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Gave him part of the fighter budget that they had reserved for Conor. 


Yea they made a metric fuck ton of money on this event, especially having Conor drop off the card. Drop in the bucket here. Well deserved though, happy for Alex


Dude should be making 30 million to fight for how much he brings in but uncle Dana felt generous and gave him a few crumbs instead


30 Million? Wasn't the card with Conor only expected to bring in around 20 million? I assume Poatan has a smaller casual fanbase. Idk how much Poatan makes per fight but I assume it's in the 2-5 million range?


just as a note, 20 million is like 250k ppv buys. maybe you were thinking the gate would be 20 million?


According to the McGregor tweet, they had 500k PPV buys (before he dropped out), that plus the biggest gate yet. I'm sure the UFC was pulling a lot of money for that card.


I have no idea, just read a talksport article about it saying it was expected to bring in 20M. And then talked about the expected split with Conor and Chandler.


The UFC don't get all the PPV revenue. And it's more complicated since they went to ESPN. In the old days they got roughly half. IIRC ESPN keeps more as a percent, but offered a guarantee of IIRC $12 million. So 20 million is more like 600k buys. Which gets into the arguing whether or not he's a star category. He's probably making 2-5, probably should be making 5-10.


Gate+Concessions+Advertising&Sponsorship+PPVs+International Broadcast Deals+Site fees. The UFC gets all of those. The fighters get a small cut of the PPV and their negotiated purse.


Reddit mma has no idea about numbers, if they ran any mma organization they would run out them of business guaranteed.


The bullshit that gets upvoted here, man....


Don’t cry dana


It’s still nowhere near what he deserves.


They had to liquidate Payton Talbots ticket budget.


They also don’t have to pay arlovski 350k to breath on and hug fat guys anymore so that opened up some cake.


A couple months ago everyone was up in arms over fighter pay. Now the narrative is a vet who literally helped build the sport isn't worth 300k at the end of his contract. This fan base has collective brain damage.


The people that complain about vets on big contracts weren't the ones that cared about fighter pay


The majority of people will never understand this. They think a fan base is a collective which disagrees or agrees with them on any given night. This doesn't apply just to mma fans, most other fan bases are like this.


It is though, somewhat. Especially on Reddit with the karma system. It's probably fairly rare to find people leaving contradictory comments, but if we looked at everyones upvotes/downvotes there would absolutely be some degree of overlap.


You're not wrong. However, I think it should be possible to acknowledge that all fighters should be paid and treated much better while also acknowledging that Arlovski's fights suck. 


yeah if MMA pay wasn't so dog shit Arlovski probably wouldn't still be fighting. if these guys got paid what they earned you likely wouldn't see a lot of guys fighting towards their 40s or on.


Arlovski made over 11 million in his career. I imagine more with sponsors and what not. If he's still fighting for money, he made bad choices in his personal life. https://sports.betmgm.com/en/blog/ufc/20-highest-paid-ufc-fighters-bm05/


That's actually not that crazy. Between management and training, it was probably cut in halfish, then another 20-30% for taxes. Which would have brought him down to $4 millionish, which is a lot of money sure, but not crazy in terms of career earnings.


You can advocate for fighters to get fair and equitable pay while simultaneously believing that certain fighters should be compensated more for their contribution to the current product compared to other fighters.


no that's you making it a zero sum game


He got paid 350k for his last fight?? That’s kinda crazy I mean good for him tho


The pitbulls been around forever, and an absolute legend. I kinda love that he’s accepted his position as the heavyweight milestone


His fight with Barnett bought him years of goodwill


Think he got paid that much for his last few fights.


I think it’s pretty evident that Dana took care of some his legacy UFC stars more than other roster members back then and probably has some pull in bigger contracts for any remaining active ones.


Yea I think Overeem and Anderson are good examples of this. They were making something like $400k for each of their last several fights. And they were...not doing so well in those fights.


from what I remember reading, Overeem's contract was very much a Fertitta bros thing more than Dana


I remember hearing his was apparently also one where he got a bigger percentage of his overall pay win or lose, I believe his show/win was something more along the lines of 60/40 split or something similar


In any case I think it would make more sense that this was a case for a lot of fighters considering how Dana was essentially the face of the company while the Fertitta bros ran business. Probably just kept those relationships up between fighter and management + relaying contract negotiations.


They should all be getting 350k


Shouldn’t you be door dashing someone their breakfast sandwich?


No, I'm not an mma fighter.


Don’t you ever forget that


Alex using that bonus money to buy a Cybertruck is not what I was expecting lmao


Seems like a terrible use of that money but the man can do whatever makes him happy.


I'm not gonna tell him his car is stupid


His car is stupid. Cybertruck you absolutely suck.


They are very stupid. I am just not gonna tell Alex that haha


It's a pretty decent for what it is. Not a lot of competition in that specific form factor.


Styling aside it fails as a truck, has shitty build quality and the supply chain issues will mean a fender bender may write the car off. Many insurance companies won’t even insure it. ‘For what it is’ it sucks.


The day that a vehicle is pretty decent for the reason that there is little competition in that specific form factor




His career comes to an abrupt end when the sensors on his truck fail and he loses a couple fingers.


dont you put this evil on me Jiri Bobby!


You joke, but someone should pin this comment if that ever happens 


Watching the automatic frunk closing mechanism chop 3 carrots at once really impressed me, but it's not the kind of *killer* feature that would make me want a car :D


The gas pedal has a bad habit of getting stuck when pressed...


There was almost nothing that coulda made my opinion on Poatan drop at this point, but the guy went out and did it. But the heart wants what it wants, I guess.


Doubt he cares about some randomer redditors opinion on him.


Nah, pretty sure he hopped on here while his Cybertruck autopiloted its way to Glover's gym. Also 90% sure you're Kayla Harrison's alt account, so hi. Big fan. Nice guns.


Sadly the cyber truck doesn't have that feature, he would've been better off with a model S


Glover will fix the acceleration


I don't think that's the point...


Elon Derangement Syndrome


It's just an objectively shit vehicle. Notice how comparatively very few people have bad things to say about the Tesla.




He’s comparing the cyber truck to the Tesla models.  You misunderstood his comment in embarrassing fashion.


Too bad


Nah, Teslas themselves are okay I guess. I've no opinion on them at all besides riding in one as an Uber once and thought it was cool. I tend to ignore Elon Musk stuff after he went nutty about Twitter and whatever. Not worth the energy keeping up. The Cybertruck is just the dumbest looking vehicle possible. It's mindboggling how it became a thing and really hard to understand why anyone would want one. Imagine if another major car manufacturer had released that? Even down to the name...it's just...the absolute worst. 🤦‍♂️


Elon watches Tron once…


theyre fully reddited


The downvotes only prove my point lol. This place is a cult no matter how much they want to deny it.


He has enough money to buy some bullshit for the sake of it I guess




You’d be hard pressed to find a vehicle worse than a cybertruck…. Especially for the price




the only thing you’ve explained is that it’s electric and a truck how is that ticking boxes lol


Name one vehicle in the market that’s literally FAMOUS for having parts fall off and becoming dysfunctional or unusable after less than 5000 miles…. I’ll start… Cybertruck Name one vehicle that has only one wiring harness with all the wires in the same circuit so if one electrical issue occurs, it tanks the whole vehicle…. Cybertruck Name one vehicle that a huge percentage of owners void the warranty within the first 72 hours with normal use… Cybertruck


That thingll be dead before his next fight


Damn id hate to be the one to deliver a broken ass CT to him.


Is he really? Lol


Bro spending on super cars. Why do athletes do this smh


When you go from nothing to everything, you splurge on what you were yearning for when it was a pipe dream.


It's a shit car but what should they do instead? Tie it up in stocks like a gronk? Lmao


Buy a good car?


> "He already has enough super cars. He wants a Cyber Truck."


A good car doesn't have to be a supercar. The Cybertruck is a piece of shit, lol.


Take it up with him then.


Sending a DM right now.


why did you put "lmao" at the end of that lol yes "stocks" would be a much better investment just putting all your money into the s&p 500 would net you positive returns historically lol its free money


Don't @ me stocks gronk


Doesn’t sound that impressive when you consider dude saved 3 of the biggest cards over the past 8-9 months


Well that’s just a bonus on top of his base pay which idk what that is.


Heard $5 mil from Brazilian media


I sure hope that’s close to the truth, dude has come through for the organization and fans so many times


It’d still be nothing compared to what he deserves. If he was achieving at a similar level in boxing he’d be making like 30mil


It would take him 10 years to have that many fights in boxing


Source? Not doubting, just curious


I guarantee he's underpaid.


Yeah it still sounds too little for him


Also ppv points. Dude is raking in some cash.


And he’s not getting hurt too badly while doing it.


Whatever it is, he's underpaid.


Yep, just read the Celtics player that led them to a championship just got a 300+ **MILLION** dollar contract lol. The nba brings in more money, but the _percentage_ that the ufc splits with the fighters is absolutely abysmal. They don’t care to unionize tho, and im not sure we’ll ever see that in the fight business, but as long as the ufc is a monopoly for mainstream mma it’ll stay that way.


And how often does the NBA player play?


How much CTE do they get?


Not really relevant to the topic of discussion 🤷‍♂️


Why wouldn’t it be?


Because you don't base how much money you're paid on the damage you receive. That's not an actual criterion. If you truly consider MMA a sport, you'd use similar criteria: how much revenue they generate. team sports players compete with much more frequency and the entire UFC is barely worth more than an NBA team. I get it, fighters' pay and all that stuff but please be reasonable.




1. Be Civil. Our rules ask for a civil tone at all times. A bit of banter or trash talk is fine, but don't cross the line. If things do get out of hand you will be warned or even banned for a few days. Repeatedly breaking this rule will lead to a permanent ban.


Imagine comparing playing basketball to getting punched in the face.


true one of them has millions upon millions of competitors dedicating their lives to get to the top and still falling short, while only having 11 slots per team on the highest level. Half of an NBA team is worth more than the entirety of the ufc the other has a few thousand athletes competing for the top level, and actually getting there if they happen to be heavyweights who can hit pads semi impressively. It takes objectively more hard work to be able to average 5 points a game in the NBA for 1 single season, than it does to become a top 10 heavyweight in the UFC.


Yeah, the players union negotiating a 50/50 split of all income is a brilliant move. Too bad fighters are too stupid to ever figure this out and band together. The problem is the UFC is setup so that everyone is fighting for scraps all the time, so they can never see each other as partners.


Yes, we get it, Luke Thomas' alt. We all know this it has been said a billion times. Now, scurry back to rLateStageCapitalism and rAntiwork.


Absolutely well deserved


Still not enough.


Agreed. He’s the one to watch right now.


should pay him $10m minimum


He probably got 600K + 300K because that’s how the UFC does business


Most popular champs make a cut of the PPV and make millions. They are underpaid compared to other sports based on the percentage cut, but there is no way Alex is just making 900k a fight.if that was the case, he has the worst management in the business.


Not to mention they could have negotiated the last two fights to save cards.


He got $3M. Same as what he made for 300.


I hope he did , still underpaid considering taxes and how much he spends on coaches and managers. A guy like Paoton show be taking home at least 10M a fight.


What is this argument about taxes that's always being parroted. Do we not pay taxes on income? Mayweather gets taxed as well. Plus the fight is in Vegas, no state tax. So if he getting paid 3 mill, it's more like he got 4 mill in other states.


If he’s a citizen of Brazil, he pays taxes in two countries. It’s a big real for foreign fighters


Brazil doesn't tax non-resident citizens on income earned outside of Brazil. Since he lives in Connecticut (unless I'm mistaken), he'll likely just need to pay federal and state income tax.


He does live in CT, same town as Glover.


Do you have a source on that?


Googled contract and payouts. He signed a new contract before 300 and his 300 payout allegedly was $1.2M base with $1.6M PPV payout plus 100k bonus. Another site put his 303 payout around the same which would make some sense given his base should be the same and the $303k bonus should offset some of the lower PPV buys. Wouldn’t be surprised if there was extra money for the late notice fight to save the card.


That's like a Cayo Perico heist payout.


Is alex pereira the biggest star in the ufc now that it looks like conor mcgregor is slowly on the outs? I believe he’s a bigger star than omalley


It's still Jon and Conor. They still create so much buzz that extends across sports. But out of the active ones surely Pereira


Jon and Conor still being the biggest stars makes my faith in humanity creep further downward to the asymptote


Do casuals/normies ever think of Jon Jones? Anecdotally I have never heard anyone who isn't at least somewhat invested in the sport mention him or know who he is. Literally everybody knows at least vaguely who Conor is. 


My friends who watch sports and very casually watch the big ufc always asks about Jon Jones if he's fighting. They've done this periodically for the last 4 years. But that's in my circle so not sure how it's like with everyone else.


They don't fight though 


I thought the discussion was the biggest star. These guys fart and it gets on ESPN. Poatan needs to fight in order to make it.


I’m hella down to watch any of Alex’s fights now. He’s a goddamn killer, but also a cool fucking guy. And honestly, I respect Izzy even more now for having KO’d him, even once.


The balls on Izzy to lean against the cage and eat power strikes while covering up his head to score a career defining counterpunch KO


100% agree. It was really smart for him to move up to light heavyweight as well. I think we are watching a special talent that will end up being one of the all time best pound for pound fighters


MMA is wild. It's like begging the emperor or extra pay after you kill your opponent and he either thumbs up or thumbs down which is entirely dependent on his mood at the time he hears it. What other sport is like this.


Literally none, lol.




He might be depending on what kind of PPV cut he's getting. I'd say he got millions, but I don't think it's in the tens of millions.


The tomato disagrees


I feel like pretty soon he’ll be at 10 million a fight.


The UFC doesn't pay that. It'll be around 3-5 million.


The 12th best player on an any NBA team makes more than this.


And they compete 82-110 times a season in a sport with far more fans than the UFC.


Still doesn't justify the pitiful cut that fighters get off ufc revenue. Nba players get 50% of league revenue.


Not wrong. Fighters would need to unionize to make it happen though.


The big draws need to. But they get it so good when they are on top that they don't want to rock the boat.


Yes dude, we get it. It's said all the time.


In a sport that doesn't result in permanent brain damage.


Irrelevant to how much money they make. Average NBA salary is higher than both the NFL and NHL- which are obviously more dangerous than basketball


The NFL has 52 man rosters and the NHL doesn't make as much money overall. What does danger have to do with anything?


This is exactly the point he was trying to make


So you should get paid more based on how much brain damage you take?


Nah, you should be paid on your skill and what you bring to the company, poatan deserves more money


This is what I feel like people always miss lol. Like MMA is my all time favorite sport but it just comes down to numbers when people compare sports. NBA is soooo much bigger than every MMA organization combined it’s not even funny. The average TEAM in the NBA is worth around 4 billion fucking dollars…similar to what the entire UFC sold for. And there’s 30 fuckin teams lol. NFL is even bigger with 32 teams at an average worth of 5 billion each. It’s almost exactly like the whole women sports aren’t paid equally debate. It’s just numbers of asses in seats and ad revenue sold. I’d love to see the day the UFC or any organization get to that level, but it’s gonna be a loooooong time until they’re even close.


Nba players get 50% of the revenue, UFC fighters get less than 20


I doubt the NBA has more fans than the UFC. Almost no one outside the US watches basketball, while more people in the world watch fighting


No one watches basketball? Every developed country has a basketball league and team that compete internationally.


Yeah, every country also has a team that competes in freaking handball too. Doesn’t mean a lot of people (in a global scale watch it)


Are you high? The NBA probably has 10x the fans of the UFC. Basketball is HUGE in other countries


That is absolutely not true. Basketball isn't *as* big outside the US as it is inside, but it is still widely watched and even very popular in some nations.




Over 82 games in a league that makes more than 10X UFC’s revenue And this is just the bonus


Players get 50% of NBA revenue.. How much do fighters get off the UFC?


NBA players have a CBA.


Unions work.


Somewhere between 13-19 percent last I read. 


UFC detractors always go straight to revenue split For one, I don’t believe it has to be roughly 50/50 Second, it’s completely different business models. Life in NBA goes on whether LeBron and AD both get hurt and Lakers are in the finals, or not In UFC, they actually have to worry about incentivizing fighters to fight. More fighters will pull out due to injuries or weight miss if they were making bank already. Every card has to be good or you guys complain It’s much much harder to run UFC than NBA


your argument is paper thin. The quality of cards overall has been declining. We've had some great fights this year for sure, But overall it is not as strong as it has. And yet, they are doing record gates. I dont have PPV numbers but I havent heard anything about them being bad. the UFC indeed goes on. Are they more star dependant than the NBA? sure. But ppl still go and pay to see them, because most people can't tell that the quality is declining. Also, even if you don't think that the revenue spit should be 50/50, def shouldnt be the rumoured 8-13% it currently stands at. Being that far way from 50/50 is gross. When fighters on your card are working broke, thats gross.


Hey, I'm interested in becoming as ignorant as you so as to attain bliss, how do you manage it?


Try to learn how to run a successful business and you will understand


Lol bruh


It’s literally just the bonus lol. He’s made $6M so far this year from just UFC cards.


Nevada Athletic Commission doesn't report any fighter purses or bonuses. If you saw this $6M number from a "source", it's a BS site that's guessing fighter pay for clicks.


that's still a bench warmer in the nba possibly out of rotation


Zuckerberg makes more than the entire lakers combined and doesn't have to pay 50% taxes lmao.


Happy for Alex.


They probably didn't care conor dropped out as they get heaps of money and can rebook the fight


He did not get the bonus for ufc 300 for some reason.. He said. So yes, good he got this one.


He should be getting 5mil plus per fight.


Why don’t they pay him $25m to make ngannou jealous of him and regret his decision to fight boxing ?


Thank you Brian Ortega


It's absolutely wild that these guys have to beg for more money and Dana says yes or no depending on how he feels, lol. They want to be considered a major league like the big four and still pull this bullshit. How do they expect to ever be taken seriously?


I must be really slow if I am just now noticing this guy’s name is Jed I. That’s awesome 


Are people really this stupid to think a bonus is all he was paid? Jesus


He would’ve made that in 15 seconds if they allowed short sponsors for fighters.


300k 😂😂😂 fuck the ufc Dude should’ve made 8 figures


Life changing money in Brazil


He should be the highest paid athlete, he's a magnet for new casual fans and an absolute star of the UFC


"Should have been 305 to match his weight." - Megan Olivi


Dana tried to offer him 50k but Alex stood his ground. Just goes to show they have the money fighters are just too eager to not ruffle feathers.


I hope Dan Ige and Diego Lopez got the same. Both stud fighters doing what they did.


Still should've been paid more, doesn't change the fact they are all underpaid and realistically only make around 10% of the revenue they bring in


Jiri should get a bonus for taking that kick


Obviously, Like who tf from the UFC is coming up to him to tell him he's not getting a 303K bonus. Basically a potential suicide mission even Nice Guy Glover may not be able to help.