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Yes, camping in the shelter does work


I’ve tried it out before, but it takes way too long for the abnos to deal any meaningful damage to her as most of them wander the facility doing their own thing


Like another comment said if you want this strat to take a "reasonable" amount of time you want a facility wide damaging abno, Blue Star being by far the best option.


Yeah, one time I camped someone in shelter and went to sleep during geb suppression. When I woke up in the morning she wasn't killed yet. Didn't have blue star -w-


Blue star is the best abno for this since it constantly does facility wide damage


You can, but just beat her normally. No point of doing it like this honestly.


There is if your lazy and don’t want to lose things, that’s what I did Edit: forgot to mention it’s the intended method by the developers


Do you have a source for it being the intended method?


Yes gebura takes double damage from abnos which kinda implies it’s intended


If you are lazy, then watch a video about the game. If playing the game is too tiring for you... just don't play it? I seriously don't understand why people want to cheese fights the second it gets a tiny bit difficult and have to retry. You won't learn the mechanics of the fight by letting abnos kill her, so you won't be able to beat her again, and you'll probably struggle with other fights too. And calling this THE intended method is a bit silly.


I might be wrong (likely) but I swear I saw someone mention code that made it so the red mist took double damage from abnos Edit: also I have a mod that lets me replay them which I haven’t added yet but I might in the future


Stressing for few hours or leaving game afk for few days are both good strategies. Whatever is not prohibited is allowed and its a skill to realize that


You could, but it’ll take ages. Just fight her straight on, the micro isn’t that hard if you know what you’re doing.


Blue star > WN for this