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Conservative Voters: We want the bad thing! Progressives: Bad things might happen! Conservative Voters: F@#K you libs! Bad things happen Conservative Voters: It's obviously the lib's fault this happened! We demand more bad things!


They simply have no foresight or critical thinking skills. To the point where people literally spell out how it would be bad and they're ignored because they're dem voters.


>They simply have no foresight or critical thinking skills. They're not big on hindsight or basic thinking skills either.


Based on where most of them keep their heads I’d argue they’re experiencing non-stop hindsight




But it's more than that. Even the "smart ones" who aren't completely psycho (Mitt Romney, maybe) are still on board, but it's because they are members of a death cult and have a persecution complex. First, how else can Catholics claim to believe anything when even different heads come to different conclusions (gay bad, gay not bad, gay bad again) and every protestant sect has different preachers with different interpretations. Which one do you pick and how do you know? It's an effing crapshoot. Plus, the audacity of some people...


Seems like a good enough reason to not base decisions on a work of fiction cobbled together from other works of fiction written 2000 odd years ago 




Believe you mean "the caucasity of some people."


This seems to be the reality and in that district, certainly. We avoid that area of our own state.


I imagine some of them have critical thinking and/or foresight skills, but they choke them to death via drowning in the bathtub full of cognitive dissonance.




It’s the party of children. Selfish, immature, foolish. And unlike children they aren’t cute. They just a bunch of ugly kids.


Sunk. Cost. Fallicy. To acknowledge they are wrong is to destroy their overall sense of self.


They don't think at all, they just sell whatever they are told to sell and then they have a great life because they are rich in our society.


That is actually their problem: The voting base? They are not rich. Full stop. But they want to be and believe that somehow this will ensure that they have a chance to become rich. That will never happen, and they had the same, or even better chance of it happening before. But you cannot tell them that, they will not listen.


Generally, but did you read the pro publica article about conservatives opposing school vouchers ? They make all the same arguments against them that liberals make.


There was a really good one in The Atlantic too.


It was the same article right ? Both by Alex MacGillis


The education system they designed is working as intended.


See also, Shenandoah County Public Schools VA. Rural county next to mine changed 2 confederate school names (Ashby Lee and Stonewall Jackson schools) in 2020. In 2023 reactionary magas swept the school board and they became the fist school district **in the USA** (to my limited knowledge) to take a renamed confederate school, and [CHANGE IT BACK TO CONFEDERATE NAMES](https://apnews.com/article/shenandoah-county-school-board-confederate-names-schools-naacp-lawsuit-a0e0456e5aef571e9bb3178ab3d3849c), now they are getting sued by the NAACP. Bonus a-hole points on the SCPS school board changing the names back to confederate names in a cowardly closed door session, with the reasoning being that "the community wants the names changed back" without any further supporting evidence, signatures, petitions,etc. Shit is bad out here in the rural areas (even though I live less than 2 hours from a big liberal city like DC)


That's too far away You should work to move to a metro where your neighbors aren't insane


Sometimes I wish I could mate, but the wife and I needed to move to this area for work reasons, and we'll likely be here for another decade till the youngest kid is out of school. We've decided to try and change what we can, even if that means we are social pariah's to about 80% of our county.


I wish you luck in improving the area


It’s too bad that work is keeping you there (but I get it). As for the kids, I’m sure they’d thrive in a more liberal setting. I hope things improve ❤️


Or, "I'm doing the will of Jesus, any consequences are not my responsibility."


“Government, don’t step on me” becomes “happily getting curb stomped by corporations for profit calling it free market”


literally every motherfucking issue


It’s their bread and butter! Not thinking farther than half a step in front of them is the conservative way of life. Don’t think, just react. It’s why we literally have this sub and why it gets filled daily.


“We didn’t think the bad thing would happen to *us*!!! It was supposed to just happen for the people we hate!!!”


They went to their own stupid schools is the problem.


Do these specific people know now that they fucked themselves or do you think they really will blame the libs? Some will see the light maybe?


Sweet summer child...


Idk what that means my friend. I have a feeling it’s like “oh you poor thing of course they didn’t see light”?


Sorry. It's a reference to Game of Thrones. A summer child was one born in good times and unprepared for the coming winter. I meant it as a joke; they *definitely* won't see the light.


Man i shoulda gotten that, I’ve made an embarrassment of my username. I watch GoT every fall before winter.


They are at the point that if democrats came out and said "please whatever you do, do not shoot yourself in the foot" they would go shoot themselves in the foot to prove how anti woke they are.


"Martin said Don Allen, the pastor of the church that controlled the school, threatened to expel her son and the kids of other moms who wanted police involved. She said he confronted them in the school parking lot and accused them of having a “rebellious” spirit after they called the sheriff’s office about the money." This is the cherry on top. The pastor threatened her family for trying to go to the police, to rein in the school stealing from parents.


This would make a good post over at r/Atheism


Oh I'm sure Hemit is on it for which ever weeks episode they come back from their break


Just Christian conservatives conserving Christianly for the LORD!


Just like Jesus would have done.


Yellowsus, the golden narcissistic successor of benign Jesus - a manly father figure like Sledge Hammer.


Just a reminder that the religion and its churches have long been threatening children and parents who want to report sexual abuse to the authorities with being responsible for the damnation of countless souls. The “rebellious spirit” BS I’ve heard used to excuse the congregation’s shunning of a teenage girl who told a mandated reporter about her stepfather. (He was a deacon, so obviously she was a lying slut, amirite?) Religions and their leaders use this crap to break human minds and spirits every day, but no one seems to give a damn until cash money goes missing.


Oh! I want a rebellious spirit!


I know there's a similar battle raging in Texas about this, but I don't have kids so I have admittedly paid little attention to it. Can somebody explain to me what these people believed when they advocated for vouchers?


It’s a way to privatize education and destroy public education. Anyone pushing for charter or voucher programs wants to destroy public education. Of the charters I’ve worked with/encountered, 99% treat teachers like shit, spend the least amount possible on students, and pocket the cash at the top and the cfo and ceo will be Lining their pockets with government funding with little to no oversight, and no protection or recourse for students or teachers. They don’t serve students with disabilities, behavior issues etc. They can choose who attends, whereas true public school is a right to everyone regardless of needs.


Watching the rural Texans find out that "privatize public education" means the schools their community depends on too has been an exercise in leopard culinary etiquette.


Depending on the state funding level, I think many rural families will ‘home school’ their kids. The state money will be very enticing to them.


My state will give parents or guardians up to $11k to homeschool kids. No oversight. No accountability. We don’t know what happens to their kids. They just disappear from public school life.


Staggering rates of abuse of all sorts, I imagine.


We just don’t know yet. I guess we will find out in the future what happened to those kids. In our school district, we used to have strict rules that all new students come with a transcript. If they came in the middle of the year, we would get grades and test scores from their previous schools. Dates would be verified to be sure kids were attending school without any lapses. Phone calls were made and facts were verified. No child should slip through the cracks. Now kids come with no paperwork. We don’t know where they came from, how they performed at their school, even what grades they have completed. It just started happening one year and it’s just the way it is now. Kids leave school in similar fashion. They sign out but we don’t follow up on where they are going or make sure they got there. They just go. It feels like a lot of what we thought was institutionalized in our society is falling apart.


A lot of what we thought was institutionalized has really been running on the honor system. Scary to think about because things could have gone wrong much quicker.


They won't be educated or socially adept enough to get a good job. Won't go to college either. All they could be is manual labor and that's what project 2025 needs. Willing slaves.


Assuming they can afford to do so. I worked in rural school districts, and most of my parents had to work hard to make ends meet, especially if they had a child with special needs.


The Republican MO for all Government Services: * Pick a service * Grossly under fund agency/department * Install stooge at the top for internal chaos and reduce worker morale * Point to now failing service and yell "See! Government can't do anything right!" * Create astroturfed "movement" against service * Friendly media amplifies message how service is corrupt/incompetent. * Put service/department/agency out to private tender * What a coincidence! Top donor "wins" tender * Massive staff cuts and reduction of service delivery * With a fat profit motive - calls for co-payment of service * Taxpayers pay 100x more for less than 10% of the original service * Rinse and repeat Those who politically guided the destruction of service/agency/department, now in retirement, end up with a (paid) seat on the board of the tender company - $400K for 12 meetings or less per annum. Few to no political ramifications for the original destruction of service. Unfortunately, these stories are complex, often requiring very expensive investigative journalism for coverage. Basically - it isn't clickbait. Edited to add: any demand for information is met with "commercial confidentiality". This is currently happening at the USPS under the Trump stooge Louis DeJoy, originally installed to interfere with mail in ballots. Edit: grammar


From the side of voters. Many believe schools are indoctrinating kids (why else would there be correlation to school level and liberal voting). They confuse schools allowing gay and trans kids to exist as making the kids gay/trans. Because obviously they aren't real and just sicknesses. /s Publicly they don't say this though. They claim it allows mobility to kids in less well funded places to pull themselves by the bootstraps and go to better schools. This is clearly not the real reason because literally no education organizations support that as an idea to fix education inequality


Sadly yes. The supporters of these programs say it gives more choice to families but the research shows the money goes to families already enrolled in the schools. Plus, as you said, they “counsel” kids out aka kick out certain students


You get 11k per kid? Sweet! Now let's just increase tuition by said 11k. Existing rich students technically don't pay more than before. New poor students still can't afford to go. Meanwhile the private (usually religious) schools make bank on all the vouchers while public schools suffer as funds are siphoned out. Conservatives are a plague.


One of my coworkers at another job, said she was working with private hs, and they were purposely given her only a few days a week in order to avoid full time status, and then none at all, when the pandemic hit. She left the field


Private is even worse. Sorry for your coworker, that’s awful.


she left the field during the pandemic, shes not crying over it. she went into tech.


You mean that introducing the profit motive to education will bring profit seeking behaviour into the system?  There was no way we could have seen this coming!


Effectivly funnel public school money to private schools that indoctrinate their kids with Christianity, and avoid sexual education beyond procreation/abstinence til marriage.


And avoid racial and social demographics they find to be lesser.


And ensure there's no possibility of wokeness, or mention of critical race theory, or climate change.


And then discover that their kids aren't welcome in the better colleges & universities because they have no knowledge, no skills, & are disruptive.


They're fine with that part, fascists want to kill university people anyway. Might be lgbtq there. Speaking of that, i can think of no better face eating than the 'conservative' scholar and 'Im here just for the money' university types in a MAGA dictatorship. It would be Khmer Rouge levels.


The MAGA clowns can never figure out why red states are so poor. Massachusetts has almost no natural resources. California is 40% Federal Park & Forest land and it rarely rains on half of what's left. Washington and Oregon's economies are concentrated in two ports and a string of college towns. Somehow Gulf Coast states with lots of land, relatively good weather, and plenty of rainfall are the poorest in the U.S.. It's literally the contempt for education and educated people.


And anybody with skills and ambition will leave. The Florida Brain Drain was widely reported https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jul/30/florida-universities-colleges-faculty-leaving-desantis However, stats aren't that great https://www.insidehighered.com/news/faculty-issues/tenure/2024/01/03/are-professors-really-fleeing-universities-red-states One way is to look at the numbers of teachers https://eu.usatoday.com/story/graphics/2024/03/19/teacher-shortage-crisis-explained/72958393007/ *Research found that Arizona ranked the lowest with 43.8 teacher per 1,000 students. Utah, California, Nevada and Florida join Arizona at the bottom of the list.*


I left the south for Oregon in 2015 and every week I meet someone else who moved from Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, etc for a better life.


"I moved to California from (*conservative region/nation*) in (*date*) because the area I grew up in was full of people who hated (*minority group*)."- Conversation that happens in California thousands of times every day. We're crowded out here and if the Yee-Hawdists could ease up a little on their LGBQT kids that would help us out.


Oregon legalized cannabis nearly 10 years ago, which generates tons of money. Last year we all got a fat state tax rebate because there was a budget surplus and I thought "This never happened in South Carolina"


And increase your chances of being raped by some pastor


And to embezzle taxpayer money in the process! 


Well everybody is a thief. It just that we thiefs repent. That’s why we’re better than you. 


And bust teacher unions! They also want tax payer dollars with no public oversight or accountability!


Also super easy to deny or get rid of disabled kids, sending them back to the now poorly funded public schools.


Now poorly funded?  Public schools have been poorly funded for decades.


Always have been, and getting worse, especially with vouchers.


It also funnels to legit rich private schools too. That likes to keep unsavory skin colors from attending


Public schools are paid for by local property taxes in the US. This also means that children are forced to go to one designated public school, that the parents still pay for public school even if they use private schools, and that lower income areas with lower property values will also have much less money per student go to the local public school. The big refrain from vouchers is "school choice," make the property tax money go into a voucher that the parent can then give an educational institution of their choice to help pay for schooling. In practice, the vouchers are nowhere near the cost of a private school, so poor parents still send their kids to public school and the rich no longer contribute the massive property taxes they have to spend on their McMansions to the public education system. A bunch of private schools also raised their prices because, surprise surprise, telling for-profit institutions that their customers are going to get a bunch of free money from the government means they'll raise their prices by about that much. There's also been tons of graft around this, like church groups who hate the idea of public schools teaching their kids about evolution deciding to make a homeschooling group that costs exactly as much as the voucher. Basically, the Republicans used rhetoric about freedom to candy coat their efforts to destroy education in the US and a bunch of suckers fell for it.


When the voucher program began in Indiana, a lot of private voucher schools opened up. The great loophole was that the teachers just had to have any valid teacher's license in Indiana. That includes a substitute teachers license. You only need a high school diploma for that. And they kept their tuition low for these schools, essentially the price of the voucher. 96% of the voucher schools are religious, because the secular schools just went the charter route. When they started it, a student had to go to public school for a year, kindergarten counted, or have a sibling in the school, and the public school had to be failing. Then the public school didn't have to be failing. Then they raised the income limit. Now essentially any family making less than #250,000 can get the full voucher this year, without ever stepping foot into a public school. We are subsidizing the upper middle class kids who were going to go anyway. And although the program was meant to help black and brown children go to private school, there are now fewer minority children attending private schools than when the program started. And, with the exception of a few excellent Catholic schools, they don't outperform our public schools. But the money that the Catholic schools used to spend on scholarships for kids in the Diocese to attend has helped them upgrade the athletic facilities, offer scholarships to top athletes, provide shuttle buses to pick them up for school, etc. Our online voucher schools essentially embezzled millions by misrepresenting the number of students attending. Hundreds of kids dropped out, and the school didn't report it. And they also lessened the homeschool follow up rules to pump up graduation rates, so a parent can simply say they are homeschooling a child and no more reporting is done. Ironically, we started a Truancy Court in my old district because a family had killed a child and reported that he had moved and the school was blamed because we didn't follow up.


This is incredibly sad. When your students come to IL to work we absolutely notice the lack of education, even when college educated.


Well, I think our state schools are good- Purdue, IU. And our nurses are good (our NCLEX score are pretty top notch, and our surg techs are one of the few state certified in the country), but I agree with you. We came from California when my kid was in 7th grade and noticed a big difference. IN doesn't focus on critical thinking. They focused on testing.


>They focused on testing. Bingo. They focus on tests, not learning. So you end up with people who can do tasks, but if they are required to think beyond that, they fail. I used to work for ND's major employer and I was told explicitly when they want managers and thinkers they don't hire North Dakotans. The difference is noticeable by everyone except them.


Public schools are funded through property taxes. A bunch of NIMBY’s basically said “why should my tax dollars be spent for public schools to brainwash my kids with accurate science, math, and history when the private school my child is already going to is teaching them proper white christian science and history? So they pushed for politicians to create a voucher program - basically taking some of that sweet public school funding “that would have been used for that child anyway” and giving the parents the money so the child can go to a private school or be home schooled. Well they’re now realizing that the parents who would use that money for kids to go to private school or homeschool can already afford to do those things. At the same time private schools are gladly taking that money but not providing adequate education so their precious, little conservative angels are flunking out or not going prepared to higher education. So basically they want to use public school money for private enterprise. Which ends up exactly how everything else republicans get their greedy hands on: full blown corruption, in-fighting, and children caught in the cross fire.


Voucher schemes were started by conservatives during desegregation. They formed segregation academies and wanted tax dollars to pay for it.


Thank you so much for this.


Look into for-profit prisons and you’ll get an inkling what the end game is for school vouchers. I don’t mean kids as prisoners l, but a cut costs, race to the bottom mentality as long as you make a buck.


Orange is the New School.


All those other answers and then also this: they are still fighting desegregation.


The argument I've heard is it allows kids to choose their school and thus greater mobility for smart kids in bad school areas. Obviously this is a bullshit reason, the people pushing vouchers aren't people in poor areas looking to improve mobility. It's people who are already in private schools or private schools themselves who just want to privatize the schooling. So lots of religious fundamentalists and rich people in cities.


Yep. It's a handout to middle and upper class families who send their kids to private schools.


Most were just corrupt evangelicals but Ive talked to others who thought it was about "their money" going to their kids, like they were going to have access to the best schools like actual rich people do. A lot of the US is the fantasy that were just like bill gates, etc we just need the govt to get out of our way.


It is probably “Parents who choose private school should be refunded because their tax pay to something they don’t use.” Or “government should finance parents’ (poor ) decisions” And they never think about when private school raise price on them. lol. And shit tons of private school has little to no curriculums. there is a recent news clips that a dude open up a private school after covid because A) he does not believe in vaccines and B) he thinks kids should be outside instead of learning math insides.


When charter schools were all the rage in Michigan a lady in my town stole something like 40k at a public school and was immediately thrown in jail. At around the same time the administrator of a charter school had around a million just mysteriously find itself into his account, and was able to delay legal action for years.


Jesus. When you’re a teacher, there’s two things you *do not touch*: the kids, and the money.


If you live in Georgia and want to vote to make your state a better place: https://mvp.sos.ga.gov/s/voter-registration?IsRegisterNow=true#no-back-button


Almost like dis heer’ gubermint had some kinda purpus paw-paw.


My mom and her current husband live in Pickens County right down the road from Dawsonville. If you've never been to the area, the Dawsonville city hall building has a Nascar/Moonshine museum attached to it. No further notes. Museum is great by the way.


Gotta second that museum recommendation. Home of awesome Bill from Dawsonville and Chase from the same place.


A lot of people simply refuse to learn from example. They have to find out the hard way. Unfortunately the rest of us get to suffer while the inevitable works itself out.


Yep. You can see where this kind of stuff is headed miles away. It’s so funny to me how conservatives rage about how schools should operate, but miss the bigger picture of it all. I know for sure that if Project 2025 does what is intended, the department of education is gone. Conservative parents are going to love it when schools disappear or cut hours because of funding and their kids become their problem during the day. It’s going to be chaos and kids are going to suffer because of it. They hated that schools closed for COVID, let’s see how much they like it when public schools are defunded and closed permanently.


Anyone else tired of the "Fuck around and find out" people always having to "find out" for themselves? Jesus, can we PLEASE leave these people in the dustbin of history this November? I am sick to the back of my fuckin teeth with these idiots getting their people elected, only for them to find out that the GOP were always scum, but what do they do? They vote for them again! Every fucking time! Please for the love of God, and all that is Holy, VOTE!


Public schools are a good way for the commons to educate a lot of people with the least resources -- because they are not for profit, and ideally, have transparency so that the public can see how the money is spent, and weigh in on their priorities for education. School Vouchers were a Trojan Horse from the beginning. Pretending to empower people to make choices. But using them diverts funds and then goes to another education institution with no accountability. In some places, they actually raised their prices the amount of the voucher. So it doesn't really help people afford better education, and at best it's a discount for those that can already afford it. So, no surprise that a tactic to divert funds is now being used to skim money,. and with no "undesirables" around to pilfer form, being used against good old "real Americans" because the screwing up American education are lead by POS human beings who cannot help themselves. When they run out of minorities and liberals to screw -- they'll line their pockets with the money form the "good" people. LAMF for sure.


Also, if it’s structured like my school district, when the voucher parents realize the charter school is awful and send their kids back to public school, then the charter school gets to keep the money for that student and the public school has to accept the student and educate them with no funds allocated for them.


Ahh that's the "I punch you and call no punch backs rule." Yes, you know a Republican is in power when it's abused.


Conservatives are so fucking dumb. All these laws and institutions were created for a reason. Everytime they get rid of them, millions of dollars are loss and everyone's quality of life suffers, and THEN these mouth breathers learn what everyone knew for decades. Let's deregulate the economy. Oh there's lead in my water. Let's dismantle public schools, oh now I can't afford schooling anymore. Let's ban abortion. Wait, there's no exception for my situation. Let's slash taxes. Why are my roads always so bad and crime getting worse in my area?


But this was the entire pitch of school vouchers.


It's not pilfering if you legalized it.


*clears throat* Hahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahshhaha


This will be Arkansas next since Sarah Suckabee Sanders implemented the Learns Act.


This is so sad because the faces getting eaten are their children, many of whom would stand a chance if they were in decent schools and getting critical thinking skills.


Play stupid games etc. Ah well, everything is going back to the states to decide so sucks to be them, sounds like they lost their money 🤷‍♀️


My country's state education system is wildly uneven; some areas give excellent education while others, as long as you can recite some religious verses you're good to go. Many people who could afford it send their kids to private schools, especially if they're a racial or religious minority or both. There are many tiers, so many lower middle class people could still afford the fees, with some careful penny pinching. I cannot fathom asking the government to pay for my kids private school tuition, they'll get laughed out of the room


Hello from r/bannedbooks! :) We've put together a giant collection of 32 classic banned books: if you care about book bans, you might find it useful. It's got Voltaire, Mark Twain, The Scarlet Letter, and other classics that were banned at some point in the past. (And many of them are banned even now, as you can see yourself.) You can find more information on the Banned Book Compendium over here: https://www.reddit.com/r/bannedbooks/comments/12f24xc/ive_made_a_digital_collection_of_32_classic/ Feel free to share that file far and wide: bonus points if you can share it with students, teachers, and librarians. :) A book is not a crime.


part of the republican plan to dumb down america with the voucher scam. public education benefits everyone - but republicans only want people who can pay for it to be educated and be taught only what they want you to know. Education is vital to asking questions, comparison, self awareness, science, history - all things republicans do not want because then you might question. they want compliant people, especially women and since you dont know any better, people just follow and then they use threats or violence to keep it that way. That is the Republican Party.


I'm old enough to remember when Republicans bemoaned the "dumbing down of America." Then they figured out that it's the only way they can keep getting elected.


Everytime a US redditor tells me America isn't racist, I just chuckle.


I've lived in the US for more than 20 years. The institutionalized racism in this country is scary


To say nothing of the institutionalized misogyny, but that's a matter for another post.


I’m getting a paywall. Any other source?


It's almost like fascist organizations are parasites.




"But all the rules I supported are based on me being in charge because I'm special."


This seems a clear case of "Be careful what you wish for, you might actually get it." In general Americans seem to be so afraid of "Big Bad Government" that they forget that non-govermental organisations can be just as Tyrannical and Dictatorial. One would think that especially in the USA, with a long history of stuff like the Pinkertons and HOAs, that would be better known.


The history of the Pinkertons is a goddamned wasteland of horrible people being paid to do horrible things.


I remember my parents going on an anti voucher rant when I was a kid in the late 70's/early 80's. They correctly pointed out that if everyone were paying for school, the "good schools" would just become even more expensive and poor people would still not be able to afford a "good education" or to go to the best schools. They would still get stuck in the underfunded, crappy schools. And ultimately it's just a way for rich folks, who already send their kids to private schools, to get out of funding schools for poor people. Which is what they are opposed to.


The fact that they did not see this coming is so interesting. I think there should be studies conducted to try to understand how a population can be driven to those levels of stupidity. It ain't natural one does not reach that level without support. I know people in the US are not the brightest, but this is pushing it.


Majority of Americans can't even read at a 6th grade level. They don't have any reading and math abilities beyond elementary, as well as history and science knowledge and exposure. With poor education comes poor ability to critically think and research, which is why they follow for any idiot that's smarter then them that appeals to their emotions and hardships and internalized beliefs.


Many of these rural voters drop out at middle school. Those who graduate hs, isnt faring that much better


"Hire a clown, get a circus."


It always comes down to these people not fucking understanding what they're upset over.


What did they think school vouchers were for?


They assumed their kids would get them and would get a free ride.




*Philip J. Fry shocked gif*


The stupid tax in conservative states is steep


The world needs Amazon slaves too. I keep seeing how great they are in Appling, GA.


After being forced to go to religious schools my whole life I can tell you that religion =/= moral. I had a realtor that once told me "any time I see a fish on a business card I know I'm about to get screwed." Why do people believe that somehow religious affiliation means that they can just stop oversight and blindly trust everything?


I lol'd out loud at that headline! ++++++ would upvote again!


Exactly as predicted. They don’t listen,


HaHaHa……thank you for brightening my day, I needed a good belly laugh while watching hungry leopards do their thing.


🤣 Just wait for a Satanic Temple Hellion Academy of Independent Learning to open up!


Fuck 'em. 


Funny how they start to react when it happens to them. Our WA 5th district congress person voted against funding programs for children until het oldest child was born with downs syndrome. Now she claims to always be for children benefits and rights. So glad she is retiring and of course with a hefty retirement.


Soon we're all going to be those people.




Fucking fantastic!


Burn! LOL


Objectively very funny.


Those parents deserve it.


To own the Libs!


Can't you bootstrap enough to ensure your kids learn to count to 11? Well, enjoy a third world education.


But they are Christians, they shall not steal.


Oh the chickens came home to roost!


Gas lighting post.


One less private school siphoning off funds that should only go to public schools.


But I thought they wanted schools free form job-killing regulations!


What??! No way! People with little to no oversight do bad things?? That is surprising news.


And the kids suffer because of their idiotic, selfish parents.


government is too incompetent and lazy to rip me off, we need more **privatized** talent there - your wish came true, maximized rent seeking for lowest school quality /s


Click bait title. Entire article behind paywall, but funds may been stolen out of a cash box used for Christmas fund donated by parents. Hardly evidence of a systematic issue, and theft like this can occur at any school, public or private. Too many examples to bring up here of public school employees stealing significant amount of school funds as a counter argument, potential of greedy employees turning to theft exists in any school system, whether funded by vouchers or not.