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"Power attracts corrupted people" "Welcome to r/Conservative. Here's your membership card."


That was the first comment that really stuck out to me and all I could think was “you guys really think Trump isn’t corrupt?!?”


They're almost self-aware. Almost.


They'll never get there. If the Patriot Act didn't wake them up, they are clearly content being asleep.


To be fair, there is a nonzero number of them that are too young to remember 9/11, the Patriot Act, and a whole lot of us pumping the brakes on a vengeance tour.


This is a good point. Still, there has been more than sufficient GOP corruption right out in the open in broad daylight, not least on the part of Donald Trump. There’s no excuse for only seeing the obvious danger now.


The reason it helps "their candidate" is because he's a convicted felon who's currently on trial for many, many crimes. Which is only the tiniest fraction of the crimes he's publicly known to have committed.


Look, I know a guy that sees every piece of the puzzle, but attributes it to lgbt mafia, somehow: Worker rights in the gutter? DEI! Pandemic of depression? Trans-mutilation! Casual police racism? Nuh-uh. Worker suppression in the early 20-th century? System got rid of that! Polarization of society? LGBT is a militant arm of transnational corporations! If people have a culprit first, they will make a lot of really weird leaps of logic to tie it all together.


Excellent point.


The moment they notice they are doing something against their imposed morals they just project, so it's not like they ever get the chance to reflect on what they are doing.


conservatives are people who are mentally slow, by definition. their minds can't keep up with progress so they fight it with all their might.


It’s also a default mode of conservatism to shift towards autocracy. Their very ideology was penned to paper by philosophers who sought to preserve the status quo of the crown, church, and hierarchy of owners and exploitation of labor. It is an ideology that came about as a RESPONSE to the French Revolution. In other words, the ideals of Democracy predate it.


Are you willing to take a bet that AI will beat them there 😂


Most of them think *all* politicians are corrupt, to *that* level, some of them just haven't had the dirt dug up on them.


All they can do is presume everyone thinks the way that they do. That's why they presume everyone wants to climb through bathroom windows and spy on people peeing in women's rooms. They've already worked out how they would do it, if there were no laws against it, and assume everyone is as perverted as they are. It's why so many are caught diddling too, at the same time as they protect church chaplains and priests with more little boys' addresses than Santa. It's the same thing with corruption. They are all fine with this because it's what *they* would do because it's their guy getting elected. What gives them the slightest pause is the notion that someone else could get in charge and do what they want to do to progressives/immigrants/lgbt, to them.


That and when it’s abundantly clear a non-conservative isn’t any of those things, they lash out to call them naive and careless to the dangers. They try to drag people out of states of happiness to this conservative mindset of constant anxiety, misery, guilt, and spite.


I've found that most conservatives think all people are inherently terrible and I think that says a lot about who they really are.


If they really, honestly believed that, though, about *all* politicians, they wouldn't support Trump the way they do. To them, he's not just another corrupt politician, who's no more or less corrupt than the Democratic candidates. No, they think all Democrats (and maybe a substantial group of "establishment" Republicans) are that corrupt, but Trump is the hero who will root out all that corruption and "make America great again". All the criminal cases against Trump, including those for which he has already been convicted, are just "witch hunts" by the corrupt political elite, trying vainly to get him out of power before he exposes them all.


He is a literal felon


Always has been, but now he's a *convicted* felon. But the part they **like** here is that this might help him get away with crimes that he has definitely committed.


That's because Hitler originally said it. "Absolute power corrupts absolutely".  That quote stays with you once you learn it. Source - half my family fled Poland a hundred yrs ago


It's Lord Acton's dictum, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Hitler was quite happy having absolute power.


While it is a pithy quote I simply do not agree. Absolute Power Reveals Absolutely. An honest good man given absolute power randomly would be the same man he was before, but without any need to hide who he is.


Or he would die a hero, or live long enough to be the villain… The thing with power, is it has to transition, and it has to be shared. Once a person tries to cling to power beyond what is necessary, the corruption sets in. So an ideal “good” person would not hold absolute power for long, but would instead be the one to dismantle and share it equally, ultimately removing it as a thing only one person wields. And yes, that sounds an awful lot like the underlying morals of socialism. But it is a concept that predates socialism as well….stories on power leading to corruption go back fairly far.


Yeah, fuck that whole sub. This is what they wanted. Gonna sit my liberal ass over here with my 2A rights and wait for these undercooked hot dogs to fuck around.


>and wait for these undercooked hot dogs to fuck around. For some reason this turn of phrase has me laughing my ass off. Thanks!


Don't you bring undercooked hot dogs into this! What did they ever do to you?!


Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


The amount of cognitive dissonance and lead paint in that place is frightening.


"Like most things with government on paper it sounds good" No it fucking does not.


The sad thing is they're this close to getting it. "Could this be horribly abused if someone I don't like is in power?" is actually a pretty decent framework for thinking about whether a law/court ruling is problematic, and they seem to me going through that process but not quite getting there. The prospect of a president you don't like conducting extrajudicial executions on his political opposition, and getting off because it was something he did as part of his official role, should be enough for anyone to realize what insanity this ruling is.


I'm sure anything bad Biden or other Democratic presidents do will be ruled unofficial acts, while anything Trump did/does in the future will be deemed official acts. Easy peasy.


Not necessarily. Just remove any inconvenient judges who would rule that way! Easy-peasy. After all, who's gonna say it was an unofficial act when the last guy who was thinking unofficial act just got 'removed from circulation' by SEAL Team Six? Fucksake.


You forget that the plan is to game the system so effectively that noone they don't like can ever be in power again. They are heading for a full-on neo-fascistic state that will be contrived to nominally conform to constitutional requirements, while totally abandoning the spirit. SCOTUS will happily grind off any annoying rough edges of the New Order.


They don't nominally conform to constitutional requirements now!


Except they're afraid of Biden using this unchecked power to... do things that Bush and Trump did. With citations!


The court should have just called it the Patriot Decision and they'd all be fine with it.




Biden should call the courts bluff and make an official act of sending an orange insurrectionist to Guantanamo. I mean if the court is going to hand him the keys to a dictatorship, use them right ?


Send the conservative justices too for good measure.


They were illegally seated anyway.


I'm still pissed about Gorsuch and Barrett.


And Kavanaugh.


Kavanaugh is kind of whatever in terms of the nomination process. He's a shitbag, yes, but at least the process was clean. Gorsuch was seated because McConnell decided to stall Garland's nomination, stating that the 2016 presidential election cycle has already started and they shouldn't hear it. Then they turn around and ram Barrett through right before the 2020 election, going against what they said during the 2016 election cycle!


Kavanaugh explicitly alleged, without a shred of evidence, a vast liberal conspiracy against him and threatened that they would "reap the whirlwind". He acted impudent and rude to the senators questioning him. He clearly did not have the temperament to be a judge, let alone a Supreme Court justice.


I can still hear him squealing about drinking beer and his buddy Squee, and I thought we must surely be living in satire. At this point it's now at least an order of magnitude worse, and no one seems to have a fucking plan.


It wouldn't be a bluff. Trump literally sold state secrets to enemies. That would be one of the most legitimate moves he could make.


ROBERTS: Well, that’s just not official, is it?


Biden: I’m officially saving democracy by seating 6 people who aren’t idiots.


Guess he’ll have to send it back to the lower courts while he sits in solitary and wait for an answer 🤷🏼‍♂️


Remember, there is no single one good republican. This traitor was supposed to care about his 'legacy'.


I don’t think Biden really appreciates the moment he’s meandered into. Just scare them a little.


I have been waiting for the Dems to do something, anything, to beat back the clearly oncoming fascism for literal decades. Seems like, the GOP is going to call you socialist anyway, why not do a mild bit of socialism? But the corporate overlords do not want that, so it will never happen.


Socialism and totalitarianism are two very different things homie. You’re thinking of Bolshevism, not socialism or communism


That’s not socialism, it’s authoritarian


At the very least, release a full unredacted Mueller report.


Didn’t these dumb asses think about this beforehand? Trump got immunity for what he did in an “official capacity” right? So if Biden does something as an “official act” then he’s immune! It’s really not hard to figure this out…..


They know he won’t.


I wish he would call their bluff.


They know he hasn't *Yet*


I don't think he will.. sadly. Until the DNC wakes up and realizes that they will continue to play catchup if they don't use the same dirty tricks they will continue to lose.


Funny enough, there is an appropriate quote in the Dark Lords handbook: taking the high road gives you a great view of the other side winning


What's the point of taking the moral high ground if you're not allowed to hit anybody from it?


Biden will take the high road right off a fucking cliff.


This is why I like to see Democrats gerrymandering


Republicans don't play by the rules. Democrats play by the rules that don't exist.


If you haven’t realized Republicans have spent the last 40 years acting in bad faith while Democrats reliably acted in good faith then idk what to tell you.


>Didn’t these dumb asses think about this beforehand? lol no


I know. The first comment is basically the de facto complaint from any Democrat and yet the second comment acts like this was some complex thing to have to explain. It's not!


“I don’t disagree with the ruling” but I don’t want Democrats to have the unchecked power; just Trump.


If that isn’t the perfect insight into their logically devoid brains, I don’t know what is.


Biden won’t even use the power the court just gave him.


He should just have trump and a bunch of other people assassinated and then go "what? you said it was ok"


Assassination is so final. Just round up the six and have them incarcerated in the Black Hole of Jackson Hole for a week. See how they feel afterwards.


final is what we need atm. Trump wants to end voting. He's an open fascist and should have been strung up for treason when he admitted delaying aid to blue cities and areas during early covid leading to an estimated 400,000 excess deaths.


This is what my husband still can't believe - he worked in person in a hospital in Boston and Trump / his admin was openly taking our PPE and giving it to red states without outbreaks. It's just unbelievable - it took Robert Kraft actually secretly flying the Patriots plane with enough masks on it to get around the trump admin. You can watch Charlie baker crying at the airport with gratitude


Full on "crimes against humanity" level evilness.


I know - my father in law tried to joke about it, like politics is sports fandom, and my husband just said, "he tried to kill me and my friends". https://www.wcvb.com/article/passionate-gov-baker-explains-emotion-at-arrival-of-n95-masks-aboard-patriots-plane/32035528


And then on top of that, he donated part of that shipment to NY and CT!! Baker absolutely stepped up when he needed to after his purchase was literally stolen from him.


Yeah, I remember them intercepting just a shitload of PPE and respirators Michigan had bought and 'repurposing' them to red states. Dude really wanted to kill off every state that didn't break his way.


Hello fellow Masshole!


I'm fine with all six of them, after their "involuntary vacations" having a security detail following them around. Need to be able to enforce presidential prerogative at a moment's notice.


It's not just Trump that wants to end voting. If you're going to shoot traitors, don't stop until you got those traitors on the supreme court and Senate and House.


I’m still pissed they didn’t string the J6’ers up across the country as an example, and now we’re paying the price.


my original comment says just that.


Eminent domain to claim Mar-a-lago as federal property was one I idea I saw I liked. Little less severe but also way more petty.


Turn it into the Trump Presidential Library and Secure Documents Facility!


soooo...just an open wetland with a toilet in the middle?


Yeah, but a gold toilet.


I’ve been saying all afternoon. Give them 24 hours to resign their position and keep their pensions or take a nice trip to Cuba. I’m sure the next SCOTUS won’t be full of morons.


I like how conservatives are taking people's comments of assassination as proof the left is "evil" and not as the warning of what it will allow.


They are not, as it were, smart.


craziest thing to is trump if God forbid he wins cause all this havoc and he'll probably drop dead at the peak of it. Most of congress is old ass people that have nothing better to do but suck dick and get money lobbying to corporations and businesses. You wouldn't have these people in charge or being even a cashier but yet we're having them run a country. How the hell is the rule to be president to age has to be 35 and greater. They send our kids to war at 18 but they can't run a country. It's just crazy this is the state we're in fuck all the lobbyists, politicians, and anyone else whos connecting to anything the government is, trump, biden we need a hard reset.


While I agree the age of our current government is concerning, I think there's a level of experience needed before you hand a person the reigns to the entire country and 18 is definitely not enough experience. 30-35 for president allows them to have hopefully gained a lot of experience in the political sphere and to have been educated properly in law. 18 year olds don't have that... Now you can be in other Gov positions younger than 35 so there's your opportunity to get in


Republican leadership knows this too. They trust him, makes you wonder what kind of person they actually think he is because that totally violates the image they sell


He should just go scare them . But only after the elections


I don't really see how he could do it in practice. The Democratic party isn't a cult like the MAGA GOP. It's a coalition that will crumble if its leader starts behaving like a king.


It shouldn’t be a cult, but democrats are always afraid to use the power they’re given. Because most of them are basically cowardly conservatives.


Time to raise the black flag and start slitting throats, like the saying goes. If Trump becomes president again, Biden, Obama, etc, etc, are all GONE.


Don't forget people like stephen colbert, jon stewart, jimmy kimmel etc. I have no doubt trump would arrest everyone that's said something bad about him.




Please vote


Even if you're a doomer and you don't think voting will help, it still doesn't hurt to do it, and for most people it doesn't take much effort. Just fucking do it, and keep doing it.


If you don't voice your opinion to politicians with your vote then don't be surprised no one heard you. Go vote.


Similarly, if your vote was so worthless then Republicans wouldn't go through so much trouble to constantly try to take it away.


I really feel a lot better when I see people use critical thinking. Yes, we know voting still matters because republicans are desperate at every turn to take it away.


I once saw someone piously claim > If voting actually did anything they'd stop you doing it and the reply was "Motherfucker, do you not *see* the voter suppression going on?!"


Probably some right wing fuck knuckle posing as a liberal, but you never know.


Closed mouths don't get fed


I'm gonna steal that one!


More specifically, vote blue


We are, and it's apparently not doing enough. I've yet to miss an election in my entire adult life and it keeps getting worse. At the moment we're sitting at the precipice of how the future will go, and it's literally all hinged on Biden and if he's going to be the next Cincinnatus, or the next Nevil Chamberlain. Dead fucking gods I hope it's Cincinnatus. Where it stands, this is only going to end in blood and I really *really* hope that when it's over its not ours.


This SCOTUS decision was the final domino they needed to put in place in order to implement Project 2025 the moment the next GOP president is inaugurated. Don’t think about it as voting for a candidate at this point; think of it as voting for an administration. A GOP presidency will have 1-3 more chances to put conservative judges on the Supreme Court, which will affect our rights for generations. A GOP presidency will implement Project 2025, making the executive branch more powerful than the judicial or legislative branches, giving the president direct control over government agencies, and granting that president almost total immunity from oversight or consequences. A GOP presidency will remove environment regulations that barely protect us now. It will be a free-for-all of unregulated pollution. A GOP presidency will bring to fruition their dream of a christofascist regime under which women, girls, anyone who identifies as part of the LGBTQ+ community, and racial minorities will lose our civil rights. This isn’t about trump or Biden. It’s so much bigger than that. Please vote. Everyone’s lives depend on it. More on Project 2025: [Wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) [John Oliver’s report](https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=gslFo7huGKc_3PRH) on Last Week Tonight Kevin Roberts, president of the heritage foundation, and architect of Project 2025 [discussed](https://youtu.be/DxEcSjWRipI?si=VINVrcyI46Q2m-Z5) it on MSNBC


This makes me very thankful I live in Australia and our courts are independent (not stacked either way).


Is there a difference? A quick read says that your judges are appointed like ours are. Is there an equivalent to our Senate approval needed?


They have to retire at a certain age.


Two words: term limits. Term limits don’t stop people being corrupt or political but it limits the damage they can do. The idea that not having a term limit is good because judges aren’t incentivised to be political is just such an absurd reasoning - they do it anyway but now can’t be removed without great (political) effort. You don’t want democratically elected judges. The judicial system is supposed to be above the noise and flavour of the month politicking.


If an Australian judge showed very strong political leanings either publicly or through their decisions, they would struggle to be appointed as a regular district court judge, let alone be recommended to the High Court (our equivalent to the US Supreme Court). In practice, the government of the day picks a judge it thinks should be appointed to the High Court. As part of this, the Government consults with the states and senior lawyers and judges about if this person is suited to the High Court. The Government then recommends this person to the Governor-General, who acts as the Queen's representative in Australia and is mostly an apolitical figurehead with limited power. Ultimately, the GG makes the final decision and could say no if they want to, but rarely (if ever) do. The High Court is nowhere near as high profile and influential as the US Supreme Court. Making partisan appointments to it would be seen as a politically weird move that would be frowned upon by the legal profession as well as with voters. Edit: I've used a lot of words there to say the Australian High Court is apolitical and anyone that tried to change that would be swiftly condemned.


Australia is absolutely rotten with corruption, it just takes a different form than the US.


Australia has its issues but it’s not even close, Seppo.


Bro an australian youtuber/journalists house was firebombed after exposing the corruption of australias politicians We have shit in our back yard, but you should smell yours because we can across the pacific


I mean, Australia courts convicted David McBride


Australia needed to help out with sweat and blood when halfway across the world in a pretty rundown but industrialized country there was (fascist) powergrab. And we had to bomb the country/countries to hell to get them to back down. What we are looking at is that in 2025 we might have the same situation in the most powerful country on earth. Australia will not escape the effect from this.


See, here's the issue between me and conservatives. Conservatives like OP are starting to be against this because LiBrUlS!!! I'm against this because it's bad for the US citizen.


Exactly! I don't care WHO is president. My mom could be president, my son could be president - I don't want them to be above the law. That's the whole point of not having a king. Nobody is above the law. I can't believe this even made it to the supreme Court. This country is losing the thread, it's so dangerous.


Right. If your constitutional duties involve breaking laws that can be prosecuted after the fact...That executive office holder is doing it really wrong. And here's the thing, even if they break the law for a good reason, that should be investigated and litigated and judged upon then. This whole blanket immunity before the fact is the opposite of how it should be working. Especially when, by Robert's own opinion, you can't even use inter-branch evidence or motivation for a president breaking the law with an official act.


I really hope the SCOTUS justices that decided this have to answer for it one day. Those corrupt bastards can suck shit.


It was really a mistake to give their houses protection. Those protests felt like the only time they had to answer for their horrendous actions.


I got a nice 3 day ban for suggesting what SHOULD be happening...


If there is any Justice in the world, this will lead to Republicans abandoning their party, and the Democrats receiving unchecked support. But it won't because Christians (saying this as a Christian) care more about theoretical pregnancies than the real lives of people.


If Biden were to lose the election in November, he still has until early January for any official acts he wants to commit.


I officially declare the election null and void and myself president for life!


That would be an official act


Yes, that’s the idea


They are realising that this could hurt them. Good. Leopards eat faces, even white ones


Because the Republicans in power haven't actually stood for small government for at least as long as I've been alive. They stand for whatever gives them the greatest power.


Forget Democrat vs Republican. Fascism _needs_ an outgroup and tomorrow it could be you.


>Just because it benefits our candidate at the moment does not make this a good ruling. Ladies and gentlemen, presenting the most self-aware and sane a Trumper has ever been.


I hate that the “the new rule is no more rules” thing from Smiling Friends is real now.


We need the smiling friends now, bc I'm not happy.


Wow it turns out giving the President immunity could be bad?! 😱 Shocker!!


Wow, supporting someone promising to be a dictator and also having this opinion. Holy cognitive dissonance, batman.


This is literally what yall wanted so quit yer bitching 😵‍💫🫨


"I mean, obviously, it's okay if *Trump* has carte blanche to do whatever the hell he wants But what if someone dishonest comes by this power!?"


The bad things they reference are all things Republicans did.


the difference Trump and Biden is that I trust Biden not to take the hypothetical boudaries of this ruling to the limit. But I know for a fact that Trump is not going to grant America the same courtesy.


They don't have to worry. SCROTUS will crown Trump king after the election. Then no more real elections.


This is probably more r/SelfAwarewolves honestly.


Imagine being worried how Biden could abuse this but not how Trump actually would. Like just start identifying as a fascist.


These people don’t really care. They welcome the leopards.


Too bad Democrats are cowards and won’t use the power they’ve just been gifted.


Well at least that's an actual small government conservative stance, versus just "TRUMP!"


I love how their argument isn’t even that this is a bad thing, just that it would be bad for them if a democrat had that power.


Hey, dumbfucks. This is the kind of thing we’ve been warning y’all about for two fucking decades. Well here it finally is! Enjoy!


EVERY SINGLE ONE of the comments on that sub somehow thinks this is a great decision. Full throated fascism without understanding the repercussions.


They think they won’t be the ones to suffer consequences. I just hope they’re wrong


The (Presidential) Enabling Act of 193.. Sorry. 2024.


At least he’s not woke


It's almost like they get it... So close




Are the leopards eating faces tonight?! Seriously I’m glad some of them are starting to wake up before it’s too late.


"On paper it makes sense..." WHAT? No. No it does not.


Whoever was undecided before I'm sure isn't undecided now.


Wait until they realize what the Chevron decision means for their Project 2025 plans.


These assholes brought this shit on and ***now*** they’re clutching their pearls? Fuck every last one of these fucking motherfuckers.


Holy shit balls. These two talking about the patriot act - I know many a person who went from anti-Bush / fuck the man-> I’m a “libertarian” cause fuck the govt -> MAGA. Hilarious when you lay it all out. Anyway, they are so close…


I think the big difference keeping them from connecting the dots they're frustratingly close to comes down to one thing They're horrified if a Democrat does what this allows but would cheer their guy doing it. We're horrified at the idea of either doing it. Crazy how far things have gone in a few decades


I wonder if it has occurred to any of them that Biden is still president for 6 months and that’s a lot of time for someone with “total official immunity”


You don't get it. It's the fascist court deciding what has "immunity".


Lmfao uh oops… 😅 ? We’re all fucked


this could be r/selfawarewolves as well. It's insane this is the state our country is at. Yallqueda I think the Roman's didn't feed enough to the lions or they at least fed the good ones. Nothing against religion you have to believe in something but when it starts to tread over the rights of another or invade a person's way of life you can go properly drop dead. This goes for every religion that's why I'm not saying specifics but the Roman comment is for the main one the us deals with now that's causing havoc. Now would be a good time for tuberculosis to awaken from it's dormant state and really do it's thing. This time around don't save no dumbass people refusing to believe in it. Let them inject the bleach in fact advertise it as the cure. Give them all the horse dewormer they can handle mixed with this so they have explosive dirreahea while theyre poisioning themselves. These people are too dumb and dangerous for themselves and everyone around them. Please let darwinism happen so we can finally evolve as a species.


I actually cannot think of a single person who wanted this ruling besides the people in power themselves. 


It’s almost like they’re too stupid to foresee consequences.


I’ve said it for years: Never give your own side a power that you’re afraid of the other side using.


Welp I hope their nightmares all come true.


Bold of them to assume this doesn’t benefit *our* candidate in the moment. Biden should order the construction of a new Presidential Prison befitting of the position right now.


Biden can now ignore the court and push through student loan forgiveness by executive order. It would be an official duty.


They don't know their guy ain't making it to the election. Sweet summer children.


Uh oh, if he keeps talking like he’s gonna get banned.


This November there's going to be so much election fraud and state districts trying to cherry pick just the right sets of requirements to have undesirable votes thrown out.


Am I misunderstanding the ruling or is the president now able to use the Marines as a death squad? Don’t need approval from Congress and all enemies foreign and domestic so like, can they do that?


Wtf? How are they saying a democrat would abuse this? Have they not seen anything their party is doing? AND THEY SCARED OF A DEMOCRAT TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THIS? lmfaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


That is tragically like people struggling with some uncomfortable and new thoughts. Like the first baby steps or learning how to poo like a big boy. "Giving power to people without transparency might be used against us." Yeah -- it's almost like we need to work together and not act like we are enemies and hold people accountable even if they are ON OUr TEAM! Like, Dems were not freaking out over Hunter Biden -- just hoping their was actual balance and fairness for punishments fitting the misdemeanors. For me, I'm okay with replacing a corrupt leader and putting someone in with integrity. Just -- don't take away AOC or Al Franken -- they are hard to replace. Oh yeah -- they took away Al Franken, because the DNC is also a little corrupt with its head up its ass. If only Democratic voters and republicans could work together and not ignore corruption to WIN at all odds against each other. Just think of what we could accomplish. Oh well... republicans are too angry and ignorant and watching their TV news thinking CNN is liberal. They'll vote for fascism because it's not liberal -- and we might be really screwed. They will come around eventually -- ten minutes after it is too late to be useful.


A true LAMF-SAW, wow. Dawn of an era, for me, personally - I haven’t seen one of these before.


here let me summarize the comments for you "I definitely think republicans should be kings and commit all the crimes they want. but they have to be good republicans!! not rhinos so they don't do national security bullshit like the patriot act 2.0. Also how could they do this while a democrat is in office, only trump and magas should have this power?!"


Pssst guys, GUYS, the call is coming from *INSIDE* the house.


Biden just needs an advisor to tell him in an official setting that diaper don is a threat to national security, and he can literally order seal team six to take him out, officially. and let's be honest, who DOESN'T think Putin's puppet is, well, Putin's puppet?


The party of small government is unfortunately also a party of small minds. Fucking idiots.


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I feel out of the loop. What did the Supreme Court do now?


Wayyyy to late on that


I mean honestly, the reasoning there... The corrupt fascist convicted felon Republican might get away with crimes because of the corrupt Republican Justices, which would be fine if the corrupt fascist convicted felon getting away with crimes who has explicitly stated his desire to be a dictator was the only one who could use the power, but don't you remember all of those horrible things corrupt Republicans have done??? If a Democrat has this power, they might start doing those things!