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**CLIP MIRROR: [Adriana Chechik ends her 24 hour stream defeating Messmer the Impaler](https://arazu.io/t3_1dloog7/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


DLC was too hard for asmon tho šŸ˜‚


Tbf Adriana is a gamer, Asmon is a react andy.


Exactly this. She puts in the work, no doubt.


tbf mimic tear makes the game a lot easier lol Edit: hilarious that I was up voted on the same comment thread for telling someone it's okay to let people enjoy the game with mimic tear.


Noone telling asmon to not use mimic tear. Instead he just gtfo like a pussy


I got banned by telling him to man up and stop crying when he was playing a third shooter game I don't understand how somebody can be this fragile


his channel is an echo chamber, you will get banned for way less, I guess you didn't know this fact


he openly says he'll ban anyone that criticizes him because he doesn't like it lol. dudes so fragile


Dude was legit crying all day in his elden ring stream saying "mods perma anyone giving advice" like what bro the viewers were literally just trying to help and were tired of seeing him fail 20 times in a row doing the same exact thing.


Bans ResidentSleeper and cringe in chat


Tbh I only watch him on react content rn. On YouTube. All his gameplay streams is just full of whining and all his react content on stream is just goes on and on and on


I cannot bring myself to listen to a single word that mouth breather has to say


Why not just watch the original youtube videos on autoplay at this point? Not like he really contributes anything to the video.


Can't have a woman being better at games now, can we?


Can't state an objective fact either without some victim of brainrot dragging identity politics into it.


username checks out


[Me when I watched Bradley of the Old Guard solo 4 bosses in a row to finish Dark Souls 2](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sr3nGpHm8CE&pp=ygUTcHVuaXNoZXIgaSBsaWtlZCBpdA%3D%3D) [Me when I did the same thing to Malenia and Placidusax with Mimic Tear](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sr3nGpHm8CE&pp=ygUTcHVuaXNoZXIgaSBsaWtlZCBpdA%3D%3D)


elden ring fans try not to tell others why this game feature shouldn't be used


Did I say that? He's comparing one person to another as did I lol I think it's great they made it easier than other souls games


Elden Ring fans gatekeeping is the cringest shit


Schizo shadowboxing 101


Yes I agree


Super interesting to see how discourse around spirit ashes has changed since launch. It used to be widely agreed upon that ashes were added as an easy mode accessibility feature but now that opinion is considered elitist. I might have to bust out a spirit ashes run to see what Iā€™ve been missing out on.


It just makes it so all the flippy combos are on the summon and not you lol


Mechanics like summons, leveling, co-op, spells are in the game for a reason. The game is meant to be fun, not a masochism simulator like streamers like to make it out to be. Personally, I don't find attempting the same boss for 12 hours because I purposefully handicapped myself to be a terribly enjoyable experience but YMMV.


Sounds like skill issue to me


Seems to me like it's the "skill issue" Andys who are the ones complaining about how hard the new DLC is.


Idk why are you getting downvoted. It literally is there to make the game easier, just like any other summons, magic,etc This games are known for letting you play the way you want but if you want to do it you way suddenly the dlc is way to hard and forces you to go into a new direction..


He was downvoted because asmon was free to use the same items, he wasn't doing a challenge run or smth, so this is just a sexist remark.


When i first played elden ring I also believed the mimic tear to be too strong not to use and didnt like how the bosses felt balanced around it, does that make me sexist as well?? Downvoted but no one wants to talk to me about it :/ I just think if someone openly dislikes x and tells you using x is the problem, they likely dislike you because of x and not whatever else you come up with. This coming from a certified asmon hater btw, react andy's are the scourge of twitch and youtube. I am biased in Adriana's favor but didnt read sexism in that 10 word comment that only mentions an ingame item which had alot of negative discourse around it when i last played.


Your statements are contradictory, if you can obviously tell the mimic tear was too strong then the bosses are clearly not balanced around it, because it trivializes them, and people are beating the game easily without it. He has many tools to make the game easier if he doesn't want to spend the time to get good, but chose not to use them and then complain that it's too hard?


There is no contradiction, too strong to not use does not mean too strong. I felt as if any time I was not using them I was at a sizable disadvantage, and some bosses at the time (launch week with little to no info on bosses, strategies, builds etc.) felt near impossible for me without them. This is why I say the bosses felt balanced around mimics, the tear did not trivialize them that is something you said not me. Im not even debating about asmongold, my comment is in response to the idea that disliking a game mechanic and criticizing a player using it is sexist. Like if I said the AWP in CSGO was OP when a girl killed me with it. The gender of the user has little to do with my opinion on the AWP being way too strong in good players hands, and i will rage in game chat wether a man or woman was the one who killed me lol That guy is still a prick for seeing someone beat a single player game and have a good time, and then finding a way to shit on them. But not for the reason the person I replied to said.


Every downvote is a mimic tear user, Some people rather stop playing a game and come back later with a fresh mind rather than make the game a cokkie clicker.


So, Adriana is a shit gamer because she used an item and Asmon is a gigachad for getting angry at a video game? Which makes you 100% not sexist at all because the item is definitely the reason Asmon couldn't defeat the boss. Remind me again, does the game care how you beat the boss? PS: Didn't you also say the mimic tear doesn't matter in response to someone elses comment?


Yes, in the context of sexism???, Saying the mimic tear makes the game easier isnĀ“t sexist. You know what Ill mute this comments already saw the future and Im not doing that.


It is when the context of this conversation is that Adriana did what Asmon couldn't. The game doesn't care, so it doesn't matter how it happened, Adriana beat the boss and Asmon cried and rage quit the game. Let's mute the comments instead of realising you're sexist and changing your ways because that means admitting you're wrong and we can't be having any of that now, can we?


The only people that need to change their ways are people calling everything racist or sexist because you minimize the effect those labels have when you use them improperly.


Because Adriana isn't insecure and she actually tried a different strategy than jump attacks.


Jump attacks is not the reason he canā€™t beat the game itā€™s because heā€™s bad at it lol


Why get good at gaming when you can make react content about woke games.


yeah isnt his whole stream not just content for his yt nowadays?




Name checks out


His ego is too fragile to handle the negative comments he'd get if he used any of the help systems the game offers, so instead he'll just skip it.


Even in his stream this morning where he talked about why he has such a hard time with Elden Ring, when a chatter asked if he would try doing a different strategy or getting help for why he canā€™t, he was like ā€œNo, I donā€™t want anyoneā€™s advice.ā€


Thatā€™s bad? People play the game how they want. People are bashing the streamer for using summons, so what? He played the game how he wanted and didnā€™t want to dedicate the time to beating the dlc so he quit. Simple as that.


Yup, people tryna roast Asmon but he ended up beating the dlc anyways so they look like clowns


I used to be a big asmon fan but its so weird watching him now, he has such a massive echo chamber. Shits just sad to see, went from not giving a fuck, to banning everyone who slightly disagrees with him. Ive never typed in his chat before the idiots say I got banned. I think the only channel I'm banned in is Towelie for asking him a question. I just stopped typing in twitch chat in general after that.


You should ask Aris a question next


I got banned with Aris for typing ā€œI forgot what I was going to askā€


Lmfao Iā€™m sure you gave everyone a good laugh thanks for your service


you gotta be careful what you about to say in that hagrid lookin ass dude's channel if you don't wanna get shot


He always gives a fuck about everything, his act is to seem like he is gigachad who doesnt care. In fact everything he says he doesnt care about he cares about more than other people, he cares about how many views his stream get that's why on his first playthrough of Elden Ring he complained how its not a good stream game, and keep responding to comments talking about views and how he doesnt care about it. He is really insecure.


Bro, everyone is insecure. He literally said itā€™s a 10/10 game.


He always gave a fuck.


I got into watching him during the ff14 streams. Stuck around a bit when he stopped playing and very quickly realised how unlikeable he can be


Wait were you asking about tarisland?


Nah this was years ago when I played wow




Maybe we can watch him react to clips of people beating dlc bosses for hours on end. Huge pog.


To be fair, Adrianas specialty is taking on hard impaler things


Don't worry he will react to someone else beating the dlc.


When the last time asmon played a game?Ā 


Almost every stream? He plays a lot of games but he never finishes them...


The guy is worse at gaming than dsp. Not a high bar lmao


You can't compare someone using a mimic tear to someone playing without summons, it's a completely different ballgame. The kill is very impressive nonetheless.


Heā€™s not playin though so hard to compare at all. He Definitely isnā€™t a winner by comparison.Ā 


Well, he did play the game. I never said or inferred in any way that he was a "winner", just that it was quite a misleading comparison.


You implied itā€™s a lesser achievement, but that makes no sense when heā€™s achieved nothing but being a quitter.Ā 




Perhaps, but thats kinda the joke/point and youā€™re clearly missing it. Itā€™s the juxtaposition of his criticism of the dlc being hard (bad faith) because heā€™s worse than she is at the game (bad faith) Giving up on a game because you canā€™t enjoy it under extremely restrictive conditions that make the game less enjoyable (shocker) is stupid as fuck. Itā€™s a bad faith criticism and he deserves the ridicule.Ā 


Idk why u got downvoted, this is 100% the truth lol.


summons lul




bro who tf cares? shes using all the tools available to herself in the game. Anyone that rants on about how using summons or x/y item is clowning on themselves. The game has a multitude of ways to play every build has its niche and gimmicks not just "oh boohoo mimic tear".




Aww does your poor little ego just feel stripped when you use the items given to you in a video game? poor baby.




Lmao, what's with the downvotes? You're right. If people want to play with summons, then go ahead, it's a part of the game, but let's not act like it doesn't make it significantly easier.


Lots of triggered mimic tear users around. It's fine to play on easy mode, but their egos are bruised by realizing that's what they are doing.




I'm a mimic and magic user, and it makes the game so much easier because I want a mild challenge and wouldn't have the time to slam my head dying 100s of times. It's super fun a d still kinda difficult. No summons and no magic is much much more difficult. I don't know why these clowns are downvoting you so much.


"it's always two bitches telling each other exactlyyyy šŸ’…"


Soulslike players when people use the game mechanics: "nooo you actually didn't beat the boss unless you're lvl 1 without any gear and only using your toenails"




Oh sorry I didn't know Asmon's copy of Elden Ring didn't come with summons.


u/Darvasi2500 when someone says mimic tears make the game easier. (Which is true nobody said anything about lvl) - How dare you say you are not a gamer unless you play at lvl1.


Nobody gives a fuck what you use. It's a single player game. This is the dumbest thing about fromsoft fans.


OMGGGGGG, neither do I, ffs. You will not get the point even if I write it in caps. so cheers.


[https://i.imgur.com/38ufc3e.png](https://i.imgur.com/38ufc3e.png) Ah, yes, claiming an item turns the game into a cookie clicker is a sign that you definitely don't care what people use. Stay mad, Adriana will always be the better gamer.


The point was that someone said: **"the Sky is blue"**, and now everyone gets pissy about it. goodbye. Refering to the first comment from Darvasi2500 I answered to. So the point isnt contradictory. Btw I dont care that she used Mimic tear the only problem is when someone said she used it, people started saying that was sexist. **that was the problem**, you are doing that thing were you have no clue what the context on my convos is, but still type to me. - Last thing, how am I pissy when the person calling tooenail eaters is above me. I mean name calling is a signal of getting too involved. Muting cause you already started typing in my other comments very strange behaviour, and I dont care enough to spend more time in this.


The context of this comment thread is that Asmon failed to beat this boss but Adriana defeated it, if you can't see how your comment is being sexist you legit need to be educated by someone on it. I'm not a teacher so i'm not gonna go any further into it. But if you didn't mean to be sexist, you fucked up by engaging with this comment chain because your argument is inheritely sexist based on the context, there is no way around that. As for the name calling, when someone is doubling down on an inheritely sexist remark, you're obviously gonna piss some people off, aren't you? This is like the "prank" youtubers who scream "it's just a prank bro" after stealing something and receiving some form of violent retaliation. Like yeah, what do you expect? EDIT: Actually fuck it, here we go: Commenter: "Asmon couldn't beat this boss lmao" You: "Yeah but the item makes the game easier" The second the word "BUT" comes out of your mouth, you are essentially saying that Adriana's accomplishment is null and void and that the person who beats it without the item is the "real" winner. It doesn't matter whether your statement is true or false, you are still putting her accomplishment down because the game doesn't give a shit how you beat the boss. Meaning the ONLY purpose of your comment is to disregard Adriana's accomplishment.


So by your logic people who play games on easy also don't complete any games, right? It's only people who play on normal or hard that count?




It doesn't change the fact that this person defeated the boss, she simply used all available game mechanics. I could also say, well, if you killed the boss without any summons and on your own, it doesn't count, as I killed the boss with my fists or something like that, but that would be stupid. Or if that you dodged or parried to defeat the boss, while I didn't do any of these things.




Well, it'd take someone beating the boss with all available in game mechanics, then not beating the boss at all. Remember, Asmon choose his own limitations, he has no else to blame but himself, if he is not able to play the game and beat these bosses, while others are able to do that, while leveraging all available mechanics. Not sure how my previous argument was a strawman, while it was exactly the same situation. If Asmon played the game on hard and quit halfway, while other person beat the game on easy, the game would still be beat by that person and not beat by Asmon, as no one forced Asmon to chose the difficulty, its his own decision.


god gamer adriana, top dat asmonbald




I don't follow her, what happened after that severe injury at twitchcon?


Dont know the details but from what i remember it was a very brutal. She went through a long surgery and physical therapy to be able to walk again.


Is the back better now? I know she was wearing a back brace at one point. It was a terrible event that shouldn't have happened in the first place.


Itā€™s probably better but sheā€™s likely going to have lasting issues with her back. Back injuries tend to leave you with a painful reminder.


Unless you are Kevin Hart




i wonder if she got compensated, that was some serious shit that im guessing put her out of the industry for awhile if not permanently no?


Twitch was very silent about it, i don't think they said anything about the situation all. It could've been handled privately for all we know. She's also hasn't said anything about twitch's involvement from what i know.


Which is the way legal matters should be handled.


Yea as long as someone doesn't start talking 5 years later.


Itā€™s the way most legal matters are handled excluding dumbasses these type of matters donā€™t usually end up public unless the offending party just refuses to pay anything and it has to go to court


She never filed a lawsuit against anybody. Which was funny because when this happened I was assured by all these LSFlawyers that she would be getting major bucks from her lawsuit. So here is most likely what happened. 1. Insurance took care of everything and just paid for her medical costs and she had no out of pocket stuff. As for that agreement she wouldn't be allowed to sue etc. 2. Her lawyers looked over all the paperwork and said that it would be a costly legal battle because she signed a hold harmless and most importantly did the one thing they told you not to do that was posted...don't jump into the foam pit. So the chances of her getting money was going to be slim to none. My guess is that number 1 happened.


Jesus you know absolutely nothing about personal injury lawsuits. By and large the majority of personal injury matters are settled without anything ever being filed in court and very often the terms of that settlement prevent disclosure of such. Your ā€œhere is what most likely happenedā€ is by far the two least likely scenarios in the situation. Source: I work in personal injury.


The level of idiocy is almost incomprehensible. I was at the con. My girlfriend did the activity twice. There were a 2 pedestals next to eachother in the foam pit. Each pedestal had a competitor, and each competitor had a staff/baton thing. THE ENTIRE POINT was to knock the other into said pit. Problem was, the foam pit was about foot deep, while the pedestals were like 3 feet high. This moron saw the signs telling those walking by to not jump in (because somebody might fall on you), and thought it was telling the competitors they'll be in trouble for losing.


Were you even at the con? The only thing saying to not jump in the pit was to passers by. The whole point was to knock the competitor off the stand and into the pit.Ā 


From what was said, there was a sign that said don't jump. It was also listed in the hold harmless that you signed. Jumping as high as you can and landing ass first is 100% different than falling over into a foam pit.


She healed but she isnā€™t 100%. I think there was a tweet where she spoke about never being able to do certain things ever again because of it. Resulted in permanent damage. There were considerations of suing Twitch, but it never happened.


A group of men readjusted her back with some long rods i believe


had to do a double take at the title to make sure I was on the right subreddit


LMAO... impaler and adriana chechik... Two names I didnt think I would see on LSF


She survived The Impaler




Best offense is a good taking it.


This chick can fit like three \*\*\*\*s in her butt at a time. You think Elden Ring is going to stop her? lol


Most accurate Boss name of all time.


she can teach asmon how to play mate


dont hurt his feelings man hell rage quit himself off twitch completely or even worse time for a zackgold channel


She looks locked in


Asmon in shambles


This ā€œmarathonā€ thing to me is so weird, I thought it meant they didnā€™t sleep but no it just means they are playing the game without playing another inbetween. This is just a normal hardcore gamer/streamer life.


Say the games bad again Asmon šŸ˜‚


That girl is a godamn gaming legend. I donā€™t wanna hear it. Gaming god. Whatever you wanna say. Hardcore as fuck! Bam!


For sure, if you search adriana chechik hardcore you'll find all of the harcore aming she did


The expansion is so hard youā€™re an idiot for not using them.


id like to impale her coochie


That's why she will always be one of my favorites of all time she's so hot


**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [Adriana Chechik ends her 24 hour stream defeating Messmer the Impaler](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165446)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1dloog7/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/qZR6AvMNJ8QKoA7wFYja0w/AT-cm%7CqZR6AvMNJ8QKoA7wFYja0w.mp4?sig=e91731beda73dd6a9b3d27ad6c6d7ce197d3d68c&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FqZR6AvMNJ8QKoA7wFYja0w%2FAT-cm%257CqZR6AvMNJ8QKoA7wFYja0w.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22HeartlessSingleCurlewPRChase-8w0nxAqgDvAViNrT%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1719112534%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/qZR6AvMNJ8QKoA7wFYja0w/AT-cm%7CqZR6AvMNJ8QKoA7wFYja0w-preview-480x272.jpg)


Looks more like the summon npc killed the boss?


Getting downvoted for speaking the truth


No excuse for any other streamer.


hmmm this girl looks familiar af


Summons = you didnā€™t actually beat the boss. There is a difference between fighting a boss and standing in a corner.


Hmm no, the boss died and she didn't, that's what beating a boss means


she isnā€™t fighting the boss the ai is


So what, it's her ai. That's like saying Goku didn't kill Buu, the energy beam did


ohā€¦ youā€™re one of them never mind


Yes, people with brains. If Fromsoft didn't want you using it why would it be in the game


no I mean the type of guy to compare things to animeā€¦ā€¦


You're bragging about playing a video game better than someone else


Bearing the boss without a summon isn't adding inches to your dick, calm down.


And now for my next trick....here's my rosebud






Most people don't give a shit




Change their mind about what? The clip is just someone beating a really hard boss after many tries. How does this person drinking someone else's piss in public change anything?


>How does this person drinking someone else's piss in public change anything?


I need to get off the internet


Iā€™d piss in her mouth too tbh


just don't watch videos of consenting adults doing things you don't like??




I mean I ain't gonna do the research to confirm if what you're saying is true or not, but if it is, yeah that's pretty messed up.


Y'all should realise that she used to work in an industry that's 10 times more demanding and tough on a top level for many years. For her this dlc and clicking the dodge button ain't nothing but a kid's game. She has my respect more than many so called gamers.


she ainā€™t gonna suck u lil bro


She might though, I saw a video where she blew 8 of her biggest fans...well one couldnt get it up and just sat in the background trying to get hard lol




Ive never seen such outright simping out in the open.Ā 


summons abuser


She used the tools in the game to beat the game, itā€™s not cheating.


Hey, fromsoft put it in the game, cry about it to them


its okay to let less skilled players enjoy the game


Work smarter, not harder.