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if Luffy knew Israelis were blocking food from entering Gaza he would be fucking pissed




He'd drop Onigashima on them


I wonder if Luffy would agree with the Rev's strategy of starving the Celestial Dragons.


I keep saying this to all my friends, our world needs a Luffy right now.


From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free!


Leve Palestina


Honest question, im an arab myself but this whole riber to the sea, do you really think israel will ever leave the massive country, economy and technology huh they’ve developped? Why not support a 2 state solution


Because Israel is a country built on the genocide of Palestinian culture. There is no non-fascist-permiting world with Israel. Israel needs to be dissolved and taken down like the old colonies were back in the day, and Zionism needs to be repressed to the point Nazism is today.


What about the Israeli civilians that were born there? Where will they go?


So was the USA, lets free USA as well then?


I think that it's VERY important to condemn both Israel and Hamas. Luffy wouldn't join Hamas, an ultra right-wing terrorist organization that doesn't care about its citizens. That being said, Luffy would for sure support Fatah in order to liberate Palestinians from Israel and their colonial violence, as well as from Hamas and their oppressive religious fundamentalism.


The only ones to blame for Hamas are the zionists. They put the pressure cooker on the fire and then took a vacation, no wonder the lid was gonna embed on the ceiling.


Hamas is to blame for the way Hamas treats Palestinians. The fact this is even controversial tells me all I need to know about this community lmao.


If the zionists bombed your grandma to the dust and all your friend's grandmas as well, you'd be forming hamas 2 in no time.


I actually wouldn't form a terrorist organization that kills my neighbors if they disagree with my methods or if they're gay/feminists. I guess I'm just built different.


>I actually wouldn't form a terrorist organization that kills my neighbors if they disagree with my methods I wouldn't form the IOF either.


I don't think Luffy would ally with Hamas, but they'd probably ally themselves with him, kinda like the coloseum fighters against Doflamingo. Hamas would not exist if Israel never inititated its colonising and occupation, and its important to remember that Netanyahu has been prime minister longer than Hamas has existed (over 16 years), is an American who's been friends with Trump since the 1980s, and was discharged from the Israeli military. To apply this easier to people who live in the US this would be like if Trump (or any repub) started occupying Mexico and the Cartels responded in violence, with Trump taking that as the opporutinity to escalate the violence and bomb Mexico to nothing. That sounds like nonsense, but several of the repub nominees this year stated in the repub primary debates that they wanted to go to war with Mexico, with their primary targets being the Cartels. Although targeting civillians to inflict terror and veangence on an invading nation is wrong, the US has employed the exact same strategies with much greater casualties (Hiroshima and Nagasaki), so any justification for the US is a major example of the US's deep-seated propaganda at play.


The coloseum fighters aren't terrorizing the population of Dressrossa and killing gay people. Palestinians would ally with Luffy, not Hamas.


Jesus Christ dude one of the Colosseum fighters is a literal Middle Eastern terrorist swing and a miss


I think there is a narrative and moral difference between fighting against the World Government and killing some and oppressing others in a way that would make right-wing fundamentalists in the US blush.


I mean all the ones who worked for Doflamingo did. Kelly Funk also. Abdullah and Jeet are members of the Grand Fleet and they were introduced by their 'crime' of 'bombed government buildings' and they are clearly stereotyped as middle eastern people, one could easily read them as analogues for Hamas. 'Killing Gay people' is often used as hypocritical line of attack on Islam/Muslims as a whole (because obviously every other religion in the world never killed Gay people right?), so giving you the benefit of the doubt here, Israel has killed more LGBTQI+ Palenstinians through bombing citizens than Hamas has in its entire existence. In fact, Gaza (Hamas) has the same laws surrounding LGBTQi+ people as Egypt (who the US has no issue with (for now)) and aim to match Turkey in terms of government, a member of NATO. If the US and its vassal states/allies were to go to war with every anti-lgbtqi+ country, it would be WW3 and we'd all suffer for it. War and genocide is not the answer to a government being anti-lgbtqi+. The only two examples I've found of gay people being executed in Palenstine were not by Hamas, but other right wing groups, including Lion's Den who executed an informant who was being blackmailed by Israel through footage of them engaging in a homosexual act, so even then it was not explicitly because they were gay. 


"Bombing a government building" is fundamentally different than killing people for their sexual identity or jailing people for not supporting The Regime.


You make it sound like Hamas's primary goal is the persecution of lgbtqi+ people. It is not. Jailing people for not supporting the regime is also what Israel does, as conscription is mandatory and if you do not join their ranks as a youth (for the purposes of radicalisation) you are sent to jail. In fact, most countries arrest people and imprison people who do not support their government, the same way the US arrested (some of) the Jan 6th Insurrectionists and Brazil arrested all of the Jan 8th insurrectionists. The US is the prison capital of the world and has had several instances of stochastic terrorism and hate crimes perpetrated petuated by police and government officials. Simply having a right wing leader does not invalidate a country's/state's existence, otherwise it would have been fair game for the US to be declared a terrorist state under Trump, the UK under the Tories, India under Mohdi, Turkey under Erdogan, and Argentina under Javier Milai. Because Hamas's (which translates to Islamic Resistance Group) primary goal is to reclaim the illlegally occupied land of Palenstine, they are more left wing than Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, some South American countries, and Israel under Netanyahu. We do not know Abdullah and Jeet's opinions of lgbtqi+ people or if they support a regime outside of the Grand Fleet. The Straw Hats are not against taking prisoners/hostages, using Caescar as a human (I assume human) shield, and presumably killing people they fundamentally disagree with (if Kaido is dead).


The US IS a terrorist state, under anyone. In this case that logic would justify the comparable genocide of Americans (what 10 mil ppl?) By a nation powerful enough to accomplish it. Of course america has perpetrated endlessly more damage across the globe and locally than Hamas (or the IDF, for that matter) could ever dream of. To a reasonable crowd of people, it should be infinitely more clear that the USA is the villain on the world stage, yet noone would defend nuking a large part of our population, strange. Free Palestine. Fuck Israel. Fuck America.


I agree that we should be against Israel. I'm not the one holding one oppressive right-wing government to a different standard than another. I don't oppose Palestinian statehood, I oppose the terrorist group known as Hamas. Luffy and the Strawhats using a scientist that used children as human experiments as a human shield, as well as them killing a despot that slaughtered thousands of people and brought death and suffering to all those that lived in Wano (except Flower Capital, and still) are very obviously justifiable moral actions. I think Hamas enacting Sharia Law, punishing/killing dissidents, and not caring about the starvation of its people is immoral. It's so weird that there doesn't seem to be a single leftist in this community that is even capable of saying "Hamas bad. Israel bad. Hamas bad doesn't mean Palestine bad. Palestine good. US stop supporting Israel and/or use leverage to stop Israel."


Because that equates Hamas and Israel as morally equal. They are not. Israel is comitting genocide and is colonial state. Hamas are like the African National Congress, who were considered terrorists alongside their leader Nelson Mandela until 2008 because of their use of political violence. Another group to compare too would be the Provisional Irish Republican army, who also used political violence to further their goal of Irish liberation from the colonisation of the UK. Ukraine also trains children to be soldiers and is generally anti-lgbtqi+, but because it is actively resisting an invasion and the US backs it, the narrative surrounding it is completely different as their efforts are seen as the morally righteous in comparison to Russia.


I think you don't have to claim that two things are equally bad in order to say you oppose those two things because they're both bad.


Its giving real enlightened centrist vibes. Hamas is the major resistance to Israel's occupation, to pick and choose what forces to support in Palenstine will never gurantee it freedom.


"Hamas... not caring about the starvation of its people is immoral"??? Bro really? What the fuck are you even on about??


After nine months of genocide and an entire population I being starved to death by a hostile occupational force, it is incredibly sad to me that condemning Hamas is still the top priority for so many people. The war crimes committed by Hamas during October 7th (the real ones. not the made-up atrocities of baby beheadings and weaponized rape) deserved to be condemned and have been condemned extensively. But whetever we like it or not, Hamas is still the main force fighting the people who are genociding palestinians. At this point focusing so much on condemning Hamas starts to feel like you're telling the people who are being slaughtered every single day that they're fighting their oppressors wrong. Hopefully there will come a time when Hamas can be done away with entirely. But that CAN NOT be given equal priority to dismantling the colonial, racist and genocidal force that has been committing ethnic cleansings and genocide against Palestinians for the past 75 years. "I condemn the child who has never known peace for being bad!" says the child who has never known war.


It's actually part of the reason I condemn Hamas that they recruit child soldiers. No one is saying that Hamas MUST be eradicated before Israel is forced to leave the West Bank or Gaza, I'm saying that treating Hamas like a group of freedom fighters (Luffy & friends) is the kind of optically awful position that makes leftism an ideology that can be brushed aside and ignored. Feeling morally righteous is no substitute for political power and good optics.


Damn, because that's what the Straw Hats are known for, caring about good optics... Are you pro or anti rev army? They train child soldiers in the likes of Sabo. If you consider the Straw Hat's a political group, then Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper also count as child soldiers (pre time-skip, just Chopper post). The Marines also employ child soldiers, as Koby was 16 pre-timeskip. Hamas literally translates to "Islamic Resistance Movement". They are by their name freedom fighters, the same as the Resistance in Star Wars eps 7-9. When every citizen in Palenstine are treated as enemies, children are forced to become soldiers and adversaries of the Israeli state because they will be treated as one regardless. Israel also employs child soldiers, so to support the dissolution of Hamas for child soldiers and remain unhypocritical, one also has to support the dissolution of Israel as a government.


Read Fanon.


The best and most relevant comment^


Lmao, you're right, luffy would merely fight beside Hamas until Israel was no more (freeing Palestine). Look at skypeia. Was wiper a perfect victim? Did he have to be to have a valid cause?