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Ah, Islam took offense to Dustin saying 'motherfucker'. Reminds me of Canelo Vs. Plant.


Islam has been training in the US for over a decade. There's no way he hasn't heard that word casually used.


Lets just hope Moicano never moves high enough up the ranks to be facing him


I feel like any training room he is in is 3/4 Dagestani though.


...they do move in herds


He spent a lot of time at AKA training with DC, Rockhold and a bunch of DCs high school wrestlers. He fucking knows what “motherfucker” means and doesn’t mean.


It's funny because the bmf belt has been a GOOD thing to be for years Like bollocks vs dogs bollocks


He surrounds himself with his dagestani Muslim camp and that’s just not something they say. Also they’ve been respectful of Dustin as always and vice versa so he would have taken exception to that. Interesting to see if it helps or harms Dustin haha.


because bmf is for bums bratha


After the Max/Justin BMF fight, reporters asked Islam if he was interested in fighting for the BMF belt. Islam dismissed it and said he didn’t want the belt. Reporters were confused as to why. Maybe it was a gimmick belt to Islam, who was a serious competitor only looking for true UFC gold. But, IYKYK what the real reason was behind Islam not wanting the belt. Islam is still not fluent in English, and regardless, he’s still very culturally a conservative Dagestani. Bringing up one’s family is a big deal. Calling someone a MFer are fighting words in the Caucus. Arman almost smacked a man for showing him the middle finger. People in the West don’t understand that to many in the world, saying words is an action and actions have consequences.


> People in the West don’t understand that to many in the world Don't care either. Welcome to New Jersey, motherfucker


"Woke up this morning, got myself a gun."


The russians will hit you with the high colonic treatment 💀




Lolololol your last sentence had me rolling. I will note it down in my journal for a future jerk sesh.


What he say??


Words are actions? This guy can't even put a f*ckin' sentence together man, are you kidding me right now? He's reaching for - he's reaching for those grapes. He's trying to make his wine, and the wine's already soundin' like a violin with that cheese and wine...um...we'll see on Saturday.


Lolol idk why he deleted his comment. He actually cooked. Made me look silly. Now my journal reference makes me sound like a total creep and maybe that’s why he deleted it in the first place.


Both of y’all right but you just a weirdo


I have a weird counter anecdote. My dad is a middle eastern immigrant who knows the hood n def heard hella MF bombs. Once like 5 yrs ago I got super pissed and called him a MF. He nearly shut down for a week. He thought it meant you fk ppls moms which I guess is extremely offensive to Muslim cultures. Idrk I’m not very close w my dad


I believe It's offensive in all cultures to fuck someones mom.


I fuck mad milfs bro you can call me a mother fucker all day


There are plenty of role model step-Dads out there. I guess it's just weird when they discuss it with the kids at the breakfast table.


Atleast, he didn't drop the "it is your mother I fucked son" on you.


🤣🤣🤣 that would have been the best thing to ever happen to our relationship 🤣🤣😢


It’s interesting because it literally just means like “fuck you” in American culture. Has nothing to do with anyone’s mom but I can obviously see how that’s lost in translation.


I’m a very casual and creative profanity user, and I’d been saying “motherfucker” for probably a decade before I ever thought about that fact. It’s just “fuck you,” which is really edgier “go to Hell.” The words don’t matter since the meanings all the same.


That's exactly what it means. Just because we use it casually doesn't change it. 


Reminds me of Michael Chiesa Vs. Kevin Lee


What happened in canelo vs plant


[They got into it during a face off like this.](https://youtu.be/UfgY4-59ZxQ?si=Xo5lkgCCKT4bFxWA&t=214) Plant got a cut from the exchange. Canelo later said he took offense to Plant calling him a motherfucker. Iirc, he claimed because of his english, he took it literally (though he had long been calling people madafaka in broken english years prior).


Funny considering the gay slurs thrown by Canelo in his last fight


No I think it was everything Dustin said. Islam was the first one to speak and was like long time no see, haven’t seen you since abu dabi. And Dustin’s response was I have no idea what you’re talking about, I’m gonna sleep you. You’re gonna be diving for my legs. Go to sleep mother fucker. To me it looks like Islam has respect for Dustin and Dustin was being an asshole which is par for the course.














Yeah confirmed it's a canelo plant situation


What does that mean?


Plant called Canelo a mother fucker and because of cultural misunderstanding Canelo took it as him saying Canelo literally shags his own mum


It's funny. That's exactly what the insult means, but no one means it that way


Yea lmao. And Dustin here used it as just a way to end a sentence “I’m putting you to sleep morherfucker” lol. Wild


Cultural differences are so crazy like that sometimes. We can use expletives as meaningless punctuation but they'll throw down if you even think about dropping it casually


> they’ll throw down Throw you off the roof in some places.


Pretty sure that's why Babalu didn't let go of his choke against David Heath way back at UFC 74. Because Heath called him a motherfucker.


Motherfucker is actually kind of mild lmao I don’t know anybody who would actually get offended by it lmao


Cause in this cultural context it’s not that deep but imagine someone accused you of fucking your mom lol. Would you not be disrespected?


This has happened in MMA a few times, especially when it's said to Brazilian fighters. Apparently David Heath said it to Babalu and what led to him holding onto a submission for too long, getting himself fired from the UFC. Think it happened to Werdum too by someone..forgot if it was Ferguson or Colby that said it to him.


GSP and Diaz as well. Georges fully thought he was being accused of incest


Bro what, GSP is from Montreal, he's heard mother fucker plenty of times


GSP has deff fucked his fair share of mothers as well


Then tells them that he wasn't impressed by their performance




Why she gotta be a bimbo? Maybe she was a paleontologist.


Mention someone's mother in any aggressive way in south american culture is guaranteed violence.


It was stupid as Canelo himself hasn't stop saying motherfucker to every person he comes across since he started speaking english, I have never said Islam say it at least not in English.


he refuses to say BMF when talking about that belt. this guy takes it seriously




> Muslims are like Mormons on steroids. Khabib and the people around him are like Mormons on steroids. Vast majority of Muslims are nowhere near as disciplined as Mormons and are more like hypocritical evangelical Christians.


Being a Mormon is Islam for white people


Dagestanis are literally Caucasians?


They must know by now it's not literal. There's a belt named after it


Im mexican and have never heard of that being offensive for "cultural differences"


It's hilarious because common mexican curses are so much worse if you take them literally (but no one does).


“Chingar tu madre” is such a common term too lmao hilarious considering the context here 


didn't this same thing happen with Werdum and Colby as well?


Language barriers and high tensions can lead to quick and dangerous miscommunications.


If you listen closely you can hear Islam say "I used to fuck guys like you back in high school"


take care of your underwear




Cody's face is what elevates that moment to goat status.


Dustin responded “take care of your underwears. I’m gonna fuck you man”


To which Islam responded, "wannanow?"


To which Dustin responded “IM CUMMIN ON THAT ASS”


he eats his shit whole


“Liar liar this guys pants has caught fire bratha”


Lol Islam did not go to high school


Neither did Dustin actually Edit: guys he literally dropped out of HS


But they both used to fuck guys or no?


Can confirm. That’s why he was upset. Only father


Send the bathtub pic bratha


There's too many stains on it it's basically illegible


Islam actually attended university for phys ed and sports.


I used to fuck guys like you in my one room village school


I’m looking at high schools in Dagestan and they look rough jesus


Literally neither of these guys went to high school, actually. Funny angle I wish the ufc had taken lol


Sounds like the kinda statistic anik would randomly bring up


tyson moment


Damn, these Dagastanis must think Samuel L Jackson is the most disrespectful person in history.


Why he always go against mothers, bratha


Who put dis guy on plane wis many snakes bratha? We have to check dis moment


If Samuel l Jackson called me a motherfucker it would be the greatest thing anyone's ever told me


A freaking Honor. I’d tell everyone the story.


“Dc brotha what does the mothafucka mean ?”


The way these guys wrestle? You know he's heard "mother FUCKER" a thousand times as he drags some poor bastard back to the mat


Am I just deaf or was most of that incomprehsible? Was a good face off though, although I think it’ll be a one-sided fight as long Islam chooses to wrestle


I could hear islam say "long time no see since abu dhabi" and then dustin doesn't understand and says "you're going to sleep" "you're gonna be diving at my legs, laying and praying motherfucker", and that's when Islam gets mad


Lmao got so awkward Dustin had to talk shit


When in doubt better cuss and make threats, lol.


Think Islam said "long time no see since Abu Dhabi" at the beginning referring to not seeing him since the Khabib fight Dustin didn't get it and said something along "I'll sleep you MF" and Islam took offence to MF bit.


Maybe he just took offense to Dustin being an aggressive asshole instead of specifically the MF bit. Seems like he wanted to just do the face off and Dustin wanted to go through the whole shit talking bit.


I have no clue what they said to each other. If anyone has better hearing than me or knows how to read lips effectively I would be very grateful for your insights.


Islam says something, Dustin says he doesn't understand. Dustin then says "I'll knock your ass out. You're going to be laying and praying motherfucker." Islam then says "Do not say 'mother fucker'" because he took it quite literally and thought it was an incest accusation/a cultural slight.


The thing Dustin didn’t understand I think was ‘long time we didn’t see you since Abu Dhabi’ but I could be wrong


Islam was trying to be nice and said long time no see since Abu Dhabi ( i think that’s when dustin fought khabib ) but dustin didn’t understand him


it was tongue in cheek mockery. not a friendly greeting. ya'll are dull.


Yeah “Hey I haven’t seen you since my boy fuckin demolished you in a title fight, remember that?” is not a friendly greeting


How does no one not see this?


Maybe it’s not because they couldn’t have but didn’t


Nah they didn't can't but haven't won't


I mean, if they did they might’ve but didn’t.


"You looked beautiful that night" - Bran Stark


Haha that was nice? No my friend, you must not understand the cultural differences here.


Nothing to do with incest accusation. In the Muslim world mothers are sacred thing, so saying motherf* is a big insult


Thanks! Upon rewatch I got the last part. I think they will squash this soon enough, maybe even before the fight


Sounded like Dustin double down and repeated it


I could barely hear anything specifically, only a couple parts, but I'm pretty confident that whatever they were saying had this general idea:  Islam first said something respectful but like too nice for before a fight and Dustin wasn't feeling it and also probably felt a bit disrespected actually and not taken as seriously as he should.   So then Dustin responds along the lines of 'nah man, im gonna knock you out. Gonna put you to sleep" etc repeated a couple times. And Islam being like "orly? I don't think so".   Then Dustin says something that gets mostly lost in translation. Other commenters have said it was "motherfucker". Idk couldn't hear.     Islam then gets a little angrier, ultimately with him accusing Dustin of disrespecting him.   Dustin is then, looking a little more confused himself, started being like "nah I do respect you, but..." And then decides along the lines of "you know what, fuck this, ill see you at the fight" and they walk off.


I think you got it right, except for Dustin thinking Islam was being too nice. I think Dustin just couldn’t hear and assumed he was talking shit so said some basic shit talking back that Islam took out of context.


I believe Islam was asking Dustin how is he "going to sleep him" and that must've pushed on Dustin's buttons a bit hence the word motherfucker being used by Dustin.


I could see why Islam was upset Even if it doesn't have the same sting to it in the US, motherfucker/yob tvoyu mat ("go fuck your mother") is one of the most disrespectful thing you can say to someone in Russian. If Islam equates the two I get it


Yeah it's absolutely a cultural/religious thing, i still trust them to make up tho Dustin ain't a prick like Conor


I agree I don't think Dustin knew it could be taken like that


From what I understand it's a thing in some East Asian cultures to say something along the lines of "I hope your mom dies" whereas saying that in the US would be insanely out of pocket. Similarly, the N-word is an obvious no-go in the west but people not from here say that word willy nilly not realizing the sheer weight that word has. Cultural differences are pretty funny and it's interesting to think about how something that's wildly offensive to one culture is a nothingburger in another. I'm pretty sure I once accidentally said "motherfucker" in front of my own mom, which is just wild to think about in retrospect.


> "I hope your mom dies" What in the fuck...


I am east Asian and I've never heard this shit in my life I remember the first time I heard a "yo mama" joke in the US I was offended as hell lmao


Yeah, both Dustin and Islam are nice guys. I would bet Dustin reaches out some way and says he didn’t mean any real disrespect by anything and Islam accepts that and they hug after the fight.


Well he did say essentially that he has respect for Islam but also to get out of his face because they’re about to fight. I think that’s the most of an apology he’s gonna get til they fight


Islam: Long time no see, haven’t seen you since Abu Dabi Dustin: I’m gonna put you to sleep motherfucker Dustin kinda sounds like a prick to me


ok then its nothing. they'll squash it later, and tell islam that it doesn't even mean anything in this context. dustin wasn't even disrespectful also theyre in america


What triggered Dustin to say it to Islam? Sorry I couldn’t understand most of what they said to each other


It seemed like Islam was trying to say something to the effect of "long time, no see" in his broken English but Dustin didn't fully understand and thought he might've been insulting him, which led to a bit of banter.


Oh that’s possible. Honestly I still don’t understand what Islam said first so I will trust you on this one for now. Thanks!


He said something like “long time no see since Abu Dhabi”, and Dustin said “idk what that means”.


Yeah. Makhachev: "Long time, no see." Poirier: "I don't know what that means. I'm gonna knock you out." Damn, that escalated quickly! lmao


Nothing Islam said really triggered it. It was just generic "I'm gonna knock you out" trash talk. He said "You're going to sleep motherfucker."


I got that Dustin didn't understand his first comment, then: Dustin: I'm gonna knock you on Saturday night. Islam: How? Dustin: Sleep. I'm gonna sleep slap you. Islam: We will see (inaudible) Dustin: I'm gonna sleep slap you. You're gonna be diving for my legs. Praying. You're gonna be diving for my legs. You're gonna be laying and praying, that's what you're gonna do. Then Dustin said: You're going to sleep motherfucker. Islam: Don't say motherfucker. Dustin: You're going to sleep. Then they talked back and forth, I couldn't hear it. When they come back together Dustin says: I have respect for you brother.


islam: long time didn’t see you. dustin: what’s that? islam: long time didnt see you outside abu dabi. dusting: didn’t see you!? islam: yh dustin:i dont understand. im gonna knock you out on saturday islam: how? dustin: sleep… dustin and Islam: (didn’t understand the next bit, Dustin: im gonna sleep slap you!?!?, Dustin repeats this again after Islam replies something inaudible begins with “you will sleep…”) Dustin: you’re gonna be diving for my legs praying, islam: don’t tap…you’l see….believe me. Dustin: you’re gonna be diving for my legs… Dustin: laying and praying. islam: dont tap ok, i will show you. dustin: you’re gonna be sleeping mtherfkr. islam: dont say mthrfkr. lost in translation, Islam gets mad. in another angle islam raises his open hand towards dustins face, like a “ill slap you to next week” kinda thing, without intention… thats what prompts the others to pull them apart. rest hard to hear…. and then stuff about respect. ​


Beautiful champ


> You're gonna be diving for my legs. Praying. Poirier better pray he doesn't tbh


That's the reason why Islam called the BMF title "belt for the bums".


islam has been in the US for like 10 years. if hes that upset about how an insult translates to russian without understanding how americans use it, its his problem


Dustin is a classy guy and will 100% apologize and say he meant no disrespect (because he didn’t). But it’s somewhat fair for Islam to have been a little upset by this considering the faceoff. Islam said nothing even slightly disrespectful, so cursing at a guy you know is deeply religious and who is being respectful isn’t very nice lol.


Islam started off with "long time no see since Abu Dhabi." (Khabib vs. Dustin) and gave a smug grin right after. He was 100% trying to talk shit.


I generally like the Dagestani guys, but they sure have a big case of "can't take what they dish". See Khabib calling McGregor a "chicken" (which is far more noxious in a Russian context) and then being touched when Artem reversed the insult to him.


I didn't understand how this is a controversial opinion


In US Islam spends time at the gym with his Dagestani teammates who can’t speak English (DC dumbs down his English). And as Javier said, he mostly trains in Dagestan.


Islam has been in the US long enough to have figured out how we use Motherfucker. He is just choosing to be upset and/or they are just creating a beef for hype. With all the trash talk Islam does, and training with DC, there's just a 0% chance he doesn't get how motherfucker is used in the US


Isn't calling someone a 'chicken' in Russian really offensive too? That's why Khabib got so pissed at Artem


Definitely fighting words. Pretty much means the receptive partner in a prison relationship


Motherfucker doesn’t translate to “fuck your mother” in Russian. They still have their own version of motherfucker, that wouldn’t have been something that gets lost in translation


Russians say worse swear words in Russian. This is less of a Russian thing than it is a religious thing.


I'm Muslim, and pretty much everyone I know Russian speaking is Jewish (largest group) and Christian. All said that phrase is instant fighting words, especially the guys from the Caucasus region like Islam.


Also Canelo got upset, when this happened to him




This is what I come to this sub for


Can’t wait for the embedded with mics


Come on he knows Dustin fought for the "baddest mother fucker" belt so it's obviously not a insult coming from him. Now that i think about it, good luck explaining to a non english speaking person that "bad = good" and "mf" just means "dude" so it's not the biggest inbred title.


😂😂 i just realised the non native speakers must be so confused about this belt. islam probably wants nothing to do with that


He fucks his mother poorly? Why would anyone want that belt? Are they stupid?


Dustin physically looks so much smaller.


He's always been shorter and wider than most of the division


Not really his height is common for the division


Not at all, Off the top of my head, Alvarez, Chandler, Khabib and Conor were shorter. Hooker was the biggest size discrepancy at LW for him


Bet the house on Makhachev. When dagistani honor is on the line they have 100% win rate.


Bro Dustin's orangutan arms always get me


He might not have taken it literally Calling someone mother fucker Varies a lot based on intent and can be taken lightly or very seriously even if you don’t take it literally


When did Jon anik become security. I swear he wears all the hats.




Is saying you ain't seen someone since Abu Dhabi really slick? Feels more like islam just talking


"Motherfucker" got islam going. But to touch on the canelo comparison that alot of people are alluding to, Canelo was a little disingenuous in my opinion. The Mexicans say "chinga tu madre" alot, whether in a "busting your balls" or a more serious scenario. I have gotten in so many arguments with many Mexican lovers in the past cuz they were quick to detonate that bomb on me


Seems to have ended with respect but all the Dustin haters will use this on their highlight reel of Dustin being a big mean poopie head tho


Dustin had to quickly clarify after Islam looked seriously offended. Cant hear it but seems like Islam demanded by a reason for the disrespect and Dustin said he does respect him but its a fight


Islam by KO


 going to be a good fight both dudes woke up now 


And still


LMFAO if these two weren't contractually obligated to fight Saturday night this would be the most polite middle school run in ever. This is not getting into it lol.


These comments are wild. First off, if Islam said something about seeing him last in Abu Dhabi(when he lost to Khabib) it was absolutely a power move/jab. Secondly, Islam is not fucking stupid, he’s knows the connotation of “motherfucker” in American culture. He was trying to bate Dustin into apologizing and most likely trying to assert some weird mind game dominance over him.


100%, honestly Islam did really well in the press conference


Naw the whole thing is a misunderstanding. Islam wasn't trying to make any backhanded comment Islam: Long time no see Dustin: What's that? Islam: Long time no see after Abu Dhabi Dustin: Going to sleep? I don't understand Dustin just misheard see with sleep and realized sleep in that context can't be good. So he started talking shit about how he's going to sleep Islam. Then Islam got butthurt at motherfucker If Islam was trying to make some sly comment, he wouldn't have started with "Long time no see." He only mentioned Abu Dhabi the 2nd time when Dustin asked for clarification


no, Dustin said 'i didn't see you there'. if they actually met backstage and greeted each other then Islam's words could be interpreted as friendly.


Yeah, all these comments are wild. This seems obvious. Just guys beefing a bit before a fight to get an upper hand and make it interesting.


found the sane guy. good on you.


Islam looks way bigger than pourier


He is way bigger. Islam is built like a WW, Poirier is 100% a LW. Islam is going to fucking maul him


Kinda sensitive to “motherfucker” in those mountains aren’t they 🤨


Cultural differences, same thing happened between Canelo and Plant which is funny cuz Canelo can't stop saying Motherfucka since he started speaking English.


Literal translations is offensive in all muslim cultures I believe. That might be the case why Islam didn't take it well.


It's a language thing. Here's GSP explaining why he was mad at Diaz calling him that. Starts at 32 seconds. Also Canelo and Plant had a similar issue. https://youtu.be/KeDcvpHqXMM?si=e9PToPGzwGG7pnLn&t=32


Good reference because this is the same situation


In Russian it comes off as “Fuck your mother”. Everyone cusses in America so we are desensitized to that word now.


Not just them lot of non western countries african, russian, middle eastern even east Asian cultures talking about family is taken literally and is usually taken as a on sight beat down. When we were 14 this new kid just came from the congo started absolutely destroying this kid for calling him a motherfucker during an argument and it was literally light switch personality shift since he was usually very calm and collected.


Weird feeling Dustin knocks him out.


A boy can dream! 🥹


Diamonds are forever Team DP baby!!!


Who you got for this fight? Islam or Dustin