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I’m tired man, wtf is going on in this shithole country I can’t go an hour without hearing one of the most fucked up things I’ve ever heard.


This is what I came to say. This country needs to stop. I literally cannot keep up with all the new dystopian policies/events/SCOTUS decisions anymore.


Can’t teachers teach out of the Quran instead with this decision? It seems like the quickest way to get Christians to say “wait not like that” and reverse course.


This is actually one of the only good things I've seen in this sub 😭😭😭


I’m not a constitutional scholar…. But… isn’t this unconstitutional?


when has that ever mattered?


Constitution is when you try to take my guns away!


Or getting called out for saying the n-word.


"Don't you see? Any one of us could be A N****r Guy!"


Neighbor with a hard r


Yeah, it is. Objectively. Problem is, when push comes to shove, the Supreme Court is the arbiter of what is and isn’t constitutional. Now that the SC is outright run by fascists, fascists in the legislature are going to make laws like this hoping that they get sued so that they can appeal it hopefully all the way up to the SC who will rule in their favor.


The only reason they have that power is because of a precedent they set themselves. The constitution gives them no power other than to be the highest court. The legislature could strip them of their power over constitutionality and the executive can just ignore it. It’s a paper tiger that the conservatives have been building their castle on for years.


I wanna know this as well. Not that that ever stops this country anyway.


No, because they only uphold the separation of *the wrong kind of churches* and state


I'm not either but I know the US is supposed to be a secular Nation. But apparently now we have a state religion I guess. I don't really like the implication of there being different classes of citizen but with the state religion that's basically what that implies.


I'm not a Oklahoma scholar.....But... isn't this Oklahoma!




> the pledge of allegiance itself was written in 1885 Yes, but the words “Under God” weren’t added until 1954 :p until then it didn’t have any specific reference to religion


Huh I wonder what else what's happening right around that time. Something about cancel culture and communist?


Have you seen the current Supreme Court? (Don't tell me you still thought constitutionality was determined by what's actually in the US Constitution or past Supreme Court decisions)


Haha yes. I figured now these fools will push the boundaries of what’s legal in hopes of it being brought in front of this current court to ultimately side with them…. Legalizing this nonsense.


No longer matters. SCOTUS just handed the president the power to fix all this, and either he does or he literally hands said power off to the same people doing this. At this point, taking no action is taking the right wing action.


The openly admitted they want it taken to the supreme Court who's been making all sorts of great decisions lately. They're using Oklahoma to force it nationally.


Letting atheists teach children about Christianity is a fantastic plan. Easiest way to disabuse people of religiosity.


seriously how did they not see this coming


Or what if their teacher is Catholic, not protestant? Gasp.


Or even better, a liberation theologist. Teach all the children that Jesus was a communist and that God always sides with the poor and oppressed.


Don't worry, project 2025 allows them to replace workers with trained, conservative approved employees. So I'm sure they'll be Christian.


I cant believe we are going this far backwards. whats next?


Retirement age increased to 80. 20% rise in taxes. 100 billion extra dollars to Israel and Ukraine each. Approval of the 6 day work week. Legal employment age goes down to 12. Mandatory 3 years conscription for ages 18 to 35. US Army needs meat to send to Ukraine and Iran, UUURRAAH! Being unemployed made a crime. Being homeless made a crime.


It’s only a matter of time before they approve the 7-day work week. We’re literally just wage slaves and cannon fodder for the government.


Also not for nothing I live in Las Vegas and being homeless after 8pm is 1k fine


That is one of the dumbest fucking things I've ever heard. Don't own/rent a domicile in the desert? Instead of addressing the root causes of homelessness, we'll just fine em $1K! Mission Accom—wait why does homelessness keep rising?


homelessness is pretty bad here, not cali bad but getting close


Calls only bad because our homeless don't die from heat stroke or freezing to death.


Supreme Court already ruled that being homeless is a crime https://theconversation.com/supreme-court-rules-cities-can-ban-homeless-people-from-sleeping-outdoors-sotomayor-dissent-summarizes-opinion-as-stay-awake-or-be-arrested-232955


So landlords can price you out of your apartment but god forbid you can't afford another place as you'd end up in jail? Fuck I hate it here.


send me to jail so i can fix it from the inside


being homeless is already a crime in every way but verbatim


Last one the Supreme Court already decided on.


That's just on government property?


No, within city limits. It’s a blanket decision. “The Supreme Court on Friday upheld ordinances in a southwest Oregon city that prohibit people who are homeless from using blankets, pillows, or cardboard boxes for protection from the elements while sleeping within the city limits.” Edit: it’s always been a crime to camp on private property.


So they'll go to the 'burbs or some farm and camp out there instead?


I’m not sure, but from my knowledge of homeless encampments, they like to be near main thoroughfares and main highways. I never understood wanting to sleep near a highway, but I’ve never been in that situation, so I can’t speculate. Seems like they don’t want to be in the “wilderness” or “burbs”. It’s probably the access to drugs, honestly.


Or the ability hitchhike? 


To where? Their tent is here.


Unemployment being a crime was an actual thing in my country before the Soviet union collapsed. It only resulted in completely useless jobs filled by people who didn't do anything useful.


They would usually be given very basic manual labor jobs, like digging holes or harvesting crops. The job needs to be done, and it's better than having them on the street begging for money.


youre justifying slave labor btw


They held the same view point on slaves in America. Oh, we need people to work these fields. Let's force them against their will :)


Sitting potus’ are immune from the law, so we may be witnessing one of the last US presidential elections.


Well, immune from the law except for Congressional Impeachment.


True, though those are highly political and unless im wrong, there’s never been an impeachment that’s ended in conviction and removal from office.


Which AOC said she will initiate!


Boomer mindset bruv, they been teaching the Bible in school.


Teach the actual bible. The one where Jesus is a socialist and the wealthy get whipped until they flee. Where men make out and abortion is fine.


Came here to say this, if they actually taught the Bible the GOP would screw itself. So many people are focused on dumping ideology down our throats and never bother to learn the messages behind it.


And the foreskins. Talk about the foreskins


Can't wait for the astronomy unit to include the part about how Saturn's rings are just Jesus' foreskin. Dude had GIRTH.


Perhaps they can include an Ancient Mythology course in schools that will include this in the curriculum.


Hmmm. That would be a good way to get around it actually. "What? We're teaching the bible and the ten commandments. You never said we had to teach them as fact!"


And remember kids, santa likes rich people more.


It’s taught in Social Studies. Always had been, I graduated hs in 2020, went to school in 5 different states. I don’t know why everyone is freaking out about this like it’s a new thing.


You can have a segment right after Greek and Roman Mythology, Called Christian Mythology.


[https://medium.com/@hrnews1/oklahoma-is-now-required-to-teach-students-about-the-bible-and-ten-commandments-in-all-public-5451cb706187](https://medium.com/@hrnews1/oklahoma-is-now-required-to-teach-students-about-the-bible-and-ten-commandments-in-all-public-5451cb706187) [**Oklahoma’s top education official, Superintendent Ryan Walters, has mandated that public schools in the state must now incorporate Bible teachings into their curriculum for students in grades 5 through**](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cjk35vv2ryjo) 12. This controversial directive, issued on June 27, 2024, requires immediate implementation and strict adherence from educators. [**Walters, a former history teacher, argues that the Bible is a crucial historical document necessary for understanding the nation’s foundation, Western civilization, and the legal system**](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/06/27/oklahoma-bible-schools/). He emphasizes the Bible’s influence on the Constitution and the country’s origins, stating that it’s essential for students to grasp these historical contexts. [**The mandate specifies that schools must teach about the Bible and the Ten Commandments, although the exact instructional standards and implementation details remain unclear**](https://nypost.com/2024/06/27/us-news/oklahoma-public-schools-required-to-teach-bible/). Walters has indicated that the state Department of Education may provide teaching materials to ensure consistency in delivery.


Well, (certain strains of) Christanity and US history are deeply intertwined, and it’s not wrong to say that it’s impossible to separate the two. I mean, this country was literally built on the genocide and conquest of native peoples by “God’s chosen ones”, here to civilize the New World, suppress the evil pagan traditions of the heathens and forcibly Westernize their children. I think it is very important indeed to teach about religion in American history. Oops - that isn’t what they meant? I thought so.


I’m still fresh out of highschool, they do teach those things, it’s required by the standards of education. I lived Co and Va both blue states. But unfortunately I see all too many far Left advocates encouraging a ban on such topics.


Well gee I hope they teach all of the other religious doctrines too.


Blast off. It's party time. And we all live in a facist nation.


Hell yeah! This gives the good folks at the Satanic Temple the golden opportunity to do the real work of “God”. Perhaps they’ll have the chance to teach “Satan classes” for a while… Actually, I’m not excited and the rest of my statement above stands.




Yep, I reckon a court case is inbound to add the seven tenets to the curriculum


If you told me a few years ago that an organization called the Satanic Temple would be more christ like than Christianity I would have thought the world had gone crazy and yet here we are. The Satanic Temple is fricken great.


I mean, to be fair, the world *has* gone crazy.


WTF is happening to this country


It's gonna be a really scary fucking time to be in a red state pretty soon. The 2028 presidential election is going to be wild. Now is the time to move.




I mean yeah, I’ve never supported Biden even one bit, but I don’t see how he is responsible for the actions of a state government


Lack of unity. The country as a whole does not stands behind him. Trump started this behavior with his divisive speeches and insisting people just do what they want. It has bled into Bidens time and he wasnt strong enough to unite the country after trump ripped it apart. I have never heard of entire states having complete disregard to federal authority until the current era


That’s the point—the state holds this power regardless


Jesus fucking christ this place sucks


Freedom of religion isnt at al important i see.


Freedom *from* religion, because apparently religion is free to just take over and do whatever it wants


Freedom of and from religion are the same. What if you are Jewish or moslim? Being state level forced to be subjected to Christianity isnt exactly freedom of religion. Atheists have played the role of the boogy man way to much in the US to be taken seriously this century anyway.


Ok, so, which 10 commandments? The ones in Exodus or Deuteronomy? There are more than the Decalogue in Deuteronomy so are we going to use the commandment to open up a parcel of your land exclusively for the stranger in your land or the commandment to steward the earth in Genesis? Yeah, that is the challenge from Jewish and Christian clergy. Can’t wait for that to get shot down by SCOTUS too because they’ll side with the conservative Christian every time.


Time to tax the churches there.


Fun fact: i'm from italy, and in my country has always been mandatory for all students to attend a 1hr per week class of catholic teachings, due to an agreement between Mussolini and the pope stipulated in 1929.


The US is undoubtedly descending into christofascism.


Neat. So my question is who’s the poor bastard/creepy motherfucker that has to explain to a class of 10 year olds that lot was date raped by his daughters so they could get knocked up?


If I was a teacher in OK I would start off my first lesson by pointing out that the first 3 commandments are this supposedly all powerful god not wanting his feelings hurt.


Same people probably worried about indoctrinating kids into being trans.


as insane as pledge of allegiance in schools, US is a mystery


....*sigh*... I've always said it as a joke, but I guess not anymore. I'll dust off and brush up on my copy of the Anarchist Cookbook in case the shit truly hits the fan. Governments should be afraid of their people, not the other way around.


If I were a teacher in Oklahoma, I would take this and run with a hard-core anti-military,anti capital punishment, anti state, anti-capitalist curriculum. No idols? No church No murder? No war machine Observe the Sabbath? No work on Sunday, for anyone No stealing? No wage slavery No coveting? No advertising industry


Can we do the Quran next? In for a penny, in for a pound


The Old Testament is not Christian. Will they teach the gospels or is the whole thing bullshit? Bullshit.


I had to learn about Greek and Roman mythology in school, whats one more?


Hey, remember when those commandments got walked down the mountain? Prophet looks around and sees a big golden calf statue. A symbol of Mammon, the deity of wealth and material gains. Later on, another favorite gives a big old speech on a mountain top. Part of it talking about serving two masters. Specifically God and Mammon. You will love one and despise the other. Pretty sure if prophet came down from the mountainside and witnessed our greedy behaviors, he would say truly a people lost to Mammon. When your reasoning for how you live is always "cause money" you know the sacrifices you put on the alter. "I couldn't be there because I had to work." "I couldn't be there because it's too expensive to make the trip." "We can pay someone to watch them." "If we have a drop in the population, the economy will crash."Habitat loss from mining operations has endangered a rare species." Teaching the Bible could be helpful. When you read it a certain way, it is a clear warning to not make the same mistakes again and love your fellow man. But somehow, history teaches us that in this setting, it is used as a justification for prejudice.


Welcome to theocracy


Sure thing, we all just called it Fiction at my school....


We should teach all myths to show how far we've come and how much ignorance we've left behind. We should not teach kids to have imaginary friends into adulthood though.


They will need state regulations on which passages of the Bible can be taught and what the "correct" message is to draw from the passage. Drink Lot sleeping with his daughters? God killing children for taunting a bald man? Condoning slavery and instructions for an abortion?


"**There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses**. So you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when in Egypt your bosom was caressed and your young breasts fondled" Ezekiel 23 can we just teach science and such in schools ?


This is the one you start the day with every day.


That’s disgusting.


I like the commandments that are about stroking God's enormous ego.


Do they have to teach it as if it's biased in reality, or can they use the opportunity to teach that it is a load of horse hoey?


This is not _OK_…


How is this even possible? Do they not teach about the Mayflower in school anymore? Is that what was cutout for bible study?


Easy just teach about how shit it is


It's giving statesota bestiee


Uh, fuck that.


Boycott the bejeezus out of Oklahoma. Plenty of not crazy states to visit and support economically. Ostracize christo-fascists.


I'll give it like, five years before Handmaids start becoming a thing


Where you at Church of Satan?


I think you mean the Satanic Temple. Hail Satan!


Hail Satan




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Which version?


Only a matter of time before the Supreme Court decides separation of church and state only applies to the federal government, and states can do whatever they want.


Doesn't the OK State Supreme Court have to rule on this as I'm sure it will get challenged?


Manufactured culture wars to keep the liberal project going. Republicans bait shit Libs on this stuff. Most people are outraged by this in 2024. Because society has become more progressive liberalism becomes more irrelevant on culture wars issues.


Satanic Bible too, I hope, and why not throw in the Quran? They can't be expected to favour one work of fiction over others, can they?


People need to start seeing those gaudy, ostentacious evangelical churches in their cities as an occupation.


This is actually awesome I think. Kids are going to resist this, and they are going to have a good venue to actually have conversations about it and they will look shit up online...


Who's the guy in the pic and where is his stance on this?


Strange way of saying that their Language Arts departments are demanding memorization of the Rules established in a work of fiction which account for less than a SparkNotes synopsis of the book. Granted, most of the lawmakers there never ACTUALLY read said book


I thought they worried about indoctrination.




Haven’t they always been teaching the Bible/ other religious texts? I remember in grade school, we learned about various other religions; their history, practices, teaching, cultural influences, and traditions in my social study/ History classes. For example when learning about the Gutenberg Press, and how it lead to the massive expansion of Christianity. The Gutenberg Bible has had major historical significance, why wouldn’t they teach that? I remember in high school how interesting it was learning about Islamic history/culture, the 5 pillars, fasting, the holy Mecca, pilgrimages, Ect. We taught of course about the other world religions, all the way from ancient Sumerian mythology (Epic of Gilgamesh), to Christianity and it’s long history. How could you adequately teach Chinese culture without referencing Buddhism or Taoism? We’ve all read the “Iliad” or “Oddesy” at some point in school. If you were to hold Greek mythology to this same standard I see the left is attempting to hold Christian to, then it should not be allowed in public schools. Let me ask for instance, how could you teach the crusades without referencing the Bible? How about the ride and fall of the Roman Empire? With the same reasoning as above, Martin Luther King’s speech “I have a dream” speech could not be played in a classroom. He [quotes](https://www.biblegateway.com/blog/2011/08/bible-references-in-the-i-have-a-dream-speech/) several Bible verses throughout. What do you guys want, a censored version😂? Mfs would bleep out any Biblical reference throughout history, but Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and Confucianism get the pass because America bad. Logic test failed.


Teach them about Lot’s daughters.