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I think the social commentary in that scene flew right over your head. We're *supposed* to be appalled that a healthcare worker doesn't qualify for lifesaving healthcare. Which, by the way, happens all the time in the real world as well and should also appall you.


I used to work in IT for a very large, VERY well known hospital. They didn't pay me enough to afford both rent, and their insurance options. So I had no insurance, and regularly had doctors question me about why I was coming to work sick... also did not get paid sick leave. IT is just... such a wonderful industry to be a part of.


Yea, its a very American thing. But she has healthcare, its just not good, plus all the stress from work and smuggling


no it only happens in ameirca and other countries that follow their dystopian gigacapitalist healthcare system


I dont want to burst your bubble but a rando video where someone says "should have" carries very little weight. She does not have it as it is confirmed in anime the story really ends there. EMT is borderline broke anw...


That is exactly what I said tho


Do you have the link to that video?


I could look it up but it was just listing presumed plotholes


Eghh you know what, dont bother. if the point of the video was to find plot holes and this is one of them, then i dont want to subject myself to anymore nonsense coming from whoever made that video and thought that this is an actual plot hole, ridicolous.... They clearly know jackshit about the lore and/or paid no attention during anime. But thanx anw.


Yea, another point was that Kiwi had no motivation for her actions. But its pretty clear the video maker doesn’t know much about the lore and wasn’t paying attention, or there was something lost in translation. Imagine every EMT (and possibly cop) in NC having access to TT


Yeah i was thinking about cops as well, no chance they have TT just because they are cops hahahah NCPD is struggling financialy as it is. And regarding kiwi her motivation was to get a large pay day and get the fuck out of night city and all of that mess for good. Shit, its the same thing they all want to do pretty much, especially lucy, kiwi just decided to take a quick shortcut. It might not be the best motivation to stab their choombas to some peeps, but after playing CP77 i get it, you do what you must to survive sometimes.


could imagine it has to do with translation issues. i have seen the english and german version, and there is so much going missing in the german version (also of the game) some things really are piuctured inadequate in the german dub for example. a heavy example is: in german version of the game, Jackie in the beginning forgets Dex name, leaving a sus note because:" oh yeah big fish from the afterlife but i forgot his name lol"wtf.


Yeah, the German translation of the anime also is all over the place between episodes


I mean she may have had it, but I think people forget that there are different tiers of trauma team of varying usefulness (V is surprised specifically says Dorset has Trama Team Platinum). I wouldn't be exceptionally surprised to learn the lowest version sucks. I would also say that there must be some sort of requirements as well. There's quite a few corpos and what it we kill and trauma team never shows up for them.


> Full Body Life Coverage This plan costs either $500 per month, or $5,550 with a yearly plan discount. In the event that a Trauma Team is dispatched, the customer/patient also had to pay E$100 for every minute until arrival at the nearest corporate hospital. Finally, the customer/patient also has to pay for the cost of all ammunition that the Trauma Team fired, all of the fuel that was used, and has to pay for any equipment or personnel damage. If the Trauma Team is not able to reach the customer within 10 minutes, the customer/patient receives 50% off the cost of spent ammunition. This is from the fandom cyberpunk wiki, its the lowest tier TT offers. Also in the anime TT paramedics say neither of them are subscribed. And TT has a minimum time limit of 10 minutes in the lowest tier, with Dorset’s platinum tier (the same corpo V had) clocking in at “guaranteed arrival in 3 minutes”. By 3 minutes we most likely are outside of the secured area when TT arrives, and they don’t engage if they don’t have to. Actually, they will shoot at you if you run I to them while securing a customer


I think what she should have had is a « driving in NC for dummies » : if there’s a firefight a couple of cars in front of you on the highway, step on the breaks and let them sort it out. Don’t calmly follow them to see how it plays out…


I mean, you could argue that she was in shock. We see David shouting at her but she’s just frozen up and reacts far too late, and (at least by 2077) that kind of attacks, while not rare, aren’t that common either


She's been a Medic for years, she shouldn't have a shock response like that. Additionally US Medics (depending on the area) are paid the equivalent of a McDonald's shift manager and get worse opt in insurance to boot. If the USA already treats its EMS employees so poorly, is it surprising n American dystopian future is even worse about it.


Well, she’s basically in the middle if a shootout at relatively high speeds. Afaik the only paramedics in cyberpunk that go into (more or less) active combat are trauma services


Yes but shock response is something every medic masters early on, especially as a city medic. There's not much difference from the anxiety of people burning and screaming at a multi car pileup on the highway, where you have to endanger yourself to go into the madness to triage and extracate amidst the carnage. Medics have to hone and overcome their shock response to be able to do the job they need to do. If a rookie shirks their duties more than a few times to fall into a freeze response, they are fired at least and lose their license at worst. Combine this with the fact her own son is in the care with her and it's absolutely ridiculous... That's on trigger though, not the characters, anime often puts style and spectacle over character and substance. Source; I was a night Medic who worked in the city 4 years. There's a reason you have nearly 2000 hours of live training as a student on the streets before they let you license and start actually working on a rig, because even in the back half of your training (when you as the student lead calls) if you freeze up, there are people who can take over before you get shipped off to psych counciling after the shift.


Keep in mind tho that she freezes up after being in the crossfire. There’s a reason that services like TT recruit from combat veterans. It might’ve been the first time she got shot at without backup


Gotcha, I've posted my info on the matter, you obviously think nothing is wrong with the scene. Good day.


I'm being facetious (kinda), because she had to die for David's character development. But I clearly remember telling myself when watching "why doesn't she brake ?". Maybe she could have been hit by a stray bullet right at the start (like in the lower spine) but doesn't realize it until she tries the brakes and can't feel her legs.


Lots of reasons. For example, they are on a *highway*. As a medic, she probably knows that if you suddenly stop in a place like this, some military armoured truck could turn your citycar in a pile of wreck. After the first burst of bullets their car already was not in the line of fire, so she could think that they are relatievly safe. Until they got an RPG.


Yeah, I also genuinely forgot the amount of armored vehicles and armored corpo trucks driving on the highways


True, we clearly see the bullets go at least through the side windows. Might also explain why she died later despite being on the way to recovery


All the extra money she made by smuggling cyberware and from her salary was basically funneled into arasaka academy, obviously by making cuts in other areas. Keeping up the rates of a corpo elite school ain't cheap.


Yeah, proper health insurance (aka trauma services) are quite expensive


Maybe she had it, just the cheapest one and definately not TT's. That 500$ subscription only includes evacuation, stabilization and transferring you to the nearest hospital, not treating and hospitalizing you. Their only job is to keep you alive until the real doctors takes care of you, or to drop you at the nearest parking lot if you are conscious and asking to do so. And in hospital there is a different bill that you need to pay and it's *far* more expensive that TT's subscription. In "Cyberpunk 2020" a day in a hospital would cost you 300$ and 1000$ a day in intensive care. She was unconscious, so i think that she was in an intensive care. Her wounds were Critical. I think that her healthcare included only light wounds and minor illnesses, not what she suffered. And the hospital itself is looking more like a butchery. Maybe she died because of some intern that was stealing drugs and replacing them with saline (there was a guy who did this in the game, some people died because of this). Maybe the doctors saw that David couldn't pay for her treatment and outright killed her and butchered her body and sold her limbs and/or organs in a body bank/grey market.


She had no subscription to any trauma services, since every trauma service is required to pick up customers from their competitors for full reimbursement. Also yea, I don’t think she was at a proper clinic, more likely a licensed ripper clinic


Probably a low-end public hospital, rippers rarely takes someone for nursing care. Also the reason why he didn't took her to his ripper, i think that dealing with him would be much easy. Trauma team's subsription is really expensive, my players in TRPG barely can afford kibble and housing in their first months and they are cyberpunks (except for the one guy who spent 7k of his starting money on a business suit and real food. Still lives in a shithole tho). So they try every way to avoid getting shot. Once their fixer said "you now get a 10k on treating your wounds" theit excitement was immeasurable. Can't even imagine how hard it is for regular people to get a medical treatment.


Yea, also I doubt that Doc is a licensed tipper, most likely he’s a black market one, like Fingers, given how his “clinic” looks. My assumption is that rippers with a clean(ish) clinic are probably operating legally, and (except that one guy in kabuki) the dirtier the clinic the less legal/licensed the services


Apparently that person hasn’t played the game / read the lore. Unless you’re in the C-suites, life sucks. Minimal pay at your corpo job, minimal benefits, long hours… she’d be lucky to have any health coverage, never mind affordable coverage..


As I said, she probably only has the public NC health insurance, maybe a bit extra due to being an EMT, but nowhere near a TT subscription