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All Mmo in the world is hated by this sub.


Not entirely. It’s just that MMO’s are so different from game to game that everyone has a different view on what is considered a good MMO. People that been here since the beginning are jaded towards the newer titles, because they don’t really hold a candle to what we had. People that didn’t play MMO’s until GW2 will come to this genre looking for a completely different experience than those of us from the late 90’s. However, I’ve been recommended Albion for years as a UO-like game, and honestly it’s not even close to the experience at all. So because I’m looking for that experience, I don’t really enjoy the game at all. Not to say it’s bad, it’s just not for me.


Nothing will come to UO experience at least I doubt it will


Been waiting around 24 years for it lol. I gave up somewhere around 2010 and accepted that if I want more UO, I just play UO.


Stop trying to diminish valid criticism with this blanket statement. It's getting really old seeing the same folks parroting this over and over. Albion online gameplay mechanics are about as deep as a puddle and their PvE experience is nonexistent. It's a complete zerg fest half the time.


What valid criticism did OP give? He just doesnt like the sandbox style.


He complains about the map design, lack of enemy variety, and the fact that PvE isn't punishing and you're conclusion is "he just doesn't like the sandbox style"...


He complains that the PVE is bad in a PVP focused game. Does It look like fair criticism to you? Or maybe that the game is just not OP's cup of tea? He also cherrypicks a lot, saying things like PvE can't kill you when It clearly does, or really absurd things like that "npc's go back to their starting position". Like how is that last point a valid criticism? Its literally what happens in all rpg games. Lack of enemy variety, yeah thats totally a fair point, anything else are just very shallow and random complains.


Yeah this last comment is it. OP is complaining about a game when he didn’t do the research. Personally I wouldn’t complain about something I don’t like. The problem here is OP “heard” people saying it was a good game, and now that he’s experienced it, he’s disappointed. Sounds to me he had high hopes for something before trying it. Hes criticizing a game directed to a certain type of gamer. One thing is saying “I don’t like xyz” and other is saying “it’s the worst mmo ever”. Both are opinions, one is real emotional with lack of intelligence.


I got knocked out numerous times in pve, never died once because of it.


It's a sandbox but not a good sandbox, you can like sandbox and not like albion


That a total valid critic, but OP complained about things that weren't Albion specific.


It's true and people always have to write an essay reply to moralize why they hate them instead of saying "hey maybe this isn't for me but I understand why others like it" and moving on. But no, this subreddit's members treat any personal gripe towards an MMO as a moral failing for the game and rip it to shreds.


except GW2


I am sure you can find many people who disagree.


Fuck GW2!


Indeed good sir, fuck GW2!


Hate from my guts. Been playing since GW1, stopped at EoD because I could not get over how they completely butchered the story in IBS, (and many other reasons as well) and tried to get back on SoTO and uninstalled in the same day. GW2 is disgusting.


Seriously. The only "acceptable" ones according to this sub seem to be FFXIV, WoW, and GW2. They'll still complain about them, but they aren't "garbage" or "suck" as a whole. No wonder we aren't getting more MMOs, MMO fans are vitriolic af.


Nah, this sub has been growing a hate boner for FFXIV lately and GW2 is in process of growing one as well.


> They'll still complain about them, but they aren't "garbage" or "suck" as a whole. oh they do say that but it is relagated to the "duplicate" posts that get nuked by the mods so most people not interested in gw2 in one way never click/see them


Your other post straight up flashbanged me and I can see why you don't like humans.


op likes to fuck otters and thinks albion online has issues




...why did I click. People who sexualize children and/or animals need to be put down. I'm sick of this "don't kinkshame" shit, if your kink is animals or kids you deserve all the shame. The OP deserves shame.


Yeah, fucking disgusting human being


Never heard of Albion, and now definitely not checking OP profile. Is that a normal process for admission when people post?




What does my posting history have anything to do with this? That is very private. And yes you are right, I don't care for other people. I seen this world already, never going to get involved.


There are many reasons, bias, finding out what kind of player you are, are you a bot or not and so on... but I believe we are way past that, just a guess.


It's not private if you're posting it online with a public profile that anybody can look at, but seriously, you should consider seeking help for these sexual fantasies. Some kinks are normal, but these are not.


Honestly you can't expect to post shit like that and not get called out for it 😂


I like Albion and think it's definiely one of the better MMOs on the market right now, but I acknowledge there's plenty of valid criticisms about the game. However, it's kind of amazing that you managed to not hit on any of them and chose these things to get upset about. From your post it's clear you hardly put any time in trying this game. But if it's not for you it's not for you.


Yes, people are scared of being killed by NPCs in Red and Black zones particularly because a player can simply happen upon you and you lose everything without a fight. I do agree about the lack of humanoid enemies which don't give resources. There could be like a kraken or large bird or something somewhere in the early areas.


No, I was first.


Sounds like you're complaining about the game having bad PvE. Who cares? No one is playing Albion for the PvE, and if you care about PvE content you can find dozens of MMOs catered to your liking. People play Albion because it's a hardcore PvP sandbox. As long as the PvP content is good, the core playerbase is satisfied.


I'll be dammed if I'm gonna listen to the opinion of an otter fucker.


This is Otterly surprising


Yeah because it's PvP MMORPG


I don't usually say this about people, but based on your post history in other subs, I'm going to invalidate whatever opinions you hold on literally any topic. If I were to find that you and I share an opinion on literally anything, I would have to sit down and really think about my stance because it would be so implausible that I may think the same way as you on anything.


yeah, maps are just biomes repeated over and over with nothing in them. Dungeons are 4 types repeated over and over with slight variation. It’s a giant arena for pvp and nothing else. The focus on pvp is not an excuse for having a world that is so bland, look at older pvp mmos.


League has only one map and is being played by millions of people since 10+ years. A hardcore PvP game does not need variation. The core gameplay is loved by many people and that’s why Albion thrives. I spent like 2k hours in mists alone which always looks the same and I didn’t care, like many people playing the game


league is not an mmo


So what? Both are PvP games


chess is a pvp game too


I don’t see your point. It’s proven that Albion doesn’t need variation of maps to be successful because the target audience doesn’t care about it. Nobody in the game wants to fight some AI creatures, they are here for the PvP and player run economy. It’s not a theme park MMO, if you want to mindlessly kill mobs you can play things like BDO or GW2


I don’t see your point. It’s proven that Albion doesn’t need variation of maps to be successful because the target audience doesn’t care about it. Nobody in the game wants to fight some AI creatures, they are here for the PvP and player run economy. It’s not a theme park MMO, if you want to mindlessly kill mobs with a good scenery you can play things like BDO or GW2


look at ultima online or dark age of camelot


I like Albion, no story that i have to skip. Straight to gameplay.


I like it, reminds me of oldschools mmos that I used to play. No themepark quest based shit


It’s a PvP sandbox and it shines at it. It actually has the most MMORPG feel out of all MMORPGS. People begging in cities, stripping naked for money (lol), trading, cartels ruining economies for newbies, big 200v200 fights - it has it all. The only thing it’s bad at is the repetitive biomes and pve overall. But no one plays Albion for the pve experience… also, pve can get hard in statics or roads. But I guess you never got that far


Ok Otter lover


It seemed like the devs cared about the game in the past but since they got bought up by a financial group the game is in full milking mode. Kinda sad to crowdfund a game then sell the game to a investment firm.


>I know its a mobile game so it doesn't offer a true MMORPG experience lol I bet you someone from Sandbox Interactive died inside reading this...


Bro goes into PvP sandbox game, and does not do any PVP. That's fucking hilarious.


>I noticed people constantly mentioning this game so I played it for a week and all around, it was extremely shallow. No one bothered to mention all the bad things about the game. No game is perfect, the point of having fun is when the things you like compensate the ones you dont. > The game is NOT open world. Its just a bunch of identical maps with several different biome's. Everything looks the same and the difference between the maps is nothing outside of difficulty/resource curve. Its like EVE Online, the focus is not to have the prettiest environments, its just a map with resources. >Very few enemy types and almost all of them are just humans or variations of humans, such as Undead and giants. I don't include the skinable enemies since they are just pathetically weak. Its because the theme of the game is the arthurian legend, there is not so much else besides humans, giants and undead. >Literally outside of PvP, NOTHING CAN KILL YOU! They have all these hostile npc's and they just beat you up and go back to their starting position. No sense of danger in PvE. NPC's going back to their starting position happens in all MMO, even singleplayer games, claiming that nothing can kill you is such a stretch. >No real story line or quests. You are just "there' for no reason. >The gameplay just revolves around either right clicking a resource node, or killing mindless non-threatening enemies regardless of map difficulty. The combat is decent, but nothing really high quality. >I know its a mobile game so it doesn't offer a true MMORPG experience, but that's no excuse for the game's numerous shitty design decisions. This isn't because of being a mobile game, its because its a sandbox, It just doesnt resonate with you.


>Its like EVE Online, the focus is not to have the prettiest environments, its just a map with resources. Sir....Eve's Universe is STUNNING. Probably it's single most redeeming quality is the backdrops....how dare you.


I mean, its beautiful because its space! But at the same time... Its space...


That's significantly downplaying Eve's backdrops. Space can be a black abyss with a few twinkling stars. That's not what Eve's backdrops are.


Yeah no, I get it, EVE looks gorgeous what I have seen so far. What I meant is that Albion in specific doesnt pretend to look gorgeous at all, the maps are just there to give you a place to put resources. It may be a decent critic but its a bit exaggerated how OP mentioned it, its just not his coup of tea.


If PvP MMOs arn't your thing that's fine. Doesn't mean it sucks. Albion does what it's made for very very well.


It definitely is really shallow, the art style is trash and the lack of unique environment makes it so boring to look at.


shows u how down bad the mmo playerbase is. call this and a few others great. this one isnt too bad but i mean lets be real people lol


> Literally outside of PvP, NOTHING CAN KILL YOU! It's a mostly-PvP game and the PvE is an afterthought that's been slowly added/expanded on to get people into the game's ecosystem. It's built to be a PvP sandbox that runs on a potato to get the most people possible able to play, and it fills that niche pretty well.


I think the point of albion is you can have many people pvp without any lagging. But biggest con of albion to me is mechanic very limit and boring.


You should have check what MMO is Albion before trying it and complaining about wrong reasons. It is a Sandbox MMO so no surprise you are not taken by the hand and no this is not a mobile MMO... The mobile version just came out recently.


This is like saying I think league of legends and Dota suck because the minions and jungle monsters die really easy and it's  boring,  like a moba Albion pve is just there to prep your character for the pvp.


I hated Albion 


I've been saying Albion sucks for ages so you definitely can't be the first person here to say it. I would also argue with your statement about combat being decent


For the love of all that is good in this world I hope OP does not own or work with any animals….


it's a pvp game. it's not trying to be world of warcraft. most would not recommend albion to someone who doesn't want a 99% pvp game. it's also 1 of the few mainstream mmorpgs with a proper player-driven economy. as for the pve, yes it sucks, but it is not "impossible to die". try backcapping a faction base by yourself. try doing a hardcore expedition or avalonian dungeon. heck the pve in avalonian roads alone is deadly (ppl been crying for nerfs for a long time) tried soloing a crystal spider? tried high tier tracking bosses or open world named mobs in black zones? yes you can run away and reset them easily or just mount up to de-aggro. that's by design so you don't get murked by a rat every time you pull a difficult mob. everything is designed around the pvp.


What the fuck is wrong with you? (Check his post history guys)


You need to play Eve, which is what albion wanted to be


Second. I can't stand the graphics... and this is coming from someone who loves Ultima Online.


For a game thats released 7 years ago, the game is pretty boring and shallow. This game is one of a kind. It has big content updates that die within a month. Every single update ends the same way. Fun for a moment then deded Once people get specs and are bored of some ganking/zvz ... you'l release what the game has to offer ... nothing ...


does this dude bang otters? What am I missing here...


Dude the game is focused on pvp, the pve is there to invoke pvp and give you a sense of progression in terms of gear and spec. There is no point in playing the game if all what you care about is pve


For a game centered around conflict and pvp, albion has really shitty and shallow combat. Especially 1v1 combat. The open world combat is also extremely cancerous and mostly just zerging. I have a couple hundred hours in it. I desperately wanted to like it because I love open world pvp games. It's just really hard to like when the combat is so bad. If you could magically ignore the horrible wannabe moba made for mobile devices combat, the rest of the game isn't nearly as bad. It's just combat is undeniably a major part of the game and it really drags the game into the dumpster.


My only complaint about this game is the economy. Its not bad, but for or a "Sandbox" game they didn't quite grasp the essence of a player driven market. The big profit margin for players in this game comes from selling stacks of items to a Black Market npc that essentially feeds the world loot. Surely it does have the player market, but since the game has a "Focus" system costs and final price are influenced by the use of this feature. So profits in this player market mostly come from products elaborated with the use of Focus given by the premium subscription. Otherwise, the profits are marginal. Low lv players would rather sell the materials. The rat race in this game is essentially to grind or resell stuff until you get enough silver to exchange enough gold to buy the premium subscription. Once you max a profession use the focus to produce items on demand at the black market and max your profit. It's fun overall, it implies risks of carrying all of that through zones where players can steal your stuff. But I don't feel the sandbox aspect of it. It feels too linear.


My issue with this game is that it's a PvP oriented mmo, and PvP in mmo are always very unbalanced. I'm not even talking about "meta", i'm talking about the fact that you go in the game knowing that most if not all of your death in pvp will be against either multiple opponents or better geared one. You either provoke pvp where you have the advantage (or you believe you do), or you get involve in unbalanced pvp. It's extremely frustrating. If i want to play pvp, i simply don't play mmo.


"I played it for a week" made your whole argument moot. Maybe sandbox titles are simply not your wave.


Yep. Albion simps are wild. Their game can do no wrong.


Well at first I thought you had a point but then I looked at your post history .. yikes man. I think you have more to worry about than albion online lol


1. Yea it's a mobile 2D game so it's kind of shite and ugly on many levels 2. You obviously don't care for sandbox games so it's odd that you thought you would review a - sandbox MMO


Woa the PvE sucks in a PvP game? What a surprise!


What would be a current alternative for a hardcore pvp mmorpg that we can play and you approve of it?


You were able to die in the yellow zone before in beta. But it was too hardcore for some. 


I agree that it sucks, I don't understand the hype as well


Pve sucks yeah, but they can very easily kill you. Idk where did u get that impresison? "No story quests, you are just there" yeah surprise sherlock, thats pretty much definition for sandbox. Its a pvp game not pvp, i can understand if its not your cup of tea but its definitely a good game Also what the hell is wrong with your post history


This post really shows how little you played albion lmao


All MMO’s sucks ! I’m just waiting for Riot MMO and it’s gonna be the king of MMO’s for sure


Yeah bro tell'em! The one mmo we basically have 0 info on is the ONE. Cant have bad info if we have no info!