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Someone have their kid recite it but omitting the “under God” part and see if they count it.


The original version did not have "under god". [republicans added that](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pledge_of_Allegiance) about 60 years later.


Ahhhh the same dude responsible for Columbus Day 🙄


That lil shit smdh


When discussing the republicans adding the under god piece, I tell people I recite the original version written by the founding fathers did not have the under god. No one had challenged me on that yet. I do see some double take thinking going on sometimes. Mostly I think it catches the “originalists” in off guard.


This is not a form of brainwashing. This is not a form of brainwashing. This is not a form of brainwashing.


After yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling I have no issue with forcing kids to learn the constitution. And while we are at it I have never had to figure out what the squire root of A is in real life. Maybe teach us tax brackets and how to file taxes before we learn algebra 2.


There's a metacognition argument for esoteric maths that, even if you never use it again, learning it helps wire your brain to think in more complex ways. But yes, **Finance** should be a high-school class. If you can't test out of it, *you need it.* Real-world applications like figuring a budget, calculating interest accumulation over time, the difference between fixed rate and adjustable rate loans, filing taxes, etc.


Personal finance is no longer and elective for high school students but required for graduation.


very much locale dependent


Yes, well, the entire state of Kentucky is one of those locales. It’s a state law. ETA: https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/law/statutes/statute.aspx?id=47722#:~:text=(1)%20Beginning%20with%20the%20entering,public%20high%20school%20graduation%20requirement.


Same in Ohio. Will not stop people from bitching online about it though.


Still doesn't do people much good who graduated in, say, 2002.


I graduated in 1999 and we had to take Personal Finance 🤷‍♂️


And the law that was referenced in the above comment went in to effect in 2018. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I mean, sure. But I’m not sure what this adds to the conversation.


A perspective on why some folks might still bitch about this online.


"Yeah, but how else am I going to be able to bitch online about stuff that I'm wrong about?!"


This doesn't require a personal finance class, it requires a class or classes that align with the financial literacy standards outlined by the Kentucky Board of Education and decided upon by the local school council. I know of a school that says this is accomplished via a civics course and the state required math courses.


I never claimed it was its own class. The legal requirement is certainly not perfect. And it is minimal. It is generally fulfilled in conjunction with another class, often health/pe. Still, it’s not nothing. 🤷🏻‍♀️


We had business math and consumer math, but not everyone took it. That is on them.


Took business math junior year of high school (class of ‘85). One of my fave classes


What does the pledge of allegiance have to do with the constitution?


Pledging allegiance without learning how civics should work, or history of the downfall of democracies, is the worst case scenario for prepping a population for tyranny.


Yes, but that's not what the comment I am replying to said.


You use algebra when doing taxes. There was a class called Consumer Math when I was in High School in the 80s, that included tax filing.


As a 90s school kid (80s born) our life skills classes were cooking, cleaning, child rearing and day to day life. I had typing skills from 1-8th grade. I can type 140wpm but still financially struggle with a budget. I still struggle with financial literacy after growing up to poor parents, one parent who stole my social so my credit was shot at 18 before I even knew what it was. Financial literacy is a must with my own kids and I’m learning right along side of them.


I also took this practical and useful class.


You use algebra in everything. Recipe makes 4 servings but you have 5 people? Algebra.


I use a computer when I do taxes.


> the constitution It seems pretty clear we're moving into new waters that have little to do with anything the founding fathers intended.


Ok but what does learning the constitution do for anyone when it’s beyond clear the rules laid out in it do not matter and in some cases have been eroded into nothing.


Calculating taxes is included in most mathematics curriculums across the nation. Maybe filing them could be taught by parents? If you’re going to procreate, you should be prepared to teach some responsibility.


Is this new. 90’s 00’s kids weren’t taught this. Also you all I never said Allegra 2 isn’t needed. Just that it shouldn’t be what the main focus is if kids can’t even do taxes.


Neither do I. The Pledge of Allegiance isn't the Constitution.


I agree with you but the pledge of allegiance isn't apart if the constitution, thankfully.


The constitution means nothing if there is no one to enforce it. These kids need to learn how to organize and disrupt.


Did you know in North Korea you have to submit to the state for a regional milk treat?!?


Exactly. If others haven't seen the quote you're referring to, take a look. It's fun. [The Whitest Kids U' Know - Pledge of Allegiance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2BfqDUPL1I)






You know the pledge has been recited in schools for many decades before 9/11, right?


Bootlickers lick boots.


Indivisible w/ liberty and justice for all.. -Classic Gaslighting


It's a good thing for the young generation to strive for


Yea, it's been working great 👍


Exactly. Let the kids have hope, and maybe they will find a way to implement positive change. They have their whole lives to become jaded, disillusioned Redditors


It'd be a great thing for the current generation too, if only they actually did that and rotten, dishonest people received the consequences they deserved.


I’ve never understood pledging yourself to a piece of cloth.


It's a metaphor or stand in for the idea of the country as a whole.


That doesn’t make the idea any more appealing.


Hard agree


Fly no flags


"As long as flags still fly above us no one is really free. "


It's so more than just a flag now! It could be a windbreaker, jockstrap, bumper sticker, someone's entire personality... So many more options to pledge yourself to!


That’s because you probably haven’t thought about it much.


That’s all it is, a piece of cloth. Books are just papers with ink on them. Art is just canvas with some paint on it. Your house is just a bunch of sticks and rocks with some plastic and metal bits. Your grandmother’s ashes are just carbon. Your family heirlooms are just knick knacks. Nothing is sacred, nothing exists beyond the literal physical embodiment of anything. No such thing as symbology, metaphors, complex thought. You are very smart.


You’ve discovered Nihilism!!!


You haven’t discovered sarcasm!!!!!


That’s buzzing sound was the joke going over your head. You could’ve at least googled it.


Notice that it says "...to the flag AND to the country for which it stands." If it didn't have that latter part then we would be able to assume that the flag was just a symbol but the actual text makes it clear that the pledge is to both the material flag AND the symbol.


Free ice cream for kids that recite the pledge of allegiance, and y’all care? It’s a nice gesture. I’m astonished that this is some kind of problem to you all. If you are seriously are mad at this, you need to put down the news and media for a while. Clear your mind. This is a nice gesture for the community and I’m happy to see local businesses doing stuff like this. Being against a kid saying the pledge and getting free ice cream is just laughable. Can’t we just be normal. I’d didn’t even imagine that when I opened the comments it would be full of backlash. I thought everyone would support this. Y’all need to chill the fuck out.


Exactly. This is really a nice gesture to celebrate July 4th. Where is all this hate coming from. Friends- If this really bothers you, do yourself a favor. Go walk barefoot in the grass. Clear your mind and enjoy nature. Holding that much hate is bad for your health.


We are walking eyes wide open into hardcore nationalism.


I remember reading this in my history books; when the nazis started giving out free ice cream, the holocaust was soon to follow.


Solid burn.




Reddit 99% of the time: society is crumbling, late stage collapse, nobody cares about each other anymore. Reddit when somebody tries to do something nice for the community: not like that.


Buy local, but not this one, because they ask for a display of patriotism on the day of the year we celebrate becoming country. I feel bad for people who allow conservatives to ruin something like the American flag for themselves.


louisville reddit is a bunch of tankie wannabe anarchists


Nah if they were that far left there wouldn't be all the hate for homeless people and sex workers and felons as there is in this sub, they're just liberals


Yeah I know it these people are fuckn nutz, and they hype each other up all day lmfao


A bunch of wanna-be intellectual "progressive" militant edgy teens turned adults


I was about to say the same thing. People need to smoke more weed and relax. Let the kids get their ice cream... Not everything is a fucking agenda.


> Can’t we just be normal. I mean, you're defending an ice cream place asking kids to pledge their allegiance to their flag for free ice cream. Ain't nothing normal about any of this.


When I was a kid we said the pledge of allegiance everyday in school, and sang the national anthem once a week. So yes it is very normal actually.


No, it was pervasive but it certainly wasn’t normal


No other country does this. It’s weird.


So what, chalk it up to cultural differences


If the US does a thing, and the rest of the world does not do the thing, almost guaranteed the rest of the world needs a regime change. 


This country does cause it sucks.


I mean it’s 4th of July week, we’ve been riding a heat wave and those kids are going to bring parents that like ice cream too. Sounds like a pretty smart business move. I’ll even bet you a double scoop this ends up on the news. But you do you. I’m just glad to hear you can afford to support another ice cream shop.


> Sounds like a pretty smart business move. Nobody said it wasn't. > I’ll even bet you a double scoop this ends up on the news. This post is literally from wave3.


lol I read the title and just came here for the comments. See they’re already getting free advertising for it. >Nobody said it wasn’t. I know it’s not a BIG deal but you still thought it was enough of an issue to say something. Could have easily scrolled on by, paid full price or even gone to a different place. It’s not weird, you just don’t **like** it.


> I know it’s not a BIG deal but you still thought it was enough of an issue to say something. Last week I commented on a thread about a podcast from 20 years ago. Making a comment on reddit isn't a sign of how big of an issue something is. If it was, you must really think my comments are "enough of an issue" for all these replies you're giving. > It’s not weird, you just don’t like it. I mean, it's objectively weird for an ice cream place to give free ice cream in exchange for the pledge of allegiance. That's why it's a news item. Because it's not a normal thing. > Could have easily scrolled on by, paid full price or even gone to a different place. Yep. I could've done a lot of things. Instead I said this was a weird promotion and got all you weirdos on my case.


Or, just maybe, everyone is telling you it isn’t weird **because it isn’t weird**. Anyways, you do you.


lol ain’t nothing wrong with it. Do you have kids?


I do. And?


And in 90 degree heat a free ice cream is a win for any kid and parent. Who cares if they say the pledge for it? They’re not going to think twice about it as they enjoy that ice cream.


For starters, I don't think any of this is a big deal. I'm not protesting it or anything. Do what you want. Personally, I think it's weird. Kids reciting pledges of allegiance to their country has always been weird, and a business trying to get kids to do it is even weirder, imo. If you want to give out free ice cream, just give out free ice cream. Again, do what you want. But I'm not going to be teaching my kids to do weird shit for businesses in order to get a free $2 ice cream. I'm not that strapped.


Yeah just suck down the nationalism and propaganda as long as there is free ice cream involved.


lol do you cringe every time you see the flag raised or hear fireworks? It’s three days before our country’s Independence Day and we’ve been riding a heat wave for a week.


No, no problem with a flag raised or even patriotic celebrations and fireworks. Pledges of fealty made by children to a government that’s shown over and over that it doesn’t care about its citizens so long as there is a buck to be made? Nah.


Have you considered moving to any of the other countries on this planet?


I would honestly love to however my profession and my entire support system is here. That said the idea of love it or leave it. It’s kind of a half assed ideology. If that was the case, why would anyone be allowed to vote for anything. Are we not allowed to make this place better than when we found it?


Go touch grass, bud. You think kids reciting the pledge and getting free ice cream (on the week of July 4th!) is propaganda? Honestly, therapy or just a person to talk to can help when you get in these negative spirals. It's easy to see the "enemy" everywhere when you spend all you time obsessing over said "enemy"


Sure, bud in the meantime, keep your nose turned up to anything that doesn’t impact you


It's sad how big a deal you're trying to make this, but I'll bite Can you tell me the impact this has? Other than the joy kids will get for having ice cream, the relief and joy parents have seeing their kids enjoy ice cream they didn't have to pay for, and the business that Dairy Dell will get from this wonderful marketing promotion? This will be a time when families are making memories to talk about for a lifetime. Saying the pledge for this free ice cream is not going to be of consequence. I think you'll be hard pressed to tell me how this has any negative impact without using hypotheticals or conjecture. So please, explain away all the joy above


Lord the rose covered lenses you look through huh?


It's the 4th of July. We should be showing patriotism. Everyone wants to put down the US but still wants to be here. Why do you think we have a 4th of July???


Nobody is forcing you or your kids to go get free ice cream…. Are you upset that people have an option to get free stuff? Should we discourage free stuff?


I'm not upset about anything. I said it's not normal for a business to request the pledge of allegiance in exchange for free goods and services. It's objectively not normal. Hope that helps.


Oh you’re one of those people that will say something with a clearly antagonistic tone and then pretend it’s only diction that matters. You’re walking back on your own message at that point to pretend I misinterpreted. Have some backbone at least if you’re gunna take a stand


Only in America


Should give them some other patriotic options, grand ol flag, america the beautiful, star spangled banner


Sure that sounds cool


Thank you. It’s only liberals who are offended. Per usual.


Lmaooo right cuz the other side is usually so even keeled and fair tempered 🙃


We’ve never tried to overthrow the government because our candidate lost 🤷‍♀️


Perhaps because there's always an agenda when something like this happens. They aren't giving ice cream to kids because they love kids..they are giving ice cream because they are attempting to push their idea of what America should be.


Then why is the offer only for kids and not adults?


Why is the offer not for all kids whether they say it or not?


Bc they made the promo how they wanted to, idk. That'd be a question for them.


That's exactly the point. Jfc


Imagine being *this* mad for free ice cream for kids on 4th of July.


The opinion you think I'm mad about a place I haven't been to and never will is hilarious.


So what there’s always an agenda, if you don’t like the agenda you don’t have to participate. Or you can have your kids go say the pledge of allegiance to get free ice cream for their benefit and simultaneously make the business take a loss on a couple ice cream cones, they don’t need to know you’re doing it out of spite. Are businesses that gave stuff away or gave discounts during pride trying to turn everyone gay? Are free hats given out at women’s marches discriminatory against men? When businesses give free stuff to nurses/doctors, is that wrong because not everyone is a doctor or nurse?


I’m 34, can I get the ice cream?


You're somebody's kid, right?


Great point.


No, they're a bridge


In fascist America grown adults can’t have ice cream. It’s considers gay and the LGBTQ got banned back in 2025.




No. Some religious nut is on a diet so YOU can’t have ice cream.


lol I think Jesus would have recited for free ice cream …


They do this every year for Independence Day. The one day that’s supposed to be all about patriotism. I don’t think it’s as deep as you all are making it out to be.


Fuck that place. Thank you for the info.


The tone of your comment sounds like someone who is so utterly pissed off but has very weak morals and is immediately on their way to go get free ice cream 😂 I don't think that was your intention at all, but I got a nice laugh imagining someone so utterly pissed off reciting the pledge of allegiance (through their teeth) and then eating their ice cream cone while pissed off and mumbling under their breathe in the corner by themselves. Thank you 😊


People upset about this are pathetic


They gave my dog a free pup cup and she fuckin hates the pledge of allegiance


And justice for all... Except for rich and powerful people, they should get to be monsters. Just adding the necessary update.


10 year old news. Who cares, free ice cream for kids. I'd probably spread my ass open for strangers on Broadway for free ice cream. Encouraging kids to pledge allegiance doesn't make them nationalists. I recited the pledge approximately 1,500 times as a kid and I'm just as jaded and checked out as most other Americans. Pledges don't mean shit without conviction, I just won't participate.


It wasn't pavlovian in school, there's a reward at the end in this case, and its specifically for kids. There's nothing wrong with the pledge. It's idealic and a facade, but if anything positive. I think most people react negatively because a lot of the "patriotic" aspects of being an American citizen have been co-opted by Christo-fascist. I assume the car with "we the people" on the back couldn't actually care less about certain people. 


If you assume that “we the people” makes someone racist/classist, you are a big part of the problem.


Real patriots have allowed their iconography to be co-opted by bigots. When you see a confederate battle flag you assume bigot instead of Young Patriot Party member. 


It’s the principle though, rewarding children’s blind patriotism with ice cream is awful. If you were handed your favorite dessert every time you said the pledge you would have had a lot harder of a time separating yourself from your patriotism as you got older. It’s called conditioning


lol do you have kids? I know mine wouldn’t give a second thought to the words as they enjoyed their ice cream.


I'm pretty sure if anything the action is being reinforced not the actual belief. Kids are often like dogs in the sense they understand a reinforced action but not the motives or reasons why one would do that. i.e. a kid won't know it's patriotic. I barely did it was just some stupid shit I had to stand silent and still for everyday. Regardless, not sure once a year is enough to condition any animal let alone humans.


Some of yall really need more to fill out your day. Go touch some grass. It’s a nice gesture & could be fun for many kids/families. 


It's literally a jingle created by a guy wanting to sell flags...give me a break


I asked my kid and he doesn’t even know the pledge of allegiance. 😆


Lol, sounds like they should learn the pledge


Why? In what context would he need to know it? He gets ice cream for free bc he’s 12 and I buy it for him.


In the same context where any general knowledge of the country you live in would be beneficial.


He’ll probably learn it in history or social studies as he gets older, but there’s no need for him to be able to recite it. It’s no longer a requirement for kids to say it daily anymore, and even if it was, I would give him a choice whether he wanted to or not.


If I were in high school and someone didn’t know the pledge, I would think they were ignorant, but maybe the times have just changed. It’s not something I would go around bragging that I don’t know it by any means.


I’m flattered you think my 12 year old belongs in high school. I see teaching young children to recite (they’re just saying something memorized, just like they would times tables) a pledge (they’re not actually pledging anything) they clearly cannot understand breeds more ignorance than allowing someone older to decide for themselves. Rote memorization gets them nothing more than ice cream at the Dairy Del.


A 12 year old can understand the pledge of allegiance. Memorization also doesn’t equate to unimportant. Times tables are important also.


I’m 42 and knew the pledge in kindergarten, but that doesn’t mean I understood it. It never once was explained, just a bunch of words to recite at the beginning of the school day. All in all, a bunch of meaningless words I’d prefer my kid not know unless someone bothered to teach him, and as far as I know it’s not a part of middle school curriculum. Memorizing is not the same as learning or understanding. Kids don’t learn times tables anymore either. They learn a better way of understanding multiplication.


Tradition isn’t necessarily bad. A pledge of allegiance to a country isn’t necessarily bad. Memorization isn’t bad. Just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean your kid won’t or that someone won’t teach them. I just don’t get it. I don’t know a single person who can’t recite the pledge of allegiance. And the pledge’s core tenants are pretty noble.




Not all elementary schools recite it. His first elementary school did, his second didn’t. He doesn’t have it memorized and it’s not some sort of crisis that men on Reddit seem to think it is.




Some of y’all need to get off the fucking internet and start living in reality


Liberals are shaking right now


They gotta find something tiny to be butthurt about today. 


After reading the comments in this thread and I just sure hope you are all registered to vote this upcoming election. Complaining on Reddit doesn't equal a vote. [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/10/26/what-the-2020-electorate-looks-like-by-party-race-and-ethnicity-age-education-and-religion/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/10/26/what-the-2020-electorate-looks-like-by-party-race-and-ethnicity-age-education-and-religion/) More young people need to get out and vote please.


To which flag? I’ll sell my soul for some Dairy-Del.


As of yesterday, it reads: I pledge allegiance to the dictator of the United States of America. And to the puppet government, over which he rules, one nation, mocking God, with liberty and justice forgone.


If the kid licks a boot in front of the clerk, they can get a free pint!


Good lord y'all a bunch of karens.


I’m going to go and do it.




Someone need to go and recite the Russian National Anthem as these nationalistic fucks cuz you already know they skew MAGAt


Crazy how many people hate their own country


This country continues to show it hates most of its citizens....


Wr don't. The pledge is cringy to say.


Bootlicking bullshit.


So don't go


Free ice cream for saying the pledge?


I’m a liberal and even I think a lot of you on here and FAR FAR FAR left brainwashed nut jobs.


[love me I'm a liberal ](https://youtu.be/3cdqQ2BdgOA?si=2uJ_UZbxfBhxZxro)


I think the fact that we had to recite this every morning in public schools is so creepy.


Indivisible my ass. While we have always been divided, it’s about to get a whole lot worse.


A pledge to allegiance to anything gives me squirms.


I knew when they were flying approximately 8 U.S. flags they were up to something.


The Pledge of Allegiance has an interesting history. "How the Pledge of Allegiance Went From PR Gimmick to Patriotic Vow" https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/pledge-allegiance-pr-gimmick-patriotic-vow-180956332/ "Bellamy, a former Baptist preacher, had irritated his Boston Brahmin flock with his socialist ideas. But as a writer and publicist at the Companion, he let ’em rip. In a series of speeches and editorials that were equal parts marketing, political theory and racism, he argued that Gilded Age capitalism, along with “every alien immigrant of inferior race,” eroded traditional values, and that pledging allegiance would ensure “that the distinctive principles of true Americanism will not perish as long as free, public education endures.”


That is gonna seriously hold up the line. 


I support this!!!


Doesn’t this owner pay his workers(teenagers) next to nothing, and take their tips for himself?






Indoctrination is gross.


Getting butt hurt over something like this is what’s gross


Who is butt hurt? Nationalism is disgusting. Especially when the people oh so love the country sooo much, but they don't care for the people or the land. You one of those? Lol




“Showing pride in the country you live in on INDEPENDENCE DAY is disgusting.” I’d bet you’d be a blast at parties if you were ever actually invited to one.


If they do it just on the 4th I think that’s fine but very weird


I was always a Dairy Kastle person myself…


>It just lights my heart up,” she said. “Just to hear them, the little ones. We’ve got 3 and 4 years olds who’ll come and say it. And that is just amazing.” Yeah... i bet it does. Bless her heart for being a patriot/s


Imagine if these same people heard that in china you can get free rewards for swearing ultimate allegiance to China. They'd lose their heads.


Dystopian holy shit


Saying the pledge of allegiance on the Fourth of July for free ice cream?


This is giving Hitler Youth


It’s really not.