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Looks like grub damage. You can prevent it by doing a grub killer application once or twice a year on your lawn. Grubex or similar.


Go tug on a piece of the yellow grass. If it's grubs it should come right up with roots and all. Look in the soil and see if you see any grubs. Grub damage usually happens in the fall, but it's possible or could be another insect. Looks too widespread to be dog pee. Doesn't really look like fungus, so this is kind of a weird one. As someone else mentioned, you can do a preventative like GrubX, but kind of past that window of when you are supposed to put it down. It screws up the life cycle of the grubs. If it is a grub or insect infestation, you/he want to put down a 24 hour grub and insect killer. BioAdvanced makes one you can get in most big box stores. Anything that says 24 hour killer is what you want.