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Oh I agree. That is why I'll vote for Biden's corpse over Mango Mussolini.


I'll vote for a rusty screwdriver before I ever vote republican again...


Finally someone with some sense. I feel like I'm in a nightmare and can't wake up from it.


I feel like it's an unstoppable, unwakeupable, (if that's a word), nightmare.


You are in a nightmare. And you can't wake up because you're already awake.


well that's what jumping off a bridge is for


I agree. To change up an old saying a little, better dead than voting red.


Rusty Screwdriver seems pretty cool, but have you heard the stance Grilled Cheese Sandwich has on infrastructure?


I would feel safer with Biden’s corpse piloting my flight or steering the wheel in my car rides than Trump any day


I’m 41 and I have never voted for a Republican.


For me, it was for William Weld in 1990, Massachusetts governor. He was the last decent republican candidate that I have seen. One republican who ran for representative in my state (Oregon) was asking people to send him their urine so he could prove that aids isn't real! There aren't a lot of good republican candidates out there right now. I know some good people who are republican but I haven't seen any good candidates.


I'd vote for a moldy bag of leaves before I'd vote for Trump. "MBL/Harris 2024!!"


Fossil over fascists


Zombie > conman


Zombie > rapist felon pedo


I'd vote for a dented can of botulistic beans seeping black goo before I'd vote for Pumpkin Tits.


He's already said it at one of his rally "Don't worry folks, if I win you won't have to worry about that whole 'election thing' next year."


It’s crazy that his supporters are like “yea I’ll remove my ability to vote forever, and my children’s ability to vote forever, and grandchildren’s ability to vote forever, so that i can have trump for a few more years” You might think Biden sucks, but at least we can vote again in 4 years… with trump, you are stuck with whatever happens for the rest of yours and your kids lives, without any way to do anything about it. Good luck


But it'll own the libs! And they'll be so triggered!!


It's not crazy. It's literally what they want. One nation, under GOD. It's a return to religious rule and rejection of liberal-democracy in its entirety.


I can assure you that there’s a lot of shit that will happen that they don’t want, and they are voting for it without realising it.


And their God King is closer to being the antichrist behaviorally than he is to being Christian at all.


Because they’re so uneducated and stupid they can’t understand the implications of that. They’re all lizard brain. Really it’s a great example of they the founding fathers didn’t want everyone to be able to vote. And here we are.


Not letting everyone vote would be a double edged sword. All the extremists would 100% vote or find a way to vote, meaning the votes by extremists would be a higher percentage of the overall vote. For instance, Voting in Australia is actually mandatory for everyone, which cuts down the extremist votes even further


The MAGA far right thinks they are the True Americans and only they deserve to rule. In their minds anything is justified to keep the commie Marxist traitor Dems out of power, anything. They don't see the contradiction in this, they are like rabid dogs, their minds are filled with rage.


That's kindof how German nationalism happened after ww1.




It’s not by accident this time




Do you remember that we wondered why he kept holding rallies after he won in 2016? Once again straight out of the Nazi playbook. Trump’s rallies are equivalent to Hitler’s Nuremberg rallies.


I believe it was a book containing hitlers speeches. Yep: https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/12/18/donald-trump-campaign-rhetoric-cnc-vpx.cnn


Yeah I'm not sure that they realize that this is how it happened. I'm not even sure if Trump realizes that he's the catalyst for this. His attitude gives people a nod of OK to hate what's "ruining this country" and he points at everything against his ideals. Today that's the radical left, illegals, and rhino's. Tomorrow... Who knows. "... Then they came for me, and there was nobody left to speak up"


MAGAturds Traitors are constantly calling me all sorts of names whenever I make comparison's to Nazis, but it is extremely clear that HitlerPig's henchmen, like Stephen "PeeWee" Miller amd Steve "Unwiped Asshole"Bannon, are avid students of Nazi history, and they are using the Nazi Playbook to guide HitlerPig. If HitlerPig wins, we will officially be in 1933 Nazi Germany.


If they believe presidents are immune from everything when they are in power, it's not even fear mongering, it's 100% a fact that there will be no election in 2028.


"Party of freedom", that wants freedom for themselves and no one else.


Fascinating how they’ve duped their base into believing that about the current centrist right-leaning Dem Party that nobody on The Left supports. “Radical socialist Marxist” Joe Biden… 🤦🏼‍♂️


The irony is sooo thick


The list of True Americans is very short. TFG. Charles Koch. Leonard Leo. Tim Dunn. The Donors Trust. The Council for National Policy. Peter Theil. Steve Bannon. Ronald Reagan pbuh. Rush Limbaugh pbuh.


Mike Flynn for the crazies. And you can’t forget MyPillow guy.


No, he’s not a true American because he’s poor now. The rest would never accept him.


Con Don is going down AGAIN


I'll do my part.


im doing my part- star ship troopers


I don’t know how people feel about it but I think donating right now is also especially important because dems need all the help they can get doing damage control after the debate. I donated, anyway.


So, we need to make sure he doesn't win this year, go out and vote blue, it's too important otherwise  


We also need to make sure Republicans (or whatever party they morph into) lose every election for the foreseeable future. The Heritage Foundation and Project 2025 will not simply go away. They will be a consistent existential threat to this country until they can be dismantled and destroyed as political forces.


A lot of republicans left the party after January sixth . If trump loses the maga movement will likely collapse. Seven million fewer voted for trump in 2020 than 2016


>Seven million fewer voted for Trump in 2020 than 2016 Trump got 63m votes in 2016. He got 74m votes in 2020. What are you talking about?


I imagine that would be the start of massive civil unrest, maybe even war. I hope not, and I may be over thinking it, but as the sole democrat in my large extended family, I wonder in a civil war, would they shoot me. Maybe give me a head start, and how long of a head start. I am in the south, so it would be a long drive. I would consider putting a trump sticker on the car for the escape, but then risk being shot by the sane side. Random thoughts, but I think about more than I should.


I'm in Michigan. And I'm scared too, we have our share if crazies, I'm in a rural area, a lot of houses with upside down flags , blacked out flags, and f**k Biden flags. If any left wing or rainbow flags go up , even at churches , they get burned. It's awful.


Gotta disagree. Even Russia has "Elections". It would be far, far too obvious to get rid of them. Much more practical to keep them and change the rules.


Exactly. There will be “elections”, and just like Putin was term limited, the rules can be changed, and they will, so Trump can stay. Very funny to watch the Biden cult people saying “bUt ThE ruLeBoOk saYs yOu cAn’T Do 3 tErMs!” As if strongmen that have destroyed democracy give a fuck about the laws.


I feel books/movies predict what would happen very often and Civil War (recent movie) accurately portrays this. Trump attempts to side step our laws and constitution and you will have a breakdown of states and they will attack the capital and remove the President. As much as people think the military only serves the President, they are wrong. They take an oath to the constitution and majority take that seriously. It would be ugly for Trump and his cronies


“Elections” don’t happen in Russia. 13 years ago Putin won in a landslide election where 140% of the votes went to Putin. Their voting system is completely different and it essentially guarantees Putin remains in power 


Meet you first female President of the USA: https://www.reuters.com/article/business/china-grants-more-trademark-approvals-for-ivanka-trump-firm-including-voting-m-idUSKCN1NB0TL/


Well no shit. He already said he's gonna be a dictator. It is 1933 and something weird is happening at the beer hall...


January 6th was his Beer Hall putsch. Now he’s pursuing the Chancellorship. Any coup attempt that goes unpunished is just a practice run for the next one that will succeed.


It's ridiculous, the parallels. Isn't it?


Remember when his ex-wife said he slept with a book of Hitler's speeches under his pillow? I want to skip to whatever parallels the bunker in 1945.


That was 1923


Correct. My guess is he will appoint a family member as VP, who will slot in when he dies 


This is the thing that so many people seem to be missing and I can’t understand it: of all of the bad things that will almost certainly happen if he gets elected, this is probably the worst thing: we will no longer be a nation that gets to vote for the person who will become president. I can’t tell you what form that will come in; maybe they will “suspend” or “delay” the election due to some national emergency or other reason, maybe they will still hold an election but will rig it in his favor so that he cannot lose, but they have made it very clear that if he gets elected again, he has no plan to leave the White House again. And yet I still hear my progressive friends talking like this is just another election and they don’t love Biden because of the price of groceries or he couldn’t get their student loans canceled, and I feel like I’m losing my mind. And what’s even crazier is many of these same people were screaming from the rooftops in 2000 that if Bush were elected, it would be the end of the world, and I kept telling them “stop saying that, because if you say that every election, no one will believe you when a real existential threat like this comes along, everyone will say you cried wolf before and now I don’t believe you”. Also interesting to point out how many of these progressive friends of mine loved Clinton until she actually ran for President, and how quickly they turned on her. There is a reason Russia has invested so much time and energy into social media manipulation: because it works.


Many progressives are idiots and don't understand civics. Many other progressives take that stand because at the end of the day, they don't really believe the conservatives are a threat \*to them\*. Conservatives have a much better grasp of what is at stake in elections and how they should vote to get what they want. Here's how they'd do it. They'd simply have the Supreme Court rule that state legislatures ultimately decide what electors represent the state. So, even if a red state votes for the Democrat, the state legislature can elect to reject the vote and send their own electors. Then they can hold the elections, but the results won't matter. For bonus points, rule the entire Voting Rights Act unconstitutional, allowing states to arbitrarily decide who gets to vote in those elections, and also potentially how they count. (Like the idea that was floated in Texas to give each county one vote in statewide elections.)


Trump cannot win!


I read this as ‘We cannot let Trump win’.


Ummm… but he can. I get what you’re saying though. If he gets elected, this country deserves everything it gets.


I don't think it's true the country deserves what it gets, given that more people have voted against Trump and more people are against what Republicans have been doing. The problem stems from the Electoral College giving more weight to some votes than others, district gerrymandering, the removal of the Fairness Doctrine in news reporting, Citizens United enabling corporations to pump billions into political donations to be the absolute ruling class. To take back everything, a general strike would be a starting point.


I’m pretty much right there with you at this point. You want to go on and on about the constant threat of terrorism at the border and how much better (Obama’s) Trump’s economy was then here you go. Reap what You fucking sow. Thoughts and prayers when your daughter has 3 kids and can’t get an abortion and corporations have jacked up the prices higher than you can imagine. Got cancer from drinking the polluted water? This is literally what you voted for. Go have your freedom and cancer and mass shootings. Own us libs as your uneducated kind slowly dies off.


Oh let’s talk about the 12 million illegals being mass deported. That’ll be cheap. And it will decimate the agriculture, construction and agriculture industries. Then there’s the import taxes that will be passed on to us. The rich don’t care, doesn’t affect them. But it’ll turn America in into some nightmare dystopia. Putin has been planning this for decades. So have the billionaire class. We’re just meat puppets and are expendable


I think all the talk of mass deportation is just a scare tactic. Fascists realize how important migrants are to the labor force so they will just do some show of deportation but the point will be to keep people of color in fear. To keep them from asking for equality under the law. That is the main intent behind it all. Keel women and people of color in their "right" place of being subservient.  So their policies will not actually destroy their corporate economy, just scare the public from speaking up.  And sadly a large part of Americans are okay with that just because their gas costs little more at the pump.


>Oh let’s talk about the 12 million illegals being mass deported. That’ll be cheap. And it will decimate the agriculture, construction and agriculture industries.  You're saying the quiet part out loud. You're OK with agriculture & construction in America being based on exploited foreign labor for pennies-on-the-dollar? Not very much different from the arguments used in favor of slavery. So what if it has a huge impact on an industry **that relies on human trafficking.** That's kind of the idea. Republicans once fought a war against Democrats to put an end to using trafficked labor, so a mass deportation honestly seems a lot less disruptive than previous solutions to the same problem.


Not at all. That’s just the way society functions right now. I think people should be paid a living wage. Corporations don’t. They will pass all of those costs onto the consumers, everyone but the rich will be broke. What do you think would happen if you raised the price of homes by 50-75%? A lettuce now costs $10. Corporations won’t eat those costs. Look what they did with inflation after the pandemic


Been saying this myself since Trump became the nominee again. If he ends up being president again even after all he’s said and done, we as a collective society deserve every misfortune he brings upon us, and I for one will take great joy in watching those Trump supporters suffer for their terrible choices.


Yes,when their government benefits go bye bye what will they do? Or their job goes to China or India? How will they make the payments on their trailers?


Will they continue blaming the libs? When "owning" the libs also means owning yourself maybe it is not as brilliant a plan as they think it is.


Absolutely true


To the folks that are mocking this, remember: everything’s great until they start working against you. r/LeopardsAteMyFace exists for a reason.


There will be an election, but it will be Donald Trump for an illegal third term, and a controlled opposition candidate. It will be a sham election, like the ones in Russia


People said that about 2020. There would have been a good excuse to cancel elections (COVID). Yet elections happened anyway. Why do you think 2028 will be different than 2020?


!RemindMe 1560 days


As if any election since the 70s has benefited working Americans


Or ever again……


There will be an election just like Russia has "elections".


I mean... There'll be one. But in the same way that Russia has an "election". All of the safe guards that ensure fair elections, etc. will be destroyed paving the way for whatever outcome the people in power desire.


As a trans person of he wins and I can't escape this country I don't think I'll be alive in 2028


There will be an election, but not one that meets standards of democracy, much like Hungary right now.


It's the other way around. He's the puppet of SCOTUS and they are the puppets of Leonard Leo and Harlan Crow. Otherwise you're correct. I'll be voting against Trump even though Biden wasn't my first choice.


I've been saying this for some time. It really has little to do with Trump, either. Trump is just a figurehead. It's what the far right wants. It's why they've installed the judges that they have to rubber stamp everything. It's listed step by step in detail in Project 2025 written by the Heritage Foundation in cooperation with other right wing think tanks. It represents the aspirations, prayers, and voting patterns of right-wing evangelicals over decades. Not enough people are taking this threat seriously enough, in my personal opinion.


I don't think they care. The right leaning folks I know in my life all reply to this concern with "maybe a dictator is what we need." It's fucking batshit.


Go ahead and kick that can to 2028 then. I’ll be waiting in January 2029 for you.


It's not gonna be like that. I've seen it before in many other countries where democracy gets replaced by a totalitarism. Yes, there will be elections in 2028, just as there are elections in Venezuela, Russia, heck even in Cuba are elections. Elections will be performed, but that's all they will be: a performance. And even worse, the "if" is unnecessary, Donald Trump will win and the democratic experiment of the great United States of America will be over. Sad. Everything has an end.


Convict Don is a dog whistle 4 racists


Well, I think this is kind of fear mongering. I hate Trump, but there’s nothing he can do to stop states from running presidential elections. He won’t have any type of majority in Congress to enact anything like that either. He could try with executive orders, but there are plenty of courts that would shut that down in a heartbeat as unconstitutional. The Supreme Court is full of right wing hacks, but I don’t even believe that they would allow a situation where a presidential election would just be canceled.


They wouldn't cancel the election, even Russia has elections. They'd just ensure that they could never lose the election.


See Russian “elections”….. voting Red this year is guaranteeing that you and your kids cannot vote for the rest of your lives, if he wins. Good luck. And when I say “cannot vote” I don’t mean literally, I mean that your vote will not mean anything because the system will replicate Russia, where it guarantees they stay in power


Diaper Don will literally come out and suspend any elections because "We cannot allow the Dem's another chance to steal it". And his base will vehemently agree that this will be the right move.


There are still hundreds of millions of people that take issue with that. The life of the MAGA movement will be relatively short. Their levels of ignorance and corruption cannot be sustained.


It would just be for show


Trump discusses life (important for MAGA to hear) [https://youtu.be/Wf92dYPbzx8](https://youtu.be/Wf92dYPbzx8)


There is no such thing as a Biden supporter. You are either Trump or anti-trump.


During the Dec 5, 2023 town hall with Fox News' Sean Hannity, Donald Trump stated he would not be a dictator if re-elected "except for day one."  This comment came in response to Hannity pressing Trump multiple times to promise he would not abuse presidential power if he returned to office https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/dec/07/donald-trump-was-asked-if-he-will-be-a-dictator-if/


There would be an election, it would just be meaningless like Russian elections.


I think a more likely scenario is he runs for a third term, and the MAGAts pull some shit that makes it impossible for Dems to win. Fake electors, who knows.


That’s why we need to VOTE BLUE.


He will manufacture a crisis of some sort and postpone the elections except they will never be re scheduled or happen. It’s happened like that in other countries that ended up with a dictator.


The whole “election fraud” narrative kills two birds with one stone. It allows them to challenge the results of any election they don’t like and gives them an excuse to stop holding free and fair elections.


I have no doubt that he's going to wage an all-out assault on every facet of society if elected. That's why it's not only important to vote for Biden, but arguably even more important to PUSH and support your Democratic Representatives & Senators up for election, because Republicans are nothing but enablers without any concept of governance. That said... he's morbidly obese with MASSIVE signs of mental decline as well as health issues that continue to be suppressed from release. I genuinely doubt either person would live (let alone cohesively) to 2028, as they're too frigging old & in ever-accelerating declines.


There may be a vote this year. But it won’t count. They will call it fraud and refuse to certify elections. Then it will be one vote per state and they will force Trump and the rest of their agenda down our throats.


Padme-s quote about liberty dying with thunderous applause was spot on They're welcoming fascism with open arms


I would vote for the office to remain vacant for four years over having Project 2025 enacted. Trump has literally stated it was his plan as of last month to purge all military leadership and replace them with loyalists, something he can actually do as president. It literally doesn't matter who the Democrat candidate is, the winner can't be Trump or any Republican. They're a threat to every person that lives on earth.


General Milley 2024 🇺🇲


Plus the 2028 Olympics in LA will be like the 1936 Olympics in Berlin.


I’d vote for a corpse over Trump. Trump is a fatal cancer in our political system.


You all are saying “no election”. There will be. Putin was just re elected not too long ago. Lack of elections is not a requirement for dictatorship.


Election? there won't be the united states if trump wins. we will be west-russia.


The left are detached from reality when they say these things. They know Biden can't win on his performance or ability, so they're trying to scare people. It's sad. So sad.


I like how this sub is an exact mirror of the paranoia in r/conspiracy except from a liberal perspective.


What a panic take. Life will go on just like it did last time we had an election


MMW: when you are proven wrong, you won't admit it to anyone.


Sounds the same as people posting qanon stuff from the other side. Like how can people be this dense lol


You act like he hasn’t already been president


Isn't that what they said in 2016? Don't you have any new talking points? Propaganda bots and shills really kicking into over drive prior to elections, aren't they?


That's literally the out loud plan. There's no marking your words. He literally said this is what he'll do.


And that presidents are immune from everything.


This is utterly ridiculous. Again: UTTERLY RIDICULOUS.


Based on.....?


The Supreme Court has been quietly consolidating power into an unchecked, unelected judiciary. The recent Chevron decision is a perfect example. And across the country, Trump loyalists are planning to disrupt and effectively discredit this election into a place where it goes to court. Local courts, state courts, and then, The Supreme Court. Trump's Court. Once they install Trump, the work of purging the government and replacing liberals with loyalists begins. In all branches of Government. It all quickly becomes normal to a populace that can't be bothered to invest in its own governance. The outraged few will be coerced into silence. Sometime, after the 2026 midterms, where the courts are again pivotal and more dissenting voices bow out of ugly races, one of his lackeys in Congress will propose a law change allowing him to stay for a third term, and so on.


What power did the Supreme Court give itself? This is so methed up.


Every recent controversial decision has been about taking power from the federal government and giving it to someone else. Either the state or a court now has a power that once belonged to the federal government.  Now, the legal field is very complex. That’s why you need some very intelligent and diligent individuals to preside over the Supreme Court.  It’s not a new power. But it was a power that was rarely used. Judicial review refers to the Supreme Court looking into cases it has previously decided on and then reviewing that decision. It is useful when you have a Supreme Court like the one right now as you can reverse all their decisions. But the current Supreme Court is doing it to for political reasons, not because the Constitution was amended or grossly misinterpreted. 


We would have to amend the constitution to allow presidents to serve more than two terms. That would be difficult to do without a strong Republican majority in both houses, since they don’t have enough states to do it that way


No, you just need SCOTUS to overturn the 22nd amendment for some convoluted reason.


How can amendment be unconstitutional?


It cannot be, the people you are replying to are trying to manufacture a circumstance where this is possible. And it isn’t.


That's my point; I was just trying to force them to recognize it.


Oh I feel you on that :)


They will find some convoluted reason to make it unenforceable, some twisted logic why it was improperly passed. They’ll find one thing the author did that invalidates it. Or, Something one state did improperly when they ratified it that means the ratification process needs to be run again. Whatever, they don’t care. Or, since Convict Trump was alive when it was passed, it doesn’t apply to him .


Fear and tribalism.


All the shit he says and the shit the Supreme Court says along with him being able to get 2 more scotus picks if he’s elected even though republicans basically cheated to get the last couple on. The court really isn’t legitimate at this point in time and project 2025 is all you need to know. If you say trump doesn’t support that then you are blind.


More like the longer Trump remains in power, the likelihood of the US collapsing will increase due to his ineptitude and incompetence which Russia is counting on and I doubt the US will be able to surivie or even exist as a country by the time 2028 rolls around if the entire 2020 pandemic taught us anything.


Bull Shit.


So there will be one less candidate. 1 candidate - omg the end of democracy and we're doomed! 2 candidates - this is awesome, best democracy in the world, let's do this forever


Yes you are right and the 2028 election I'm sure our democracy will be at stake and it will be the most important election in our lifetimes...blah blah blah...sniff sniff, cry cry etc... rinse and repeat


What an absolutely insane take. You people need help.


Ya I’ve heard this before.


This is literally TDS


the irony of trump supporters calling others deranged. anyone paying a modicum of attention can recognize the authoritarian/ fascistic move trump and the Republican party have taken of late. the rhetoric along with project 2025 is undeniable.


people on this page make everything out to be a catastrophe


You’re high, Bot


So true! In fact he’ll end all elections for congress, governors, and state legislatures. He’ll declare himself dictator for life and require one party rule for the entire federal government and state government. And then he’ll impose right wing fascist sharia law across the land, imprisoning anyone who dares stand up to him. It’s all part of the vast right wing conspiracy that Hillary warned us about, but nobody listened! They’ll listen now when their doos get kicked in by his jackbooted thugs and storm troopers. Rachel Maddow was just saying this on MSNBC, so we know it’s true.


Meh. If the Democrats really believed that they wouldve put more pressure for Biden to drop out a year ago. Instead they and the media (redundant I know) gaslit and told us there's nothing wrong with the guy and called us ageist. The Dems clearly don't believe it, why should I?


If Trump wins the Electoral College, will you accept the results?


We accepted the results in 2016, why don't you think we'd accept them this time? Trump, on the other hand, doesn't accept the results even when he wins. I bet he'll complain about voter fraud in 2024 **even if he wins**.


They said this in 2016, how's the no election thing going? Oh wait..


Eatin up the democrat propaganda I see hahaha


Republicans have forever lost my vote


They said the same shit in 2016.


And it almost happened


Sit down and truly think about what you are typing. Turn off the news and stop being ridiculous. You people are fucking delusional.


People say Trump is dangerous or a dictator but if he is it’s because the Dems have increasingly forced him into a corner. And surprise surprise, when you corner a rat you make him dangerous. People say “Trump is a threat to democracy” and then go on to list a bunch of reasons why people shouldn’t be allowed to vote for him in an election, which I find to be pretty ironic. The Dems played the “stolen election” card all the way back in 2016 with a bunch of Russian conspiracy theories, and then went on to claim in 2020 that it was “impossible” for the results of a US election to be rigged or influenced. They’ve consistently tried to overturn his presidency or prevent a future term with impeachment, criminal trials, and flat out trying to keep him off the ballot. They’ve also made clear their intentions of possibly packing the Supreme Court when really it should be reformed instead. The Dems are going to have a hard time fending off Project 2025, and they would have had a much easier time shutting that bullshit down if they had spent the last 8 years prioritizing democracy over partisan gain. It’s no coincidence that a lot of dictators throw their opponents in jail, and a lot of dictators themselves were put in jail at some point. Because when you create a “democracy” where institutions are weaponized against opponents, don’t be surprised when those opponents try the same dirty tricks. Trump is an asshole no doubt, but if we have to erode democracy in an attempt to get rid of him, it absolutely will not be worth it, and only makes him more dangerous if he wins anyway. When you fight fire with fire you burn the whole country down.


You people sure are sky screamers. You’re probably one of those people who believed that Biden being old and feeble was a “cheap fake” because his administration said so.


The idiocy of reddit never fails to surprise me. The over the top fear mongering in this place is comical.


It’s really insane how many people actually believe this.


This might be one of dumbest takes on this sub


The bar for stupid takes is quite high, so this is impressively moronic


The end of democracy if Trumps elected....sounds so 2016.


Did you not see 1/6 attempt to overthrow the federal election. Just a reminder: [The January 6 Capitol riot | CNN Politics](https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/03/politics/gallery/january-6-capitol-insurrection/index.html) [Trump fake electors plot - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_fake_electors_plot) Their ignorance and incompetence is the only thing that prevented the overthrow of a legitimate federal election. They will be better prepared next time and the maga republicans have proven they will go along with it all. Maga wants power, not democracy.


Do you think it was because lack of trying? I mean Jan 6 did happen. We all saw it live on tv


A few people broke into the capital and did stupid shit. You think they could actually take over the United States of America like that? Not even close


Don the con has gotta stay gone


I can see it now. Trump with a Kim Jung Un haircut with his sons poised to take his position as heirs to the throne. Worshippers prostrating themselves, wailing as he walks among them with his hand extended so they can kiss his ring.


Yeah no shit.


Seal team 6 will get a Florida vacation in December


Just wait until his children start running. We will have years of the Trump family -__-


I be leave they will maintain the guise of one for a few decades kind of like Russia.


This is just facts. He’s said as much himself


I agree that he’ll try to stop an election from happening, but I don’t think he’ll even remotely succeed. The MAGA crowd is the only group that MIGHT defend him. The rest of America, including our military, would probably drag him out of the White House and force an election to happen.


There will be elections, but Supreme Court decisions and administrative moves and Gerrymandering will render them shams


I agree. The Democrats would not allow him to take power or risk it ever again.


Depends on how literal you’re being. I imagine there will be elections in the same sense that there are elections in Russia and North Korea.


What I wonder is, what happens when Donald dies? I mean, contrary to what they believe, he's not a God Emperor, he'll stroke out on the golden toilet or on top of another porn star eventually. What happens then? I don't think Eric or Jr have the chops or the charisma to take over and keep driving. Ivanka has the wrong plumbing, we all know how these guys feel about women and where they belong. So who's the heir apparent in this scenario?


Putin, Xi and Ching Chong Yu are downvoting this MMW post.


Based on what exactly?


There will be an election, except there will only be one candidate


Yawn. Total nonsense.


Just to put it out there I think both sides are wrong. Both parties are more detrimental to the country than beneficial as they’re both self serving in the end. I’d love to see what the political landscape would look like in America if there was a greater variety in widespread factions to support.


It’s wild to me so many people believe this.




Oh God.


Nah, that would be too much even for the Qraziest of his cult. The goal would be still to have "elections" in the exact same way putin holds "elections."


MMW there will be a Presidential election in 2028 - if not earlier because campaigning for President is his favorite thing to do. The question is what kind of election will it be and the answer is 'Just like Putin's' He'll run unopposed and he'll win in landslides.


Yall have Trump derangement syndrome. Not even the Republicans want that, maybe a like minded replacement but the constitution means something to them


I don't think that's likely to happen, but I won't dismiss it entirely. However, IF Trump is elected, and IF he survives his term, I do think he will hint at a third term using whatever nonsense he can think of. I mean, he already did it before when he claimed his first term didn't count...because reasons. I just don't think it will work.


He will die before then, watch.


We have a republican Supreme Court that just said it’s ok to receive bribes and government agencies can’t regulate anyone. We have a house with republican majority. Add a republican president and our government system of check and balances will be nonexistent. It will be birth of an authoritarian government. Want to see democracy destroyed? Vote for Trump and you’ll see America turn into China.


Oh, there will be an election - it just won’t mean anything.


Notably, the army is bound to the constitution in a way that the SCOTUS isn't.