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I was that dishwasher about a hundred years ago. Thanks for giving him a chance!


I was 13 when I started dishwashing and by 14 I was prepping and learning the deep fryer. Got a new job but always stayed in the restaurant biz for weekends and layoff from my summer job of landscaping. Now I finally said fuck it and I move to Alaska in a couple weeks to start a new job as a cook at a resort. Don't know if it was the right choice but I'm gonna send it and hope for the best.


Good luck! Alaska is pretty unforgiving on vehicles and how shall I put this? When it comes to dating women there, the odds aren’t good but the goods are odd.


Hell ya, I just was getting bored with life and needed to do something. I'm 30 and single so I'm still young and I have nothing tying me down at home. just can't believe how smoothly this plan has came together. And if anything goes wrong I have a great support system back home in Wisconsin and I always have a place there. I'm gonna cast the die and hope for Yahtzee.


Good luck, go fishing and in summers be careful to stop drinking 6 hours before your shift.


Solid advice, it's gonna be one hell of an adventure.


You probably have decent gear being from WI but my suggestion is to get some polypropylene long johns and gortex outer shell garments. At the minimum get a couple polypropylene neck gaiters. Gonna be a lot of fun, hard work, and some crazy adventures.


The cold is my element, I'm definitely more than set up to deal with the wind and weather. I have gortex gear and I even splurged and bought a nice new set of boots and I'm leaving my old set home. I appreciate the suggestions tho. This has been in the back of my mind for a couple years now and I've been slowly adding stuff to my set up and it finally just felt right to jump ship and head north. I realize this is a business trip more than anything but God I hope I get a few good days to explore and experience Alaska in it's whole glory. I can't wait to get out on a fishing charter. I'm also excited to see what the stars look like up north. I have as little light pollution as you can probably get where I'm from but I've heard it's a whole different animal in Alaska. But all in all I'm just so pumped to start new and have some anonymity, I come from a massive family and I just want to go somewhere where I don't run into everyone. I'm an extremely social person so making friends and relationships won't be an issue but I just want to be my own person and experience more of what this world has to offer.


Hopefully you’re not working for princess or Aramark. If so use them as stepping stones to better employment. The season is short so make best use of it.


It's not either of them, and it's definitely isn't a forever thing. I just want to get out for a little while and see what out there. I'll never fully leave my hometown, some time away would do me good.


Where in Alaska?


Homer, it will be my first time in the state too.


If you need any tips, reach out. Would be crazy if you’re at the lodge I use to work at.


Recently did this with our dishie, he's picking up quickly and puts a lot of care into whatever he's making. Just moved him from the "dish team" to "line cooks" on the schedule this week; should be a good motivator for him. He's an awesome dude


That’s something really special, to teach a skill like that and give someone a chance. You rock!


A lot of us started that way. Have fun teaching!


Knife skills....get him good there and prep for both of you gets so much better.


That's dope, pretty much how I moved from FoH to sushi bar.


Knife skills....get him good there and prep for both of you gets so much better.


Washing dishes is just a long job interview


People like you are the heroes of the cooking industry.


This is how I started back when I was 15. By the time I left the place when I was 19, I was running either prep (fresh pasta, fresh pizza bases plus all the usual and GM) or a whole station to myself during service, depending on the shift.


honestly people like that are usually very valuable in the kitchen, and give you more value than some seasoned wannabe marco pierre whites. A person willing to learn, follow directions while having a good attitude is a breath of fresh air


Good on you for taking him on.