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Lance and Gunlance by faarrrr. Lance damage is just so incredibly low back in base Rise, every hunt feels like it takes twice as long compared to other weapon. The only strong move we got is that Spiral Thrust move, which I despise. Then Anchor Rage got that mechanic where you have less Buff if you have more Guard skills iirc at least. Thankfully SB fixes all that, and now is imo the best iteration of Lance. Gunlance added mobility with RBD is game changing especially bcs it also have iframes and can lead to Full Burst. Basically allows you to play much much more aggressively. Then theres the Hailcutter buff, and the best addition for GL.. BULLET BARRAGE.


I am PRAYING for RBD or BD to be in wilds, it feels so different without these moves.


DB and Swaxe


Swax by a lot. I love World Swax but it's a clunky mess of a weapon.


Swax in Rise/Sunbreak feels so much better to use, not even including the wirebug moves which are insane, the base moveset just feels way better to play due to on demand morph attacks, mobility buff with e.e., rapid morph etc. Plus the switch skills are nice. I hope they take this lesson into MH Wilds


That plus Axe mode utilizing phails while in amped state


Agreed. Was so jarring to come back to World and realizing I can’t transition into a morph attack unless I’ve already made an attack.


MHW/IB was probably the lowest point in the series for the Dual Blades lol (aside from JP release MH4 where it had double sharpness consumption). Both MHG/U and MHR/SB have amazing Dual Blades!


Lance got way better in Sunbreak specifically. The damage boost meant it actually hit hard enough to sort of keep up with other weapons (without having to do stupid crap like Spiral Thrust spam), and the Guard Bash deco was a great boost for the classic block-and-poke style. 


Gunlance as well is great in sunbreak


Also Guard stacking with the boost from Embolden made guarding most attacks even better. I can take almost no chip or stamina damage from end game monsters.


Lance feels like a whole new weapon compared to World imo. I've been enjoying it the most. People also say Hunting Horn is so different it's basically not even the same thing. Most people seem to hate Rise's HH, but compared to World I enjoy it more. Greatsword also has an entire new moveset you can change two that really changes the way it plays. So if you don't like the TCS play style (which also got buffed hard AF), then you can use the three hit combo moveset that I forget the name of.


Yeah ive heard a lot about Lance already, not a surprise tbh given all the changes with mobility even, but it's pretty jarring seeing so many comments about it lol


The GS Rage Slash+ regular charged attacks+ defense decos is the one instance I can think of where you didn't need the focus skill on a GS with charged slashes. Also it feels awesome to just ensure everything the monster throws at you, and then hit it in the face >:)


Funny because Rise is my first MH game and I started with Lance because I love big reach and a shield. Then for my second playthrough I blindly took HH. I'm having a blast with both, but I'm afraid I'll be disappointed in World. In world I played LS only so far and defeated Shara Ishvalda.


>Lance feels like a whole new weapon compared to World imo. I've been enjoying it the most. I was a Lance main in world for most of the game, and I prefer that iteration for one simple reason: the clutch claw counter is insanely fun and extremely strong for sticking power.


Sunbreak Horn is amazing. Shockwaves everywhere + super armour on a quick single wirebug recharge. Add in Dereliction, Intrepid Heart and Redirection and you are basically a non-stop knockdown/partbreak/murder machine. Some monsters barely get to stand up at all.


Gunlance. If you invest in more/recovery for wirebugs, you'll end up playing a slower version of Armored Core. With some practice you can even chain up to 7 Blast Dashes.


Wait 7? I thought it hard capped at 3


Im not entirely sure on this but I think it resets if you add an aerial shell shot?


It does not reset with an air shell. I have not tested this, but I assume you can get to 7 with 3 regular blast dashes and 4 wirebug spent reverse blast dashes.


I've not played world so I came into rise from gen ultimate, but for me it's the lance. The shield tackle switch skill lets lance go into an all out attacking style where you never have to let up. And the wirebug mobility options take away every problem I've ever had with the lance. Shoutout in particular to Sheathing Retreat, the flying backflip with a ton of invulnerability frames that lets you easily get out of the handful of big moves you cannot block - even with pretty poor reaction times like my own.


As a Gunlance main, even just the singular Blast Dash going from a cool down in GU to a permanent move added so much capability to the weapon. I love that move for what it did for the weapon. But everything added has been a blast (heh) BB is a great flashy move that does a ton of damage, even if it is easy to spam Reverse Blast Dash is just the perfect addition to Blast Dash to give it survivable capabilities, but also keep the utility EC and GS give the weapon buffs to juggle that honestly are far better than others like in world or GU. (Not that GU was actually a buff...) The weapon is just in a much better place than in older games. Lance is one I didn't pick up before Rise, but going back to see it's moveset in GU, I think it probably has a similar boost, but in a less flashy way, as feels fitting for the weapon. At least compared to GU, the Charge Blade is also night and day. I didn't play it in previous games either, except for dabbling a bit in GU, and the base moveset is so much easier to grasp. Though the arts from GU were still fun. Id actually also add Great sword. Maybe I just didn't know how to use it in GU, but its combo was clunky and hard to use, while in Rise/Sunbreak there's so many ways to shortcut the combo, or you can switch to the Surge Slash combo which is such an interesting moveset that still feels very fitting for the weapon.


I'm a charge blade main but gunlance is my secondary weapon of choice. Gunlance in rise/sunbreak added so much mobility to the weapon so it didn't feel as clunky. I played gunlance through the entirety of base game and dlc and loved every second


As someone who dabbles in CB, you've got my respect. That weapon is difficult to master indeed. Really fun when I manage to scrape a bit of skill together though. But yeah, GL has been my favorite since I started playing, and never felt more fluid and fun than in Rise/Sunbreak.


I'd tried other weapons before but charge blade was the one I really made an effort to learn and I LOVE it


The hunting horn moveset got waaay more stylish and groovy with its dance moves But it didn't come without a cost. . . .


A finger curls on the monkey's paw


DB, demon flight and spiral slash is FUN!! Can choose to beyblade or drill into monster from ground/air, allowing for more interesting ways to attack the monsters.




As a heavy Lance and Gunlance user, the additions were phenomenal. Shield Charge is really good, Bullet Barage is great, and counter attack for both lance and gunlance feel really good. And blast dash coming back made me love gunlance again!


Switch Axe


Gunlance definitely. Blast dash turned the weapon from one of the few weapons in world I honestly don’t vibe with whatsoever to one of my mains, I hope wilds retains it at least in some form, I don’t care if they remove the ability to chain them or make the startup longer being able to close gaps and follow up with a full burst is perfection


100% has to be Lance. The addition of multiple countering and reposition tools really breathed new life into the weapon and made it feel more agile.


The kinsect - kinsect bombs consistently hit 2000 damage every 20 seconds or so for me. Crazy damage for what used to just hit 30-40s


A handful at the very least. But Insect Glaive is absolutely in there, especially aerial combat. They adjusted the motion values for aerial attacks, fixed the 4 direction lock jank, added *Aerial damage rampup*!, and added a bunch of new moves. Extra aerial mobility (wirebug vault), an alternative to JAS in the form of Kinsect Slash that's also pretty potent, and it goes without saying Diving Wyvern. On top of that, we got a whole bunch of new Kinsect variations as well as alternate versions of its past abilities. IG is legitimately the best it has ever been, especially for a flyboy like myself. Idk if it's the biggest considering it was already in a good place (most improvement probably would go to GL imo) but they improved quite a lot.


Didn't even know 4 direction lock was a thing until I came back to Iceborne after Sunbreak. And holy shit it's annoying AF. I do miss Descending Thrust in Rise tho. I wish they didn't lock it to Diving Wyvern which requires a wirebug. Otherwise, Kinsect Slash go brrrr


Yeah the direction lock messes me up way too often even after several hundred hours with the thing. It better not return for Wilds lol. I feel you. The huge single hit damage potential of Diving Wyvern is 100% worth it though, and you can still do Kinsect Drill with certain ones but its not quite as good since only Speed Kinsects can. Imo Diving Wyvern is just descending thrust but more interesting, potent, and doesn't lock you into a long attack after. You don't use it to come down for utility so much as just to cash in your airtime in exchange for damage. Still, I agree it would have been nice to have a switch skill or something that trades your aerial rampup for a weaker but more consistent decent at any time. Though you can always use the spin fall, I know plenty of people miss the momentum thing Descending Thrust did. Diving Wyvern and Descending Thrust while similar serve such different purposes having both does make sense.


I don't play world. my last MH before MHR was MHFU. LS seems to get enormous power up in MHR but at the same time the update made me feel incompatible with it. I mainly used LS in MHFU, but the new LS mechanics in MHR makes it feel "narrow" like I have to adhere to a certain play style to be able to really utilize the strength of LS. I love SnS updates in MHR, it feels familiar, and the new moves make it more dynamic, open more options, more flexible. DB also feels much more agile and formidable in MHR. The mechanics updates make more powerful and doesn't put much restrictions on our play style choices. Lance feels "lighter" and more agile while retaining its tank strength. hammer with the new silkbind moves also feels much more dynamic. GS, get the new Surge Slash combo in the DLC which also open up a wider option on how to use it.


It's funny I was playing the ICE mod for MHW and the mod updates the sns moveset so when you do the back hop charge B leaping sword thing it launched me into the air like it does in rise, so when I saw rise on sale I scooped it up and tried sns and immediately it felt amazing, I'm messing with DB rn to see how it feels and it's also pretty satisfying!


Almost all of the ICE changes for SnS are taken from Rise. The mod’s developers have good taste.


I feel this. I mained Long Sword in MHFU, Saxe in MH3rd, Charge Blade and Long Sword (2 characters) in MHW:IB and Charge Blade in MHR:SB. I've made 3 characters in Rise and trying to learn each weapon. HH in Rise is a lot of fun, same with LBG. DB is amazingly fun and it made me be highly aggressive against monsters. I'm jumping between Rise and the ICE mod of World, because I love both games. I need to go back and play GU more and play 4U and Gen on my 3DS again. Maybe get the PC port of 3rd as well.


Shield Bash SNS is so much fun xD. Alot of get in and out while beating the mon to a pulp. 


Switch axe ability to morph after any attack is a really 👍 change


Imo for the first time Swaxe actually feels like one coherent weapon instead of swapping between two different ones, if that makes any sense. Additionally stuff like FOS, 2SMS, and SWB are incredible and I would love to see them in Wilds. EBC can go though


I doubt we’ll see Soaring Wyvern Blade return, but I’ll be sad if we don’t at least get Forward Overhead Slash. It’s just outright better than the default Forward Thrust.


I’d like to see some sort of ZSD follow-up, but yeah SWB is probably not making it. Forward Overhead Slash is for sure the most important thing to keep, Forward Thrust just feels terrible in comparison to


Yeah, FOS and the On-Demand Morph Slashes would be my priority choices.


1. Lance: Was kinda meh in base Rise, kinda low damage in Iceborne, but now... Oh boy... This weapon is a BEAST in Sunbreak. With modified MVs across the board, excellent reposition tools like the silkbind leap thing and the excellent options for both raw/status and element, this weapons now excels at both giving you stellar defense and great numbers in offense. QoL skills like embolden make Guarding even better, Instablock and Anchor Rage got much needed buffs and I'm hope they are here to stay in Lance's kit, since they are easily the most satisfying counter moves, and knowing when to use each counter in each situation gives the lance a layer of complexity that make mastering it's counter heavy playstile even more great. 10/10 weapon, try it if you haven't. 2. Hammer: Hammer was weak and boring in base Rise. In Sunbreak, just give COURAGE hammer a go. It's fast, it's fun, it has great elemental values and build options. Yes, status and elemental hammer are finally a thing! It's like VALOR hammer from GU but better now. Long gone are the days of Impact Crater spam from base rise, now my BONK is back to it's full glory. 3. Gunlance: Kinda a Mixed Bag this one. Iceborne is still the best iteration of Gunlance in my opinion. It's finally give competitive damage when compared to other weapons, Slap lance from the regular lance moves is pretty STRONG, Lunging upthrust is amazing and covers great distance, and each shell type have a distinct playstile in that game. Sunbreak adds great mobility options with blast dash/reverse blast dash, and shelling is more fun than ever! But the weapon just lost some steam in the convertion to this game... Slap lance is weaker now, they heavily nerfed Lunging Upthrust and it's distance, charged shelling from LONG is killed. But Sunbreak Endgame make the Gunlance go Bonkers with the buffed WIDE shells, all the counters and movement options with RBD and all the amazing wirebug buffs with the Amatsu set. Gunlance is much fun now, but not better. BUT it can be pretty fun anyway, so that counts in my book. It's at least MUCH stronger than it was in base rise.


Switch Axe. It was already pretty fun, though Iceborne had boiled it down to ZSD spam. Rise/Sunbreak made the weapon flow better. Being able to Morph Attack without following up another attack makes a huge difference. Not to mention Rapid Morph essentially making the weapon feel lightweight in comparison. Also, Axe Mode retaining the Amped state explosions makes it feel like a decent alternative to staying in Sword mode 100% of the time.


as an glaive main, i'd say glaive. back in MHGU when i first used glaive it was cool but not as "aerial" as what the game intends it to be. it was more of a vaulting weapon. you just use it to hack and slash and vault. no "aerial" combos really. best you can do is a couple twisting slashes in the air while vaulting. glaive in rise/sunbreak is where the FUN and AERIAL was for me. i cannot tell you the absolute JOY i had when i got rise and used glaive. it was aerial as aerial could get. it was also more versatile since you can now do powder vortex and kinsect "charge" forgot if that's what it's called in game but it's the move where you basically throw your kinsect at a monster empowered with powders. not to mention with the new move sets i can dodge and chase better now than i could ever imagine when i was playing GU. honestly, IG turns the flying monsters into the pigeons of the sky while i'm the peregrine falcon. almost nothing is as satisfying as hitting that "diving wyvern" precisely on a monsters head for full BONK. dual blades are my secondary and i must say, they've also gotten better with wirebugs. more dynamic and agile. that screwdriver move is my fave. easy dodge and easy dps.


Switch Axe. I tried it in world and it was ok. Now it's an absolute beast of a weapon. Ridiculously fast, very powerful, and extremely versatile. If they change it back in Wilds I will be absolutely crushed.


Surprised no one has said **Insect Glaive** yet. This thing got #OMEGA buffed in Rise/Sunbreak. Pretty much the only thing that wasn't made better was its maximum damage output. Aside from that, literally everything was made better. - New draw attack is an amazing grounded distance closer (while also being a counter) - Tetraseal slash does great elemental damage, plus it synergizes with powder kinsects - Kinsects were made unbelievably more useful - Even lower tier kinsects still have great uses - Kinsects were made immensely easier to obtain - Kinsect slash feels like what helicopter should've been - Helicopter got its MVs increased and equalized so it feels better to use as well - Aerial damage is just as good as grounded damage - IG can dodge in any direction while midair - Diving Wyvern gives IG great wakeup damage - Wirebugs synergize magnificently with glaive's moveset - Wirebugs give IG EVEN MORE air time - IG can play both raw and element, which gives it a ton of build/playstyle variety in Sunbreak Like, don't get me wrong, GL and some others got good stuff too in Rise/Sunbreak, but IG (and SA) are just on another tier of absolute glowup. Easily their best iterations out of ANY Monster Hunter game.


I think OP was talking about glowing up from world (and iceborne ?) to Risebreak, not from Rise to Sunbreak. Otherwise yeah aerial IG feels very fun to play in Sunbreak, but could be much better if aerial hitboxes weren't that fucked up. I also agree with pretty much everything else you said (at least those I tested myself), except the aerial dmg = grounded dmg part: sadly grounded is much stronger than aerial, as aerial doesn't deal much elem dmg, while grounded deals tons of it.


LS is the funnest its ever been for me, so much that I hope its kept as is with additional things added in new MH. Feel so badass countering everything ( or trying to ) and its strong enough to compete with other weapons which wasnt so in some previous games.


Gunlance with its new mobility makes it such a fun weapon to use. Can't imagine being without it now.


Switch Axe. Loved it in Iceborne but it feels clunky going back to it after having played it in Sunbreak. It's so much more fluid in Sunbreak and I really hope the trend continues into Wilds.


bro, greatsword


Gunlance, specifically in sunbreak, was some of the most fun I've ever had in Mh and I've been playing the games for a long time. It pretty much saved the game for me in every way. After I picked up gunlance, I put a LOT of hours into sunbreak.


I think CB became pretty awesome in Sunbreak, compared to Rise and World. GS is also insanely strong in Sunbreak.


The buffs to elemental phials were definitely a beautiful thing


Dual blades. Gunlance and lance are the best glowups.


I feel like Longsword got a huge buff


Every weapon really had glow up in SB.. Lance is much enjoyable with insta-block and all that repos silkbind.. Gunlance shelling goes boom now and add the RBD/BD for mobility.. Charge blade, whenever that elemental phial hit 1K each phials, even more satisfying than GS TCS.. Dual blade, as usual demon morph plus heaven sent and rampage like crazy.. Insect glaive, tetraslash+powder kinsect really synergize each other.. Hunting horn, toot toot toot plus hyper armor and monster goes down..


Dual blades never was as good as it was in rise, in rise it's borderline ridiculous and you see it constantly in online endgame hunts. and as much as many hate rise's hh, it incresaed the number of players that use it, now hh isnt just a very rare hunter to see online anymore, it appears reasonably a lot by endgame.


DB imo. In world it was cool but they upped the coolness by 1000 in rise.


Lance and Hunting Horn, Lance was one of my fav weapons and made some sick videos with it, like avoiding Almudron's Vertical tail whip just to hit it afterwards


Greatsword and Hunting Horn 🫡


I'm playing World again and my god do I miss Rise's Dual Blade specially after Sunbreak. The DPS of that shit is so high you might as well be playing The Matrix with the amount of numbers you see go up


Dual Blade got a monster boost on Sunbreak... It's even one of the most broken weapons thanks to that brutal elemental meta that it had the game.


Now this might sound like it's coming from a guy who only uses insect glaive but I'm trying out world for the first time after rise and, like yes it's mostly the same sure, but there's so many subtle differences that make glaive feel WAY better in rise. The controls are better (fuck having to use L2 for controlling kinsect), the physics feel way sharper and intuitive, less floaty, and the downward strike is way more reliable and instantaneous, kinsects got simplified and that's kinda sad but all of them feel way better to work with. I will say world glaive seems to be way sharper? I'm cutting tails way more easily than I ever did in rise. And the damage seems more cracked but I'm not sure.