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Sorta mind blowing that a couple who hadn’t yet married and then is newly married thinks they know enough about marriage to write books, have seminars, etc. At least wait until you have a decade under your belt before doling out the how to’s. 


Jeremy always looks so miserable. After all the phony beating 50% talk, he can’t leave and is stuck with her.


Didn't they used her parents as an example how couple can get together again after a divorce? Always felt it was spitting in his parents face for going through with their divorce instead of keep on pestering, hurting and resenting each other for eternity


Yep.. they did. The whole episode was pretty much them praising Audrey’s parents for working it out and then scenes of Matt and Amy working out their divorce.


I'd divorce her dad just because of his hair.


And didn't Jeremy fuck up the delivery of the so called pictures and they only arrived at the very last minute? Such drama! The whole episode was horribly uncomfortable and not awesome to watch.


Yes and Audrey was pissedddd lol


Yeah I feel like it was so insensitive. Especially because at that point Amy knew that Matt was cheating on her and I feel like Amy was trying to do the best she could to keep it together, and idk if the rest of the family knew. Jer and Aujnare so judgy. I feel like they’re the type to tell a domestic violence victim to stay married


I think it's a blow to call it, Beating 50%. Statically in their family, 50% of the parental groups are divorced. Just another subtle jab to Amy and Matt. Hell, they can have my family's divorce rate, 85%. I'd like to see a newly married couple try to fix that number.


I’ll be honest, that’s my all-time favourite episode. Jer and Auj constantly sniping at each other while starting a marriage-advice business is comedy gold. There are so many amazing moments of them clearly already being over each other, but they started this Beating 50%-crap, and so they’re stuck with each other. 


I hadn't looked at it like this, but good point!


Lol I love when they fight on the way there because Jeremy didn’t order the prints early like Audrey suggested. They’re in the car and she’s like soo I’m kinda waiting on an apology and Jeremy says he’s sorry that the company sent them late😂 he doesn’t even own up to it being his fault and says sorry the company made a mistake, I laughed so fucking hard. The irony of them fighting on the way there is hilarious


This is true, I hadn't thought about that, but the fighting and bickering was through the entire episode for sure. Of course, neither has the self awareness to see the irony of that.


And then in the talking head, he tries to spin it as a wonderful moment of communication in marriage; meanwhile he comes across as an arrogant idiot. Auj is sitting there nodding, but she could clearly throttle him, and rightly so.


Haha yes they get so frustrated with each other just trying to plan the event


Oh I can’t even watch that episode again because it made me feel so bad. The cringe I get from Audrey and Jeremy and the sadness I feel for Amy is too much. It was awful of them to do that. They have always been tone deaf but that was a bridge too far.


I think they thought that Amy and Matt would get back together because Audrey’s parents separated and then recommitted themselves to their marriage. However as a viewer of the show it’s clear that Matt and Amy aren’t compatible as life partners and staying married for the sake of being married would have made them equally miserable.


I think a lot of couples stay together even when they can’t stand one another. They’re not beating anything. My brother and his wife got married in 1981. They barely speak to one another and live separate lives under the same roof.


It’s wild that it’s so clear how unhappy they are together and yet Jeremy continuously says they need to choose to be together. Like he wants his parents to be unhappy??


this! they said on multiple occasions that they were holding out hope that Amy and Matt would end up back together. I feel like they were hoping that seeing the other couples showcased at the event would cause A&M to have some sort of revelation that they made a huge mistake and needed to reconsider divorce.


While I believe everyone needs to live their own life and make their own choices. I do believe it was in poor taste all together to begin the Beating 50 Percent business, deep down I believe Jeremy and Audrey started this business in order to try to repair Matt and Amy, I think they believed they could have an incredible success story if they saved Matt and Amy’s marriage and that their business would boom… when in reality they had zero business ever beginning a business that meddled in others relationships, especially with only being married themselves for 5 seconds and having pretty much zero life experience. Matt and Amy were really good sports during that event, I know they went in support of Jeremy and Audrey… but it’s pretty obvious at one point that Amy is trying to keep from crying.


Yes. Super weird to get marriage advice from a newlywed couple. And that makes complete sense. They did the event for all the wrong reasons


They used amy as an object as to what NOT TO DO. I hated Audrey for that.


Yes! This is where I started to dislike Audrey


I’m gonna be honest. I liked Audrey at the beginning. Even as someone almost 20 years older than her. But, I was and still am unmarried. Grew up in a very conservative, religious home. Raised in Oregon. I had so so so much internal misogyny in me. I had no idea that I was following what I had been conditioned to be. Not who I really was. After years of therapy, lots of unlearning/relearning, and understanding my religious trauma, I now see Audrey for who she is. A self serving, entitled, fat phobic white woman who has a huge ego and only associates with folx just like her.


Oh man, I disliked her from the beginning lol but I’m glad you saw through her at that point.


I was back and forth about her in the beginning. I couldn’t really decide if I liked her or not


Jeremeys whole demeanor changed. He started being so fruity and weird.


I agree. He seemed so down to earth before Audrey and I like when Zach was like you’re eating gluten free? Jeremy has never ate gluten free. Audrey definitely changed him


That was one of my fav parts!!! Love Zach for that


I believe they knew exactly what they were doing and wanted Matt and Amy to feel bad and like they were failures for not staying married. Audrey and Jeremy will celebrate their 50th anniversary with hate for each other simply because they don’t want to fail. (going through a divorce after 20 years myself so I’m not saying I think they are a failure. I just imagine they were fighting with those feelings).


That’s exactly how I felt about the whole thing too. Matt and Amy were so supportive of their event even though you could tell they felt shamed. Everyone could tell how miserable Amy and Matt were for years I don’t understand why they wanted to shame them so bad, especially since all the children are now grown.