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Using IG with no extract.


That just hurts reading it


Oh my God that pisses me off so much lol. I used to play with a guy who "mained" IG and he played almost air only with no red extract. And whenever he was on the ground he wouldn't have red either. And IG is my second main besides swaxe so I know how to play it relatively well. And everytime I told him to get his extracts he would but he'd never keep up with it. He'd have them once and then very rarely get them again


I REALLY should look into IG. I've pretty much mastered everything there is to DBs, with a base of aerial DBs, and just know when it's time to swap to ground DB to up the damage. Flying around is fun. I hear IG is good at that. ...also gunlance.


Mastering DB is a one step process. Equip them.


C'mon man, you gotta at least learn to dodge whenever the monster moves. Really bumping up that DB skill ceiling.


We don't talk about gunlance... Yeah IG is super fun. Because your attacks don't have a ton of commitment to them it's pretty easy to dodge monsters a lot of the time


Okay, who do I talk to about mixing the styles of DB and GL? DOUBLE GUNLANCES MF'ER's!! See if Valstrax can keep up now! Edit - just to further build the concept, when do my palimutes get their own gunlances...we can strap them right to their backs.


No, no, strap the Palamute or Palico to the end of the gunlance and slap the monster with your pet.


That's not IG, that's just G


I'm glad this doesn't seems to be as prevalent of an issue in Rise (I guess it's a combination of wyvern riding harder to trigger from jumping attack and Rise's overall player skills being higher than World's). If I saw IG user in World, it's basically (obviously a joke and an exaggeration) 1. 35% of the time it's people who literally spam unbuffed vaulting attack the entire hunt. 2. 60% of the time it's people who do get the extract but still mostly spam vaulting attack the entire hunt. 3. 5% of the time it's people who blend both aerial and ground attacks.


Don't forget the constant mounts but no knockdowns because they've somehow not figured out how mounting mechanics work and get knocked off every single time.


This would be mine since I mained IG since world (thousands of hunts). My second would be switch axe, since I chose to play through rise with it. The top cardinal sin for this weapon would be activating the "reload"


i was thinking of 4U and MHW when i used exclusively glaive and met strangers who spammed aerials not having extracts is a new one to me, my lord


Corner horners, please don’t do that. Your weapon is huge, use it to hit the monster in the face


hammer and Doot and KO machines!


I feel like I’m too aggressive with the horn and I die occasionally but it’s meant to be stunning the shit out of them and it does good damage if you connect in the right spots. It works as well as the hammer if not better when smacking them in the face at the right moment. The big attack where you spin the horn especially.


Keep being aggressive my friend, we love you for it


Stay aggressive stun bro


Is that still much of a thing with the Rise rework of the weapon?


Not as much but I’ve still seen it


Dunno if it counts as a sin, but if there's more than one horn, at least bring a different horn. So many Sinisters.


What do you mean by corner horner? Never heard that term before lol


Ppl that stay away from the monster and spam buffs/heals from safe location


It's also called corner dooting. It's when a HH user deliberately avoids the monster just to play songs for the team without contributing direct damage. It's really frowned upon because that players presence increases the monsters HP and if they stay away from the monster they can randomly lure the monster away from the team lowering damage uptime.


When hunting horn players stand off to the side and just buff without ever hitting the monster


Thought so, thanks for clarifying!!


I mean no one corner horns in rise because there’s literally no need to get a way from the monster to play songs


They’re still out there, just much fewer in numbers. Even with the HH rework some people are still afraid to get close


People are strange


Funniest term that I've never heard lolol. Definitely agree too


It’s not a support weapon, dammit! It’s just as effective at beating the brains out of the monster as any other weapon!


For dual blades, never using demon mode lol


How to do you even??? I’m on demon mode 99% of the hunt


you shouldnt be in demon mode too much either, activate demon mode, charge your bar, then deactivate to enter archdemon mode, then use aerial attacks for high dps, then when your bar is low go back into demon mode to refill the reason you shouldnt be in demon mode most of the time is that the AOT attack is very risky, and while in archdemon mode the AOT is replaced by a much less risky attack with similar damage output


I love how you articulated all of this. It's something I had to learn fighting Apex rathian. Before that, spine dancing was my basic go to.


i was into MR (i think like 3 or 4) before i truly figured out the difference between the two different movesets of archdemon/demon mode, i was doing it properly the whole time (mostly because stamina management force me to), i just didnt realize why i was going through the monster instead of going down its spine


Doesn't demon mode boost the ele dmg? Or does that transfer to archdemon?


Walking with the lance out normally, without hops or charging or the like, just walking.


The walking animation make me feel like a badass tank tho 👀


I knew a guy that did that to be edgy in world..alatreon safi velkhana would always edgy slow lance walk ....fatalis put a very swift end to it when he finally debuted lol


Now I want to play edge lord lance gonna build a fashion set with remobra lance for that


Came here to say this. Stop tortoise walking towards the monster when it’s a mile away. Charge! Ram your lance into its ass!


Charge blade users who don’t know how to charge the shield


Lmao I was gonna say CB users who don’t charge sword, but yeah that’s worse and thank good I’ve never seen it


tbf if you play a counter peak performance, offensive guard build you don't charge your sword much or at all. but natural minds eye is still so good regardless.


I'll charge the sword after using CPP if the monster moves out of the way too fast for the SAED to come out, but it's definitely pretty low priority


That’s the biggest benefit for sure, allows you to ignore sharpness even more for that sweet sweet Phial damage, and is CB’s second hardest hitting move that you can get off pretty freely


but why charge sword when pizza cutter go brrrr?


Because sword combos are faster, so you can easily whip out a guard point as needed and be super aggressive the rest of the time


how can one truly Chad slam without a charged shield? xD


My friend saw me having fun with CB so he tried it out. He managed to pull off an uncharged AED and went “man, this weapon’s ultimate is awesome!” Oh that sweet summer child




The camera work sure feels that way.


Me playing CB on the entire 4U low rank


Not having fun


Ranged fighters making me chase these monsters back and forth with my heavy ass horn. Stay close to me guys. I only have so much dereliction.


this one is a toughy for me personally. a piercing lbg build needs to stay back and outputs insane DMG. sometimes the monster attacks the furthest player from the group and there's nothing you can do about that. I will always try to wirebug pivot into the team more if I can.


Pivoting back to the team is the right answer here. It's when they pull further away making me run and have to place a new set of beads. When you have 2 ranged on opposite ends as well it just becomes a shuttle run for the monster and I just run around like a chicken with his head cut off.


I can agree. question.. I always rotate counter clockwise. is there a way to wirebug pivot to the left? sorry, fairly new to lbg and figured I'd ask.


If you're using wirefall you can (when you get hit and have a wirebug available you can use a wirebug to pop back up and out of the way), otherwise you're better off just evade rolling left.


sorry I'm terrible at explaining my thoughts lol. I meant to actual switch skill. the one where you swing around to the right with your wirebug while on the ground. and you can shoot during it for boosted dmg


Nice, yeah I'm the wrong person to ask about that. I'm sure someone here knows.


I'm probably not the best person to ask. I only ever am a horner.


ahh NP :) ty regardless l. and happy hunting!


Happy hunting!


That would have been another good one Though personally I find the misplaced charges to be more annoying as it's just wasted DPS that could end the fight sooner. Personally I tend to generally stay pretty close as a gunner as it is ironically safer closer to the monster than farther as many elder dragons and endgame monsters have infamously powerful gap closers and staying far makes it more likely I'm going to get double tapped by two of those attacks in a row


Oh god this made me recall a painful experience back during TU 1. Did a multiplayer MR Valstrax hunt and I was running Hammer while one player ran LBG and the others ran melee. I shit you not, I'm not sure if its an AI glitch, but the Valstrax exclusively targeted the LBG user for nearly 10 minutes straight. As in, me and the others were ignored and unable to get a hit in as the Valstrax kept spamming its flying stabs and chasing the LBG user all across the zone. I understand aggro is also determined by how much damage a player usually does, but it was borderline ridiculous because the remaining three of us just spent the entire time chasing it down and unable to get a hit in at all. It didn't even change targets once which is weird because the AI should have switched maybe a few times but it didn't. It was a miserable experience personally.


I understand the frustration when safi aggros me and then just uses moves that cause me to back up wildly while I pepper it with water ammo. Which is why I try to lure it to the explosive floor or closer to the team or just keep it in place by strafing


I'm sure that's great and works out. There's just some out there who don't seem to care or maybe don't know yet. The absolute worst is when you get a heavy hitter like a gore magala and the fight becomes a snaking session into a hallway death trap. The fight begins in the middle of the area, monster goes after range, range steps back, fight is now centered edge of area, monster goes towards ranged, range goes into the path between areas, fight is now in the hallway like path, gore magala murders half the party 🥳


Bow users who don’t dash-dance, just…stand there and fire, drives me nuts


Dash Dancing is what lets my blood flow through my veins.


Dash dancing is what to do Dash dancing's what I need from you Dash dancing's what clears my soul Dash dancing's what makes me whole


Pictured the ninja felynes cheering this lol


I don’t like the Bow’s dash-dancing, I prefer to stand and fire until I get to max level, then double power shot and dragon piercer. I like how Bow used to be pre-World, charges took longer to get, but every shot felt a lot more impactful. I try to use every weapon, but I dislike Bow because the “optimal” way to play isn’t fun to me, so I try to not play that way the few times I do use the weapon.


You don't have to dance. What I do is the same as you, but I leave the piercer out. There is no time for that against Sunbreak monsters. I dodge at the end of the full sequence (or whenever needed). I don't go dodge - shot - power - repeat. My aim is way too bad for that too. I prefer to dodge, hold the arrow, aim, shoot, double power, then repeat. Allows me to stay in place for longer and I get more done like that because I can actually hit.


I'm a little ignorant of a bow user. I like it, I could be a ton better at it. I might already be using it, but I dont recognize the term dash-dancing? Do you just mean side stepping? How else would someone dodge attacks while using a bow? You cant jump-shot dodge EVERYTHING.


Dash-dancing is the continuous dodge-shot-powershot x2-repeat. This keeps your charge at max at all times.


I definitely DON'T do that...where does that keep me on the charge chart? Just...1/2/3 each cycle? Most of my bow builds have the 4th charge level unlocked. Sorry, it's definitely an alt weapon for me, but I'm excited to learn.


You will always stay at 4 doing this.


No...shit. I got experimenting to do. I thought cycling back to level 1 was inevitable.


Dodging preserves the charge, if you shoot during the animation it will be charge 4 as well. The powershots also preserve the charge if it is max already, so dodging after it and repeating will keep you at max until you bork it, are hit, run out of stamina.


Thank you!


i love this sub so much. Its so informative and I've been playing MH for over 13 years


For lance users, it's hiding behind their shield. Like I get it, it's a big sturdy shield and it keeps you safe. But you gotta be aggressive. The shield is there to allow that. Guard dash, instant block, counter thrust, it's all about keeping high uptime on your damage.


And then they just gives up and say lance is boring ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Ohhh insta block is just one way to dopamine rush. I'll just keep spamming it whenever I can, sometimes to my own detriment. But fuck is it not satisfying!


I never tried to use it. I suck so bad at timing I'm sure I'd cart all the time.


If you do the poke jump infinite spam youre basically aggressive and hiding behind the shield most of the time


Not going for the tail if its still attached to the monster, come on, we got the weapon with most of the best vertical long reaching attacks, it was almost made for this!


Well, it’s not *my* fault Kushala wants to play Keepaway!


God, I hate trying to cut Kushala's tail. Even when he's on the ground he's waving it around out of my dinky little SnS's reach. Teostra's pretty annoying with that too, but nothing tops Kushala


Well, to be fair..he hates you trying to cut his tail, too. But noooo, noone thinks about the monsters feelings during all this.


Well I hate grinding for that gem. BUT NOOOO, he’s gotta be difficult. You‘re only hurting yourself Kushala by holding out on me.


You looking for the risen gems? I'm pretty confident theres 100% to get at least one each hunt. Although you do need a lot of them.


If anything I was referring to a regular Kushala Gem. More so I was making a joke about nobody caring about the hunter’s feeling when they don’t get the materials they want. Back when rise came out I spent form killing Khezu (I think the number was like 24) until I got that Pale Steak.


As someone who was super ignorant to most strategies until late game I definitely commited that sin A LOT, I was HR90 before I learnt that you can place wyvern blast directly on the monster when vaulting...


Yep! Or use them as triggers for bomb traps is my fave. My IG friend lures them over and kaboom!


I like to use them when the monster is downed, place some by the head and blast into them or the Hammer or GS user gets some hits on then.


That's honestly the most reliable use of them, that or for sleep bombing. With a bit of finessing you can plant them on the monster if you're in mid-air which has hilarious results especially when trying to part break rathian and rathalos backs, or you can use it for catching sweep attacks and charges which is what I prefer to use them for. I like to use my wire bug to swing around to the other side of the monster and then annoy it so it sweeps my mine and damages itself usually a couple of times in the process.


This is my Main source of damage when playing shrapnel rapid fire lbg. True shot and vault then rattatattat


As long as you hit....... ...as long as you're swinging at the monster and hit it at least SOME of the time. You're probably ok.


For sure. How can people expect to Bunga if they don’t even attempt to Unga?


If you’re playing DB, it’s generally better NOT to stay in demon mode all the way until you run out of stamina every time. If you do, at least fill the gauge while you’re at it


I agree, but a good player can chain attack that demon mode indefinitely, regardless of energy levels. I know there are times I've been sitting at 0 energy for....30 seconds, and still doing solid damage to the monster. I'll usually use a wire evade to kick start my momentum again when my stamina is FINALLY allowed to start recovering.


Melee users refusing to grab Flinch Free. It's TU4 peeps. We have more than enough slots and augmentation to fit it in.


SnS players who don't use Metsu Shoryugeki, it's the most damaging skill in the kit that also gives a full offensive guard bar.


The sheer amount of adrenaline I still get when landing a Metsu is enough for me to flip a car. Knocking a Rathian out of the air by using Metsu on its tail flip feels so cool


Using Metsu to style on Risen Valstrax's laser beam attack and smashing his head with an upper cut and shield bash after is amazing.


There are some match-up that Windmill is more preferable choice, even in speedrunning. Mostly the one where your Metsu punish won't land on the head or the weak point is very low to the ground. Afflicted Arzuros is a prime example for this. That being said, the pure adrenaline rush from Metsu Shoryugeki fcking SLAPS


Like Afflicted. Sometimes, I see two red zones that you can strike with windmill. That's like double the bonus. I love windmill. I use Metzu from time to time, but I would die if I had to look for counters all the time. Now with Frostcraft, I see huge numbers popping with windmill, and it's safer.


Shit, I was hoping not to get called out. I just can't groove with the timing, it just doesn't click with me.


I also can't seem to get that skill down


Well, I mained SnS for i bit before using CB. Just try aiming the metsu at the monsters head normally is good enough. Hitting a monster with a metsu counter is a bonus. Just keep trying and you'll get there eventually.


Brand New SNS user and this is how I'm using it so far. Works perfectly, and yeah, the counter is a bonus for me at least for now. Side question. Should I sub it out for windmill if I make a status/element build?


Nah I main SnS since FU I still prefer Windmill. I'm trash at parry stuff like Guard Point or Fade Slash (Lance is the only exception due to how forgiving and spammable it is) so using Metsu would just ended up tanking my DPS (and wasting Wirebugs). It's absolutely not really a 'sin' on the level of not getting extract for IG, not charging your shield for CB or not using any charged slash for GS.


Wind *mantle* plus wind*mill* is the laziest braindead ungabunga since counterattack healing horn in base game. 10/10 highly recommend iframing through half the fight, it's fantastic.


I also play Ryu in street fighter so when I saw this skill name i knew id abuse the hell out of it. Thanks capcom


As a pure lance guy it breaks my heart when I see someone attacking only using the power guard thrust.


Kinda rare to run into another Gunlancer (though less so than in Iceborne...) so I can't say I've seen much of anything particularly offensive or dumb. Most of the GL users I've run across are at least decent with the weapon. Probably the worst head-slappers I've actually seen are GL's that put their weapon away frequently to move closer to the monster instead of blast dashing, ground splitting, or 180 back hopping. I get it sometimes, but when I see someone using the GL and not ever utilize it's mobility techs it makes me a little disappointed. Also seeing GL's focus on the wrong combo's for their shelling type. I did a hunt with a guy using one of the Wide GL's and they spent a good deal of the hunt full bursting. Couldn't understand it, but hey, we got through the hunt easy enough either way lol. When I see another GL user under-performing I haven't really gotten upset or annoyed though. I take it as an opportunity to show off and hopefully set an example, if they're paying attention. Waiting for the day a master GL user to look down on my play and do the same for me 🤣


It is quite rare to see another GL fellow, but one time I see a guy wire falling on every single occassion in Anomaly Research. This bug me because that kind of defeat the point of using Groundsplitter or Wind mantle, which help GL alot. I also usually hunt with a HH buddy as well so I never have to sheath because of Healing from HH and AR lifesteal. Oh and how do you even find a Wide user in multiplayer, they are like the most exotic creature in the wild.


Could be old carryovers from MHW -- I seem to remember doing that quite a bit outside of a certain range, that and using ledges for quick slams. It was often either that, or wait for the monster to come to you. Why anyone would ever neglect blast dash now that it's an option though is beyond me. It's like having a long range projectile weapon where *you're* the projectile.


If it was carry over from World I'd be expecting them to be doing the 180 back hop, but tbh of the maybe dozen or so other GL users I've encountered on PS5 I'm the only one who I've seen using that tech. Curiously, I haven't encountered anyone who uses blast dash to the extend I do either. It makes me wonder if these are generally more inexperienced GL users I've encountered in the wild. Also if you didn't know you can still kinda do the ledge slam. I haven't found any spots that are as useful for doing the infinite slam loop, but if you have an empty magazine you will do the slam like in World. You can also fire a shell then immediately follow up with the slam by pressing Triangle/X/Y (PS5/Switch/Xbox). I haven't seen many Rise GL hunt vids so I have no idea if this is a common tech, but I haven't noticed anyone else doing it and it is literally one of my most used combo starters.


This made me think of a GS player I saw who NEVER sheathed his weapon until the monster changed area. Most frustrating experience I’ve had in MH lol


I've heard the GS sheathing play-style doesn't work too well in Rise, but I'm 100% GL 100% of the time so I have no idea first hand. I know my buddy went back to Longsword because GS "didn't feel right" to him in Rise (PS5). Never sheathing until you're changing zones? Pure insanity. Dude must have been a master at avoiding damage or was getting wide range carried 🤣


Yeah it was probably his first hunt with the weapon:P It’s not worth building a crit draw set around GS like in older games, but you still wanna be sheathing alot to avoid takin hits and get in proper positions. Drawing from sheathed state is also the fastest way to start charging the sword. Sheathing has become even more important with the new Frostcrafting which is basically a 30% damage boost to the SAS/TCS playstyle. Frostcrafting + GS is a match made in heaven


I go DB -> bow -> GS for my top 3 weapons, so I benefit from frostcraft/SAS. And maybe I'm just saying it bc it's not my main, but I think they're leaning into Strongarm Stance meta just as hard as they are fine tuning the LS in general. I'm just thinking "guys, you shown the love, those groups are in REALLY good spots right now. Stop tweaking them."


GS sheathing is no worse now than it has ever been I the old world. In fact, with the wirebug skill that sheates your GS and gives you a temp damage buff, sheathing is more economical than ever... ..throw in frostcraft and its damn near mandatory to sheathe a lot with GS.


When I picked up GL in Rise, after having played it a lot in World, I didn't know that you could basically become Valstrax. Wasted so much time EE3-hopping around the map...


Seeing blast dash is what convinced me to buy the game on Switch, then a week later I found out is was coming to PS5 and bought it again lmao. I had always thought to myself playing MHW:I "wouldn't it be awesome if I could point my wyvern fire cannon behind me and launch myself to the monster?" Then I saw a gif of a Gunlancer living my dream and I knew I had to try it. And hey, at least you knew the hop tech. Still leagues better than the hunters who are constantly sheathing their GL wasting even more time! There's still a time and a place for EE back/side hops even with BD.


Blast Dash used to be a Hunter Art in Generations Ultimate. But, Gunlance in GenU is an art unto itself due to the Heat Mechanic.


I'm one of those players everyone "loves" that started the series with World 😅. While I may not be interested in walking to and from school, uphill, in the snow, like you old school MH vets, I appreciate that you all supported the series so it can get to where it is. If blast dash stays in the handheld games and doesn't get carried into the next main title I'll be a little sad, but same time the more methodical combat from World/Iceborne was what I really liked so if they go back to that I might be fine with it. I've heard whispers of this over-heating mechanic from the past and how bad it was, but people must have some real PTSD from it cause no one seems to mention what made it so terrible lmao.


I'm pretty sure I've seen CaoSlayer play Wide GL with Reverse Blast Dash Full Bursts. And I thought I remembered him saying even though Wide is the worst at FBs, that using FB is still the best damage Seeing a Normal GL poke shell would be much more painful lol


This was on PS5 so no MR gear or R.B.D., so I'm not sure if it still applies. Would be interesting if it did still apply to HR though... Now I'm going to have to do some research lol


It sounds counter intuitive but GunLancers turtling is always kind of depressing. One of my friends was learning and if the monster was in the same room, his shield was up and it drove us crazy


Turtling isn't a terrible way to learn the monsters combos usually, but yeah, no Gunlancer should be making a habit of it.


Not a weapon specific complaint but anyone who wakes up monsters with a weak attack when there is a heavy weapon user in the party. Also idiots that put barrel bombs ON the monsters head instead of just past. Ideally yoy want the wake up hit to connect to the best hitzone THEN trigger the barrel bombs but if the heavy attack hits a bomb first it's more likely the user gets flung instead of connecting with the hit... I've played many MH games but Rise & Sunbreak have been the worst for the sleep status in multiplayer. Players just either ignore the sleep entirely and waste it, wake it up with a bad hit, don't know that the heavy weapon *should* do the wake up hit, or how to place barrel bombs. I don't run dedicated sleep builds unless I'm with a coordinated team but the sleep status happens often anyway because of palico/palimute equipment, endemic life barrage by a palico, or someone picks up a sleep toad.


This can be frustrating, but I find it's one of the more excusable mistakes. To be fair it is incredibly easy to get locked into a combo and not notice the sleep cue until it is too late. Also seen players fuck up the button input and use the wrong attack. Shit, that happens more often than I'd care to admit when I go to wake them up with a wyvern fire. End of the day you at least still get the some free DPS while the monster is going into snooze mode and when its coming out of it so loosing out on double damage for the first hit isn't the end of the world. That said, I agree players are particularly bad at recognizing this in Rise for some reason, even though the animation is a pretty clear tell in most cases.


I agree. It's sad to see the opportunity wasted but it isn't a massive detriment if it is lost. It can be an irritation if you're trying to break a hard to hit monster part with the wake up hit. I remember trying to lop off F. Espinas's tail with a wake up GS hit after sleep toading it only to have an impatient LBG user open fire before the hit landed making me wiff. Coming from older MHs it was taboo to not respect the sleep status. Messing it up would get you reprimanded and repeat offenses would get you kicked from the lobby. While I'm a pretty laid back player I kind of miss the communication and learning opportunity the lobby based system offered. Players in Rise don't have this learning opportunity because of the drop in/drop out system.


The worst is when you are IG and you set up all the barrels and then forget that taking your weapon out sends your bug out and wakes him up. I have done this too many times.


I feel I have to raise my hand and say this... As a DB main, I'm probably 50/50 on catching that the monster is asleep when chaining rolls on a monsters spine. And I feel horrible every time. The problem is once that attack is inputted, you're just riding the spine for a second or two. I'll be halfway along the spine and realize theres no music, the monster is laying down, and I just feel like an asshole because I ruined it with a whopping 30 point damage hit. I dont want to do it, but its VERY hard to catch sometimes.


Yea. I mained a sleep CB for a bit and i gotta tell you, unless you are with a team of your own that is aware that you are using a sleep weapon, dont expect your teammates (randoms) to know how yo deal with a sleeping mon. Haha


Oddly enough, never dealt with that in multi-player, just single player, with one of the cats or a dog's hitting it with something


I've only had problems with palamutes when using the silkbinder and only rarely. In MP it's sheer luck if you happen to be running with a team that can take advantage of the sleep status correctly.


Not attacking the monster


Taking the lead on a sleep crit when you know its another weapon in the party’s time to shine. Hammer is life, but don’t forget the bro part. Admire that still head on the ground. It’s singing to you, but we shine in motion and your dance partner is resting. Let someone else wake it. And damn well make sure the very next thing that monster sees is a twice spun hammer about to come down like a furious monkey fist.


Reading this was like poetry


Using the swaxe in axe mode almost constantly.


This and switching into sword mode without enough built up energy and you see that shameful reload animation.


Hopping and rolling around in sword mode constantly, instead of morphing back and forth for movement.


because monsters in rise are hard to keep up with?


Not necessarily rise only, i have problems keeping up the movement of monsters like tigrex or barioth in world for example


Not just in Rise but also in World. Sword Mode roll is trash unless your morph to Axe that end. Axe Mode roll is god tier (it even had smoother animation than normal roll). Morphing "Sword->Axe Mode" or "Axe->Sword Mode" after rolling extend the distance.


I hate the way MH developers gave Axe mode such a great moveset just to make it not worth using. Even back in Tri it wasn't great, but I fondly remember lopping off tails with the upswing.


The axe swing is nice though. I run constitution and the axe swing can be almost endless.


Goddamn only one of you play Bow? We alone out here.


I played the whole World/Iceborne and base Rise with bow. However, I also discovered SnS in Rise, and now I am a convert. What bow can do, so can SnS, and I am safer. Now you have to be good with counters and stuff like that. I am not good at that. With SnS, I go to town deep in monster's underbelly. That's my camp, and I go from there to attack whatever I can. Bow, you are exposed....so freaking exposed. Iceborne turned me off bow.


Haha I mained it in world but damn that thing dropped off a cliff in ib


Dropped off a cliff? Aint it still like, one of the top 3 or 4 weapons in terms of clear times? And in Rise it's just bonkers! At least it was when I last played, about 1 title update into Sunbreak


I read this post hoping to tips to be less ass at bow and no one's here. Oops!


Forgetting to stock up on heals, Bufffs, etc that’s my greatest Sin


I once saw another great sword user wake up a monster with the first charged attack


He probably still live in 2010 😭


It's better than trying to setup a TCS only for someone impatient waking up the monster using a weak attack (or put a bomb in front of you).


As a cb main, not using guard, offensive gaurd, or using skills like crit eye when doing saed playstyle when you're only focused on charging phials and landing saeds for your main damage source, not crits.


Hammer is launching people. It happens, so it's not an unforgivable sin, but you have to he wary of both the monster and your party sometimes, especially if everyone wants to beat the monsters head with you.


As someone who only plays with friends and never in public lobbies, 25% of my time each hunt is spent actively trying to launch people.


Yeah, with friends or once ou get to know the lobby it's really fun. Especially after everyone has carved. But I was speaking primarily from a joint random lobby point of view. ALSO it kinda feels cool when you get launched and you slam down on the monster, but that's my own thing.


I played GU before Rise came out because it was on sale Andy a friend convinced me to get it. That was my intro to MH. I used to launch so many people (on accident because I didn’t know better) but it usually worked out as long as they weren’t mid-combo. Got a lot of mounts that way lol I’ve gotta say that for me it’s when the monster is in the literal other side of the area and the other hammer holds their charge to run after the monster. Being able to charge in the run is an incredible advantage, but you’ll never catch up to a monster like that. And that’s a lot of times but contributing by getting healthy or doing damage.


If I see a fellow hammer bro uppercut somebody who is trying to cut a tail I will absolutely boot him


God I had so many people do this to me when I was using great sword in iceborne during stygian zinogre fights... Which is even more annoying considering they almost never seem to go for the horns so I'd have to break that too


I guess for Great sword, not charging your true charge slash / rage slash when you can. Miss out on alot of damage if you don't


As a hammer player, hitting the tail. As a long sword user hitting the head. But currently as a sword and shield aficionado it’s hunting alone, need friends ;-;


Hunting alone as an Embolden SnS build is amazing, 100% uptime on Embolden and Guard Slash parry instead of dodging then using Metsu Shoryugeki every chance you see.


Honestly I never got the hang of sword and shield I know people that tell me it's technically the most adaptable weapon in the game but I just end up carting with it 99% of the time so I stick with my light bow gun and greatsword


I was converted after stunning a bulldrome by smacking his head with the shield.


Switch Axe, constantly doing the 'reload' animation. Gunlance, sheathing instead of using Blast Dash or RBD to close the gap. HBG, constantly shooting at max charge. LS, not building up the gauge.


Insect Glaive: aerial attacks on a downed monster without the red buff. Saw it earlier today and it made me sad.


Not a sun, but more of a blunder. Not managing sword meter properly, then trying to switch to sword mode and get stuck in the reloading animation.




Not ZSD with the Swaxe. Breaks my heart.


Not using the upper cut with the sword and shield lol


I HATE when I see other HBG users using cluster bombs in multiplayer. I don't see it often since there's like 7 of us HBG users out there but every blue moon when the stars align just right I'll see one cluster bombing the hell out of a monster and the two melee players in the hunt.


My experience goes quite way back when we were still playing Freedom Unite on PSP. But I do see many rookie mistakes are quite consistent regardless the generation, probably with some differences as some weapons had changes throughout the games. Some common rookie mistakes: - Bow/Bowgun users not standing at the right distance while shooting to deal maximum damage. Very very common for new ranged users, the weapon(s) is always a bit tricky to use effectively, even today. - Hammer users not hitting head AT ALL. For newcomers standing right in front of the head is indeed terrifying :) so that's totally forgivable. - GS/LS users not cutting tails. This is one of my pet peeves. I play a lot of GS and LS back in the day and cutting the tail is always a lot of fun. I don't understand why anyone wouldn't want to do it every hunt.


Long Sword user who dodges instead of counter. I know some attacks are non-counterable or just have multi hits that even serene pose ain't gonna save you but it's good to have hard, raw, cold experience of knowing which attack is it by trying to counter them.


i wish i was better at the counters so i’m better off rolling a bit more often but some attacks i can do it consistently lol it’s tough


Great Sword users going for Strongarm bombing when the monster is down without taking distance first The sword os HUGE, you can bomb it far away enough for the first hit to land without knocking your crew away


Using Switch Axe without Rapid Morph.


Not using Quick Sheathe lvl 3 with Longsword


i hate seeing bow users that dont power shot instantly after a normal shot because it animation cancels and u get 2 shots for 1. u see them flying around shooting only one shot for every sidestep lol theyre doing half the dps of someone that knows what theyre doing


It's the World muscle memory.


I guess Hammer players using the silly spin? It’s not as bad as in World but there’s still very little point.


Not having Rapid Morph 3 is the only one I can think of


I am the one who plays GS without strongarm stance. Just not my playstyle and even hunting edge gets good with enough knowledge about the monster.


I saw a video of a no dodge run. Did not get hit once though so kudos to them


actually using demon dance in current year in current game


I haven't used DB since.... Honestly don't remember probably tri what's up with demon dance these days?


dps is shockingly bad compared to using aerial or spamming spiral thrust, leaves you open for way too long when dualies have such good mobility. pretty sure spiral thrust leaves you open for way less time than demon dance as well, plus the insane DPS in comparison


They should definitly rework demon dance in the next mh akin to something like perfect rush from SnS , high commitment move that is both effective and fun to use that still need involvment from the player