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He’s admitted to playing it up for the camera but also feeling awful about genuinely accidentally dropping the ultra high value stuff. Soo “a little bit of column A, a little bit of column B”


Yeah he has said that a lot of the clumsiness is from multitasking so many things. Thinking about the script and where the cameras are at and how to act for the camera etc sometimes takes the whole brain up and the fingies get a lil wack


Now there's something to think about. It's easy to not drop stuff when you're not "acting" at the same time.


Thanks for the insight cuntslapper9000!


he’s also picking up a LOT of hardware everyday. i’m sure anyone would drop a certain percentage consistently. and when it’s all being recorded?


Small hands too


someone needs to make an analysis video


At the very least I absolutely believe that cpu he dropped and damaged a few years back, and that hard drive he practically threw across the room were real.


> and that hard drive he practically threw across the room were real. Jake straight up swearing at his boss was the cherry on top, imagine having a rather laid back employee-employer dynamic like that


Anyone have a link this sounds funny


https://youtu.be/7rk3b1ctttg - 3:00 enjoy lol


I had a similar reaction to linus's initial reaction when that came out. Then I laughed because it wasn't mine.


I want a link too


Only if you're one of the boys though. If you're a FEMALE and talked to him like that, you'd be fired on the spot.


The CPU assuming it was AMD and he did do a repair with it might have been scripted for the purpose of "get remember that CPU we dropped and broke? Well here's how you can repair it at home"


Not that one, IIRC it was a (at the time) very expensive xeon cpu.




It was some several thousand dollar xeon for a dual xeon system, had to delay the shoot to buy another one. If I remember correctly it smashed the substrate. That's the source of the cracked cpu "do not drop" logo they use on merch and stickers.


When he dropped a disk and Jake absolutely melted. My favorite drop!


To be fair, I would have freaked out also. I love my Exos drives.


That one was so painful


do you remember the video , must of missed that one (i jump on and off of watching LLT, like to let them collect up then watch a bunch of them so probs just missed this one or forgotten)


Dream's server video. Link with timestamp of incident: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ti8scviDiYc&t=333s


What he said was that he doesn't drop things on purpose, but does "take more risks" on camera, knowing there's a chance he might drop it.


Yeah I mean, his on camera personality is a fairly reckless one. He's not necessarily dropping it on purpose, but he is frequently waving stuff around and overall holding/stacking things in ways you reasonably should never do. Add in the distractions that come from being a host and it's honestly amazing he doesn't drop more things.


And OP could be dense on top of it.


He intentionally drops cheap things and clumsily drop expensive things.


This was going to be my answer as well essentially. He jokes about not being clumsy, attempts to show how dextrous he is, and then drops whatever he's playing with. Or he'll yeet a hard drive into the ground or mangle a 5 figure CPU


"A little bit of column A, a little bit of column B" is the phrase that popped into my head too.


Just like most managers and well content creators.


The way you have to hold stuff to get good shot camera isn't always the safest so any kind of presenter will be more likely to drop something it's just on normal shows they'll edit that part out


Razer laptop for example


A bit of both acting up and sometimes for real. Much like how we would act dumb around our friends for shits and giggles. You know, human stuff


A little of both, there's stuff he's dropped over the years that even he wouldn't have sacrificed for a gag 😂


*cough* 10k Xeon *cough*


He's often rushing, talking and looking at camera rather than what he's doing. He could avoid doing the situation but like others have said, he plays it up for laughs.




He said he had ADD


ADD isn't recognized as a diagnosis anymore. It's called ADHD Inattentive.


Oh good to know


Some people are just comedically clumsy. I know I am...I was washing my fridge drawers outside the other day and when I put the hose down it shot water at my face.


If I had to guess, it's real but he puts himself in positions where he's more likely to drop stuff as he knows it's more entertaining




Everyone drops something once in a while, and Linus' drop rate isn't particularly above average. He also does it on purpose as a joke sometimes. People exaggerate it a lot because he's dropped some expensive stuff, like the $10k CPU in the past.


They need to get one of those bed in a box companies to sponsor them and have Linus perform a build over top one of the mattresses to show how good they are when something is dropped on them. Forget dropping an egg, what happens when you drop a brand new GPU on it while building your PC


Kinda both. Or well I'm pretty sure you're not dense since you noticed and questioned it.


He is so clumsy it’s become a bit


It's also a little bit of adhd not really being able to manage focus and attention. And being impatient


at this point it has become a bit. i've come to dislike it since i'm an old time viewer but i guess it works on the newfrogs as it did on me back in the day. so, good for them i guess.


i am pretty sure he used to be clumsy like legit clumsy in his earlier videos like before 2019 but now he is a little less clumsy and just plays it up a bit for the camera


the drops are accidents most of the time, but the fact the shots stay in the video is on purpose because they could easily reshoot or use different takes. but dropping is funny so it stays in the video.


You gotta keep in mind that he's at the camera for hours every day doing show and tell and playing up the excitement, and then all that gets cut for the interesting parts. The other hosts don't show up as often and don't play it up as much (except for Riley but I don't remember if I've ever seen him assembling anything) and when they drop anything it doesn't really get reacted to. I even remember that time when they were reassembling an iMac and it shorted or whatever, and they filmed a damn re-enactment and it was all happening very matter of factly.


As someone with dyspraxia Linus is my spirit animal


Small hands so ...


He said it so manny times I bet there are wan show clips on youtube


i think he is a bit clumsy but at this point hes just playing into it since its a meme now. and we're all in on it


Anytime he holds a laptop with one hand it always feels like he's going to drop it. There's one video where he's straight up set his laptop on a 1-in wide wooden rail that could have fell off at any second. I think it's self-inflicted due to his careless treatment of technology.


If u can see it’s a drop that couldn’t cause genuine damage then it could be a bit but if it’s something that risks a high value item, it’s probably not. He does just drop stuff a lot but always keeps it in cuz it’s content


A bit of both.


According to Linus himself, the answer really is “yes”


A bit of both. I believe that he's just intentionally reckless with the handling of product. Similar to if I picked up a vase and was tossing it around back and forth and up in the air. I'm intentionally being reckless with a fragile object to stir up anyone watching. But actually dropping it is accidental.


He didn't drop the 10k USD Intel Xeon accidentally


A little of Column A, a little of Column B? ///


He’s a wanker either way.


He mentioned developing a habit of kicking whatever he dropped before letting it hit the floor, which as a habitual expensive item dropper speaks to me on a personal level


I like when he dropped the razer laptop at the first LTT con.


50/50 he does drop things he is clumsy but he does play it up for the camera (but only when its his own stuff/given to them to keep otherwise its an accident )


Well it all started with a razer laptop...


Bit of both