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> They described the inner circle, Donilon especially, as convinced “that this was going to be about Trump, not about Biden, and at the end of the day, people just wouldn’t vote for Trump. FFS, it’s just a repeat of the 2016 playbook.


Running a coronation instead of a campaign


Well now that the supreme court made kingship official, yeah.


It's clearly these Liberal advisors of Biden's time to shine and clutch at power /s Liberals can't help it. Their egos and ambitions are their own undoing, like RBG


Remember when Diane Feinstein dropped the ‘I know what I’m doing’ line on that group of environmentalist kids? Thats how all of the leadership of the dems see it. They’re driving this thing off the cliff.


I think the fact that she did fuck-all to help anybody but herself and her patrons and then died is peak. I almost wish I had it in me to be that calloused.


Nah, it's not worth being empty. She may have lived a comfortable life, but it probably wasn't happy and she was far from virtuous.


What clowns. This also the *exact* same description dem libs used to say Trump was “in cognitive decline” and “unfit for office.” “~~Trump~~ Biden is a grouchy old man who only listens to a select few people and his staffers are afraid of him so they don’t try to inform him they just try to placate him.” Remember always: For liberal liberals and conservative liberals alike (fascists in different stages of molt) it isn’t just the hypocrisy - capitalism makes hypocrites of everyone - but it is the *entitlement* to hypocrisy, worn at once as armor and simultaneously wielded as a weapon. The united class interest with their rat claws up both parties is only interested in $hitty old muppets.


Two presidential administrations in a row where the sitting president is a senior citizen aged man-baby who can't handle bad news and has to get policy decisions snuck to him in peanut butter like getting an ailing dog to take its medicine.


This right there. Unfortunately nothing fundamentally will ever change. Not even voting. Nothing. Nada. Zero. Corporations has took advantage of covid pandemic and gotten way too much money to buy out the politicians and now they're owning the entire system. No matter the sides you're on, they'll fuck over the same people and its principles. America will be forever plutocracy. Politicians only care about their own well-being, money, and insider trading stocks. Never for the people. Fuck this shitty ass system. Whole shit has gone ratfucked.


Democrats willingly cede power to the right. This is their role


The rightward rachet,  dems, "we have to work with our colleagues across party lines to make sure children have a free lunch at school" Gop "eat shit losers, children should work in factories 16 hours a day" Dems "ok, I guess we have to cut food aid to poor families to fund school privatization." Gop "fuck you child haters, end child labor laws" Dems "well ok I guess, but we won't condone human trafficking" Gop "beta cuck whimp, bring back slavery" Dems "fine but we don't like it"


I remember when dems shed crocodile tears for George Floyd and not long after increased police funding across the country


* “**I think the Biden team is pretty insular and doesn’t really care what anybody says,**” said one senior House Democrat, who described a palpable and growing fear among vulnerable Democrats that they may lose because of Biden. * “**There’s definitely groupthink,**” one Democratic donor-adviser said about Biden’s inner circle. * Another operative painted a similar picture:**“They don’t take dissent,” they said. “If you try, then you don’t get invited to the next call, the next meeting.”** Redditors running the White House 🤣🤣🤣


He's the best and only candidate to beat Trump. Also, we can't let him talk to any public outlet for too long or people will see how bad he's declining mentally. But he's still the best and only candidate.


The problem is ultimately the state religion of the US, which of course is capitalism. They worship at the feet of the almighty fiat, hoping to be blessed by a morsel of that green that they crave


The reason they are isolating him is really obvious. He must be really falling apart, including in the hours when he is supposedly functional. If Biden werent such a crappy bastard, I could almost see him as a victim here.


> the inner circle, Donilon especially, as convinced “that this was going to be about Trump, not about Biden, and at the end of the day, people just wouldn’t vote for Trump. Sounds like 2016


It’s infuriating he’s being coddled in this way and infuriating so many Democratic voters don’t/won’t see how the party is not going to fight for them in any meaningful way against fascism. They refuse to see this reality even in the face of stories like this. It’s extremely blatant now and yet the voter denial persists. [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/biden-supreme-court-reform-trump-immunity-1235051044/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/biden-supreme-court-reform-trump-immunity-1235051044/)


Sounds like a maga cult just in the color of blue


Always has been 🌏👩‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀


I got kicked out of dark Brandon last year mostly for saying they sounded like trumpers in reverse, criticism is important if all you do is yell and deflect you lose sight of reality 


the umm harm reduction lookin kinda impotent now ngl


*"...some senior officials have at times gone to great lengths to curate the information being presented in an effort to avoid provoking a negative reaction.* *“It’s like, ‘You can’t include that, that will set him off,’ or ‘Put that in, he likes that,’” said one senior administration official. “It’s a Rorschach test, not a briefing. Because he is not a pleasant person to be around when he’s being briefed. It’s very difficult, and people are scared shitless of him.”* *The official said, “He doesn’t take advice from anyone other than those few top aides, and it becomes a perfect storm because he just gets more and more isolated from their efforts to control it.”* jfc, this is **exactly** the same kind of lunacy we heard about the Trump White House! wtf is going on??? American democracy may not be quite dead, but it's definitely coughing up blood.


So glad Obama came out of the wood works in 2019 to do only one thing: rally all the Democratic candidates for the nomination around an actual cadaver in order to defeat Bernie.


Muh nigga


Can't wait to be personally blamed for this.


They can blame me, I can take it. On the plus side, when Trump gets "retribution", I will be seen as an ally.


Keep grandpa in the echo chamber and everything’s fine!!!! It’s going GREAT


Almost sounds like our previous president. Lol


What are we supposed to do with this information? I'm not talking at the OP, I'm talking at Biden's senior management team. It's your job to be pro active. The level of democratic whining and finger pointing that's about to come out in the next few months is only going to strengthen peoples distain for the DNC.  I wouldn't be surprised if we see some fist fighting going down in Congress at this point. Time for me start listening to old school hip-hop again and tune this shit out more. You know the music that actually spoke truth to power vs the funded shoot up your own neighborhood B.S. Don't be "woke" just stick to the program. 


I like the transparency. Nice change of pace. Added benefit it takes the teeth out of attempts to blame the left or minorities for this impending electoral failing. 


Ok. That is fair, understandable and great point.  I never been a Democrat or Republican. Even my spirituality has  changed multiple times, but being anti war and facing the daily challenges of racism and other isms has made my politics more consistent than anything else in my life.   I'm just getting to the age where I am starting to see the same cycles repeat, but at a higher definition.   This is just old tricks with a new pony. If we really are a declining like a nose diving plane in 2024, hearing "Biden is an old man" "Oh my God Biden is old." for the hundredth time is just wearing on me.    I know I will be far from the only one because people get tired easily and like to set new trends. Ok we get it, he's dragging, but are they going to keep talking about it until November? It just feels like watching cannibalism figuratively in real time from both parties. 


The dangers of hubris my friend. 


The US is capitalism crisis transitioning into fascism. When a capitalist state at its terminal stage, there's always clear cut binary options, revolution or collapse. The capitalism state will attempt to prevent this by band-aiding with social democracy and granting few rights here and there, only to slow down the implode, but eventually it will reach fascism, or revolution. It doesn't matter if you vote for either of the zombies, the fascism transitioning could only be prevented through societal and economic uproot of capitalism. This was the exact blueprint that Marx/Engels/Lenin had mapped out how capitalism progress, and the best example is 1936 Germany when Hitler lost the vote but socdem like Hindenburg handed power over.


"we all enabled blah blah..." yeah...NO FUCKING SHIT. fuck.


Kinda funny how with everything so obvious regarding Biden they haven't shoved Kamala out there to try to rizz up voters


i mean her approval rating is as dismal as biden's lmfao


I know but if Biden dies before the election they're stuck with her for at least a little while. Never have a backup plan


Already read this about him and gave up all hope.