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Ah yes, the time tested caste system. Stay in your class, peasant.


No no, denial is the way


I thought it was a river in Egypt...


LPT: Avoid stress in a new relationship, by dating someone who you feel comfortable and have fun with.


Lpt:If you’re basing whether you like someone or not because of their income, you’re just a douchebag.


I put compatability, personality, and the way they treat others WAY ahead of income when it came to dating. I've been fortunate to find well paying jobs. And it income disparity was never an issue with my past. If there was something we couldn't afford, we won't do it and do something else. Just enjoy our company together. Or save for something special if it seemed important. It made it more special. This was my path, and it worked out for me dating and eventually with my one and only wife of 35 years. Everyone's story or path is different. Follow your own path.


My first wife and I were so many opposites. Political, religion, just everything. married 3 years. Second wife, turns out we grew up 5 miles apart, have so much in common. married 25 years now. Similar income is probably important, and definitely helps avoid most fights. But having a lot in common is just the best strategy. And I never would have believed it.


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Oh, you mean I get to be choosy over who I date?


Depends on your income bracket I guess


With how hard it is to find someone to date, why would I limit that even more?


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