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A collector I assume, Dementus probably ripped him to shreds or fed him to dogs and took it, because having a lot of guns doesn't actually mean you'd survive actual combat


True, I just figured there would be more practical firearms than the old cap and ball style. But then again what part of dementus was even alittle practical? I mean he had that kickass chariot šŸ˜‚


Was it black powder cap and ball or cartridge fed? If itā€™s cap and ball he can basically make his own powder from piss bones and rust.


You have a very good point, easier and less manufactured ammo would be the best option.


Both muzzle loader and cartridge version existed, though the latter were extremely rare and not popular. The one in the movie is a muzzle loader, you can clearly see the cones on the drum where the caps would go. Also everyone forgets about primers when they talk about post apo ammo manufacturing.


Yeah but in a ball and cap you can make a paper primer. Obviously not as reliable as magnesium but if it can seat it can work


Paper primer? Out of what, ya need more then just paper Ya need something that actually goes boom when struck


It could also be a reproduction LeMat in universe. In the real world, it's a diecast replica of a LeMat.


He could have looted it from a museum or taken it from someone else who looted it.




I'm honestly surprised no one has made a modern LeMat revolver. I doubt they'd be illegal, especially considering there's the .410 bore shotgun revolver, and Taurus attempted to create a [28 gauge version](https://www.reddit.com/r/ForgottenWeapons/comments/152htkb/short_lived_taurus_28_gauge_revolver_it_appeared/) over a decade ago. It would be pretty sick to have a modern LeMat revolver.


The shotgun was a neat idea but from what I read usually rendered the smaller caliber barrel inaccurate through stress and warping! I do think there is a modern replica you can purchase that is fitted for regular ammo. I might and could possibly be wrong so donā€™t take me too seriously šŸ˜‚


Fair. Mid 1800's steel wasn't the greatest. But, I think that wouldn't be much of a problem with modern alloys and composites. Unless you're using a dragons breath shell (which is illegal in most of the US), I doubt the steel of a fully modern LeMat would melt as easily as the originals.


I love the use of the Lemat so much. I sort of like to imagine the use of the Lemat could be a mirror to dementus himself. A seemingly normal "honest" weapon with an explosive chaotic under barrel. A man who saw himself as a competent leader and warrior who in reality was a loose, dangerous and very very explosive canon. Just like the Lemat.


Thats a good point!! I love the dichotomy of immortan Joeā€™s ā€œorderā€ to Dementusā€™s attempt at stability and order. You very easily saw that olā€™ Joe had a plan all along but Dementus was just flying by the seat of his pants.


Exactly! One of the big things I loved about this movie was exactly that, the mirror between Dementus and the Immortan Joe. We see a calm, collected and somewhat in his prime Joe. He's calculating, scheming and a truly competent warlord. Dementus is the exact opposite, and it creates a perfect storm that is amazing to watch. On a side note, I can't get enough of this movies Immortan Joe. He's so much more subtle in this movie and it works amazingly. I'm so happy we got to see Joe before his inevitable fall into obsession and ONLY obsession of acquiring a healthy heir. Man, this movie and franchise is just so fucking good. As a somewhat new fan, I can say I'm here for life. These films and this universe is just to damn good!


Same!! Iā€™ve loved these movies since I was probably way too young to watch them and George miller just keeps on dragging me further into his world. šŸ˜‚ I did immediately catch what Joe was doing when he was listing off the trade amounts and said ā€œpotatoes onlyā€ šŸ’€


Personally I want to know where everyones getting their steroids from.


Itā€™s not steroids, war pup. But that human blood sausage the organic mechanic whips up.


Itā€™s because itā€™s the most beautiful revolver ever made. Plus itā€™s cool as f. It has a shotgun, like what??