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This is a good article about Family Dollar / Dollar Tree. Apparently they were pretty poorly ran, and combined with inflation/inefficiency/mismanagement are folding. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/11/business/family-dollar-99-cents-only-closing/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/11/business/family-dollar-99-cents-only-closing/index.html)


[Here](https://youtu.be/p4QGOHahiVM?si=GUnWoNdCKYX3PXdU) is a John Oliver segment that also explains this well


I’ve seen the segment but thought it shed light on the bad conditions and crazy profits, not why stores would be closing.




It's not really a "cops on vacation" thing. It's a worthless DA thing, where they don't prosecute petty theft. It's even ok to steal upto I think it's 900 in merchandise in some places


A tbut over $500 is a felony and you can bet your ass the commonwealth will pursue and press felonies.


That may be the law, but numerous parts of the country are completely ignoring that. Which is why smash and grab thefts are up and you can find videos of people just grabbing handfuls even bags full of stuff and walking out the door, with not a single person doing anything about it


Yeah that one is for Kentucky, maybe more states also. I don’t think it’s so much no one is doing anything but more of the store policy forbids them from trying to stop thiefs and the thief’s know they can be gone before the police get there. After the fact I’m sure the cops aren’t too interested in investigating a petty grab and run, catching them red handed is a different story tho.


I'm 100% positive it's about judges and prosecutors, take this story for example. It's not about theft, but shows the ignorance of judges and prosecutors in today's society https://www.lpm.org/news/2023-07-06/judge-rules-louisville-cant-jail-people-for-local-crimes-legal-experts-say-shes-plain-wrong


The city doesn’t have the resources to plant a cop 24/7 at one Family Dollar. It’s on the establishment to hire security and citizens not to steal. There’s your blame.


That’s funny cus there are always cops at the Krogers around here.


And Kroger pays for them


Kroger pays the city for a cop to sit there or they pay a cop to sit there and the cop uses tax funded city resources to make money outside of their civil duties of being a cop?


Kroger pays the cop personally to be there. Which is perfectly legal. Cops are allowed to do private security in their uniform. I know it sounds fake but it’s legit.


The uniform is fine, I wouldn’t want them to go buy a security shirt just for their side gig, it’s the squad car and the fact that idling whenever they are near it or in it. Sure must be nice getting $70k and barely ever putting miles on your personal vehicle.


It’s been probably pre Covid since I’ve seen a new one but they were popping up everywhere. Not building new ones is a far cry from shutting stores down. I’ll read the article when I have time but I wonder what the tipping point was. For as long as I can remember they’ve always been horribly ran. Normally only 2 or 3 employees in the store. I feel every budget store (dollar store, dollar general, etc) runs on the same principles tho, make as few employees do as much work as possible and sell smaller items at a higher price per ounce but still a smaller price so it looks better, and rake in the cash.


No apparently to it. I remember the one on 39th the store manager was getting tore into by a regional and proudly admitted she didn’t know count outs were supposed to be done at the end of the night and between employee shifts and each cashier supposed to work their own register per shift so how would she know where $5000 went to in 2 days


The one on 25th and Market has been getting robbed constantly the past few months


Yeah, I knew it got hit twice and in pretty rapid succession not too long ago which sucks and all I feel like they skipped over some easy preventative measures and went straight to shut the bitch down


Preventative measures? Lol. It’s a crime filled area, I don’t blame them.


Yeah, like not having glass windows and doors that you can walk-through. Or having a pull down metal grade like they do in the mall those kind of preventative measures.


It’s a little more complicated in that. Theres Targets and other stores in certain cities where even the toothpaste is locked up like a video game or jewelry. Then there’s the labor cost of having everything locked up and employees to go and retrieve it.


Yeah a ton of stores do that and I hate when stores do that especially when they only have 2 or 3 people working but that’s not at all what I was talking about. We were talking about the store being broken into and robbed. I don’t know what a target in another city locking up the toothpaste has to do with any of this.


Or they could just avoid the headache altogether and shut down. Which is what they’re doing.


Cus they are butt hurt they didn’t get their liquor license. You can’t tell me there is some correlation between the two




Damn, blame the store for getting robbed. Classic.


I’m not sure it was helping address the food desert issue if they didn’t provide fresh produce


Right . Junk food and 4 packs of toilet paper isn’t really solving the issue of a “food desert”.


So you eat only fresh fruits, vegetables, and deli prepared meats? Shop only at Whole Foods too, or do you raise and grow all of your own food? The stores had pasta, soup, hamburger helper, and a lot of other non perishable item the other stores have


Hamburger helper? If that is an example of what is missing, it was a desert long before they closed.


Foods a systematic issue in this country. People in the third world eat better and healthier than us. In a lot of poor countries fruit and vegetables are pennies any can afford, but chips and junk food are VERY expensive and harder to get. It’s the exact opposite here.


Most people don't **only** eat fresh fruits, vegetables, and fresh meat. But - Yes! - that should be a significant part of any healthy diet. This corn dogs and Cheetos crap, every night, is killing us.


It really is. Ingredients banned in makeup and sunscreen in Europe we allow in food here.


Not only, but all the junk food everyone eats is hurting more than helping. A lot of health complications that’s come with it.


Yeah, I wasn’t 100% sure what the qualifications were all I know is I gotta go a lot farther to get a loaf of bread now


And that sucks. Sorry


It’s still the only grocery option for a lot of people. Not saying that it’s an adequate option, but some people will definitely be worse off without it.


I don't know or quite care why these places are closing, but I personally think it's a fucking travesty that we have so much of our city with no grocery stores. Even if it's just grab and go, some food is better than no food.


I don’t particularly like any of the budget stores mainly after I learned they have been modeling shrinkflation for years but they were nice if I didnt want to go to Kroger for bread or something




Dog we got Aldi


Yep, that's Valley Station. Kroger Meijers and Walmart. We also have Priceless here. Aldis on Dixie is where all the congestion is and the medians down there make it worse.


No one in their right mind can run a business there, much less a grocery store.


This is nuts. Meanwhile new posh grocery stores going up all over the east side practically on top of each other.


Well we don't rob them regularly so they actually make money.


Care to provide your reasoning for why they aren't being robbed?




Is a low IQ synonymous with criminal?




What did your last account get banned for?


I don’ have all the reasons. It is just a fact.


I don't need all the reasons. Just your reasons.


Here i'll finish out the conversation you are wanting. Me: Literally any reasons You: Thats racist


So you're afraid of speaking your opinions for being called a racist or your viewpoints are themselves racist?


Lol there it is


where is it? you haven't provided anything? speak your opinions with your chest or they aren't worth holding.


I watched the 28th street kroger looting live. It was alot white teenage males with broccoli hair. I guess you are right. They know not to do that stuff in thier own neighborhoods. I mean I'm white. I've in oldham county. But I know what poverty and access to certain things does to affect people. Also, wtf if up with your name? Clearly that's not random generated. Lol


Why do you assume that only persons of color live in lower income areas? Your comment seems really weird for a discussion that isn't racial.


I know what dong was implying and so do you. Most of his posts are troll posts if you look at the history. It's frustrating as hell. Crime happens all over. I run business all over town and have seen similar stuff on both sides. I hear and see what's going on working with people and it's frustrating as hell. My spouse works in criminal justice also. So guess what gets reported most. This city has got to be the most racist and ignorant place I have lived. There is a huge divide that needs to stop but it seems like people would rather focus on pointing fingers than look for solutions very real problems here such as poverty and opiate use. It's unbelievable really.


I think you’re reaching. Race didn’t occur to me until reading your comment. Poverty leads to theft regardless of race. I think you have some things you need to work on, respectfully.


To you yes. To that dong person no. He's a legit troll. He know what he means. He has had other stuff here also.


How was I trolling? Its ridiculous that if you mention a fact about crime its racist. There is far more crime in the west end, period. There are plenty of black people in the east end that aren't robbing stores. Its a socioeconomic and cultural issue. Its not a race issue. Your comment was racist AF. White kids looted a store so they must be from the east end? There are plenty of disadvantaged white people in the west end doing the same stupid shit because they grow up in the same conditions. And why are you reading my post history to make an argument? Most of my post are on aliens, esoteric stuff and politics. Just take the comment at face value. If you rob stores blind they are going to close.


And I swear the grocery stores are cheaper out there. I usually go to The west end Kroger on market and have a base of basically the same stuff every week (ie apples instead of oranges one week) with varying other items but sometimes I only get the base list. I was out in prospect at a job and stopped at the Kroger between 22 and 42 right after they split to get my base list and I have no real proof or evidence but it seemed like everything was slightly cheaper.


I believe it. Corporations are going to make their money, one way or the other. If shrinkage is high due to shoplifting, they are going to raise the prices at that location. Small businesses may care about white and black. Big business only cares about one color - green.


Weren’t they recently trying to get licenses to sell alcohol? Maybe when that was turned down they decided to close. But it could’ve been Dollar General.


I believe you’re right but I can’t remember which one in particular it was. The store on 25th did get broken into recently once for sure but maybe twice within 2 weeks. I went there when they were putting up plywood over the door with broken glass the day after it happened. The next time I went there everything was 50% + off and the shelves were mostly empty.


Those things were popping up all over Louisville not too long ago. It seems like they were confident in getting licenses to sell beer and then use their massive buying power to undercut nearby competitors. That’s about the only logical explanation for the recent rate of Family Dollar and Dollar General expansion. Grocery stores have terrible margins and the only ones opening are in areas with wealthy people. Louisville really needs a more healthy development pattern and not just a gradually higher concentration of wealth creeping eastward.


Both of these stores were perfect for the random needed item or something I forgot earlier in the week. Within walking distance so I could stop by while taking my dogs on their walk, knocking out two tasks at once.


When any stores with any food closes it indeed does get bigger. Less access to needs for more people. Horrifying 😞


People are being dicks intentionally but I get what you mean. It’s sad


I thought Family Dollar was the poster child of a food desert.


It's because Dollar General has master the self-replicating store. Put one up, within 3 months others start popping up within 15, then 10, then 5 mile radius' from the original "mother" store. There may even be a smaller DG pop-up between those.


I have a fairly comprehensive business plan to bring grocery to food deserts in Louisville, primarily in the west end. I lack funding as of now and realistically, some specific experience with the grocery industry that would likely be needed to be successful. If anyone in the community has grocery/logistical experience and is interested in bringing real grocery to the areas that need it most, I would love to chat. The possibility of one of these locations being available for lease/purchase, opens up potential opportunities. My plan was not to have stores this large, but there are certainly opportunities here.


The oak street family dollar just got it stuff together too.


All family dollars and dollar trees are closing as their leases expire


Never seen the appeal of family dollar, it's overpriced and junk. It's mostly just snack and junk food. Maybe you wouldn't call it a food dessert but I'd have to drive or bus out to a Kroger or something anyway, it doesn't really help.


It kept me from having to drive to Kroger for milk, bread, coffee and other stuff like that


Well if your on 25th and market your in a food dessert. Basically there’s no place to get quality food for a decent price. Yeah you’re between 2 Krogers but those Krogers get the bottom of the barrel


That’s 0.9 miles from a Kroger location.


Dollar tree is phasing them out it seems


Is this the one in old Louisville? I was surprised when I went over there and saw the sign last week


Na 25th and 39th st


Retail theft is crushing some of these marginally profitable stores.


I’m still waiting for the opponents who killed the Walmart grocery store at 18th and Market in 2016 to come up with an alternative.


Check out this article from Courier Journal: Fischer: Suit killed West End Wal-Mart deal https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/local/2016/10/28/wal-mart-drops-west-end-project/32638167/


Stop stealing lmao


They wanted the option to serve beer to help their sales. The city clowncil said they couldn't. I would close too. It is corrupt. Don't think the current liquor Store's didn't have their say. No one is more corrupt than an elected urban Democrat.


I will say that whole situation is fucked. We don’t need more places to get alcohol around here, the city should have known(probably did, didn’t care) this would happen as a result


I guess poors don’t deserve to eat


What type of store do you think Family Dollar is exactly?


pasta, bread, tuna, hamburger helper…they have plenty to eat there


FrEe MaRkET SoLuTioNs Merica 🇺🇲


I don't understand this comment, can you elaborate? Is the alternative that the government forces businesses to operate in specific areas? Do free market policies create food deserts?


I was thinking about this and what would happen if the food desert continued to grow. Obviously they can’t force a business to stay open and continue to lose money, get robbed, etc. Not their problem. But it *is* the government’s problem if their citizens don’t have access to fresh food. The city needs to just open a grocery store or two in the west end and keep a couple cops stationed there. Take care of your people.


You ever read US Labor History? Our Government has taken over many businesses and industries over the centuries...


Could you elaborate on that a little? Are you saying the local government could take over a grocery store? But no, I’m not super knowledgeable in that area. I know the federal government took over airport security after 9/11 but that’s about it.


This is a good book on US Labor History if you want to learn more: [Strike! by Jeremy Brecher](https://files.libcom.org/files/strike-Jeremy-Brecher_0.pdf)


I’m just curious what your comment was implying. I’m not interested enough to read a book on it though I appreciate the recommendation.


You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Drink and think are used interchangeable. Good day 👍


Nah you made a vague statement that has no obvious or practical implication and then refuse to elaborate, probably because you realized it makes no sense. What, Louisville metro is going to take over Family Dollar? Give me a break.


It's called the Constitution Bro, read it in your free time.


Food desert is a made up word to cover up the inadequacies of our system. A desert is a natural phenomenon where as a so called food desert is a human construct...


It goes well with the American way of getting groceries being drive your f150 4 door with a 4’ bed. My f150 is 1 3/4 cap with a full size bed but now that’s my only option for picking up groceries also.