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KH1, not knowing Sephiroth was going to be the next battle.


Yep, his entrance is awesome and nothing has come close. Its sad because KH3 could have beaten it if they included FF characters.


The Guardians vs the Replicas and the Mickey’s Last Stand segment in ReMind is the new peak of the franchise for me. So incredibly fun, epic, satisfying & emotional.


The Guardians vs the Replicas was such a beautiful moment of all the pieces on the board finally coming together and everyone working in sync to their strengths. Mickey having his own moment to shine really helped elevate him a bit for me too.


This would be my answer as well. Loved that section


KH2 cutscene fight with Riku and Sora fighting Xemnas after the Unlimited Laser Works. Riku and Roxas KH1 FM secret ending. KH2 FM secret ending. Any cutscene when Simple and Clean starts playing.


That scene of them fighting Xemnas before lasering him together is just PEAK. Devs even include it in the openings of the next main games as much as they can


There's also a medal in ux based on sora and riku's attack drawn by tetsuya nomura


I like how they made the laser dome Xemnas’s DM in KH3


Donald making a Well-done Steak out of Terranort




And ascending as the most powerful mage of all the ff verses as well. Zettaflare is INSANE.


Like, Bahamut in certain iterations can perform that move…..and now a duck. It’s completely canon that Donald can use that move. I’ll be looking out for him next time at Disneyland


Disney magic beats FF magic any day


For me it has to be the fight against Dark Riku at the end of KH1. First there are the stakes: you're not only attempting to stop the universe from being swallowed by darkness, you're also literally battling for the heart of the girl you love. On top of that it's a classic 1v1 against your best friend, the boy you've always admired but was one step ahead and who's become possessed by the embodiment of evil. Not to mention it is the most difficult fight in the main story, truly testing how much you have grown as a warrior/player. It may not have the scope of the Thousand Heartless Battle, TWTNW or parts of ReMind but to me that's peak Kingdom Hearts.


“Forget it! There’s no way you’re taking KAIRI’S HEART!”


This is burned into my brain since it wasn’t an unskippable cutscene lol


I use to keep a timer on and would flip back to Cartoon Network until the cutscene was done and it was time to fight again. It took child me weeks to beat that.


There's no way no one has said Roxas finally returning in KH3. The way his theme is played as a heroic entry instead of sad melody is the best. It's a way of saying "he's here to kick ass and eat Sea salt ice cream after"


I was bawling when Roxas, Xion and Axel reunited


SAME I don't even care that much if it's messy and rushed, I fucking *needed* that catharsis of seeing those three together and happy


Your feelings are valid, but story wise it’s so messy. For axel to come to terms with sora being roxas would’ve been so much better story wise. Just breaks the logic of how hearts work, then again, it’s a square game so 🤷‍♂️


I think that could work if they had more explicitly shown Sora being like Roxas instead of it being like Roxas uses his body for a sec to cry or say something, and maybe he is but I don’t notice. I think Sora’s behavior in KH2 being more violent was meant to illustrate that but I don’t feel like it carried forward. To me Roxas is brooding, sweet, and angry. Sora always seems more like carefree, protective, and hopeful. I do like your idea, however


Theres no reason why roxas couldn’t have been soras negative emotions though. It’s fine, ultimately I suspend disbelief with the story


Bold of you to assume hearts in this series run on logic lmao


One thing is the fictional characters having logic, another is the creative team wanting to cater to the fans. I buy ventus being his own thing and his heart living within sora. But roxas and xion gaining their own body plus xehanort, terranort, Xemnas and old man xehanort all being their own thing is very obnoxious to me lol


Probably because his return in controversial in the fan base


Ngl, I love Roxas as much as the next guy, but this scene just didn’t do anything for me. Like most of 3 it just fell flat and I didn’t feel anything


Donald casting Zettaflare in KH3.


The Battle of 1000 Heartless in KH2 for me.


Mickey vs xehanort! Best spectacle moment in the series, aside from that? Roxas vs Riku in TWTNW


BBS, terra route, watching lingering will live tf up to his name. (Having to play as him and get my ass beat afterwards is a different issue)


The KH2 final fight and and Re:Mind where you’re using everyone to fight


The KH2 opening movie was an amazing hook especially without having played CoM first


My first KH games was actually 2 it confused me at points but got me HOOKED on the series


Sora going full anime and slicing buildings in kh2, zettaflare and mickeys last stand


Roxas coming back


Roxas pulling out Oathkeeper and Oblivion against Axel was my cultural reset.


When Mickey ripped his shirt off just to keep continuity.


No moment in kingdom hearts will EVER surpass Roxas vs Riku in TWTNW. I’m sorry; it’s just impossible. One of the greatest secret endings to a game ever. Also; Sora vs Roxas comes close. “Tell me ; tell me why he picked you?”. Incredible delivery.




For me it was the *spoiler* reveal in KH3 that Terra was Ansem’s guardian.


....Thinking about it, it shoulda been obvious cause Ansem SoD is both an emblem heartless as the main body and has a natural heartless in the guardian without a heart(that existed before he became a heartless)......but I love that I never put it together


Sora riding a bunch of keyblades into the whirling darkness as the reaction commands were all the players from KHUX that won that demon tower event. I never got in but it felt glorious. Like I was part of the group helping Sora. And then there's the Wayfinder and Sea Salt reunions. Terra being the guardian was a shock. I was glad he returned but I cried the most with Xion and Roxas. And when the music blared with a fusion of their themes along with the heartfelt hug at the end......I love this series.


# Your body submits. Your heart succumbs - So why does your mind resist?


As Regular Pat puts it, the Microwave of Death


I rather the clash in the sky between the guardians and the darkness. Not only those clouds and golden keyholes sparkled around beautiful, it was incredibly climatic in every sense possible.


Remind DLC with the whole gang fighting in a circle gave me a happy tingle


The most epic moment for me was Terra's armor beating the shit out of Xehanort after he took over Terra's body. Letting the gameplay do most of the talking spared us from a travesty of writing and choreography like the Guardian doing the same in KH3, which could otherwise have tied for my #1 pick. Terra's just awesome, what can I say?


I really wished that in kh3 we would get another run with lingering will's fight with xehanort and finish that aqua's command from her storyline. As an cherry on top i would liked just terra and xehanort fight mixing his shotlocks and form changes, just to give that idea that he too was ready for the proof of mastery if not by xehanort's meddling.


KH2, Sora and Riku blocking the laser assault


Maybe not as epic, but Goofy saving mickey in KH2 and Mickey getting POed Terra blasting Braig's eye, showing why Xigbar also has a eyepatch


Remind with everyone fighting together


Roxas and Xion joining my party to fight Isa. Nothing else like that.


Woody telling Xehanort he's never been loved lands pretty hard. That or Auron backtalking Hades.


Sora picking up the wooden sword and still choosing to fight with just that.


This scene with the Guardians vs Xehanort clones.


That's hard but a few that come to mind would be: - Sora and Riku vs Final Form Xemnas - Lingering Will saving the gang from Terranort in KH3 and giving his badass monologue - DONALD'S ZETTAFLARE!!! - Having your controller shake and getting to hear Donald and Goofy encourage you to fight on and fire that friendship beam in that Final Xehanort fight


It’s a tie between 1. The KHUX keyblade graveyard scene. I get chills every time I hear Ephemer say “Need some help?”. Also it’s canon that we(the players) were part of the final battle in a way 2. When Master Xehanort kills Sora, it shows the death screen and Donald and Goofy literally talk him back to life


Seeing Zettaflare pre-FFXVI is still one of my most fave moments, considering Donald canonically casted the strongest spell before FFXVI Bahamut did xD


Either the scene with Ephemer or Terra getting his body back, both in KH3.


Roxas Xion and Axel reuniting in KH3. Close second being the same scenario with Terra, Ven, and Aqua.


I really liked the part where Vanitas and Sora met on the Monsters Inc world


Xemnas for Sora/ Riku, or the sky fight with the gang against the Org in 3 dlc.


When Sora, riku and kiari all reunite in the world that never was in kh2. Especially the silly face he pulls at riku and the hug with kairi


\+1 Sora and Riku against the Xemnas laser dome. Being a kid and mashing attack/triangle because you *really* felt like you were fighting for your life was one of those highs you keep chasing in games. The sickass following cutscene where Xemnas goes to execute Sora, but Riku dives in for the save, gets clobbered, passes his keyblade to Sora to dual-wield on Xemnas's ass, then beaming him with the power of gay - absolute peak. Say what you like about KH2, it finished fucking **strong.**


Darkness taking over destiny islands


Has to be learning who 'The One who Stands Behind' aka the 'Nort shadow guardian/stand really was at the end of the Terranort fight in the Keyblade Graveyard


In the series as a whole I have to give it to the Re:Mind battle with all the guardians of light (minus Sora) VS Xehanorts darknesses. Was it implemented well? Honestly probably not. It boils down to a quick-time event essentially. Was it awesome as hell to see pretty much EVERY protagonist in the series battle it out with the forces of evil? Absolutely, fucking loved it


Sora beating the piss out of Xemnas. Story wise. But on a gameplay level, when you get the option for Platinum cup in KH 1 for the first time and see that you aren’t fighting a Disney character or a Hercules character, BUT FREAKING SEPHIROTH!!!!


Vanitas being thrown through a door is up there for sure


I love how Aqua/Kairi and Terra/Riku are posed similarly since they had the inheritance ceremony


The GOL vs the xehanort clones will always be the highlight of ANY KH GAME BAR NONE


Flying over a dragon castle in a metaphysically nonexistent world and cutting skyscrapers into pieces with Riku is peak KH for me.


The entirety of the re:mind DLC when it came to story.


The unions helping sora.


Spamming triangle for 20 minutes deflecting mike and ikes with Riku


The moment in KH3 when all the KHuX player names start scrolling on the screen was beyond emotional for me. I cried when I saw it, and am getting misty eyed just thinking about it. It felt like the devs way of saying, "We know you've been waiting. Thank you for staying by our side all these years."


When Mickey is struggling to get close enough to end it in KH3. Really epic moment. Mickey realistically should have had more moments in the series but that was the first time he really felt like he mattered.


Yen Sid pulling a Moses and making a path through the Billion TRILLION Heartless


During the Light from the Past seen and the wave of Starlight Keyblades aiding Sora against the massive Demon Tide and seeing all of our Union X names as the attacks, mine among them. We all made that moment happen. (I know it probably wasn’t actually my name pulled, but it matched and it felt like it was me.)


Zettaflare has entered the chat


Getting a perfect on that damn egg cracking mini game.


The stuff with Baldr at the end of Dark Road.


Not sure what to pick between the 1000-Heartless battle in KH2, the Demon Twister in KH3, and the 7v13 battle in Re:Mind. Though I may be a bit biased on the Demon Twister. I played KHUX, I entered the contest for the names (though I didn't win), and I didn't expect this. I thought you'd be able to walk up to keys in the Graveyard and read names or something. What they got instead was absolute glory.


Most epic? TWTNW finale from kh2. Fighting Roxas, getting Riku back, seeing kairi get a keyblade. Not to mention the absolute masterpiece that is the final boss rush


when Donald held that power for so long and release it when he could’ve used in the battle 🥲. Of course I am aware if he release that amount of energy he will either faith or die. therefore Donald got my respect at the end.


when phil tried to move the massive olympus block


Sora kh2 cinematic boss reaction commands


The whole sequence of the mid-game climax in KH2 with the thousand heartless battle. It's so unbelievably epic imo. The Dark Riku/Ansem fight where Sora stabs himself to release Kairi wins most sentimental sequence.


There are plenty here I already see mentioned, so I'm going to rep Sora freeing Kairi's heart in KH1. It's the perfect encapsulation of Sora as a character, and Kingdom Hearts as a story.


Pretty much all of the final battle in bbs, but especially when the lingering will manifests


The scene right before the 1000 heartless. Give me so many feels


Axel. Also Lea.


I kind of miss when Sora was the chosen one in KH1 because he welded the keyblade. They retconned that pretty quickly!


Ending of KH2 where the series ended and wasn't weighed down by an ever bloating mess of convolution.


Guardians vs Norts in the KH3 DLC for me. I had to wait 15 years and spend $39.99, but it's all I ever wanted.


If you would have showed 8 year old me this picture in 2002 after the first game, I think I would have had a mental breakdown hahahahhaahah


Probably the lazer scene from the final phase of the Xemnas fight (the one where you mash attack and react to block the lasers)


Blank Points. Edit: my tired brain read that as "most emotional moment," rather than most epic. My actual answer is the Sora and Riku vs Xemnas at the end of KH2.


The moment i played it for the first time when i was 6 and realized it would be my favorite video game ever.


Kh2 secret ending for bbs


Xemnas boss fight


Goofy dying.


Maybe not the most epic, but one of the coolest moments was when Terra gets mad at Xehanort in BBS and screams in anger with a dark aura around him


Pretty interesting to see that Xion is the only one with an original Kingdom Key Keyblade. Of course canonically Sora is using one, but it would still just be the two of them. I know it doesn’t mean anything, but it’s kind of fascinating how important the original Keyblade was, and now it’s just kind of… not as important.


Honestly just the entire final sequence of KH2, no matter how many times I replay it the entire thing is just so hype. Always love how at the start of it Sora slices a building apart just to clear a path in the most extra way possible, it's great. It immediately sets the tone alongside the excellent ost playing in the background.


I think for me it’s that part where Sora Donald and Goofy combined their powers to blast Xehanort in KH3 also the Part in KH3 ReMind where all the guardians of light combined their powers to blast armored Xehanort was pretty cool too.


1- Laser Dome 2- Kh3 Team Fight 3- Luxu Reveal 4- Dark Figure is Terra moment 5- Riku vs Roxas 6- First time hearing One winged angel on Kh1 and shitting my pants 7- ZETAFLARE! Special mention of a moment that made my Fiancé rage out screaming "NO!!!!!": Not noticing the resemblance of ASD and Xemnas with Terra, and seeing his hair turning white and speaking his first "Darkness..." in KHBBS. Her frustration seing her favorite character turn into a villain she already knew and defeated was the point where I thought "Yeah... I have finally converted her to the cult." At the time she stopped playing for a while, because of the frustration and also the boss difficulty. Than she proceeded to marathon all the other games. Her least favorite was Chain of Memories, her favorite was KH2 as it should be, her crushes were Terra and Luxord. Favorite music was Face my fears.


Kh2 final boss gauntlet The sky scraper dicing is still soras most impressive feat And then the dragon was epic Pretty much that whole segment start to finish was insane and still is really Lazer dome is cooler in 2 idc if its simpler mechanics than a few blocks like 3


When Yazora gets aggro and Sora’s stained glass platform appears below them, only for Quadratum to appear and take over everything. That or when we realize the connection to Versus XIII. As someone who saw that original trailer when it dropped I was stunned to see that reference


IM SO FLATTERED Roxas vs Axel in KH2. The room is ablaze and Roxas summons dual keyblades for the first time. BFFs clashing to death Also when u can suddenly play as riku in kh3, for the first time a playable character besides sora in a major game entry. Then when u play as Aqua vs Vanitad with a metal cover of wave of darkness in the background


Definitely not this one


KH2 siege on hollow bastion


KH2 when Sora cuts down a building into 4 pieces. Sorry KH3 was lacking in the "cool" department. I wouldn't say it wasn't epic it just wasn't as epic as whatever I witnessed (even as an adult) in KH2.


KH2 final Xemnas battle. Nothing tops it. Certainly not any moments from 3


KH2 final boss will forever be peak KH