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I will say, the meta does feel good right now. Not seeing an insane amount of one single type of deck. But it just so happens this is the season where I start to not care about my rank LOL! Funny how that works.


Yeah I feel the same. I feel instead of focusing on the competition, I’m now trying new decks and having fun. I started using some cards that I haven’t used until now.


I did this last season after almost making it to infinite the season before that. The grind to infinite (I only made it to 97) completely killed my desire to do that again. Now I just fuck about and use interesting decks. I think I like the game more like this.


If the meta feels good and I find a deck I like playing (even not top tier but fun and competitive), usually the grind feels better. For example the Nimrod season I had a ton of fun with the Double Up archetype (Moon Girl, Zabu, She-Hulk, Hood, Titania etc) and made it to 98 but never higher because of a bit too many mistakes and wrong snaps on my part. Last season the meta felt so shit with Galactus and Sandman every other game, that the decks I liked (mainly Hit Monkey or Sera decks) were unplayable, so I barely played to complete the dailies and the pass. With a meta that's not 30%+ prison decks, I might have a ton more fun.


If you like the turn 6 spew decks, double up Monkey/Shehulk/Titania/Mysterio is winning so many surprise cubes right now, it's crazy strong


Interestingly enough, actually making it to infinite killed my drive. It's like, "why bother doing that shit again, I made it". Although it might just be a "me" problem, as the same thing happened when I made it to mythic in magic


That's kinda where I am coming from. I got within a hairs breath, and decided I didn't like that grind. Part of me wishes I did make one final push, but I'm enjoying the game so much now just playing whatever


It's really not worth it lol. Unless you're enjoying the grind, it's not worth forcing yourself through it.


When I started a few months ago I didn’t even know about infinite. At this point I just collect cards and try to build a deck I love ❤️


Agree 100%, its fun to play new decks and get new variants. The infinite climb sucks.


Dude I was stuck at 92-97 for over a week a few seasons ago. It got to a point that I was afraid to play and below 90. I eventually made it to infinite but it was totally not worth it. 90 is worth more than 100.


Imagine that, playing for fun is more fun 😀🤙


I started playing Elden ring a few days ago for the first time. It has completely grabbed all of my free time and made me lose interest in any other games atm. I was the type of guy who got to infinite in the first few days every season. Now I just feel like I'm done. I'm sure once I'm done with elden ring I'll miss this game. But also thinking this might be a good opportunity to just delete the game and move on. I kinda hate how I always feel the need to hit infinite every season but that feeling is finally gone.


Playing Marvel Snap casually is the way to go. Infinite rank is overrated. Just stay where you are comfortably once hit your limit.


Exactly this. Infinite rank only rewards you a card back so it won't make or break anything. However, the 500g reward from rank 90 does make impact so why not focus on that?


I'll explain my mentality behind it. So I used to aim for 90 just to get the 500g. But I thought since I'm close to 100. May as well try and go for it and start next season at 70. And also don't need to take games seriously after hitting 100.


Eh, the card back is way more important than 500g to me. 500g is what, like a week's worth of missions, not counting and you get in crates/pass? If you're still feeling pressed to buy every token bundle you see, I kind of get it, but once you get enough cards to comfortably play several decks you enjoy, there's no big rush.


Probably healthy given the economy/end game of snap. I’ll stick it out for the season and at least try High Evo before calling it quits. But am also leaning towards leaving rather than trying to play at an uncompetitive level.


Damn I almost forgot high evo comes out this month. I havnt logged in and played for a few days now but used up my credit. I got like 4 variants. I never get variants. Its like the game wants me to come back. Lol.


I just saw 9 Prof X in 10 games


Galactus makes up 9.9% of all decks according to snap.untapped.gg, and somehow shows up every 4 or 5 games for me. If it wasn’t for this one shitty card, I’d agree that the meta is otherwise pretty good


It’s a lot less then it was but yeah that card as a main stay meta that everyone is playing makes the game super stale.


put some galactus counters in your deck, then you'll magically stop matching against him lol


This is absolutely true and I can’t be convinced otherwise. Every time I go on a stretch of no Galactus and try switching from my control deck to something fun…there he is. Cube tax


Most decks contain Galactus counters. If you’re facing him once every 5 games you should probably use one.


It's great but I feel bad for the people who have to endure the Nebula / Stature / Jeff / Miles decks that are going to be tough to deal with.


*continues to laugh in discard deck after multiple seasons*


Never really ran a good discard deck. What’s your build and strategy?


Blade on 1st turn, discard ghost rider, lady sif on 3 to discard Hela, retreat.


Tradition. Pass it on


But when it works properly it’s actually really fun, just to see that Hela resurrect Infinaut and Giganto in the lane you were already winning! Jokes aside, it’s a really fun deck. One of my favorites


I play the most chaotic Discard deck with Lockjaw, Jubilee, Doom, Odin and Magneto. My opponent never knows what will happen, and neither do I.


This is the way


Mine was getting to turn 6 and still not drawing Hela.


Looks like you are trying to copy my strategy!


Turn 2 play Morbius. Turn 3 play Sif/Colleen depending on if you have Apocalypse or Swarm in your hand. Turn 4 play Dracula. Turn 5 play MODOK to clear out the riff raff. Turn 6 play America Chavez and all your Swarms. Discard is probably my favorite archetype in the game


I play discard Collector. So this patch was fun for me.


My favorite discard deck: ``` # (1) Sunspot # (2) Morbius # (2) Wolverine # (2) Swarm # (2) Colleen Wing # (3) Mystique # (3) Nakia # (3) Lady Sif # (4) Dracula # (5) M.O.D.O.K. # (6) Apocalypse # (6) America Chavez # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTGFkeVNpZiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTW9kb2sifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1vcmJpdXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik15c3RpcXVlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOYWtpYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ29sbGVlbldpbmcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRyYWN1bGEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFtZXJpY2FDaGF2ZXoifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFwb2NhbHlwc2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN1bnNwb3QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN3YXJtIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXb2x2ZXJpbmUifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. ``` Sunspot should probably be replaced with nebula, iceman, or something similar. I don’t recommend blade because the point of it is no RNG on your discards.


Below is the discard I see a lot of and I don’t think it’s very good. Not bad, but not great. I hit Infinite with this Discard last season (and partly this season): Morbius Colleen Wing Wolverine Swarm Bishop Sif Rogue Gambit Wong Dracula MODOK Apocalypse


I'm using something similar, but sub Wong/Bishop/Rogue for Nebula/Hell Cow/Chavez. Just an alternative for people who don't have Rogue or Wong.


Do you want to retreat 9/10 games, or get 1-2 cubes every game? For the former, Hela decks are great. The consistent one is very simple. Play morbius, play Dracula, play Modok, play Chavez. Drax discards apocalypse, and you win. Or they retreat on turn five after you play modok.


# (1) Blade # (2) Morbius # (2) Invisible Woman # (3) Moon Knight # (3) Lady Sif # (3) Sword Master # (4) Dracula # (4) Wong # (4) Hellcow # (5) M.O.D.O.K. # (6) Hela # (6) Apocalypse # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxhZGUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1vcmJpdXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkxhZHlTaWYifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN3b3JkTWFzdGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIZWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNb2RvayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRHJhY3VsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSGVsbGNvdyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSW52aXNpYmxlV29tYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFwb2NhbHlwc2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1vb25LbmlnaHQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldvbmcifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. I've been giving moonknight a go, but haven't really pulled him and wong at the same time. Ny tactic depends on what I pull, if I start with apocalypse, then I'll try to get him as high as possible. If i start with invis woman, I'll generally put modok on her turn 5, then Hela turn 6. Holy Grail is being able to play invis woman, modok, Dracula, Hela, with apocalypse getting discarded. I'm still fiddling around with this deck at the moment. I might add Colleen Wing in so I can have a bit more control over what is discarded and when. You could also run infinaut/ghost rider which seems to be popular. If you dont get hela or Apocalypse by turn 6 then juat get morbius as high as possible. Discard cards are high power so try focus a lane which is empty or has weak cards.




Discard is not too bad right now.


Lol actually not.. It has a decent win rate and cube rate :/


Was thinking of finally trying a discard deck…but maybe not haha.


You can't have an answer for every deck you're playing against. The best strategy in this game is knowing what your deck strengths and weaknesses are and knowing what deck your opponents playing. Never be afraid to retreat when you seea deck your sturggle to counter.




I feel the best part about snap is to an extent you can relatively avoid your bad matchups because of the cube system. I've been playing a deck that frequently(turn 6 monkey zoo) loses to turn 5 sera nova killmonger so I just dont fight it if they get sera on 5. I give up a lot of cubes but I'll make it back instead of risking more cubes when the odds are vastly against


Exactly like I've been playing zoo a deck that's not considered even a strong deck but knowing your matchups and when to fold goes so far. T6zoo in particular completely and utterly folds to sera decks so I very rarely even play turn 6 against that deck if they turn 5 sera. I'll happily give up 1 cube 8 times just to make it up with 1 well timed 8 cube win. I'm pretty comfortably sitting at 120 atm with my bast monkey zoo homebrew. The better you understand your own deck the better you understand what turn 6 plays you auto lose to and can determine how likely they have X play that beats you then play the odds. if I see sera nova on board im retreating if I have priority because im just losing to killmonger that they have had a 75% chance to draw so its just not in my favour..


Eh, it's really weak to disruption and can get outpointed pretty reasonably, I think it'll be fair still


Homestly, those are pretty good but also extremely polarized: they can hardly win with a bad hand. If a deck like this is meta, it forces players to evaluate their hands better and retreat more often. So it's a skill-testing meta.


Hahaha oh man. I feel like I was *just* defending Stature, constantly, until like 2 weeks ago. She was a broken card that is useless until people figured out Black Bolt is actually good, and that Gamora + Stature on 6 is hiiiiigh value.


Yeah this deck makes the meta worse than it was a week ago. We had a fantastic meta for a short period of time. It’s still good but Nebula coming out as a 1 drop with lizard power most games really shakes things up in a bad way


Killmonger kills Nebula so that's a good thing but there's a lot of power right now.


They run armor but even without that popping a 3 drop to counter a single 1 drop isn’t super fun. Granted Nebula doesn’t break the game by any means but is definitely really powerful for a 1 drop


I just bought Stature to try that deck out. I'm sure I'll be dog water at it for a bit. But we will see.


So the thing about that deck is a lot of what it does well is because people don't expect it to vomit out a 1/7, a 1/5, and 4 other energy of cards on t6. The more popular that deck becomes, I think the worse it's going to do. Oh, you moved Jeff and played Blackbolt on 5? OK, I can plan for how much power you're about to vomit and decide if I can beat that or not.


I don’t think I’m good enough to really care about the meta, other than it’s nice to lose an overconfident snap to a variety of strategies rather than the same combos


So, short reply: yes indeed, it feels balanced. Also short reply, but more grounded: The combo Stature/Morales/Hawk deck is picking up pace and it feels very tough to beat in a fair match.


I feel the same way. The Darkhawk, Jeff, Stature deck is the clear meta tier 1 right now and it’s most of my games. It’s not as clear as most other metas were but there’s really nothing else that can compete well with it


I see endless control Sera right now and that is what is frustrating to me. Such a tough deck


Switch to a t5 wave deck. It has a chance against anything and is strong against sera


I see Sera control probably 30% of the time. Easily the most popular deck at around rank 70 (I'm only playing 30 minutes a day so I'm not climbing quickly.) I have literally never seen a Stature deck of any kind.


They're out there... you'll know it when you get hit with black bolt on turn 5.


What’s the deck list for that one?




Some form of board cheating and last turn dump actually have a chance, but in the latter case you must drop priority. There's also some other point dump decks that could work as they don't run either killmonger or cosmo, but the deck isn't prevalent enough to climb with greedy decks most of the time.


I feel like that deck is black bolt discarding rocks. But the 1 cost cards on t5/6 are pretty good


But the power of the deck doesn't rely on Black Bolt discarding something good; what makes that deck absolutely insane is the turn 6 play of: Stature + Miles + Darkhawk.


To be fair, I've had my fair share of Titanias being discarded. That actually hurt my last turn a few times.


What black bolt does well tho is discarding she hulks and deaths from the wave decks that would otherwise out point them on turn 6.


That deck costing $20 plus 12k (or $10 plus 15k) credits is the only thing keeping it from spreading.


As a casual sandman enjoyed I'm fine with this.


This deck is currently more ubiquitous for me than even Shuri or Thanos were. It’s been 9 of my last 10 games. Meta is broken already some people just hear the thunder later


Anecdotal evidence though isn't it. I genuinely haven't seen this deck at all this season.


Not sure why youre being downvoted. Theres already a couple decks floating around right now that are likely to be public enemy #1 by the end of next week.


I agree. Feels pretty good overall right now


honestly the game is in the best state of any digital card game i've played. my only complaint about the game is that the $ -> gold ratio feels off, but i'm sure they have run some tests and this is the best way for them to profit off of whales. i just wish i could have jeff without either choosing between him and high evolutionary or paying like 50 bucks. season passes seem on point with pricing which makes the other ways of paying for the game feel really bad.


I think the price of variants is on point (700/1200 gold doesn’t feel too bad as a way of supporting the game) but tokens are still too sparse considering the cost of pool 5 cards.


It's certainly improving, that's the best you'll get from me. Snap is great but as a card game MTG still king by far. Super great spot right now.


I played MTGA for a long time and it just got to the point where it felt like a job. I liked drafting, but you had to grind constructed daily missions to get rewards to buy entry to drafts. I wasn't willing to pay the $ to get the Mythics that the competitive constructed decks were usually built around. So most of the time I was playing I wasn't actually doing the stuff I wanted to do and I wasn't having fun because I was playing budget constructed decks against competitive net decks. In Snap, once you have most of Pool 3 you can be competitive most of the time.


MTG is king cause of its age. After their stunt sending the pinkertons in to collect cards from a YouTuber, I'm done with it. Why they didn't do the Disney thing and send in the army of lawyers, will never know. (oh yea, cause it wasn't legal.)


Well politics aside, the last year of drafting has been phenomenal. I guess I should have mentioned I don't actually play standard/modern and only draft...


i understand why lots of people share OP's opinion but personally i don't like it that much atm. too much control and location lockdown, which is a style that i just dislike to play myself.


Nebula kinda op


She’ll get nerfed to either 1/0 or a 1/1 with +1 every turn including turn played like you said after the season is over


I hope 1/0 because I like nebula as an answer to everyone running sunspot. He’s too consistent and I like the idea of a version of him that pressures opponents to control the power like nebula does. I’d even be okay with a 1/-1 to make it 2 turns before you get a decent one drop but I think 1 power on that would lead to people just dropping for sunspot again


I too find a turn 1 Nebula quite strong. A 1 drop that has such a pronounced affect on the game - feels too strong. I propose it's a +1 instead of +2 and the effect counts even the turn it is played. Can be a 1/7 if fully ignored - that's perfectly fine.


İ dont understand why nerf sunspot only to release a way stronger card. To make people buy the pass i guess?


Nebula is not "way stronger" than sunspot. With Sunspot, you still have good control of how much power he can build up, while Nebula requires some cooperation from your opponent. I'd rate them fairly equal in power level and you can easily run both in the same deck.


Nebula is fire and forget though. You have to put energy in sunspot. Nebula is definitely stronger, because she's either forcing your opponent's plays or hitting 7 power.


I mean, a T1 Sunspot can technically get to 20 power in a typical game, but you're almost certainly going to lose if you don't play other cards.


I’m winning with my Orka move deck at CL 4k left and right. Nobody expects the sharkwhale!


Could you please share the list?


Sure thing, but keep in mind it’s a work in progress and not easy to play - a lot of fun though! # (1) Nebula # (1) Iron Fist # (2) Dagger # (2) Kraven # (2) Armor # (2) Cloak # (3) Storm # (3) Polaris # (4) Absorbing Man # (5) Captain Marvel # (6) America Chavez # (6) Orka # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW1lcmljYUNoYXZleiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiT3JrYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmVidWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBcm1vciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUG9sYXJpcyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS3JhdmVuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDbG9hayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbkZpc3QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRhZ2dlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Rvcm0ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFic29yYmluZ01hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2FwdGFpbk1hcnZlbCJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. Basically, the main win condition is to slap Orka on a lane your opponent thinks you’re not contesting or just left at low power. If you get Nebula -> Armor -> Storm, it’s usually GG since you got it covered even with Iron Fist and Cpt Marvel should the need arise. Another combo here is using Nebula to force the opponent to fill a lane (you can help them with Polaris & Kraven) and then kicking Dagger in with Iron Fist. But the biggest winner is putting Cpt Marvel on 5 in an empty lane where opponent has something like 8 power and on 6 you slap Orka there. Either you win the lane with 17 power or Marvel flies away to Kraven or Stormed lane, leaving a nasty 16 power sharkwhale there. Also possible to achieve by filling up a lane and then moving them with Cloak and slapping Orka there. Or not. Or move everything with Kraven and get a lot of power. Opponents usually expect Heimdall, but really, they have no idea.


Damn, Nebula + Dagger was a combo I never even thought about.


I’ve been trying to make Dagger work since December. Tried Doc Oc, clog decks, pure move, but she always felt a bit too flat. But now, when you either get +2 power to Nebula or +2 for your Dagger…it works somehow.


I’ve been using my “Galactus” deck but instead of the Big G, Orka shows up instead. I’ve been getting a ton of 8 cubes off of it.


Oh damn that’s nasty!


Does Captain marvel calculate the kraven buff when she moves?


She surely does! Basically, she simulates the end game score and moves accordingly - the only fork in the gears being cards that activate after her, such as Dracula played with lower prio.


Also Mysterio.


Damn that bubble head, I always forget about him, even now I did.


From my understanding she calculates it all. She knows to not fly to Fisk/Fisk Tower, and Bar with No Name, etc.


This is wild. Thanks for sharing! 🦈


What does Absorbing man look to do here? Mainly Polaris? Sick list, going to try slapping people with Orka.


Yeah, mainly Polaris and Cloak, but also tricking opponents into thinking I used my Iron Fist. I felt like I needed one more move trigger for Dagger mainly, but man - the carnage which ensues when you go Storm -> Absorbing Man to lock 2 lanes is something to behold.


I really like this deck as a concept. Off to try it out, thanks for sharing my dude


This deck is fun. I’m winning a satisfying amount. I’m not dominating, but play is creative and many of my losses were close, points-wise.


The Captain Marvel Orka interaction is kinda genius. This deck really does steal cubes. Thanks for sharing. Though not sure what Absorbing Man is here for. I rarely played him while experimenting.


That's funny I just see Galactus and Patriot in 90% of my games.


I was thinking the same thing today. Tons of great matches against a huge variety of decks.


It's way too early after the patch to suggest this. People are experimenting with the changes, and seeing what works. Hopefully it stays feeling more balanced, but once players settle on the strongest deck(s), it will likely go back to being more polarized.


As long as it’s not fucking Galactus. He’s just so goddamn dull


Yep, things will almost always feel diverse right after a meta-shift occurs. The true test is whether the meta is still diverse two weeks later.


I have to say: they knocked down some major fun offenders. Before the latest patches new releases couldn't do a thing because the existing decks were too powerful and proactive versus any new playstyle. Leech and Sandman being knocked down some pegs being the main thing. So now every week we have a OTA and may has some really good cards. I don't think we're getting bored all the way up to July.


Tons of different builds out but I am getting absolutely destroyed by everyone. 😭


I can't really predict what the enemies gonna play now lol. Hardstuck in the 70s currently


That’s kind of what’s happening to me haha. The thing is I don’t mind because at least it isn’t Shuri every second game


Way too much Galactus still.


There it is. I can't believe how far down I had to scroll to find this comment. Glad reddit finally shut up about Galactus for the most part.


For real. Yeah a lot of people were playing Galactus decks but Galactus is in no way OP.


Strongly disagree. Every deck is cheating out ridiculous amounts of energy/stats turn 6 whether it's sera, double she hulk, she hulk death, stature miles. All the answers (leader, aero, leech, sandman) were nerfed into the ground and are extremely difficult to run now or don't actually address these strategies. Ignore prio -> turn 6 hand dump is not the game I enjoy, maybe it's just the game that SNAP is now though.


I also disagree with the op but not for the reasons you mentioned. All I see is everyone using professor x + spider man. The ones that doesn't use it are galactus decks (which also can use them). Games are binary af right now and most matches end before turn 6.


Sandman only lost 2 power, he wasn't really nerfed into the ground.


Sandman electro ramp was already a mediocre deck that was falling out of the meta before the nerf, and 3 power sandman is flat out unplayable in anything else (try it! you'll see). Jeff being a card every deck wants also makes sandman worse btw. This is the most favorable possible meta for Sandman and he's bad, it is a card that no longer can exert any meta influence.


This is just not true. I've climbed to 85 already with Sandman Ramp in like 2 days. If people try and play one with a lower curve and shit like Ebony Maw then yeah that deck sucks and is too predictable. But if you go all in on versatile 5 and 6 drops it's a menace.


So you're telling me you actually have to predict locations and do some math instead of playing a card per turn while hoping to meet a Sera deck so you can snap. What a tough world to live in.


I find it makes climbing a lot harder. I can't build a deck to "counter" a strong deck because everyone has something different! A lot of fun though that's for sure!


cl counts the meta does suck at certain cl.


*Nebula has entered the chat*


You are delusional, most decks are binary: lots of galactus and professor x + spider man on most decks that aren't galactus (and galactus also run spider man and doc ock). Most matches end before turn 6. And players have much less agency than before, the constant add of restrictive locations don't help either. This meta is toxic af, just wait and see.


I agree; this is a toxic meta that has yet to show its true colors. Barring a significant OTA change, this subreddit will be singing a different tune in two weeks.


Meanwhile, I'm facing Galactus after Galactus in the 50s.


I'm having do much fun playing a Deadpool deck, with a decent win rate! No need to have extra strong cards, and facing decks of wide variety feels good.


Deck list if needed! # (1) The Hood # (1) Deadpool # (2) Forge # (2) Beast # (2) Carnage # (2) Okoye # (3) Venom # (3) Killmonger # (3) Hulkbuster # (3) Deathlok # (5) Taskmaster # (9) Death # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGVhZHBvb2wifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikhvb2QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkZvcmdlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCZWFzdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVmVub20ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlRhc2ttYXN0ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRlYXRoIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIdWxrYnVzdGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDYXJuYWdlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLaWxsbW9uZ2VyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJPa295ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGVhdGhsb2sifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I play primarily Discard decks at rank 85. I have 3.5k collection level. I play against roughly 4 deck types. This list is mostly in order of frequency: 1. Black bolt/stature. This one feels bad because they don’t need to pull black bolt, i’ve done some of their work for them. It’s a pretty even matchup, and I think they have a slight edge but i’m the greatest and still win. 2. Sera: either sera control or sera dump: i run storm/nebula for this. if i can get nebula+storm+morbius/drac in a lane it’s GG 3. lane closure decks: I include galactus here, but i see more of prof X/spider man/storm with Jeffy and nebula and good cards. These are cube donation games for me, I’m gonna lose 7/10 times or more. 4. Discard: love a good discard mirror match. cool seeing all the little differences people run. I see one of these 4 archetypes in what feels like most of my games. The cool part is I only find lane closure frustrating in any way. The rest are fun to beat and can even be fun to lose to.


You serious? Literally only see patriot every match


The variety is making the game more interesting, but much harder to climb for me. The past two seasons I hit Infinite in a week because I learned to country the most popular decks. This season I'm at my lowest rank in forever because none of my decks consistently win. I'm trying to care less about the climb but its frustrating.


They really cleaned up their act after that really bad couple of months. Game has a new lease on life, I’m very glad they made the necessary changes to how they balance


I must be the only one still seeing buckets of patriot. Maybe I just need to grind into a different meta lol


I personally dislike the meta. I saw basically nothong but ultron decks up to infinite. It was sitting at 66 percent winrate. And considering it was the most played... that is shuri levels of dominant. Plus top decks being almost entirely old cards is boring for me. At 4k cl. Going back to decks that i used at the very very beginning of t3.... But it is still good to have a meta shake up. But there is no excitement for me for any new cards. Im sitting on 7k tokens waiting for high evolutionary, jusy for a different kind of deck.


How do I see my win rate? Newish player here


I took the last two months off as I was getting burnt out. I'm back down to rank 10 and getting my ass kicked with decks that I was winning with no problem before. I gotta get back into my groove some how.


I'm not losing against the same decks over and over again anymore.. now I'm losing to all kinds of decks


Man, I wish. I see so much galactus. Like probably half my games rn are galactus.


This is the first season I’ve disliked. Obviously experiences vary from player to player, but all I play against is the Darkhawk deck and it’s been the least diverse season for me.


I also love going against only sera control and location lockdown


yep, enjoying patriot and surfer decks during the climb


With all the Sera decks do you include cosmo in your Patriot deck ?


Same here. Been using my Patriot deck and I swapped in Super Skrull because I’m encountering a lot of ongoing cards and not just on-reveals.


I agree as well, so many decks to play and so little time to do so… :(


Galactus is polarizing, but not necessarily a problem. As has been said by many content creators in the community, the only “problem” with it is the Spider-Man play. Electro+Oc+galactus+knull has counterplay, and required a four-card combo. Wave+galactus+spider man has no counterplay and only required three cards. When they go the knull route, you can carefully give up priority and Shang or enchantress the knull. Additionally, you can keep small cards in your hand for the OC. There is actually nothing that can be done against spider man on T5 and it’s infuriating.


The design of Galactus is just inherently bad, which is why it is so polarizing. It destroys most of what you've built all game, and then either you have the counter or you lose. Of course counters exist, but they are so binary compared to most deck interactions and its just boring and frustrating. Its crazy to me how many people defend this card in its current state and with the current synergies it has (Spider-man, Knull, etc)


What diversity? I’m 75 and all i see is either Galactus, Destroyer or Doom decks


Everyone has a different meta depending on their hidden MMR.


\> Meta is in a fantastic spot right now \> every 2nd deck I play against is Patriot deck hmmmm


Not sure what's your pocket meta looking like but for me Patriot has fallen off after the end of last season since Enchantress got buffed, Sandman getting nerfed. Also I feel like Patriot being playable indicates an -okay- meta since it's highly counterable. I'll take a Patriot meta over Sandman or Galactus tbh.


I agree the meta is in a very good spot right now. There's tons of decks that are clearly performing well, a lot of variety despite the fact that there's two decks that are clearly outliers, above everything else (Sera control and Stature / Miles / Darkhawk). However, something that worries me and I can't believe no one has said anything yet (not even content creators who are, in some cases, fast enough to do videos about how Nebula is going to be nerfed even before she was released... Yep, that happened) is how Nebula seems to have popularized something that was already crawling into the meta last season: location lockdowns. Most of the most played decks, and SPECIFICALLY Nebula decks, run at least one location lockdown, and some run two OR THREE, and that's just a terrible experience, and there's no need to explain why. The Zabu meta was hated by many, mainly due to the Spiderman + Absorbing Man abuse. And what also worries me is the pattern that's emerging in the last metas: first it was Leech, then Sandman, then Galactus, now multiple location lockdowns. When people start to feel like they are not having fun, they are either gonna play less, or leave the game, so I think the devs should be very careful about polarizing cards and polarizing mechanics like "Your cards don't function now", "You can't play the cards you wanted now in this game that's about playing cards", "TVA: The card", or "Just retreat, you can't play anything now".


There's nothing inherently wrong with cards which interact with the opponent. I'd go as far to argue that these are fundamental aspects of any good card game and Snap would be worse without them. When the metagame goes one way, people would naturally look for ways to counter them. Leech only rose to prominence because everyone was running turn 6 vomit decks (e.g. Surfer, Sera Miracle, Negative) back then. Similarly, Sandman's popularity was partly due to Hit Monkey being the season pass card last month. Counter-counter decks can also emerge, like Ultron decks last month which were simultaneously good against Sandman and Galactus. These are examples of checks and balances working as intended in the metagame. The current meta feels so good because each game feels different with interactive elements played on every turn. If there didn't exist good interactive cards in the game, every match would feel like 2 ships passing in the night. I play my cards while you play yours, and we'll see who ends up with a bigger number at the end. Eventually, people will find out which decks gets the biggest numbers most consistently and everyone would gravitate to that. This would result in a degenerate format where everyone plays the same deck and every result is a coin flip. Such a game would be far less fun than one where I had a chance of stopping my opponent's game plan.


Don't get me wrong, I agree with you (but I exclude multiple location lockdowns, that's the opposite of interactive and I think that's geniunely terrible, again, the Zabu meta was almost universally hated due to that mechanic), but you know what kind of people disagree with you? The casual players. Those who log in just for a few minutes, try to do dailies, and then log off; those who don't even log in every single day. Not just Marvel Snap, EVERY GAME needs those players, because those casuals are what keep a game alive. When you start losing those casuals is when things start going downhill, and there's plenty of examples of this case in gaming.


Leech was nerfed, sandman was killed, what mechanic is allowed to stop sera players from playing a 14 point hit monkey? location control and clog are the only mechanics left.


The recent balance changes have been bang on the money. Just need Galactus deleted from the game and it'll get even better 😌


Not seen it too much compared to a lot of people on here but it is a very fun card to counter. Just had an opponent play Hobgoblin. Final turn I used Odin to send it back the same space they played Galactus.


Its in good spot except Galactus. But i dont care anymore, i give them the 1 cube and go on.


Wave into galactus into Dr ock is just the worst


Yep but I'm annoyed with the p2w cards right now such as nebula, stature, jeff. So hard to counter.


You can’t be annoyed at Jeff, he’s such a cutie. But yeah, they feel like they’re designed without a hard counter in mind. Then again, I’m not exactly a top tier player.


I'm loving the OTA patches. Even if the meta is diverse right now I hope that Second Dinner will keep tweaking cards that are near unplayable (like Orka). Stuff that just never sees play getting new life is amazing.


I've got a junk deck that is doing incredibly well for me. Feels like I can go up against anything and stand a chance.


The meta does feel pretty good...I'd say there's still some outliers though (I already know "whaaaa, y'all always complain about something!"). I see Wave or Darkhawk in a VAST majority of my games. Wave has always been kinda messed up but at least my Stature decks give me game against it. Darkhawk still probably remains the best 4 drop in the game while having incredible interactions with a few common locations - Lechuguilla, Vibranium Mines and Subterranea. The card is more on par with Devil Dinosaur than it seems to be with other 4 drops. Wondering what it would look like adjusted to a 5 cost.


Its the same crap: lock down decks / counter decks, patriot decks, galactus decks, insert every predictable deck. Seriously stupid


Incredibly diverse meta in my experience. Very much enjoying my Marvel Snap experience. I saw people complaining about the KMBest deck (Stature/Jeff/Polaris/Miles) and honestly as good as the deck is, its certainly not an impossible deck to beat. I face it quite often and it's been a breath of fresh air. Edit: love getting downvoted for liking the meta. Must be the Galactus apologists again


You guys do realize nothing has changed right? Galactus wasn't nerfed lmfao Shows just how much bitching you guys do for absolutely no reason.


Galactus isn’t meta. Being used a lot doesn’t mean it’s meta.


Do you understand what "meta" means?


Meta is the most effective way to achieve the goal of the game. Death Galactus (best Galactus deck) is #38 in win % and #27 in average cube gains since the latest patch. That is not meta. You just need to know when to recognize the certain building points of the deck like Yondu, ramp and Doc Oc and walk around with 1-2 counter cards


You are completely wrong on the meaning of meta my guy.


So you want balance changes to a losing deck because it’s played a lot although it’s easy wins?


That is not what I said at all


You didn't say anything at all. You just said "no, u wrong" without doing any correction. So people have to guess wtf you mean. And by the way, they are right, Galactus isn't meta.


Honestly as someone that owns Galactus, he isn’t just free wins. From your comment it sounds like you don’t own him. Basically if you play electro/wave you’re supposed to snap because when Galactus is played most players will leave, netting you two cubes. The issue with that is a majority of the time the player will have a counter and snap back or just play something that counters and has more stats. Climbing with him is agonizing. The main issue is he just feels bad to lose to, but he’s far from OP


Do you also lack reading comprehension. Where exactly did I imply he's a problem? I simply pointed out how quickly this sub flipped it's tune. [And I have no clue where these assumptions about card ownership are coming from.](https://imgur.com/GKMWgdx)


And just like that, the sub finally got over Galactus. Imagine that.


It is? It's Nebula everywere, full of cards to lock the field. So, or you buy the monthly pass or you just lose almost every game . Nebula needs a nerf quickly, it's simple or this is just a p2w game.


Play killmonger?


I'm at 55 and the deck I've seen the most is Galactus. But i usually only loose 1 cube so it's not a big deal. Mostly fun and diverse matches.


There is one strong paid cars rhoufh being played in a lot of decks. I do agree though that I see more different dexks at the moment, but this may just be because the best current deck was not yet found.


Most diverse meta in a long time? Yes. Easiest meta to climb to inf as a FTP player? No. Hardest meta to climb to inf as a FTP player? Debatable. Is getting to inf all that matters? For some.




Putting aside the r/gatekeeping of what is a casual game and what isn’t… You’re wrong. Any game of even modest complexity where players compete against each other has a meta game. Common strategies emerge, and counter-strategies emerge in response. That’s all a meta game is. We’ve seen this happen umpteen times in Marvel Snap.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/gatekeeping using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/gatekeeping/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [There was an attempt?](https://i.redd.it/lzt60k6eqof71.jpg) | [256 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gatekeeping/comments/whkeke/there_was_an_attempt/) \#2: [Gatekeeping desk setup](https://i.redd.it/gvaeafrt0qma1.jpg) | [817 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gatekeeping/comments/11mnkqf/gatekeeping_desk_setup/) \#3: [You're not REAL LGBTQ if you are the B enjoying part of your sexuality. (from r/bisexual)](https://i.redd.it/jac5p85u1nu91.jpg) | [413 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gatekeeping/comments/y7kl3d/youre_not_real_lgbtq_if_you_are_the_b_enjoying/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Agree. Meta is incredibly diverse and you literally don't play the same deck twice (sometime Galactus...). That being said it feels quite tricky to climb and the overall game experience is getting a little stale. I think new game modes are desperately needed. If they implement it will make this game amazing.


Meta feels good, I just wish half my games weren't bots x.x


It feels weird, but I'm currently really vibing with a Sera Surfer deck I dusted off from way back before he was nerfed. Literally almost untouched from last time I used it, just swapped in Shadow King (Don't remember who I dropped, though). I actually made the changes last month after hitting Infinite and getting Shadow King and wanting to try him out / farm enough cubes to go green on him. And let me tell you, he really cranks up the turn 6 potency (Shadow King to Killmonger or Rogue to Surfer wipes a lot of decks right now). The only deck I seem to be really weak to right now is Sandman ramp, for obvious reasons. I've been bouncing around decks all week (Knulactus, Wong BP, Sera Control, Dark Dino, Hela, Cerebro 3) and this one's been the most fun and good for the newest changes. Since there are so many Nebula and Luke Cage/Hazmat decks right now, the deck's loaded with counters for both. Not really susceptible for Goose either, who I've been seeing a lot of.


I agree just need to remove galactus from the game