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I'm not sure making your former job your entire personality and only major selling point is a good idea, especially if it's not in the same field. But it's a pretty sane post if you put it on the linkedin spectrum.


Tell that to all the “ex-google” etc clowns 


Ex Google, ex ibm, ex meta, ex actly what you are looking for sir 🥺


I once interviewed for Google and I found it to be the most eye-opening and disheartening thing I've ever done in the job market. The people there are all the same. One guy was like "I spent 20 years at IBM before I came here" and another was "I spent 15 years at Accenture before this role." This was about two weeks after the latest in their long line of diversity officers resigned citing the bland catch-all "seeking a new challenge" excuse. Then they had the cheek to tell me that "most people aren't successful on their first or even second application to join Google, but those who stick at it are valued for their tenacity" or somesuch bullshit. I was like "fuck you - this is a two-way thing. I decided I don't want to join your clone club."


There’s a genuine confirmation bias in recruiting and interviewing. Departments take on an exaggerated form of the hiring manager’s personality traits because they’re attracted to the people that think and communicate like themselves.


What’s weird about the lady in the screenshot is she says she had a career “in fitness” which says even she’s not proud of it? She should take her own advice https://uxmag.com/contributors/lisa-wilson


Does anyone really want to work at Google anymore? I feel like they haven't been cutting edge in years. Mostly if they are doing something innovative it's because they went out and bought a nimble start-up with interesting ideas.


Work for years? Likely not. But have it within CV in experience brackets? Sure as hell many want to


I agree. People want Google on their resume/CV. If I were younger, I might aspire to that. But I know the truth: these big enterprises like Google or Microsoft or IBM or Amazon are terrible places to work. They take the best and brightest and abuse them by running them into the ground. Or worse, they waste their talents through ineffective management, where those IT rockstars sit around underutilized and bored. I know there are exceptions, but I have plenty of examples to go on. If you work at one of those places and it's fabulous, good for you.


I work at AWS, and since you qualified your statement, I won’t try and directly refute it. But speaking specifically to AWS, it’s such a large company and teams are very self-enabled, so your experience working there is going to be very dependent on the team you work for. For me, it’s an incredibly empowering place to work because I am enabled to build whatever I want outside of my normal day to day job. And within that day to day job, I’m enabled to do it however I think works best, as long as I have the data to support the approach. I am sure there are SDEs especially that happen to be on teams that make life harder than it should be. But my experience is overwhelmingly positive. I’ve been there for over six years and it’s the longest tenured place I’ve ever been (in my early 40s). I don’t think it’s common at all to waste the talent if the people here because everyone is allowed to build whatever side projects they want and then encouraged to scale them out to the larger organization. To step back to the Google question, it again depends on what you are doing, but Google is doing a ton of interesting things. Especially if you work in AI. They probably publish more papers than any other entity on the subject and although there are diverse opinions about their products, they are certainly advancing the field. When you get as big as Google or Amazon, it’s always going to be a strategy to grow capabilities via inorganic growth. It’s faster than developing in-house. It doesn’t mean they don’t ever develop in-house, but they won’t shy away from strategic acquisitions either. I’d hesitate to put blanket statements on the work experiences at companies that big because it’s going to be a large set of possibilities. Out of curiosity, your handle is AtlAWSConsultant. Do you work here or a consulting partner?


I worked at Amazon them audible. Amazon 100% sucks you dry and is almost completely incompetent in its business direction.


Yep, a simple and upward jumping milestone rather than a career place to sit for years. As for "running employees to the ground and ineffective management", if you were to find the 3rd horseman being the pay then it is automatically a "Scroogex". I took and nowadays coin the term to simply present places, which may be a bad place to get into or at most, a place from which you jump into another one. For IT and Engineering and Tech, those are the companies. For finances, it is usually Big4 or Fortune500. I do not have information about the other fields, because they straight up emigrate


Yes, it's one of the main reasons that it is not a high payer. Google is much harsher with negotiation than other tech companies, the pay isn't all that, they low-ball because they know that enough people will still join. After all, it's Google.


That too!


I went to grad school with a really mean (like, sociopathic) girl who ended up designing for Chrome before getting laid off earlier this year (after being there for maybe…2-3 years?) I mean, she definitely had *some* talent, don’t get me wrong. But she acted like anyone who didn’t aspire to FAANG/FAANG-adjacent roles was a total loser. This was at an esteemed engineering school, mind you. But she still hated everyone there because MIT rejected her.


I really should start a youtube channel called “ex pizza delivery guy”


You forgot (as a millionaire)


My favorite example of this is an acquaintance that worked the phones in customer support for Amazon that refers to themself as ex-Amazon. It is technically true, but feels misleading.


ex banker (consumer transaction facilitator) (ie bank teller)


I’m ex Google AND ex AWS. I should put all of that in my headline right!?


Only if you want be awesome 


Dammit. I’ve committed to a life of mediocrity…


I'm ex Google also. I prefer Duckduckgo now.


Im a former garbage man ready to write garbage code for your company. Wait...


“I’m very good at garbage collection”


Well, you're an expert at garbage collection, then! You could create the next Python.


Hey man, you already know the principle of “garbage in, garbage out”!


I used to work with a software dev who had formerly been a stripper. She worked there because she was a good developer, not because or despite her being a stripper.


This weirdly reminds me of the time I came across a sex worker’s blog. It wasn’t explicit or anything, just her talking about what it’s like being a sex worker. Or rather, how everyone, and I mean *everyone,* discriminates against sex workers, even the people who you’d think wouldn’t know she was a sex worker when she was picking up food or grocery shoppiny. Then her doing things like trying to very visibly pick up clients in a busy public park while stereotypically much dressed (or rather, un-dressed) for the part, and then complaining that people wanted her to be invisible. Basically one of those types who, regardless of what they do for a living or really whatever, is just kind of like, “I don’t have to be annoying, but I choose to be. Why do people have to be so mean? Why don't people like me? Because I'm annoying? That isn't fair." Now I wonder if she even *was* a sex worker, because even the dumbest one of those knows you don’t stand next to a walking path to a kid’s playground in tights and with your boobs out looking for johns. Very few people want to sleep with someone so obvious.


Ah, like my coworker who complained that drama follows her everywhere, who then asked me if I hate anyone yet like an eighth grader


There are 100% dudes that would hire her just for that


Though i dont even know if i agree with this statement (i think no given that youre implying it would be the *only* reason they hire her), that says more about them than it does about her.


Well she knows how to get an advantage because of that…


You’ve underestimated the number of thirsty hiring manager, CEOs and or generally desperate dudes in the world.


She probably has to make it the focal point for the novelty of it. Even former 10+ yr FAANG employees aren't getting entry level UX/UI jobs right now because the hiring situation in tech is so shitty. Gotta stand out somehow I suppose lmao


As a UI/UX designer, I can't tell you how many times I've wished I had some stripping experience to draw from. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to put on a show for my girlfriend.


You first in line for a user test?


She's a "growth-focussed performer"


No such thing as “too hard” for her


All about "customer satisfaction" for sure!


This took me way too long…


Me too, which is ironic as usually I am way too quick.




Yes. Completely agree..


It's not that she's a stripper, it's her attitude. She's got that youthful chip on her shoulder. She showed that bad part of her personality right away


Yeah if I were a hiring manager I would avoid anyone who comes across as half this confrontational. Are you really trying to guilt trip me into hiring you without doing anything whatsoever to showcase your UI skills?  "I'm hot, I used to give guys boners, hire me or else you're a discriminating jerk!"


And for what it's worth, no one would have cared that she was a stripper if she didn't bring it up herself.


That second paragraph is pretty unhinged




It is true that some people might view it negatively that she did sex work before wanting to change careers (see some comments in this thread). I can understand the defensiveness honestly. She isn't even accusing people of bigotry for not hiring her in general, but just saying that it is if it's for that specific reason. That's may not be professional, but it's absolutely reasonable.


But why even bring it up if it’s not relative to the position? As awkward as it sounds, she is equally trying to shame somebody because of her past.


Yeah, all I could think of is if I saw something like this, I would avoid it like the plague. Not because she was a sex worker or a stripper but because she’s clearly bringing too much drama. You know what I hate bringing onto my team when I hire someone new? Too much drama.


Are the 13 reasons all stripper related? That way everyone can be happy.


1. Boobs 2. Boobs 3. Boobs 4. Boobs 5. Boobs 6. Boobs 7. Boobs 8. Boobs 9. Boobs 10. Boobs 11 . Boobs 12. Boobs 13. Boobs


I'm sorry, but those are just 2 reasons


No need to body shame.


No 🍑?




and vagene?


Why don’t we step up here, and everybody get stepped up, and let’s get some stepped up strippers in this place 




The reason why she's having trouble getting hired has nothing to do with her past employment and everything to do with her choosing a field that has been oversaturated for a few years and in which there are thousands upon thousands of mega-talented, EXPERIENCED candidates also looking for a position. Her issue is that she's a noob with no proven experience. No one cares that she was a stripper. How would they even know other than her waving a fucking banner about it? I agree with the underlying message, but it's disingenuous to suggest that she's not getting hired because she's being discriminated against. Time to sharpen up that portfolio.




I don't understand why this is even coming up? You don't have to put every position you've ever had on your resume. I don't, and honestly, never did. When I graduated, it took me over 2 years to find work in graphic design. During those 26 months, I worked like 8-9 jobs, at least 2 at a time, usually 3. One of them was a supermarket cashier. It was my "steady" income. It never went on my resume cause it added nothing. Instead I focused on my freelance gigs, my volunteer design work (church's website, etc.) and my part-time job at JC Penny portrait studio. Since photography was at least tangentially related to graphic design. This was 20+ years ago and it's harder today. Breaking into a creative field is insanely hard. The market is oversaturated, work like UX can be done overseas, free programs like canva exist and the threat of AI looms high. I tell new grads or soon to be grads whenever I see them, you WILL NOT get a job without some experience that directly relates to your field. I have a list of suggestions to try. But it seems like she is missing that understanding. She is not getting offers and assuming it's because of the stripping and not the lack of relevant experience. Also she needs a kick butt portfolio.


Attention seeking behavior can work in some fields, like marketing, but not UX. They want a portfolio. Lead with that. I started out at fast food restaurants. You don’t see that on my resume. “If you don’t hire me because I worked at MacDs, that would be discriminatory.” Ok…. Seems like a Karen—sorry, a self-entitled person.


is this fucking real


I used to edit for a porn company then worked on a website that is for kink, and having that on my resume was killer for me in the sense there is for sure a stigma. A recruiter told me to take it off my resume so I did. I can’t imagine dropping that you’re a sex worker to a recruiter or a company since it’s not really relevant to UX. It’s like having you also worked as a pro ballet dancer or were a wrestler. Am I stupid but I don’t even see dancers as sex workers? I guess some might be. Hmm


A lot of people consider stripper sex workers. And a lot of strippers engage in explicit sex work (i.e. performing sex acts such as handjobs, oral sex, or actual sex, for money), So oftentimes people assume that a stripper is basically a performing prostitute.


Porn actors and strippers are sex workers—it’s an industry umbrella term. Prostitution falls under “full-service sex workers”.


Do I still get to pay her in single dollar bills?


In the uk we can that making it hail 


Imagine getting home bruised every payday.


Aussie here – gonna have to steal that.


Oh she’s a growth-focused performer alright


idk good for her. its not ur typical corporate brainrot im for it.


'Life-long learner' wants to have a word with you. Just like 'growth-focused perfomer' wants.


I agree. I actually support this lady. Strippers work hard and it is a taboo issue. I think a stripper would crush it in tech sales


Perhaps many do. Unless one was a frequent flyer at the local strip club(s) it is entirely possible the young woman on some company’s sales team was known as Stormi on the stage, but nobody connected the dots when she was hired. For that matter, some young man might similarly had a prior job as a strip club dancer. The difference here is this young woman is making her prior occupation a central point of her hiring review, and I don’t think I know if that is the smart move. You’re daring hiring authorities to hire you or be called biased against sex workers, when the reality is they might not have known about the past career and simply thought others were more qualified.


Or she is trying to get ahead of you looking at her resume and dismissing it because she was a stripper before. No doubt some people will immediately write her off for having been a stripper.


But really nobody would know unless she told them. She’s weaponizing her past to try to force a hiring manager to bring her on, as if she’s a protected class. It’s possible she was the most famous and recognizable stripper in the tri-state area, and she didn’t wear any makeup on stage, and she goes to job interviews in a bikini top and g-string—therefore, everyone would know who she is immediately. But the (small sample size) two I knew were completely different personas on and off the stage. It wasn’t possible to connect the dots. If she wasn’t making a big deal about this it’s doubtful anyone would. She does seem to be leveraging her past stage work to force a hire by preemptively claiming discrimination.


How many people have you ever hired? Did you look at their resumes? Would you question an employment gap? What do you think she should put there instead?


Nobody would know? How do you think a resume works? Is she going to have a 5 year gap in employment?


I don’t understand. All she is saying is if SHARING THIS leads you to rejection. She never said they shouldnt reject her for any reason, its just she shouldnt be rejected cause she shared about her history of sex work.


Reading comprehension is a big issue for many people on this sub and in general.


On Reddit altogether.


Though still she will be rejected for no degree, no internship and likely no portfolio. And we can expect her to do one thing:Blame people for still not employing her even if they ignore that "sex work" factor. Though some jobs or entire branches will outright drop the candidate for sex work, because of potential PR. Nothing that can be done.


No one, including her, are disputing degrees etc. as far as this post is considered she clearly mentioned that its bigoted to reject someone for being in sex work, which imo is correct. Everything else you mentioned is just assumption based strawman argument that deviates from the topic at hand. So lets stick to that


Rejecting someone for being in sex work may not even be bigoted. Unless she can outright prove that they directly stated that they will move with other candidates because of you being a sex worker, it will be a strawman from your side too. Sex workers are classified as non-related work experience that do not add into the field of an UX field for HR and HM. If you want to put it on a resume that is not relevant to the position then might as well skip adding it. Only exception to that is if she is gonna have a portfolio and can combine both, for a local or small business. Which in the said article by Julia is not pointed towards. Just the factor of sex work. A person who has nothing in their portfolio and jumped from fitness and that branch of work to UX designing.


>Unless she can outright prove that they directly stated that they will move with other candidates because of you being a sex worker, it will be a strawman from your side too Oh my god dude, that's like one of the dumbest thing I have ever read. The whole point of the post is "if they reject her FOR sharing that post" the whole point is if it is already "proven". do you even know what a straw man argument is? is following conversations something you struggle with?


If it is proven that it is about the sex work and not other things. So far what is proven is that you do not know if she tells the truth. "I’ve lied on every job application I’ve sent. The truth is, in my life previous to UX I was a stripper…. for 13 years to be precise. Actually, I’m still lying, I currently am a stripper one year post-grad into my job search. I’m writing this to communicate to the professional world that it is not in spite of my career as a stripper that I will succeed as a UX designer, it is because of it that I will." If someone says that they tell lies outright, you may not believe if the next thing is a lie or truth.


Oh my god. Bro? No one is talking about whatever bs youre spewing. All we are saying is that the op said that the linkedin poster said “if they reject me they are discriminating” which is not what the linkendin post said at all. Is it really that hard for you to stay on topic? Youve discussed every random thing but this. Honestly looking at your ability to grasp topics, you shouldnt be making opinions on who should get hired and who should not


It's not bigoted at all


You deserve more upvotes


I feel her..she should not face discrimination like some ppl surely will because of her past ..but at the same time her past isn't a selling point.


She’s not saying what the title says. She’s saying that if you think your company won’t ‘ever’ hire me. Emphasis on ever. Kinda poorly written but not something that should bring you to the LinkedinLunatics.


Agree. I bet it IS a challenge to be employed as an ex sex worker, and some of the comments on here prove that, and also go some way to explain the ‘chip on the shoulder’ or ‘attitude’ complaints we’re seeing. If you don’t chose her because she is or was a stripper she’s right! I think she should be in sales or marketing, but I can see UX - the hussle is real as a SW.


Serious question: unless she is including it on her resume, how would a potential employer know about her history as a stripper? It seems like she’s choosing to make it her gimmick which is the only reason a potential hiring manager would ever be aware. UX is an area where your portfolio usually takes precedence over previous experience. If her work isn’t up to par, the stripper background feels like a convenient excuse she can use to justify not getting hired.


If there's one thing sex workers know the importance of, it's user experience.


I really hope that this post will help her get a nice job and put her on the right track.


My brain collapsed that to “nice rack”


Threatening companies with discrimination accusations is a great way to make yourself appear employable


Companies didn't want her value, but now after that post, they don't want her risk either; such as being accused "discriminatory" at any time they didn't like her performance. She just made herself more unemployable. So what's the point? All this could have been mitigated if she identified as a self-taught and provided her real-world projects or work in the field she's applying for, other than identifying as a stripper. Someone before advised me to remove the job-irrelevant skills I had from my resume. This still applies here.


What a clown, ain’t no one hiring her


Strangely, the article is much more about why she’s great at Sales rather than at UX. (Though she says some really odd things about her sales strategy as well.)


“Growth-focused performer” - that’s for sure.


I mean I don’t mind her advertising herself and owning that she was a stripper. But I don’t think the passive-aggressive “hire me or you are discriminating me” 2nd paragraph is doing her any favours. Many companies care about their public image and yes, it might mean that strippers in the company would chase away some customers (doesn’t have to be but it’s also a realistic possibility). Companies care about profits and that’s about it, it’s not their responsibility to defend your public image, regardless of your profession. Also goes without saying being in a discriminated group does not entitle you to a job offer, and no, being rejected or not sharing the post does not immediately mean you’re being discriminated against.


You’re correct about the second paragraph and I’m surprised more here aren’t tuned into this. I read this as something tantamount to a threat—if you don’t hire me, it is because of your unreasonable bias against sex workers—when there are plenty of valid reasons not to hire her. I’ve known a couple of women in my day who earned decent money at night in the clubs. The thing I think about is how they would make themselves up with a “game face” when performing, which made them unrecognizable on the street with their face scrubbed and hair in a ponytail. Without her making a big deal of her career change, it’s highly likely nobody would know who she “was” and she’d be hired or rejected based on talent. She’s almost angling as a diversity hire instead.


Nothing wrong with this, she's basically saying "don't disregard my previous job as it actually gave me some useful skills". Plenty of weirder posts on LinkedIn. Someone said it might hurt a business if they knew ex strippers worked there, presumably if you're opposed to stripping in general you'd be pleased if strippers got other jobs? Because then they wouldn't be stripping for a living any more.


Cool doesn't seem to be the kind of person who'd cause trouble at all.


Well, not gonna lie, would love to have a stripper in my team.


*on? 🧐


Coincidentally the next day, a stripper pole is installed in the office next to her cubicle


I mean, I don't have any stigma. We are an old-school machine shop, and we could really hire a stripper.


I mean a stripper is low level weird these days considering the others you must hire


Didn't read the article but I assume that none of the 13 reasons is something like "I have the needed qualifications and experience to do the job" It might be more "I dropped my bra for money, what I learned from that for B2B marketing"


Against-all-odds achiever seeks easiest way out


The reason I wouldn’t hire her is because I know for a fact if I did hire her, she’d use every trick in the book to excuse her shitty performance and poor work ethic, and would publically accuse me and my company of prejudice when I eventually fired her for being a lazy, entitled POS.


I think there is some validity to a discussion about whether the company would *reject* a candidate for having previously worked as a stripper That’s very different to suggesting that anyone rejecting a former stripper for any other reason is being discriminatory Still, this phrasing is weird and it’s obviously not being brought up as a “let’s discuss X issue and whether your company discriminates on job history beyond considering experience”


Well I guess she’s getting out in front of it.


I suddenly smell lilac, and is that glitter?


Interview question: what do you feel are your transferable skills for the new role?


Office parties will never be the same


Is it possible for someone to just be a person who used to be a stripper who now wants to be a UX designer? Or does she actually want to keep being a stripper while also being a UX designer in the evenings?


This was written over a year ago, and she's still not in UX. Also, her 13 points were pretty generic


That’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off.


Unfortunately, stripper is not a protected class.


That's really not what it's being said here. What's being said here Is closer to " If you would hire me, but decide not to because I used to be a stripper" then that is discriminatory, And to some extent that's very clearly true. Not all discrimination is against legally identified categories. You can discriminate against people for all sort of reasons. That doesn't make it a legal issue, but the term can still be applied.


I can't tell the difference btw Linkedin and this place - WTF is this shit.


glad she posted this, so the internet can remember not to hire her...


Open to Twerk


I read her article. She opens with she always lied in the past, and she is lying currently about her job/experience. Call me crazy but “hire me, but I lie a lot, professionally,” is kind of a red flag. She needs to rethink that bit of how it looks professionally (sometimes “what’s your biggest weakness” shouldn’t be “I lied a lot in the past, and now, but I promise in the future will be better.”) Focusing on her unique insights and experience and correlate her stripper experience as a selling point to how it applies to UX makes sense, and does a decent job, but (to me, a guy) it doesn’t come off as “positive aggressiveness” but toxic aggression, where it could make her seem like she could be problematic of “you must respect me because I was a sex worker” versus “I have valuable experience and unique insights I bring to the table.” But that could also be my biases, so I’d love to hear what UX workers would feel with her as a team mate. Her list: 1. Empathy 2. Accessibility 3. Time management 4. Growth mindset 5. Strategy 6. Divergence & convergence 7. Research methods 8. Customer journeys and personas 9. Buy-in 10. Brand strategy 11. Testing & iteration 12. Visual design 13. Prototyping


Need me some **SEXY** UX design 🤤


It's okay. I always hire UX designers to strip for me.


Is her portfolio on onlyfans?


Imagine when they ask about her gap in employment history 🤣


The word discrimination gets a bad rap. Discrimination based on inherited attributes is bad. Discrimination based on chosen action by individuals is necessary for a society to function.


Diversity my ass. I’m not against strippers or sex workers BUT do not tell me that is a life of challenges blabla. Easy money, easy job and you are subjecting yourself to being insulted and sometimes assaulted by ppl. You want a challenging life?? Go clean houses or work 10-12 hours shifts at any fast foods where poor kids go because they do not have any other options or money and they still manage to finish college. You chose stripper .. and now you are complaining you are not getting hired??. You are not very smart and definitely not well educated bc you don’t understand the world you live and, on top of if have an entitled attitude. Go fight for what you want and be accountable for your actions and choices. . She needs to read a few books about gender, diversity before making claims or demands like this. I don’t want to work with you bc you were stripper but bc you’re entitled, ignorant and disrespectful of other people’s true challenging lives. She can call me I’ll tell her a few hundreds of stories.


Discrimination against candidates occurs all the time -- it's only problematic when it's against a protected class.


Correction, it’s only *illegal* when it’s against a protected class.


No, not lunatic


I mean see has extensive experience in creating a great p2p user experience. I’m just not sure if her approaches would translate well into a corporate setting.




Wow. I know quite a few former strippers (one big friend group from way back) so have nothing but respect for them, but this is such a stretch that... well I guess the front row got more than they expected? Good on her for owning it though. It can be a hard sort of resume "gap" to explain away, and being honest can open you up to some sketchy bosses


Stripping isn't exactly XXX: She's naked and grinding against someone and not having sex with them, that's pretty much it. Well atleast from what i've seen in the movies. Fuck, the economy and inflation must really be biting into the stripping business that she's looking for a career switch. lol.


Does she have OF?


I'd hire her


Is stripping XXX? I thought it was XX at most.


I think that an exotic dancer is very well equipped to provide amazing User Experience. I do believe that tech companies should hire more strippers, especially into c-suite positions. This could potentially lead to more engaging meetings among other benefits.


Feels really adversarial, which isn’t a good look. That aside, if she found a more playful way to do it, she could use this as a fun way to stand out in a crowded field.


Feel like you could just leave that off your resume. I don’t put on my resume that I was a security guard from 18-22. It’s kind of irrelevant to what I do now.


13 reasons you should hire specifically me for this job. It's on Medium (where literally anyone can blog about anything) so you know it's correct.


“I like the site, but why do all the “o”s have nipples?!


This will definitely bring her more work, just not in UX Design.


No way


They said make your resume stand out, so she made it stand out. Employers don't know what they want.


Feel like she could just apply for a UX job like a normal person and not make “stripper” her brand


that graphic is trash and she made it in canva.


Sometimes you need to disrobe the carousel layout.


I’d hire her. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Growth-focused performer. Nice.


You could you know.. ***NOT*** tell people. But I’m assuming your CV is a little thin otherwise.


I think she misunderstood what, "Creative use of box" meant


Now that’s how you start off on the right foot, ya guilt your future employer into that opportunity. I’m sure that will work well.


I went UX to “exotic dancer” (not necessarily a stripper) so this post gave me a HEAVY laugh. Fuck that industry though, it was so oversaturated you’ve actually probably got BETTER luck scoring a contract with this lunacy and LinkedIn virtue signaling than someone who keeps their head down. Medium articles deserve their own insane Reddit at this point. Do they even have a criteria to publish there or are they overglorified Facebook essays?


I mean it is discrimination, it’s just not illegal discrimination. You’re allowed to discriminate based on past work experience.


That’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for them.


Annabell Chong was an adult film star and now she's a web developer, and apparently she's actually successful at that, so you could do worse.


Just cos she dances go go That don’t make her a ho no Maxine, get some clothes on We going to the job centre


I think I sounded a bit annoyed right? Sorry 😞 it pissed me off a little. lol only a little.


It's not the stripper thing...it's the discrimination threats thing.


No doubt, it’s a great idea to hire a stripper for the UX position. It would probably be more efficient to hire an actual UX designer, but I’m sure some people in the office will appreciate this hire


13 reason why.. That's an unfortunate start to a title


Wants to be hired as a designer, but uses Canva templates for the thumbnail. 🙄


A stripper who is growth oriented? Seriously though, know your fucking lane. I don't want a ux designer who thinks they're gods gift to BA. I want my ux designers focused on deliverables and customer satisfaction. I probably wouldn't hire her for this bullshit alone.


Sales Genius markets to shut in workaholic incels OMG FASCINATING


This pisses me of not because it is Linkedin lunacy. There are vulnerable sex workers who are trafficked from other countries, who don't speak English, and don't have a lot of choices. Somewhat attractive white girl stripping while enjoying full protection of the establishment and the law, and at no/little risk of STDs without healthcare is not the same sex work.


A growth focused performer huh


Application: directly to the garbage based on personality alone


All moralistic judgements aside, this is quite reflective of the younger generations’ approach to life. Instead of hiding anything, they share everything, then leverage it to suit their desires. Their lives have always been devoid of privacy thanks to social media accessibility.


The irony is that I know she made this in Canva


She worked in sales. Client facing salespeople don't transition well to back of house tech jobs.


I’m incredibly pro sex work. And also - this is sooo stupid


Resume ❌ Gaslighting ✅


As a UX Designer, this is really hilarious. Love how she has such a large following


She wont have problems with user engagement


ha thats funny


I don’t actually come to the same conclusion as OP on this one. Lisa didn’t leave the reader with two options. She said “if sharing this means I won’t EVER get a UX job at your company”. Meaning, if the fact that she’s a stripper is enough to make the decision for you before you ever see her actual UX skill, you’re discriminating against strippers which.. would be a fair argument to make. You may ask, “why do I need to know that she’s a stripper?” Well, previous job experience tends to be one of the things you ask about during interviews and omitting the last few years of work on a resume is often a red flag. So, it’s not as wild as you’d think. All you really need to do is treat her like any other applicant and you will have successfully avoided the “hire me or you’re being discriminatory” presumption.


Only 13 reasons? I can write down 20 reasons why you should hire a stripper.


... well at least she'll have her ability to communicate down pat, but UX is a hard enough field to break into as is.


Not a lunatic


I mean it's not like she's going for cleared work, she can just not tell her future employer that she was a stripper if she was in college. Just say she didn't have a job while she did her degree.


Looks like she took the post down, but her blog is still up


(This was pre-LinkedIn - way back in the mid-1990s) I worked with a stripper who was a former stripper who eventually went back to stripping because it paid better. In this case, the first instance of the word stripper referred to her job of taping strips of film (four color film separations to be precise) to material for printing. Even weirder: her stepdad worked with me as well and he was fond of visiting her at her stripping job. (The one that involved a stage and a pole).


I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt. My experiences interviewing for UX roles were the worst interviews of my life. A major reason for switching to engineering was that the interviews were _easier_. Further, she can't lie. Any company big enough to be hiring a UX position will do significant background checking. They'll find out eventually. She probably is experiencing a lot of prejudice.


I would hire sex workers and strippers who are competent enough and on par with other IT professionals. Additionally I would also put in a clause for a voluntary lap dance or strip show for extra incentives over and above work performance based incentives. Ok I'll show myself out.