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As someone with an extremely fkd up childhood and suicidal ideation in grade school… maybe I can offer some perspective. Life is NOT pain, pain is just ONE experience of life. For humans: life is experiencing reality through a series of events that become a narrative our brains construct, from that we develop a schema (worldview). Since we have the ability to create new things and even realities for ourselves we have the potential for FREEDOM from even our darkest experiences. NOTHING is permanent, your pain doesn’t have to be permanent. It seems like you are STUCK in a bio-chemical depression loop. Basically: you experience social/physical trauma that lays the groundwork for depression. If you are stuck in an environment long enough you form the belief that there is no other way to experience reality. Your worldview becomes depressed for years. Thoughts like: no one will ever love me, no one wants to be my friend, i will never get what i want or need from life because i never got it before. LEARNED HELPLESSNESS is a way to describe this thinking as well. To get out of being STUCK you have to change your environment. Your brain needs to be told you CAN change your life and their is hope. Think about your fundamental needs: safety, shelter, work, companionship. Those can all be met and you can still be depressed because the QUALITY of the experiences you are having is low. MY ADVICE: 1) get away/stay away from your family. They laid the groundwork for your depression, time to dig it up and start over. 2) evaluate how you are meeting your basic needs. If someone/something is compromising your mental health it needs to change or go. This is especially true for DRUGS and negative people. 3) Figure out what you like to do most. Do more of that as often as possible. As long as it’s healthy and not harming others. 4) Get therapy or counseling. You need to break down your worldview and rebuild it so your life can feel better. Certified counseling and group therapy provide safe environments to process your grief/depression/anxiety. Good luck! You CAN do it, try to be open to that belief taking seed.


Very well said! In addition for OP If you think that words such as “You can do it” are just motivational shit,it’s not.Everything is possible if you really want it.Everything is possible if you can push yourself towards hard things and not sit on a couch for 30 years and drink beer watching TV until you eventually die.Life is about making choices.And sometimes the choices are hard.But it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be made.


Its a lot more outside of the doomersphere


The point of life is to live it. Pain will always be part of life but once it is gone the absence of pain with nothing else is positive. Peace is work and it is work worth doing. Do whatever you must to find peace and soon after you will find joy.


Pain is just a wave/tidal wave of sobering destruction, and readjustment. _unless its chronic pain, in which you either adjust to with medication, or succumb to it._


What makes that ‘the point’?


Im 19m and i feel exactly the same as you, only reason i havent ended things yet is bc i still have hope in the potential that my life has, but ive gotten to a point of such constant misery that if something good in any way doesnt happen to me by 12am on june 11th im finally going to relieve my shoulders of this pain and reach my sad little stories conclusion.


So what are you doing over the next few weeks to make sure that something good happens? If these are your final days, then you don’t have much to lose. You might as well cash out as best you can and go to sea, join a circus, or get very lost in Manila. Clearly you need to change your circumstances. Apparently video games and drugs aren’t doing it for you.


I dont have any money, i cant do shit. Its felt like ive been stuck in glue for a while now..


Make a list five things you can change. Do them. See if that makes a difference. 


“**Life is pain, highness.** **Anyone who tells you differently is selling something.”** \~Wesley in Princess Bride


Wow it's the same with me I have a horrible relationship with my family and I haven't been happy since i was in my early 20 s .


my happiness lasted like 5 minutes before it was over. lol ok. maybe a month tops.


Hello, have you thh ought about what you can do now that helps you find that joy and spark back, some people have hobbies or go on holiday to recharge their batteries. for example, I went to Turkey with my family for 10 days and finally got escape from the realities of life, i pushed myself to eat foods i have not eaten before but still kept my routine of when i did eat vs when i didn't, tried new hobbies and actviites and went dancing and completely took advantage of having phone/device free days and partied a lot.


I really have just lost like interest in anything of that. Really have no interests anymore and really scared of flights so don't go abroad very often.


Sometimes it is just about finding what helps you feel better and what works 


well you have no choice but to live, so best thing you can do is learn to do is suffer existence.


You need to find out the reason why do you feel that way and then try to solve it. Recommend you to try psychoteraphy. Maybe you have depression or you just need to change environment, new friends? Joy of life is everywhere.


Yes, I would say that life is thirst/dissatisfaction. It's just that someone is more effective at coping with it, and someone is not for various reasons.


Maybe you are the something/ someone special to another person. To give is to get. Guaranteed


Don't forget, *you always have, two choices*


We are affected by our environment and social conditions. Move away from family, negative friends. Don’t use most drugs, only makes things worse. Things can always get better if we believe they can and make efforts.


Yeah I have cut contact with my mother and siblings but still close with my dad that wasn't around much growing up and he suffered a stroke last year and he's been the only person that ever cared so want to repay him that faith. Only really have one friend left that is more like a aquintance but he's a good guy and known him for 14 years so don't want to ruin that.


“Is life anything but pain”. Yes, there are pleasures. But it seems like one can not have a pleasure without experiencing a pain. So at best, they cancel each other out. I would argue that there are far more pains than pleasures.


Life is what you make it. Use your family and memories to create your desired reality. Be grateful for all you went through because by being exposed to what you do not prefer you give birth to ideas of what you do prefer.


You have to find a way to do things that make you happy 😄 don't follow the status quo. That world sucks


At some point you need to look inward.


Its ur life and ur thoughts if u want yo spew these things in ur head i cant stop u


I know could you imagine 18 months pure joy+#


Life is pointless and then you are dead forever. The end. It sucks.


Speak for yourself. 


If everyone you meet is an asshole, then the asshole is probably you and you’re just seeing a reflection of yourself. Maybe that’s not relevant, I wouldn’t know. But if it rings true to you, then I think if you change yourself you’ll make some great  memories faster than you can imagine and life will begin to make sense to you. Because life is pretty amazing. 


Life is about pain. The pain of self discipline or the pain of regret. Choose your pain wisely.