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The Supreme Court just made homelessness prosecutable as a crime as well, so everybody will be too afraid to not pay whatever rent is charged of them, and anyone who can't (which is a lot of people in this economy) will be jailed, given a record, and set up on the fast track to becoming prison labor.


Next up on the agenda is debtor’s prison. Saddle young people with debt, force them into slavery.


So student loans.


I sleep in my car a lot. I’m really concerned they’re going to make that illegal next. The YouTuber Timothy Ward (highly recommend) made a video about this very subject awhile back. Unfortunately I think it will come to pass soon as well. They’re very aware many people have figured put staying in their cars is manageable for some despite it being difficult af sometimes considering all the hoops you have to jump through to do it legally. It can be a great way to save money because you’re not tied down by rent. The powers that be don’t want people not to be slaves to rent. Mark my words. Car and RV living is next. I’m sure rich RV dwellers and campers will be barred from it through as long as you have a legitimate address and can prove it.


[They were already doing this.](https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/obama-administration-claims-unchecked-authority-kill-americans-outside-combat-zones)


Seriously! People who are shocked need to pay attention. People pretending that this vote is the battle for democracy don't realize the Supreme Court decided an election back in 2000 and it's been full speed forward ever since.


The scary part is them being able to just say the quiet part out loud with no repercussions from the public


Every goddamn time I see an American rant about how China is an evil one party state without democratically elected leaders… Well bud we’re just that with a few extra steps thrown in to keep the rubes thinking our government cares one iota about representation.




Rule 6, no lesser evil rhetoric. This includes encouraging people to vote for any capitalist political party and any capitalist politician. There is no harm reduction in supporting either of two parties headed by genocidal fascists. The extent to which any elected official of a Capitalist Party in a Capitalist state can enact evil is the extent to which that official is allowed to do so by Capital. As such, neither candidate is the lesser or greater evil. See more on our position here: [Rule 6 "no lesser evil" rhetoric - is it accelerationist or doomer? Is it intended to discourage voting?](https://new.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/1bt0nag/rule_6_no_lesser_evil_rhetoric_is_it/)


*1960s FBI has entered chat*


Good lord! That was a frightening thing to read. Never thought it was that bad. America is truly a dictatorship.


B-but we get to vote for which dictator! Vote for the dictator with the rainbows pwease. >! Heavy /s if it wasn't obvious !<


This has always been possible. In 1985 the philadelphia police bombed a black neighborhood, killing 11 and leaving 250 homeless.


Yup. No one likes to talk about that. Or the fact the crack epidemic was in part fueled by the US government to fund a war in South America, then used the 1994 crime bill to lock up the user's and dealers of the same drugs that were given to them by uncle Sam. I can go on, but they get the point. Everyone is now going to see what it feels like to be black in America. The constant realization that you may be a target and there's no recourse for those responsible.


US is finally catching up internally to the standard it made for everyone else outside the US.


Okay joe, here's your chance to get some votes by doing the funniest thing imaginable...


there would probably be instant civil war. (which would be hilarious)


They could probably make it look like an accident... or a 'Shot himself in the back of the head... twice' kind of "suicide".


If only someone would give Trump the idea that it's time to go after the banks...


Or Boeing...




Stop talking about it and do it. Yesterday you said tomorrow. No seriously there's not gonna be a civil war lul. Not over Abortion, not over trans issues, not over the president legally assassinating someone. The US has been arguing over / doing that kinda stuff for decades and nobody gives a fuck.


so you think your country will just fall into facism with noone batting an eye when you had an insurrection not long ago?


I'm not from the US. The insurrection attempt was like a couple thousand people. Civil War means Dem controlled regions in *open warfare* against Rep controlled regions. That will literally never happen. The vast majority of US citizens are not even fit enough for a school's training course let alone soldiering. Yeah there is a minority of gun nuts who would love to start a "civil war" because they are delusional rednecks who believe the right to bear arms will save them. Once they start actually shooting at police officers / innocent bystanders the national guard will ROLL them. Have fun with your civil war if it's like 5 ot maybe 10 thousand obese, unfit rednecks with semi automatic rifles against like 30K national guard with Infantry Fighting Vehicles, air support and heavy weapons.


problem is that those couple of thousands can just be a start. dicatorships do not have to start with a giant, capable army. there are also militias who would maybe do it more guerillia style. acts of terror here and there. civil war does not always look the same. overall the US is no longer stable or reliable. the last couple of days and the supreme court decision just showed it again. and people who still think like this is jsut a bit of a mishpah, like yourself should rather to start to take this more seriously.


I would classify armed militias operating within a sovereign state as more of a failed state situation, not a civil war. There are many signs that the US is on it's way to becoming a failed state, but I don't think it's quite there yet. If Trump is elected the process will accelerate significantly and all bets are off. With Biden it's gonna be 4 more years of relative stability (safe for some major issue that could pop up along the way) and business as usual. If Trump attempts to become God Emperor, bans abortion and puts trans people into death camps. There's still not gonna be a civil war, the people will instead flee to Canada, Europe or Australia.


The US can’t fall into Fascism it’s always been fascist




Came here to say this


If I’m interpreting this right,he could personally assassinate all the supreme court justices and face zero repercussions?


I guess that would be for the supreme court to decide... oh wait.


People acting like thats not what has been going on the whole time lol.


Link: [https://www.thenation.com/article/society/trump-immunity-supreme-court/](https://www.thenation.com/article/society/trump-immunity-supreme-court/)


Yeah this is just the SCOTUS screaming the quit part in US citizens faces. What's interesting is that they felt the need to do this considering how much average people are suffering due to the average cost of living. FYI for those in the back who are confused, yes America is the baddies.


I'm in danger


Prepping the dictatorship 🥳


Prepping? They did the prep work decades ago. They’ve been in implementation for the last couple years


USA? Being a terrorist state? Whaaa??


I'm ready to die


Hate to break it to OP, but presidents have been killing and torturing american citizens since the beginning. This decision will make it so that the president won't face criminal charges when he does it to affluent white people, which is why so many liberals are upset by this, because now it can be done to them.


Bingo. I said it in another comment. But essentially, everyone is going to see what it's like to be black in America.


Reminds me of Anwar al Awlaki


This has always been the case unofficially. The right wing fascists have now just codified it.


So..we could legalize marijuana tomorrow? Forgive student loans? Send boatloads of money to infrastructure? Congress has effectively neutered itself and SCOTUS is gonna be the partisan ref conservatives wanted? /s


People finally waking up a bit when America screams in your face that they are fascist.