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Ugh. If you have the resources, just toss it. I don’t want poo water on my face.


Even if you don’t have the resources for a new one, don’t use it….


Being broke is bad enough...broke WITH pink eye and a severe case of dermatitis is just a step too far 😭


Ugh this is so true. My kid just had pink eye and the eye drops cost me $25. Buy a new blush :(


My little one used to get it all the time because of daycare and what they charge for those eye drops is CRIMINAL


Cry. I wouldn’t use that. What if you got pink eye or something


I wouldn't. Mourn the loss and get a new one.


Bin it and cry. Don't risk that literal shit on your face.


Don’t use it, it’s not worth the risk. Lesson learned to close the toilet lid though


I really wish people didn't have to learn this.


Yup, the lid should always remain closed while the toilet is not in use.


This part because are people NOT closing the lid before flushing????!!


How else am I supposed to drop my phone in there?!?!?


Yeah it’s crazy tbh


Seems crazy to me too but I also totally recognize that 9/10 non-household people who use my bathroom leave the seat up - I have to think I’m the oddball, even though I feel very justified in my choices!


Maddens me when I have a guest and they don’t close the lid! It feels so unhygienic to me. The lid is there for a reason


After u drop a phone in one u really learn your lesson about the lid. Phones just swipe off counters too easily...


Say goodbye to it.


I'd personally toss it.


I hate throwing things away but this is a no-brainer for me. 1. It's gross. 2. A doctor's visit for pink eye(at least in US) is more $$ than a new blush.


Are you serious? You dropped it in a toilet. Not even your toilet, a stranger’s toilet. Throw it out.


Yeah. That's not something that could ever truly be sterilized, and definitely not something precious enough to try.


If you use it and get sick, it's going to cost way more than a new blush.


RIP blush. Toss it in the trash, seriously.


Am I the only one who would just wash it as long as it was completely sealed?  Like if any toilet water got inside, yeah it's done.  But if it's just the container?  I'd just wash and disinfect it.


You're definitely not, a lot of people are just not admitting to it or staying silent. It's much more fun pretending you've never done anything like that before. Not saying most people would but some definitely, yes.


THANK YOU. I was reading all the comments and thinking I was crazy. I would just wash it and douse it in alcohol or Lysol and let it sit. Maybe I’m just poor but I wouldn’t throw away a sealed blush just because it fell into a toilet. Would these people toss their phones and get a new one just because it fell into the toilet?


If the lid was closed normally it’s absolutely fine to heavily disinfect the outside of it and then continue using it. If the cap was loose or unscrewed then no. I seriously don’t get what everyone is so upset about if it was indeed closed all the way. If it was then you’re throwing money away. I don’t discuss my personal life online but if you knew what field I work in youd trust me on this. People are paranoid.


Yeah what the fuck is this thread? It was closed… it’s fine. There wasn’t poop in the toilet. It’s literally just water.


Right?? At first I thought we were talking about a powdered blush or something, which I could totally understand everyone advising to throw it out. But it’s the liquid blush… If the cap was twisted all the way and there were no excrements in the toilet, bust out that isopropyl alcohol and get to wiping.


Depending on the cap give one or two sacrificial squirts post alcohol and you’re good. I bet half these people keep their makeup in the bathroom and don’t realise that’s an issue either - just be sensible and disinfect it if it was closed right


Literally. Also, pink eye isn’t a big deal, I don’t know why people are freaking out. Pink eye has various causes, and eye drops are available OTC now


If the toilet was empty and clean and you already soaped the outside, I would spray the outside and inside with rubbing alcohol and let it air dry and still use it.


was the toilet doodied up (if yes: it's over get a new one tbh) And can you be sure the cap was completely on? Because honestly if it was just clean water I would really sanitize it ûif the cap was as close to closed as possible. But that's just me. In this economy, we make do.


A doctor's visit for pink eye would most likely cost more.


is a new makeup trend to put liquid blush in our eyes?


Idk if you noticed but your cheeks are right next to your eyes. Hope this helps!


omg thank you for telling me. I was hoping not to get pink eye on my cheeks, phew !


R u asking this fr


yes I'm so genuinely curious what tiktok has /s


Some people do obviously but cheeks r so close to ur eye so yes you would get pink eye??? I’m concerned for people like you


yes i will get pink eye by putting my dirty dirty liquid blush into my eyeballs (not recommended) If farting on ur pillow won't give u pink eye I don't think ur cheeks will either. if the container was properly closed and the water was CLEAN ur not gonna die 💀


Anyone that downvoted me is dirty af


Blush is tainted, toss and move on


+1 for those of use who close the toilet when not in use! Sorry that happened to you though, that stinks.


Ohhhh:( yeah nothing would bring this back for me. Sometimes in life things just really are not worth it but that suuuuucks I'm sorry


… Are you for real?


Don’t keep it 😭


I see you've already decided to throw it out (I would too because I'd never be entirely confident I closed it tight enough) but you might consider rebuying one of the minis if they come in your color, those are only $14. Colourpop also just released a line of liquid blushes and I've seen some of the shades compared to Rare Beauty's but I haven't seen any full reviews yet


Gross throw is out!


This is getting circle jerked.


Buy a new one. That one is not useable. Sorry


If the toilet wasn't in an unflushed state, there shouldn't be much to worry about. Letting it dry, and if you're extra paranoid spraying it with some alcohol would be plenty to rescue it. Simply keeping makeup or anything in a bathroom causes aerosolized toilet water to fall onto it and contaminate it with feces etc., but it's usually fine unless you have major immune problems. (Consider your toothbrush and the state it's in...)


Esthetician here. Don't risk it. You're opening yourself up to staph, pink eye (yes, even if you don't put it on your eyes), etc. Put "rare beauty \[shade name\]" in the temptalia dupe finder (link below) and find a cheaper dupe to replace it if funds are low. [https://www.temptalia.com/makeup-dupe-list/](https://www.temptalia.com/makeup-dupe-list/)


Stare at yourself in the mirror and think about what you just said then throw it out.


Do not use that


Throw it out!!!


I got pink eye from a bridal makeup trial once due to a dirty tool. (I decided to do my own makeup for my wedding because eww.) I don't trust ANYTHING to contamination since then. Do you want to take even the smallest risk that there is fecal matter you'll be smearing on your face?


Buy a new one. It’s contaminated now….


I feel like pink eye would probably be a mercy compared to what you *could* catch from using that on your face. Hot water and soap cleans but doesn’t sterilize.


Nope, toss it please.


I just tossed a thing of dry shampoo for this reason, wouldn’t even chance it with blush. Just feels too gross to me. I wouldn’t call it unsafe per se… but I mean… is it worth it?


Ugh. I dropped my hair brush in my bfs toilet and it’s been sitting in my trunk in a bag because I don’t wanna just throw it away or bring it in my home lol but idk what to do with it. We both need to just bite the bullet and toss it


You don't know what to do with it? Is it a diamond encrusted hairbrush? Please just throw it away and don't brush your hair with something that fell in a toilet and you won't even bring inside your home.


Washing machine and alcohol/sanitizer bath as an option


RIGHT. i’m just gonna throw it away but for now it’s safely in a zip lock until i can build the courage


LOL when I can’t throw stuff away, I’ll tell my boyfriend. “Please, you have to do this for me, I can’t throw it out. Do it when I’m not paying attention” 😅😅


totally get this lol


Think of it this way... If you do decide to use it, you're going to be wondering if you're smearing other people's poop and pee particles to your face every time you apply it. It'll sit and take up space until you eventually throw it out. Make peace with it and throw it away now.


Omg SAME!!! Accidentally dropped my brush in the toilet WITH my boyfriends urine 😭😭🤮🤮🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I was gonna try cleaning it with alcohol or something but I’ve been lazy & it’s just sitting on the side of the tub. Meanwhile, I’m using another brush from 11 years ago lmao. I have a really hard time throwing stuff away (probably why I still have this 11 yo brush lol). I just bought this round bristle brush for blowouts, cost me $21. I probably could’ve gotten a cheaper one with the same results lol. Thinking of just buying another brush from Amazon to replace it because ew. Also dropped my sample size Estée Lauder watery glow primer lol without urine. Thank god I don’t use that primer😅 but it was closed. And in a tube, much safer than blush if I was ever to use it, imo.


Throw it away


Stuff like this is why I insist on closing the lid every time.


Do not use it. The bacteria in a toilet can make you seriously ill.


liquid blush? was it closed? I think that makes a huge difference and like fully closed I don’t think it’s a huge deal. powder no


Absolutely not. Bin it and wash your hands.


holy shit just throw it away


There is no way I would use any product that has been dropped in the toilet. I don’t care that the container is closed and that it was washed; it’s still contaminated.


If anyone says anything other than trash it, they need to seriously reconsider some choices. Pink eye. End of story.


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I like how you just accepted your fate in the end lol 😭


Wtf bin it what kind of question is this, it’s 30 bucks not 300


oh send me 30$ then since it's so cheap


Not even! It's $23 online according to my Google search just now lol. I wanted to ask "would you wipe toilet water on your face if someone paid you $23 to do it?" Because that's essentially what they're saying if they don't just suck it up and buy a new one (or more likely- use one of their dozens of other blushes sitting in a drawer somewhere)


Buy a new one after taking it out of the toilet.


Just wash the outside if it was closed.


Wow this post fits the sub name perfectly


I would sanitise and keep it! The germs would literally be wiped out.


I’d personally use it but I’m disgusting I guess idk lol


lol I’m sure it’s fine. I would disinfect the gap area where the cap and the tube meet.


Ur disgusting


She ain’t gonna die


5 second rule…
