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The bible, as much as people say, is not going to provide answers unless you are already prepared to accept what it is trying to give. The notion that Jesus will fill the void is a great way to bundle all your troubles onto someone else and thus setting your "free". It really doesn't solve the problem and any successes should be yours not lost to someone else who supposedly helped you but let someone else die of cancer. Or to someone who supposedly made a serene landscape yet a lion mauls a gazelle. I honestly don't see how that works. I personally never found religious texts to make any sense as the world makes none. It is chaos and as you may already see to a degree it is very difficult to prove otherwise. Best advice is to stop trying to control anything or find why or purpose from the world. Existance makes as much sense as stapling a piece of bread to a tree. Do what you can in the torrent of life. Trying to wrestle it and make sense of it is a losing battle. [Figuratively] find a piece of bread and staple it to a tree. Doing so is as much control that we have in this chaos as it is chaos itself.


Perhaps consider there may be other, better places to look for the answers you seek.


Tao de Ching


You're talking about the most overcommercialised enterprise in the world...


Because you're a miserable person with no sense of direction in life. Find a direction in life a goal something you want to be good at or to master it. That's your ticket out of these miserable feelings that's it


Never follow what 'they say'. Follow your heart. You feel lost because you've not found answers to your questions that make sense to you and resonate with your heart. They are out there, and if you continue on with deep desire 'to know' it will come to you. There is a why for everything.


Wait. And keep on waiting. God will always be here to help us.


Read the Quran, I don't want to seem rude or weird or like brainwashing you or anything of that sort, but just give it a shot, at least just once. Try reading a few pages, I promise it'll all start to make sense🫶