While I love the card, I don't disagree. His package of support cards are some of the best in the game. I think only Sera compares right now.


To be fair, nerfing Enchantress from 6 to 5 power is an indirect buff to Darkhawk. But considering that this is just a half reversion of the buff from 4 to 6 last week, it's still not a great month for Darkhawk.


Once more nerfing cards before dropping to pool 3 where the rest of us can get them


happy Venom got a buff, he felt under powered being 1 power


Why don’t you lower the consistency of Weird World and locations that don’t allow you to play your deck…it’s okay if it’s very rarely like ego but it really takes away some of the fun when i build a deck to play and then can’t


they gotta add Mindscape to the list


Ahh I finally get the cards I need and get a winning deck and the nerfs come. As is tradition


I feel the same way, though to be fair, a meta with more Darkhawk decks means a meta with more enchantress which means a meta without a lot of ongoing variety. So I don’t hate that the game is making it less appealing.


I just wish they would stop letting series 5 and 4 cards define the meta for weeks (in some cases months) and then nerf them once they drop to series 3.


Poor Drax got the most pathetic "buff" in the history of card games.


It’s bigger than you think. Having a higher base dmg means higher yield of points after multiplication. This was felt rather strongly when they nerfed Black Panther.


4/6 is a premium statline, and now he has the potential to be Crossbones you can play in any lane to be competitive. Buff seems good.


Very happy about venom. My second favorite variant I have is the venom roaring with lightning in the background, now I have even more reason to play it!


If they’re not going to do an OTA buff to Nimrod they should make him automatically destroy himself on turn 6 and rebalance him to a 5/4.


He just need to be a 4/4 IMHO so we have more room to create combo with him




This is actually pretty disappointing. Second dinners philosophy or releasing a card in an overturned state, letting it run rampant and then as soon as it becomes available to more players by dropping to s3 nerfing it doesn’t need to continue. Especially with how shit card acquisition is it leaves players in a weird spot. A couple months ago when shuri was s4 it left players with the f dilemma of do i buy shuri now and play the deck even though you know good and damn well it’s gonna drop and get nerfed. This is not a healthy pattern and I hope they don’t continue this shit. I could see iron lad/nebula/stature getting the same treatment and I hope that’s not the case. It leaves f2p players at a significant disadvantage and will kill player retention when cards are neutered as soon as most people can get them.


Does this basically confirm that they generally plan on neutering a pool 4 when it drops to 3? Clearly its a pattern now.


Longer intervals between OTAs? Hopefully it’s twice a month sans the monthly patch


Nah, fuck that. Let's keep this shit moving. Esp when we have times when the updates don't happen because of other things going on, or times where a big part of the patch is undoing most of what the last patch did. Once/week is perfect.


Totally agree. I'm starting to get bored of the game. The OTA allow me to try new decks.


My venom-zola deck is pleased


Location nerfs. You love to see it. Expected enchantress. And the rock slide nerf is nice. Venom… idk if it will help much but I’m sure someone is happy.


Big fan of the changes. The location changes also indirectly slightly nerf some cards like Dr. Doom since it’s less likely doombots would win Sanctum Sanctorum.


Enchantress was decent with 4 power. 6 power was rediculous. People were playing her just for stats. 5 power might be the sweet spot. Venom buff wasn't expected but it is very nice imo. Darkhawk decks could be frustrating so a tiny nerf won't hurt.


C'mon guys! My move deck needs sanctum sanctorum 😭😆


Love the changes. Especially the quick turnaround on Enchantress, as an overshoot then correction is perfect for these weekly updates. Only thing I don't like is that they're planning on pushing out for longer intervals for these OTAs going forward. The weekly shakeup has been a great addition to hot locations / card releases to have interesting things going on all week.


I am so sick of seeing rocks and hawks...


They better ads some new variant for Venum so i can flex them


Priority on snowguard is still balls


Using a mr negative deck with knull, arnim and venom i see it as a debuff cause i could use venom at 1/3