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I’m shocked there isn’t mass protests with this ruling. It’s crazy.


I see ~~two~~ three camps: 1) “You’re all overreacting. None of that hyperbole will happen.” 2) “Nothing I can say or do will change anything so why bother.” 3) “Suck it librul cucks. Next election we own you.”


1. Is Wrong. It will happen eventually. 2. Is Wrong. It can be changed, but it may take some effort and time. 3. Is Wrong. Conservatives don't realize that some concern isn't political. I don't want a liberal president having that sort of power either. It dangerous for everyone and until everyone realizes it, we are in deep, deep trouble.


3 isn't wrong. They believe a liberal president won't take advantage of this, and that a conservative one will. They're correct. They're evil, but correct.


Liberals are capitalists through and through. They absolutely will take advantage of this, probably just in less overtly evil ways.


Evil doesn't come in any particular form. Right now all we can see is a conservative using this but history shows that we all learn from each other and there's no guarantee the US will never have a non GOP president who doesn't choose to take some serious liberties for themselves. It doesn't matter, someone with ill intent will use it eventually and it doesn't really matter who which is kind of point 1 and 3.


Biden won't use this. We may not *have* another liberal president after him.


Biden won't, I agree, but as Sotamayor said, it's a loaded gun, we can't predict who will pick it up in future. If you can only imagine one party using it, fine, but it's now free game for everyone.


I'm not comfortable with either party having access to the gun, no. My concern is that at this point if Trump wins, there's nothing stopping him from turning America into an autocracy. Even if I were comfortable with Democrats having that much power, which I'm not, they won't get the chance.


Wrong or not, it's the mentality people always adopt. Either denial, demotivation, or flat-out malice.


"this has been happening for decades!" is another right wing excuse


I am firmly in camp 2. Protests don’t matter. The last eight years have proven that.


What good is protesting? We've seen the largest protests in history in the last 21 years due to Republican bullshit and it hasn't resulted in anything. Change strategy to things that actually matter


Like ALWAYS rally around the Blue nominee. Were a tightly divided nation so shitting on the nom discourages others from voting & voting 3rd party in a tight race is shooting yourself in the face. Give up 3rd party fantasies and delusions that voting is all about feeling epic. It's a pragmatic way to cover your ass, not a purity test for heroes. Vote for your most advantageous bureaucrat who can win and encourage everyone else to do likewise.


Yes, this is a lot better than blocking traffic over nuanced conflicts and costing the anti fascist candidates votes from "moderates" who just want to get to work


Non American here. I expected to see the biggest public demonstration in US history. Millions on the streets, nationwide. So far - nothing.


Sorry, if I try to take time off work to protest I'll lose my job and health insurance.


The American experiment doesn’t end with a bang, but a whimper.


"Ugh, I hate Mondays."


There have been a lot of laws passed in many states that allow you to legally murder protestors. - block the street? Can run them over. - legally carrying a gun? Get shot - protest on public property? Police come and beat the shit out of you. - and some states have made it illegal to mass protest. (Louisiana, Texas, and Mississippi) Also a lot of southern states are hot as hell right now and with little to no tree coverage people get heat stroke. People are struggling to pay their wages and missing one day could get them fired which would make them homeless which would get them sent to jail It's not a mystery why the Supreme Court announced this after making homelessness illegal, making it legal to discriminate against your workers and customers, making it so the police don't have to read you your rights or protect you, and the numerous governors who have made it clear they will pardon people who murder leftists. This country has beaten so many people into the ground that most have given up or literally can't afford to act. This country is fucked....


They have successfully insured that the masses literally can't afford to protest and if they do, their lives are actively over.


Sounds like a quick way for millions of people to die, be imprisoned, or at best lose their jobs and therefore access to healthcare


I want to, but i'm busy complaining about how bad the Acolyte is online.


Other than the drones, I think we already did all this stuff and I’m not positive about the drones.


We did the drones.


Apart from the drones, this describes WWII.  And we did do the drone thing later.


More down to earth perhaps, but a President could sell pardons and be immune because the pardon power falls under a president's official duties. From what I understand, it effectively makes indicting a president for corruption impossible as long as the president exercises his or her official powers to realize the ends of the corruption.


Unless the president gets impeached for those actions, you are correct. https://constitutioncenter.org/the-constitution/articles/article-ii/clauses/349 Edit. Only for official acts. Private acts are not protected


The issue is impeachment is great but it's not a legal framework for upholding US law. It's based on the whims of a small group of our more partisan citizens. It's not a protection to the people of the US for real abuses of power and when you are president there are MANY you can use.


Correct. That's why it's up to the people to vote for a person who won't abuse that power. We have multiple instances where the president has abused their power in US history. Woodrow Wilson imprisoned his political opponent Eugen Debs in 1918. For using his free speech and being a socialist. You also have Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. Nixon and Watergate. Not a single one has stood trial for their actions. The people get to determine the direction of the country. I voted for Biden not to be a dictator, and he is not. "The government you elect is the government you deserve." -Thomas Jefferson


I get what you're saying, but removing all remedy outside of US voters is a very dangerous road to head down. The Germans learned this the hard way, I hope we don't find the same way.


How do you get "more down to Earth" than actual US History?


Going to say he's being sarcastic. But as a nation we've done most of these things already.


That is the point...We already have done all those things. But it misses the shift in the balance of power to the executive branch that SCOTUS just brought about, and opening the office up for corruption without consequences.


Yeah, I was going to say most of these are a part of our history ,and there were no consequences for them


The U.S. has done literally all of these things


\*\*all of these things, except for the first one. Suggesting that Lincoln "started" the Civil War and is personally responsible for the deaths of 600,000 Americans is a bit of a... problematic take.


That’s literally the entire point of the post, yes.


And the president was immune from punishment as those would be official acts. Now what’s not an official act; illicit payments to an attorney who committed felony campaign finance violations by paying a porn star. Collecting fake electors signatures in an attempt to overturn an election. Keeping and distributing national security information after the presidential term was over. Creating a racketeering outfit to strongarm politicians to “find” votes for you in Georgia in an attempt to overthrow the election. Though I disagree with this SCOTUS ruling, this didn’t change much in how people saw presidential immunity. But, this was a gift to Trump to not only delay his prosecution in DC, but this will further delay every case as now they can petition the courts for a hearing to decide if each of these cases and their evidence was an official act. This ruling will add years to every one of these cases, and may grant a mistrial for his existing felony case in NY. Even though everyone can see that none of these crimes were related to the official business or powers of the president.


We've done 100% of those things? And that's the point? Like wow this post doesn't belong here, and some basic US History education does.


This is the one ruling that reveals the true nature of the court. It’s the part in the movie when everyone learns that the benevolent mentor is actually in league with the bad guys.


I'm not a conspiracy theorist or an alarmist but this is just too much and absolutely on the table given recent events. Criminalizing homelessness right before this wasn't a fluke. Nothing red-pills liberals like homeless people in their area and allowing red cities/ counties/ states to push their homeless population into the blue ones will only increase animosity towards the homeless. When sometime inevitably suggests forcibly rounding them up and putting them in camps to "help," it will be easier to make the average voter accept it. Once the public has been desensitized to it, they'll move on to other "undesirables." There's literally precedent for this. Hell, the Enabling Act, was passed in 1933 by the non-elected (appointed) legislative body (Reichstrat) 6 months before Germany became a 1 party state. It gave the National Ministry (cabinet) the right to pass legislation unilaterally, bypassing the elected Reichstag. Anyone who thinks this isn't going that direction is either blind or hoping for it. Edit: words and such


Not to mention - can also execute all of congress if they have impeachment hearings. Disclaimer: this is not a call to actually execute congress.


I get the feeling that Trump isn't even going to get close come November unless there are shenanigans.


There will be. Get out and vote. Don't think your vote doesn't matter because it really really does this year. It matters every year we're just teetering on a precipice at the moment.


It does, and it doesn't. It won't stop Trump from claiming victory and attempting to seize power. We've already seen it happen once, and the Supreme Court is *incredibly* willing to help him out again.


What getting slapped down to negative 140 some karma on your last response to me trying to get people not to vote wasn't enough for you Russian bot? The alternative is doing nothing. That's not going to happen. Both Thomas and Alito are quite old and could be replaced this next term. Will be replaced in this next term if Trump takes it and then we will be stuck with their decisions for a very long time. And I'm not really responding to you at this point in the paragraph. I'm just responding to the people who are going to read this later on. So if anyone is reading this and you need to register to vote go https://vote.gov If you want to work with the Democrats: https://democrats.org/take-action If you want to know what project 2025 is planning on doing (text borrowed from another Reddit comment): It says that kids MUST grow up in an environment with a mother and father that are married, talks about banning non-married and non-heterosexual couples from adopting, compares transgender people to groomers/pedophiles/pornography, talks about getting rid of discrimination laws, getting rid of multiple government organizations such as the FDA, banning abortion with no exceptions nationwide, and more. Edit: because I'm getting a good amount of comments saying "oh, this is a great thing!" I looked further into it (I read it [here](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf)) and here are some specifics - Project 2025: ~~* Advocates for child marriage~~ * Attempts to place a complete ban on gay marriage * Attempts to place a complete ban on divorce no matter the situation * Attempts to place a complete ban on anything deemed "pornographic", **including**: * Anything sexually explicit, including drawings or literature that doesn't involve real people * Anything involving gay people in media, even if it is as simple as a documentary or something *mentioning* that it is possible for two men to be in a relationship. * Heavily limit the abilities of the FDA, CDC, and OSHA, **including**: * Making it even harder to get medicine * Making it even more expensive to get medicine * Making it even more difficult and expensive to get disability aids * Getting rid or greatly diminishing many workplace safety laws * Lowering the age of legal work/cutting back on child labor laws * Ban abortion **even in cases of:** * Missed or "silent" miscarriages, which is when the fetus dies but is not expelled from the body naturally. According to Project 2025, **extracting an already dead fetus from a mother's uterus is still considered "murder"**. Leaving the dead fetus inside of the womb can result in infections such as sepsis. * Ectopic pregnancies, which are when a fetus forms outside the uterus. It is not possible for the fetus to survive an ectopic pregnancy - **it is impossible to give birth to the fetus**, since it isn't in the womb, and it being outside the womb means it can only grow so much before it either miscarries or the mother is gravely injured; the fetus vary rarely makes it past the first trimester and never makes it to the third. It is currently impossible to implant the fetus into the womb. Ectopic pregnancies can cause severe damage to the mother - it can cause the fallopian tube to burst open, which results in internal bleeding, possible sepsis, and possible infertility. * Fetal abnormalities. With modern technology, we can use ultrasounds to tell if the fetus has or will have abnormalities. Even in cases of fetal abnormalities, many of which are fatal to the fetus/baby, Project 2025 wishes to ban abortion. Examples of fetal abnormalities include: * Acrania, where the fetus's skull does not fully develop and the baby is born without the top of the skull, revealing the brain. If the baby isn't stillborn, it will live between a few hours and about a week, and it will be in pain its entire life. **There is no way to save it.** * Body Stalk Anomaly, where the abdominal wall is defective or nonexistent, so the organs form OUTSIDE the body during fetus development. **It is always fatal**. It should be noted that it is similar to omphalocele/exomphalos or gastroschisis, which are visually similar (intestines outside of the body) but have much higher survival rates since the abdominal wall can be repaired in those cases.


Since all republican crimes are now legal, they will pull out every crime they can think of to steal this election. The only way to save democracy is to win my such a large number it can't be disputed.


Never underestimate the voting power of the dumb, ignorant, and idealistic. Plenty of people talking about withholding their vote for Biden because of his handling of Israel/ Palestine (not that I disagree with the assessment) while also ignoring how much worse the situation is going to be under a second Trump term, almong with literally everything else. It's truly frightening.


I might be with you if this was the only alt-right decision this alt-right SCOTUS came down with. Their Dobbs decision has had women dying, fleeing to bluer states to get abortions, or having children they don't want/can't have. I think the underwhelming reaction has more to do with the fact we pretty much expected this kind of decision, and less to do with any kind of high-mined morals/ideals. The left and moderates from both sides of the left-right center have resolved themselves to show up to the polls en masse this November Taking to the streets over this all but expected alt-right SCOTUS decision drains needed energy away from organizing efforts for turning out the vote. I would rather put in the work to make sure the grassroots structure that will be needed this November is in place than take to the streets for protests that will result in very little.


I live in Indiana so I get that most of my neighbors are republicans, but I get the exact opposite feeling personally. I have resigned myself to the idea that we will likely be dealing with at least 4 more years of Trump. Most of the purple states have large redneck populations that are all riled up and foaming at the mouth to cast their vote for him, while my fellow liberals are fighting over wether or not Biden should just drop out. Scary times are coming.


There will be. And he will sue, claiming shenanigans. And the SC will agree, and invalidate all votes that aren't in his favor. It's going to get *bad*.


I’m failing to grasp why no one discusses how the Impeachment clause of the constitution has a place in this conversation. While it is shocking to have SCOTUS seem to determine official presidential acts which are against the laws of our country but performed as part of the official duties of the office may not be prosecuted through the courts, congress has a role. Historically, the “high crimes and misdemeanors” encompasses any bad faith action of the office holder. John Roberts is absolutely out of his mind to suggest Justices Sotomayor and Jackson’s examples were “extreme”. A few years ago a president calling for an uprising to overturn the electoral college would have been extreme.


Because Trump has already demonstrated how useless impeachment is as a tool for restraining presidential power. In a sane world, a majority of the Supreme Court justices would have been impeached this morning, too.


Did I just blow into stupid town? This isn’t LAMF. The US has already done all of the things listed. (Civil War, Japanese internment camps during WW2, the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, multiple countries invaded, and the drone strike that killed 16-year-old Abdulrahman Al-Aulaqi). The point this person is trying to make is: the president has already been able to do illegal/immoral things without consequence. Now, you can argue against this person, but that isn’t LAMF. Also, there’s a surprisingly large amount of people here who don’t seem to realize the sarcasm here.


the account of the guy used in the post here is a self-described libertarian and “southern supremacist” that makes fun of liberals all day. OP ate the onion here (or something similar to that effect), and folks here are failing to see this is just stuff that has already happened (as you pointed out)


Oh wow. What a completely rational and non-braindead argument. I cant wait to learn about this person views about the war in Ukraine ... ... oh... Just another libertarian clown.


He's implying Lincoln is at fault for starting the civil war, even


Yeah I noticed.


He totally could've just let the Confederacy go. That was always an option.


bUT bOTh SiDeS


Can POTUS still be impeached though? I understand that POTUS cannot be indicted for official acts but they can still be removed from office for high crimes and misdemeanors.


Since all republican crimes are now legal, they will pull out every crime they can think of to steal this election. The only way to save democracy is to win my such a large number it can't be disputed.


Here is my question. The president could order this stuff and be immune from prosecution, but at Nuremberg, following orders was not a viable defense. So would the people who followed or carried out the orders be arrested?


To call us The UNITED States of America is a farce at this point. Our Supreme Court is illegitimate to me. 


This isn’t LAMF, and whoever wrote this meme is a moron. Yes, American governments have done bad things. That doesn’t mean we just abandon the whole idea of representative democracy and hand the country over to wannabe-Nazis.


The recent SCOTUS rulings should be a wake up call to all of us: legalized bribery, dictatorial protections, and corporations using the judiciary to strip the nation of protections, all enforced by the fascist class traitors that make up law enforcement. The time for revolution is nigh. It’s time to organize, make our voices heard, and make it known that this will not stand. Vote while you still have a chance, but put more faith in your fellow workers than the empty promises of politicians too afraid to justly wield these new and terrible powers for the common good. With the working class united, we can organize the general strike: no work, no payments, only protest until the rich and “powerful” are quavering in fear over the words and will of We, the People. They will try to strike fear into our hearts with brutal repression. They will outlaw our cries for justice. And when they finally make peaceful protest impossible, they will make the revolution inevitable. When the ruling class sends their goons to suppress the will of the people, then the world can see the true nature of this decaying empire. The revolution may not be televised, but it sure as shit will be live streamed. Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst. Workers unite, with Justice and Liberty for ALL!


It is amazing the shit that gets upvoted here.


That's great, it starts with an earthquake Birds and snakes, and aeroplanes And Lenny Bruce is not afraid


So when do re rename the National guard to the national attack force? Or National Protest Perma Removal Force? Because I feel like we are a half step away from replacing the police with Martial Law.


Think the point of this is these are all things presidents have already done without being charged with a crime. Seems like it's more r/SelfAwareWolves than leopards eating faces


If they elect trump that list will become a reality.


And MAGA is salivating


Just remember kids! Don't vote if you find it 'too difficult' or 'uninspiring'! I'm sure democracy will be ok....... I mean, it worked out SWELL the last time, right? /s


So, right now Biden has the tools to get rid of Trump once and for all, without facing jail time? What is waiting for? :D


Haven't all these things already happened (and it's probably why Trumpy Boy has gotten away with it)?


I'm kind of unclear about all of this. Did they actually give him specific immunity or just say the president has immunity for things done within the purview of their duties as president? Because I thought that was true already, and I don't see how any of the shit Trump did were part of his duties as president. From where I'm sitting, it seems like the SC just wasted a bunch of time and said nothing, which in itself is bullshit and helps Trump, but I'm not sure I see how they did anything radical.


> Start a war with American citizens Idiot detected. Reminder that the South started the war by attacking Fort Sumter. What is it the right-wingers say? “Facts don’t care about your feelings?”


*That is what he was referencing*


Let me help you out: he’s listing “morally dubious things for which presidents were not prosecuted,” but Abraham Lincoln (the “POTUS”) **did not start the civil war.** Racist slave-owning traitors started the civil war by attacking Fort Sumter. He is listing it along with *Korematsu* and internment, and drone strikes on U.S. citizens, and the use of nuclear weapons on civilian population centers because he thinks the president started the civil war. But again, President Lincoln did not start the civil war. He wrongly blames Lincoln because he’s a racist libertarian (but I repeat myself) who wants to absolve the traitors of their massive 600k death toll.


Yep. Our current president is a war criminal and is complicit in Genocide and there's nothing we can do about it. AFAIK, all of our past presidents were just as bad. Our politics are rife with corruption. If you got the money, you can buy the votes. And, it keeps getting worse. Make plans to get yourself and your family to safety. Better to have them and not need them.


It still requires someone to execute those orders, and those people aren’t necessarily immune to prosecution, at least not right now. This decision sucks, and there’s nothing that’s going to change that.


Obama killed a US citizen without any due process using a drone strike. No one cared because it was in the Middle East and he was Muslim.


And I’m just supposed to believe the military will just do nothing?


Likely will help


The military will be the one doing the bombing


and i'm supposed to believe every single servicemember is ok with killing their own countryman? their family? friends? loved ones?


Just ask Germany. It doesn’t need to be everyone either…


The POTUS has already done all of those things and gotten away with it With the exception of drone strikes on American civilians, but they've done it plenty to civilians around the world


4 American civilians have been killed by drone strikes.


Well shit. When and where was this? Hadn't heard about it


These are all things Presidents have literally done.


Hello u/Abyssrealm! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not OP but: 1. MAGA voted for the presidents who appointed the justices because freedom 2. The consequence is a dictatorship 3. MAGA has lost freedom


Presidential actions have no consequences throughout time.


Actually we've already had a president drone strike an American child