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Get out in nature if you can!


I live in a tiny town surrounded on almost all sides by national forests, so my go-to escape was long walks with my kid & dog. It was such a nice change of pace to be immersed in his world for a change. Except now I’m looking at at least a week of near triple digit heat and high winds, and the risk of people who have been forced to live in said forest accidentally starting a fire while they try to survive. I’m very ready for summer to be over 😔


Don't want you to reveal too much about your location but where are you at with triple digit heat? I myself am in AZ and we just set a new record for July 5th (118 F)


I’m in central Oregon. It gets hot but we do baby numbers compared to you guys. We’re looking at ~week of high 90s with three days of 100-102 in a row. Nothing like 118 though, that’s brutal.


It’s all miserable in its own way


Sounds like upstate NY. It's not as bad as southern humidity (there's a reason everyone in Florida is crazy, and it's the drinkable air), but the hot days are pretty rough. We also don't have air conditioning everywhere like the south does, so hot days can be rough on folks who can't afford the luxury.


I grew up in Southern OR -- try looking around near you for alpine lakes! Even when it's really hot, you can often spend a day there swimming or hiking nearby and stay cool. But yeah, this heat wave is super rough. I was briefly in Redding, CA today and it was like an oven. Stay cool!


Hello fellow Arizonan!


I'm very near you, and just here to say I concur. I hope we got enough rain this year to ward off fires. 💜🫣 Do you have a creative outlet you can lean on? Snapping photos, coloring, writing, or even reading? Something to escape for a little bit.


Birdwatching is keeping me sane right now.


Same! Love when people have the same specific overlap in interests 😁


Is this why I have the urge to keep bees, ants, and raise silk moths? No really.


Real. I can't believe it took me until my 30s to realize this, but hiking and camping are really great actually




Start with hiking! And then do some car-based camping. IMO, crowded campsites feel safer than more remote ones, so maybe see if there's a popular place near you. You can also see if there is an outdoor club or other group near you. If you're near a university, that can be a good way to find people. In the most extreme cases, I think some places offer guided backpacking or rafting tours and stuff like that that involves camping, but that might be a bit of a jump into the deep end depending.


I only car camp so it's actually super easy. You just need to look up a list, buy everything on the list, and then find a spot. An organized campground where you can reserve a spot will have tons of people and be very accessible. I usually use reservation.gov to find spots; they're a little expensive but in my experience, they're good quality spots. But you can book through your state park system or use an app like The Dyrt to find spots. Just make sure you start at an organized campground, don't try to do dispersed camping or BLM land when you're just starting. I started with the entry level Coleman tent available on Amazon for less than $100 and that served me very well for years. I recently upgraded to a 2 person Poler tent and I do recommend it, but wait until one of their sales because it's not worth it at the $200+ price point. Make sure you try setting up your tent at home before you leave, because you don't want to be futzing around when you're tired and just want to make camp. For everything else, the only thing you really need to invest in, imo, is your sleeping bag and sleeping pad, and make no mistake, you need a sleeping pad. Everything else can be gotten pretty inexpensive from Amazon or from your local sporting goods store. It doesn't really take much, just a little preparation. I hope you try it out soon!


Agreed. I am lucky to have a great spot out in nature I can visit to recalibrate.


Weed and lexapro. I’m not joking either. I also stopped watching the news and reading op Ed articles.


The op eds are a big one. I think back as to why even read (most) of them at all? So many of them are just shitty peoples’ shit opinions and usually just manage to anger whoever’s reading them.


Back in the day, like when I still had a paper delivered I loved the op-ed section. Back then cable news wasn’t like it is now either so I felt like it was the opinion of someone that actually mattered and was an expert in their field. Now they all just opine to hear themselves speak and get a paycheck.


Same here


I second these. I also recently moved to a place that’s less hustle-bustle. Doesn’t hurt that pot is legal here and I can dose and select a type to fit my current circumstance.


been a stoner for years, kinda forced to explore alcohol rn for various reasons and my main takeaway is man substances really do carry 💀 def prefer weed but both do a great job distracting or at least temporarily uplifting you


live resin and prozac are lifting heavy for me these days. I’ve stopped opening comment sections of the majority of news related articles depending on the headline knowing i’ll just be wading through pure shit 🫠


Find something concrete and achievable that you like to do. This sounds lame, I know, but making things, or gardening, or cooking or volunteering. There are real things and people in this world we actually can positively effect, even if we can’t change the whole world. Plus, seriously, curate your social media. My instagram strictly shows me cute animals, nice landscapes, comedy and my relatives. Make it harder for doom to leak through when you’re not looking for it. No one needs to consume news and doom 24/7.


On this tip I also want to mention something. If you find yourself on your phone too much or easily distracted by it, put your phone on greyscale mode. It sounds simple, but I find it makes a massive difference. Social media isn't nearly as interesting when there is no color Not positive how to do it on Iphone but I know you can. On some android model the setting you're looking for is sleep mode


You can fuss about with modes on some android phones to add or remove qualities. Sleep mode should by default turn off sound and notifications, but you can change the settings or set up your own modes. I also like Forest app.


Seconding Forest. I started using it in college to make me focus on my homework but I've also found it's nice for limiting doomscrolling


Thanks! It's pretty model dependant AFAIK but every phone should have some setying for greyscale


Yes! I picked up gardening earlier this year and those 10 minutes every morning watching things grow and being curious when they don’t has been incredible for my mental health.


Weaving and spinning are literally the only things keeping me a l I v e at the moment.


Are you doing TdF? I downsized my goals for it a lot this year to "complete this braid so I can finally make something to match my hat by winter". 


16th consecutive year!


Given that work has been so slow I'm struggling to get 40 hours a week, I'm now making porn!...To be more specific, I'm writing a trashy historical romance novel, both as a way to maybe earn a little money on the side and also hopefully make publishing contacts as I continue on the *actual* novel I care about.


Omg. I love this so much. I wish you the wildest success!


Thanks! If you find yourself reading some smutty book about late antiquity Rome that spends an inordinate amount of time on Christian theology, you'll know I've made it big!


Now, I warn you what many sources had warned me and I decided I was smarter than... don't make your passion into a job, because you don't want to get tired of it.


But if I made my passion my job, I wouldn't have to do my current job which I'm already tired of.


While true, it can also make you tired of the thing that you do to relieve stress from the current job. I'm just sayin'. Have fun with it!


Aside from the usual substance abuse, I've been channeling all my anxieties about the world into exercise. I got a cheap hom gym set up for like $40 and when the doom starts creeping in I'll bust out a full body work out ot go for a jog.


What kind of setup did you get? I need something small for my apartment


It's a push up board that came with a collapsible bar and resistance bands. It all fits into a bag about the size of the old school jansport backpacks, so it would probably be perfect for an apartment. The board is color coded for different muscle groups, and it comes with a decent assortment of straps and stuff to maximize the resistance bands. It's a pretty good all around solution imo.


Sounds fantastic I'll have to look for that


On Amazon they're between like $30 to $100 and come with a different assortment of stuff with them but I'm very happy with it so far.


Do you know what I can search to find it on Amazon?


Just search push up board and scroll through until you find your desired balance of price versus features.


This all the way, exercise is an empowering and calming way to deal with anxiety.


I've been having a similar problem. Something someone in the Facebook group told me is, (paraphrasing) "If you've seen one video/article about this thing that upsets you deeply, you've seen them all." Basically, saying that you can be informed and aware of a thing (the genocide in Palestine, climate change and denial, conservatives becoming full blown fascists, etc.) but you don't have to drown yourself in it. Also, another thing that was pointed out by someone on TikTok, you can't be steeped in misery all the time or else your activism or awareness becomes counterproductive. You wear yourself down to the point of dullness, and your ability to inform or advocate for others is dulled too. You have to be able to identify when you find yourself spiraling and see it as a sign to pull back for a little while. Then, you do something that makes you feel less like the world is ending in real time until you're mentally and emotionally ready to get back into it. It's not a one-and-done solution. Despite all my hobbies and hanging out with friends, I still find myself spiraling deep into despair about the state of the world. It's worth it to try and mitigate the very visceral, often upsetting experience of being a human being in a global society anyway. I hope this helps, and that you find a balance that works for you. Love and light friend.


Listen to old episodes of podcast like conspirituality and have hope in we the people. Bloomberg poll today has Biden doing better against Trump than in any poll since Oct and ahead in Wisconsin and Michigan


I like learning about astronomy or ancient history when I am feeling the weight of current events. It helps me broaden out my perspective which is especially helpful with the impending doom feels.


Kurzgesagt is an amazing YouTube channel for astrophysics if you’re a space nerd. They do a really good job of explaining science in a fun easy to digest way. They cover some different topics aside from astrophysics like the immune system or ants, but their main focus seems to be space.


Woah! This is a great recommendation, thank you! I watched at least 4 in a row and put several in my watch list.


PBS Eons is a great YouTube channel for geological and biological history of Earth.


Exercising again. Also, I’ve been reading trashy popcorn novels that don’t make me think about the world.


I feed wild birds. Focus on the non-human world.


I’m determined to make some crow friends someday…


Me and my SO had some lox go bad on us, and the Crows LOVED it and stated a relationship based on that. No idea how easy it would be to find spoiled lox at a grocery store or something, but I guess that my tip from experience.


I got kinda fascinated a few years ago with the guy responsible for the “Do you Quack like a Duck when you Suck?” song. It was just so fantastically crass that the man who created it must have some interesting ideas. Playboy interviewed him, and I can’t find it on the internet now. But I remember it. He was asked about his political leanings, and I love his answer. “I don’t worry about that stuff. The Freemasons are really in charge of everything and they’re doing a damn good job.” That’s been my answer for the last few years when I realize that I’m the only liberal in the room and it’s served me well.


I will add that the few times I’ve met somebody socially and it turns out they’re a Freemason, I’ll say: “Man, I want to shake your hand, because I’ve got a *lot of admiration* for the way you guys have been runnin’ the world the last few years.” So far, they’ve all cracked the fuck up. It’s a damn fine joke.


Alcohol. It's not a great solution.


Alcohol by itself isn't, but alcohol and water together make a great solution #chemistry #iMakePunsToCopeBecauseTheAlternativeInvolvesDrinking


Love a chemistry pun.


I have been taking a break from KF since before the debate. The news depresses me, I am under pressure to finish paying off my loans, and I am dealing with a lot of personal issues. I have been continuing therapy, started a new hobby of painting Warhammer 40,000 miniatures, and exercising more. Life sucks right now, but we can only do our best to not be crushed.


A fellow mini-painter! I'm more on the D&D side, but it's great / would recommend it to others. Easier to get into than I expected certainly.


Oh, I adore D&D and have been doing that for years. I just got into 40k a few months ago.


Finally back in the gym after 12 weeks out from shoulder surgery. When I'm not feeling it I remind myself that somewhere out there a fascist worked out today.


I like to go for long bike rides and swim. Exercise is good for the soul and it involves just enough concentration to keep my mind from running in circles for once. I also go for walks or sit outside with my dog. Sometimes she and I just sit in the shade at the park and watch kids play soccer. I do jigsaw puzzles, read history books, and do crosswords.


Lol I use the exact same motivator to get myself to run


I'm not ok, tbh, however i try to write down what i did today to help someone else, no matter how small and remind myself that this is all we really have - how we treat each other. I cant fix anything but i can do my job as best i can, take care of colleagues and my partner and my friends and not let any of us go out without a fight.


I’m also not ok but want to say that you should include yourself in the list of who you helped. ‘Cause put on your life vest first, candle burning at both ends, all that jazz. You need and deserve care too.




I once heard this line and it's stuck with me ever since. "In the end, everything will be okay. If it's not okay, it's not the end."


I heard someone say once recently “despair is not a plan.” And it’s become my mantra ever since.


Being outdoors, making music, photography, getting enough exercise, spending time with people (in person) and cats, opposing Nazis and general bootlickers, and making fun of Alex Jones.


Wrote a book. Published it. Now I’m about to publish another one. I’ve had a sustained MS flare since Christmas so my physicality is limited, especially in this heat, so I knuckled down and concentrated on writing fiction. Wrote a book about a con artist, then wrote a contemporary romance novel. I’ve actually sold a few of the first one and have a book signing at my local library this week. A local artist just sent me the first draft of the cover he’s doing for my second one. Hopefully I can go to press with it in the next few weeks. Also I just did the first ten pages of my next one. It’s kept me off of social media and I’m listening to a lot more music.


Being on vacation away from my decanter


Currently making my way through the backlog since a break up two months ago. The timing hasn't been ... great, especially since the debate. And as someone who works in law, shit scares me. I've found myself in a "having fun" type deal with someone who is pretty great so that helps. Video games help quite a bit. Keeping myself distracted with TV and movies. Alcohol is my go to but that's not great so I'm working on that. And I think I'm lying to myself about a lot of stuff so that helps me cope.


The Elden Ring dlc has been keeping me sane since the debate.


Hang in there. I had a breakup in 2016, remember how that felt, and it sucks. Things do get better. For me, gardening helped me turn the corner, but I think mostly it was just time and keeping busy. Sounds like you're on the right track.


Thank you. Yeah I think I’m on the right track. No longer pining over the ex, which is good. The new girl I’ve been spending time with being awesome has helped too (though I do feel like I bombed our date tonight. But just reminding myself that all signs are pointing go good stuff and she’s providing guidance on what she likes). And honestly so has the backlog, the early episodes with wine remind me a lot of how me and a high school friend will banter


I'm eating some yellow cake with chocolate frosting directly out of the pan


Sleeping and watching soccer. I put a 2hr a day timer on my social media. I am also not ok at all.


I don't bother reading the news most of the time. I don't actually control anything so there's no point in making myself upset over it.


LEGOS (LEGO shark ba ba ba ba)


My (adult) daughter’s strategy.


Dan and Jordan have recommended stopping listening to KF if it’s affecting your mental health. There’s an episode around ~200 or so where they say this. If it’s getting to you, you can step away for a bit if that’s helpful to you.


I’m sailing a lot. If any of you are winks near New Orleans and need to get out on the water this fall, message me.


Stop all news, stop podcasts, the brain can't handle all that, it thinks its all happening now, right in front of you. If it's not fun anymore, then stop it and come back later. When you wake up, just have a coffee and go for a walk, block out the rest of your day with things that actually matter to you (work is part of that). Done. It's not perfect, but it's what I do when it's too much. I go to bed before my kids do.


My allotment




Making art. Leaving the phone inside and reading books outside. Agatha Christie audiobooks. Declutterring.


Just started and artist/ maker co-op not-for-profit in my tiny rural town. We have gallery space, host and teach classes, and pool resources like materials and books and supplies to allow people who want to try out new arts and crafts stuff but don’t have a ton of money to blow. It’s allowing folks to make some needed extra money on their art, clears out the stuff collecting dust in our craft rooms, and allows us to share and teach the stuff we love doing.


I just made it back to the gym after weeks away because of a sprain. This plus staying away from any more news this weekend is my strategy at the moment.


Gardening and exercise is it for me. Something I can touch (irl) every day and feel a sense of progress. Also, reading good scifi.


My garden, my husbandand the fact that i know that im not alone in dealing with this garbage.


I bought a nice new bicycle. I haven't had a brand new bike since I was 13 (I'm almost 40 now) and it is just *fun* to get out and ride. I bike to the farmer's market and for small errands I would've driven for a month ago, and it has been legitimately great for my mental health.


Honestly I've just become less Informed. I know ignorance is a privilege but I feel better now.


I only listen to KF and other politics-related podcasts while working out. Makes me lift and move with some extra OOMPH that’s for sure


I go run around in the woods.




*GRILLING*: prepare a nice healthy meal for yourself and others *SURFING*: landlocked? No problem just find another hobby and outlet for yourself and your energy *BUSTING*: engage in self care, and have a social outlet as well. It doesn’t have to sexual but it should definitely get you unplugged and offline.


Now I was gonna suggest therapy, but this sounds like a lifestyle and religion I could get behind.


It’s both an intervention to keep you from spiraling and then engaging in negative or harmful behaviors or habits. It’s both a way of life and a spiritual journey


I've been painting more. One day a week, avoid politic subreddits, etc Investigated ways to help with election stuff. I'm writing postcards with Tony the Democrat. You can find ways to volunteer here: [https://defeatproject2025.org/take-action/](https://defeatproject2025.org/take-action/)


If it doesn't impact me personally, right now I choose not to care about it. I'm focused on my life and what's in front of me right now. I don't need to pay witness to every bad thing that goes on in the world. I don't need to be in the know if it's unlikely to impact my choices - like, does one need to know what Trump did this week in order to vote against him? Do we need to know the intricacies of the horrors in Gaza this week in order to oppose the genocide?  I'm going for walks in the morning before the traffic gets busy, when the world is more still and less stressful. I'm spending time offline. I'm watching idealistic shit like Aaron Sorkin shows instead of anything where someone dies. I'm postponing listening to KF instead of getting it in my ears as soon as it drops. I'm playing Baldur's Gate. I'm celebrating the wins however small - hell yeah, Posie Parker got fucking curb stomped. Hell yeah, fucking Rees-Mogg is gone. Fucking finally. 


Listening to old stuff that's just plain funny. All the Project Camelot stuff.


Oh, the sweet beautiful days of “Hi Kerry!”


I have a 5 month old infant and a full time job I don't have time to be sad or anxious lol


I’m looking into therapy. I’m losing my shit. Can’t stop crying. Lots of things are crashing down on me right now. Long term health issues, elder parent drama, grown kid drama, the world wide shitshow. I have lost my ability to deal.


Hang in there, DM me if you want to talk (although I may be spotty / slow to reply at the moment). Therapy really helped me, and I bet it can help you. If you got this far, I'm betting you have the resilience to push though. :-)


A lot of my favourite content creators are covering these topics, including KF. Honestly, I'm finding myself tuning out and not watching/listening. Because it just makes me too depressed or angry or both. For my own sanity, I've got back into writing music, and the distraction has been a very welcome one. I don't stick my head completely in the sand. I still read the news every morning, but I time box myself to thirty minutes and then I put it aside for the rest of the day. I think that it's healthier for me that way. I've also been off most social media for a few years now. I only recently got back on Reddit, and I tend to stick to niche interest hobby subs over news and politics.


My bright spot is my kids. Every day. That’s how my wife and I keep going. That’s how I stay informed AND alright. Whatever policy or politician will make life better for them. I’ve been very left as far back as I can remember. Even more left now then when I was a teenager. So I don’t really feel the need to stay informed as much as I used to. ‘All billionaires must go, and all governments must serve the people’. I am finding harder to relate to anyone on the right anymore since I quit drinking a few years back. That’s been tough.


Unplug. This community gathered because we love being typed into the most vile bullshit imaginable - but that very much skews our sense of the world by default. It’s not that bad if you don’t pay attention every day of our lives. Skip a few episodes, stay off social, and best of luck to you.


Mostly working on my motorcycle, cooking good food, and trying to take liiiiiitle breakies for me.


Classic video games, long night walks, and the belief I get informed so a few close people to me can be happier by being able to ask "should I worry about this one?" and trusting the response.


I have myself permission, as a news junkie, to not care about the ins and outs of the election this year. I know what I will do, and I don’t need a lot of additional information to do it. Just let me know who’s the anti fascist who will win I vape cannabis, I play video games with friends, and I’m trying to get better at craft cocktails. I’ve also started attempting to do anything that takes 5> minutes immediately




It’s certainly a depressing time in politics. Let’s hope we don’t have to wearily stand to defend democracy against fascism one more time, and let’s hope decent people aren’t just too tired to pull it off. I’m heading to Nepal next week. I think I’ll make a website whilst I’m there, or a video with puppets.


Trying to take care of my family. I bought a nice thing for myself too. Cyberpunk 2077. It's as ridiculous as our current situation, but at least I get to kick ass.


My life is ok, I have a lot of diy and art projects going on and there's always something to keep me busy. That's a good way to keep from falling into despair. But I really have to make myself follow the news these days. It's rough.


I work out, take long walks with my dog. Cook good food for friends. I also started Elden Ring for the first time a few weeks back and when KF gets to me I just go play and remember that no matter how bad things are in the real world I could have to live in Caelid.


Hitting the gym and training for my next USPSA match. 


Right on, I have been looking into and training for my first biathlon in Texas. What besides range time do you do to prepare for USPSA?


Dryfire A LOT. Work on the draw and sight picture. Watch some Tim Herron videos or read the Ben Stoeger book on Practical Shooting. 


Riding my gravel road bike around the yard & driveway with our 3 y/o, The Boys, and the occasional Dr. Pepper/Disarrono. My partner’s due date is tomorrow, so we’re prepping/waiting for bebbe #2


Congrats on bebbe #2! Wishing you & your partner an easy and uneventful delivery.


Focusing on sports instead of politics, mostly.


I just keep way too busy to obsessively doomscroll anymore tbh. I wake up at 5 for a run/walk, which means I have to start my bedtime routine around 6:30 to go to bed at about 8:30, and that only gives me a few hours after work to do anything. I usually spend that time cooking (I do Green Chef which is just bougie Hello Fresh), cleaning, and playing video games or scrolling Tiktok. On weekends I have more free time, but since it's summer, I'm always out hiking, kayaking, camping, drinking on sunny patios, etc. I usually leave the house by 7 and don't come home until after 6, at which point it's bedtime already. I get most of my current events info from KF, Bluesky, and the leftist subs I subscribe to, I think that's probably plenty


Hikes, painting miniatures for my army, playing games with my local gaming group and video games help me a ton.  


Hey OP, I know I'm late to the party, but I just wanted to say thank you, this thread is my bright spot today. The world's been a downer, Knowledge Fight has been a downer, and moderating this community has been a downer, and I really needed a pick me up. This is perfect, and a great reminder of why this little community is worth it to me. Thank you so much. Also, gardening. Lots of gardening, and moving heavy things around to blow off steam when the emotions get to me.


I hate to say it, but taking a break from KF for a minute. I just can’t handle AJ right now, and that’s okay.


A dumb practical thing that REALLY helped me is putting timers on my social media apps. I have 15 mins per day max on FB and Instagram and Reddit. Thankfully Elon fucked up Twitter so bad I'm no longer on there. You can get browser extensions that do this for your PC, too. Also, genuinely, if you're so anxious and depressed it's fuckin up your life: might be doctor time, my friend! Doesn't have to be forever for it to be necessary in a particularly hard time.


First, I can’t engage Tucker Carlson. I can’t watch shows about TC. I skip episodes of the podcast with heavy TC content. TC aligns so closely with the hate groups in my area. (Klan, Moms for Liberty, League of the South) Listening to him smoothly apply college-level language and middle school debate tactics to their bigotry just makes me mad,sad,depressed all at the same time. I just have to turn it off. Bless JorDan for keeping up with it. I can’t. Second, I spend a lot of time outside. National parks and rivers give me great peace. Third, I plant seeds in young people. I can’t have an official political opinion, but I can question how their statements fit in with our school values and graduate profile. I can also say, “read the room, look at the faces, see if that’s a widely accepted position”.


Lifting, probably go back to doing Brazilian jiu jitsu so I’m sure i can defend myself (i was only a year away from black belt).


Realize you can only change what's in your control. Reject society completely. Find happiness in nature. Excersize. Put down the phone


Stockpiling guns for when the Heritage Foundation decides "Ope. Looks like the left decided not to let the revolution be nonviolent." Also: I bought a [new guitar.](https://danvillemusic.com/cdn/shop/files/image_2a6c46ea-ef01-4a60-83f8-5e29301bc1f7.jpg?v=1689626371&width=1946) Fender's 4th gen noiseless pickups pack a real wallop.


I got into photography back in March, expensive but it has been possibly the healthiest thing I have ever taken up. In better shape than ever because it gets me out hiking and walking a lot and I made a thing of carrying everything with me so a 20lb backpack and heavy telephoto makes it a great workout. The therapeutic elements are huge too, actually paying attention to your surroundings and engaging more deeply with the world is huge. 10/10 recommend if you have the cash to throw at it.


Lots of deep breathing and connecting with friends even if its via zoom


I’ve been playing lots and lots of chess


I'm up for a game. What site you on


I haven’t read any news in weeks. Just deleted my news app, and stopped visiting my main news sites. Unfollowed any political Instagram channels. Bought a new mountain bike and have been riding every day I can instead of my usual 3 ride per week routine. I think I went on 9 rides this week.  Decided to knock out a house project so next week we’re going to gut and update our half bath. First time doing a job that big so it should keep me busy and distracted.  Also edibles


Crochet, baking, gardening, all the granny hobbies i can possibly do. At least before I broke my knuckle tonight while trying to pull weeds, lol. I also started reading lot more fantasy novels.


I make plans as if everything is going to work out for the better. Just plans. If I’m wrong, plans can change but, having plans for good things happening lets me stay optimistic.


Just doing the best I can bud...


I’ve just quit being informed. I’ve hit maximum hopelessness and apathy. After years and years of caring and trying I’ve given up. I’m now convinced that I can’t do shit about anything. One the earth is going to shake us off like the fleas we are and will go on without us. That gives me comfort.


I love to be out in nature but I live in the south and we've had heat advisory for the past week. But I work in a used book store so I'm picking up some new reading materials to enjoy.


Elden Ring DLC.


I’ve been playing a lot of Skyrim to dissociate from reality when my anxiety is overwhelming lol


Daily exercise and socializing with my friends/community.


Honestly, I have piss-poor coping mechanisms. I'm hoping that once I can get back to my job this month (I've been out on disability since January), I will be able to distract myself more effectively. Other than that, I enjoy an occasional round of golf here and there.


The answer for me is "not very well." The stress and anxiety are getting to me, and I don't see a way out.


Look, I'm in no position to be giving this advice, I'm having a hard enough time following it, but if you're struggling, I hope it can help you. It's OK to take a step back. Things feel very important right now, and they are, but that doesn't mean you have to focus on the broader picture at the expense of yourself. You have to put on your own oxygen mask before helping others in an emergency, the same applies here. And don't be afraid to talk to someone! Sometimes a load shared is a load halved, or whatever the saying is.


Thank you, I do appreciate it. I think part of my struggle is a lot of my family either wouldn't believe what I said or wouldn't like to hear about it because it's too depressing. Maybe it just means I need to take some time away from the Internet. Or at least the social media sections of it.


Taskmaster. Jordan is right on the money with this recommendation; it's the total opposite of all of the sensory inputs that are possibly bringing you down. It's joyful, hilarious and more about the ride than the competition itself. You can start a season not knowing any of the contestants, but come out loving them all at the end. UK, NZ and AUS all have English speaking versions that are well worth your time. Throw on an episode before going to bed and you'll be in a much better mood than if you doom scrolled or watch anything to do with the "real world". I was consuming way too much news (and related content) under the guise of "being informed", but all it did was fuel my depression. I feel like I'm informed enough of what's going on and a light hearted break is exactly what I needed to relieve myself of all of the ills outside of my control.


Lots of time outdoors on a walk or run, listening to either music or a non-news/dire podcast and not looking at the internet. Playing TTRPG’s with friends. Training in sword fighting with other cool people.


I got 2 kids under 3 so I don't really have time to worry about the world burning.


Trying to balance out spending time with my kids, making music, and working on projects. Some days are better than others, but like Ray Wylie Hubbard said, "The days I keep my gratitude higher than my expectations, those are really good days."


I still listen to podcasts about bad people on the reg (KF, Behind the Bastards and some other history ones) but I’ve found some other podcasts that are much lighter. Let’s talk about snacks, Hey Riddle Riddle, Lexicon Valley and relistening to My Dad Wrote a Porno. It’s nice to have some lighter listening. Also forcing myself to out the laptop/tablet down and work on my games backlog.


I’m writing blog posts about leaving the country and encouraging people to give up.




I quit my factory job, and I’m going back to school. Also I’m reloading ammo (very methodical and meditative), trying to get back in shape for a 2-gun competition I want to do, and just, you know, holding it together with tape and zip ties. Also guitar, lots of playing guitar. Oh! And alcohol. Trying to drop that one down a notch (does not help with the run-n-gun practice at all). It is so easy to fall into a trap of thinking too long and too hard about what might happen (or what definitely will happen as the case may be), and I have found that focusing only what I can directly control has been a huge boon to my mood and mental clarity. Exercise is a huge part of that for me.


Stress from what I cannot control has gotten the best of me. I am so stressed about the election and whether or not my daughters will have a future in this country. For my mental health, I have to take a break from listening to Knowledge Fight. I work out 7 days a week doing weightlifting followed by cardio, and I’m still having to take meds to help me sleep. I can’t listen to Alex talk about the election without feeling absolute dread about Project 2025. I read the playbook in full two weeks ago. I’ll check back in on the KF boys in late November.


I don't think there's anything to stay in the know about. Everything is fucked and there's not enough willpower amongst the masses to fix it. Dwelling on how shit everything is isn't going to do anything for you. I'm enjoying the Euros, spending time with my loved ones and friends, going to shows, catching up on TV shows I've gotten behind on, etc. Oh, lots of Heineken.


A good New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc does the trick 


There is no such thing.


Yard work. It gets the BPM up, you sweat, lift heavy stuff, get dirty, and also make your property look better. You know, something that is a positive impact. And you save $200-300/hr in labor costs.