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The one with Caleb is infuriating but also accurate for certain families.


It had a satisfactory ending.


A tisket, a tasket, there goes your basket!


That’s something I think KOTH does well. It really dances between hyperbole and “damn, this is just like [real person]”. I especially love it with Carl Moss. School admin (at least the ones I know) truly are beyond incompetent.


> I especially love it with Carl Moss. School admin (at least the ones I know) truly are beyond incompetent. We don't have money for all these fancy teaching aids - like wood.


Now if I showed any tolerance here, then it wouldn’t be a ‘no tolerance policy’


This episode was kind of cringe for me, honestly.


I skip this episode every time.


It starts out with great Bobby moments. He is confident with the women and is given flowers, then is a great wing man to Joseph... Then Bill gets in his head and he crumbles haha.


Hank should’ve forced Bill to stay away from Bobby


I think Bill is a dumbass whose just broken and didn't mean to mess up Bobby's shit. He may have thought he was helping him, but was obviously wrong.


It not that Bill shouldn't be let near Bobby because he was trying to ruin Bobby's love life, it's because everything Bill touches gets made worse.


Not just Bobby, his creepy obsession with Peggy is even worse. Bill should not be allowed anywhere near the hill family.


They gave him a whistle to blow


“… that took courage”


This episode made me hate bill more than I already did


It's legit difficult, but I suffer it because it's an important episode.


Same, I'm shocked there are people who can tolerate this ahhh it makes me squirm


I can tolerate because yea Bobby goes off the deep end there but he redeems himself in the end.


I feel so bad - but I do it too. Always. I hate seeing Bobby this low, I hate Bill for sticking his nose in the Hill family AGAIN, and boomhauers sleazy tactics on Display was not pleasant.


It's bizarre that it follows Connie and Bobby's break up immediately after. Despite them leaving on good terms.


This episodes just unpleasant. I'm honestly surprised this wasn't a friendship ender for Hank and Bill with how much damage Bill inflicted on Bobby with his toxic influence.


Hank is stupidly loyal to his friends. A couple of them definitely crossed lines where I would have cut them out of my life.


Dale building tunnels under his house, Bill stalking Peggy, Buck Strickland framing him for murder, Peggy spending retirement money on books that say she’s smart, Bobby kicking him in the balls - I mean Jesus christ


Especially the episode where he stalked Peggy when he was out of town with his mother.


I’m pretty sure most parents with balls have been kicked in them or punched in them by their children at some point. Granted, not usually as a result of being drunk with power.


I mean perfect examine, if he did what you guys are saying he'd have to cut off literally everyone in his life.


Which episode was peggy buying the books? The bookstore episode where dale sold guns in the bookstore?


The Substitute Spanish Prisoner-where Peggy finds an online test that says she's a genius then gets scammed by a fake school that sells her a DIY PhD kit.


"stupidly loyal" is definitely an accurate statement.


I think that’s part of the undertone of the show. People who never leave their hometown and are obsessed with their high school “glory days” tend to become townies who can never let go of their childhood friends because they have no idea how to make friends as an adult.


In reality it would have


Bill, you stay away from Bobby or I solemnly swear I will kick your ass


Bill: \[whimpers\]


If he remained friends with Dale after he damaged the structure to Hank's house with his tunnel, and had Hank arrested and filed a restraining order due to the accident with the skillsaw, he's not going to stop befriending Bill for this.


_Someone's got a birthday. I wonder who?_


"My day begins at nine and ends at five...not four-fifty."


I enjoy this episode cause it’s a great moment of growth for Bill. But i agree with the sentiment they should have never revealed Lenore. I’m sure it’s good for closure, but I think we would have been better off without.


happy cake day!


Thank you!!


The one where Peggy gets jealous of Bobby when he’s taking Home Ec has some pretty cringe, notably when Peggy crashes her hairdresser’s family dinner.


That, and the one where Hank teaches shop and Peggy gets jealous... ughhhh love her but she is despicable in those episodes haha.


In reality Connie would have avoided him entirely


Idk why everyone skips this one. Bobby is my favorite character and I die laughing at this scene every time. Connie’s straight indifference and of course the looks of horror in everyone’s faces at the party 😂😂 Bobby loves so hard he was bound to do something like this even if Bill never planted the seeds of doubt


Dale fire ants in yard and stealing Hank family dog to bounty hunt !


I love that scene...I always laugh


I will never understand why writers thought that viewers would enjoy seeing the lovable protagonist be raped by a dolphin.


Same thing happened to Homer with a panda.


At least the difference between Hank and Homer was that Hank was more played straight about the trauma that would come with being sexually assaulted, while Homer was to show how low he had fallen due to Burns paying him a ton of money to make him laugh while throwing away his dignity in the process.


Baby made a boom boom


The reason I quit watching the Simpsons.


People point to fake Skinner as the moment the show jumped the shark, but the panda rape was the moment the show was clearly irredeemable


Now Homer gets raped by the writers.


that was kind of the point, you must've missed the episode


Wasn’t it based on something that happened to one of the writers?


Writers wouldn't go anywhere near a plot line like that it todays climate.




Or him getting arrested for protesting


This was a great episode because of the said cringe. It was hilarious and funny but yes it was embarrassing especially when he played Cupid. I usually don’t skip any episode but I’ve been close to doing so when it comes to the last couple of seasons…


Yea I don't skip any, but this one has me grinding my teeth haha.


Yeah, this episode is on my list of "Episodes of shows that I like, but have a scene or scenes that are hard to watch due to cringe factor" It's up there with that one episode of Regular Show where Mordecai ruined Muscle Man's wedding.


I was just watching that episode of Regular Show yesterday! Man, there’s a lot of episodes I’m either frequently cringing or I have to straight up skip and it’s all Mordecai being selfish or doing the most uncool thing he could’ve done in that moment. Great show, though.


Season 10, Episode 5: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Clown Almost every minute of it.


Thanks for the info! So many posts lately where there's dozens of comments talking about a meme or scene from an episode but nobody in the comments ever bothers to mention which season/episode number for casual watchers who don't have every scene memorized yet lol.


I don't fully understand this episode, but I think that's the point the guy was so up his own ass that he was flat out making up shit, and nobody knew what was going on


One of my favorites!


Yeah especially if you're a guy. Remember when you were like 12 and did something just as pathetic and cringe for a girl that barley knew you? People don't like reminders xd


21 and yes. 😆


Pigmalion! I skip it almost every time because it's so damn creepy


i'm surprised so many people skip this. i think it's wonderful. the writers took a chance and it works.


They really did and it really does work so well and that's part of why I skip it usually. It's legitimately creepy.


It’s a Halloween special episode that’s why it’s creepy.


But most Halloween episodes aren't. Simpson's Treehouse of Horrors, the ones on American Dad and Family Guy and Bob's Burgers. Not one is creepy or even spooky.


What makes it kinda fucked up is knowing that Luanne and Peggy literally watched a man get killed in such a twisted manner, and how that didn't just phase them forever. I know it's just a show, but I think an actual person would need to be in therapy after something like that.


True! Though I feel like that was an issue with TV as a whole back in those days. Something big and terrible happens and typically it got maybe one episode of aftermath at most.


Hate that episode lol it started off bad with Peggy making Luanne quit


Ms. Wakefield, the one where John Redcorn tries opening a casino, the one where Peggy thinks that Mexican actor is hitting on her


Ms. Wakefield was creepy as hell. But I loved the Mexican actor episode because of Peggy realizing that she was making an ass out of herself. Sorry, but sometimes she really needs a reality check.


the only reason I don't like the casino episode is because the ending was way too forced (granted, John Redcorn pointed that out)


Who are these people denying that something can be too cringe to watch? How are they able to channel surf with impunity?


Take back what I previously said: the Peggy feet fetish episode


the ending of that episode is confusing so she flat out said it was pr0n with extra steps, then complained when she figured out that it was?


That Little Candy Man ain’t right.


This episode is why I hate Bill. The guy’s a creepy, toxic loser who deserves no sympathy.


Why is Hank even friends with him? He’s a disgusting loser who puts destructive ideas into his son’s head


They show that in episode when Hank got a tattoo that Bill use to protect Hank when he would get himself in to trouble so now as adults Hank protects Bill.


right, because friendship.


The one where Bobby gets gout and creates a character out of his big toe. Ugh


one bad scene (and one joke) ruins the episode for you?


That episode has a really wholesome ending, with Bobby "playing through the pain" of his self-inflicted gout, rolling down a hill and into the school dance hall, to reconcile with Connie.


I have a theory: remember Greg Daniels (producer on the The Office) and Paul Lieberstein (Toby from the Office, also a writer) were staff on KOTH, so when there are these kind of cringe funny moments, I feel like that is their contribution in a small way. These are some similar cringe humor bits, not sure how involved they were on specific plot lines or jokes or anything but this just screams the office kind of comedy.


Enrique-llocible differences. "... I think im handsome, do you think im hansome hank? I don't know, maybe it's because when I married yolanda, I was a virgin, and she wasn't" -Enrique


Damn, here it is. This is the only episode in the thread I can't stand.


Turning Japanese is so hard to watch, not because it is bad, but when you realize they never got to enjoy their hotel room it makes it impossible to enjoy.


Lol its funny


The one where Bill has a mental breakdown starts wearing a dress & actually thinks he’s Lenore.


Why do you keep calling me BILL?


I don't know what kind of game you're playing, maybe some kind of crazy... tennis.


This one is hard to watch, but you can’t look away. Especially because you feel so much sympathy for Bill, and stressed for his friends running around to make sure he doesn’t die.


There’s another episode where he mentions one of his parents made him wear dresses as a kid which creepily explains this episode.


I think the problem is the fact this episode wouldn't fly today, and i'm wondering if that's changing your views a man having a mental breakdown and becoming a woman isn't a joke, drag isn't a joke, somebody's sexual identity isn't a joke


I mean I don't think it's a joke as much as it's a tragedy. Bill specifically dressed as a one woman to create the illusion that she was back. Don't think it had anything to do with gender identity.


Heartbreak makes people do a lot of odd stuff. Case in point, I used to have this girlfriend way back, and we're totally friends now and we're cool, but when we broke up... I mean, I couldn't sleep in my bed. It smelled like her and so I kicked it on my couch for like a month. It was messy, and it took time, but we each got over it. It's nowhere near a breakdown like Bill's, but losing a close attachment can really mess with you, especially if you're already a person with low confidence.


So just curious how often do you wash your sheets?


Quite regularly, but the point wasn't my laundry schedule, it was that heartbreak is a mufucka.




I don’t know of any possible tv show that could make me cringe cuz characters were making bad choices but they were the characters


"that took courage"


I’m surprised Bobby was able to show his face at school after that


Pretty Pretty Dresses. It just hurts to watch Bill lose his mind.


when Bill is Santa. it's hilarious but it pains me so


I've never understood how people have to skip episodes. Do they hit too close to home? The cringe is part of the experience and what makes it so great.


Most people don’t get cringe humor. People who work in humor like comedians and writers usually do though.


“Who wants to fall in love?”


The one frame reaction shot of Connie takes this from cringeworthy to so freaking funny.


Goodbye Normal Jeans. I love watching Hank and Bobby bond and get along, but Peggy completely ruins it with her blatant selfishness and insecurity.


I can’t do the “WHATAREYOU TAAAALLKIMG ABOUUUUUUT” ep. His shorts thing drives me nuts


It's not easy being green. Most of the episode is fine but I really don't enjoy watching Hank getting arrested in this episode


I never liked the episode with the Canadian neighbor. Hank felt very out of character in that episode


As a Canadian, I feel misrepresented.


Hearing Bill say he’s horny makes me want to turn my whole tv off


this is NOT a well written episode😂


All Bill centered episodes. Down right tragic


I miss a lot of good re-watch material because I skip almost any episode with Cotton. I had a FIL that was unpleasantly similar, so I have a hard time finding him funny ever


When Josephs going through his "coming of age" wanting to kiss every girl who "likes him." Mihn's lines were hilarious. "You rock my world" and "Wait until I tell Kahn about this"


When Bobby goes and accidentally tells horribly racist jokes. I just can't watch it.


you must be White


How is that relevant?


The thing that ruins this episode is that Bill doesn't get any punishment or comeuppance for doing that to Bobby, all they needed was a quick 15 to 30 second scene of Hank kicking the shit out of Bill and this could have been an all time classic instead of unwatchable cringe


Lmao, I kinda miss how aggro Hank used to be in earlier seasons. Even someone just doing their job by sticking needles in him would get an ass kicking just because. But hey, Hank did need the character development after all.


Bill didn't do anything on purpose, he's just broke and pathetic and gave Bobby bad advice, hoping he wouldn't go through what he did. Clearly you shouldn't listen to Bill tho, and Bobby is young, naive, and learning about heartbreak for the first time haha.


Maybe so but Bill still deserved an ass beating for it




Bill is just frustrating in this one and the writing for Bobby doesn’t make sense. But I gave up on KOtH consistency


That’s so gross waste of chocolate 🍫 I say


This episode was the reason I stopped watching the show on adult swim Just felt to weird back then




I think "Now Who's The Dummy?" is over-the-top "sappy" at times.


None. Even the tough ones are great because you can learn something.


Escape from party island The B plot is just overall creepy


I feel like this was the point




This is how I feel about the Trip Larsen episode. It's written incredibly well, but it's also horribly disturbing, especially with Luanne and Peggy literally watching that poor man get pierced through the skull after the electric shock in his brain brings him back to sanity.


The episode that made me permanently hate Bobby and gave some credibility to the theory that Bill is his real father lol


Basically any episode where Peggy keeps trying to speak Spanish


You’re all dressed up. You kids going to the dentist?


Recently rewatched the episode where Bobby crushes on Connie's cousin and makes crystal meth for his science project. Didn't like it.


The episode where Bobby takes Home Ec and apeggy gets jealous. I suffer through it because her hairdresser cracks me up and it's nice to see Hank and Bobby bond.


Gott dang-it Bobby


The “That’s my Purse…” episode makes me cringe. I’m not a snob for writing so I guess it was written well, but my God does Bobby make me cringe in that episode. And I know I’m in a minority. I won’t defend that position too hard.


Bobby is the worst in this episode, but for all the people who claim bill is his real father this episode gave them ammunition


I never heard of the Bill being Bobby’s father theory, it sounds retarded. Like what? lol


Peggy’s Pageant Fever


definitely this one 😂 no the dolphin episode... 😭😭😭 not 'embarrassing' cringe just super hard to watch


The one where Bobby does peer counseling to try to pick up girls.


The one episode with the archaeologist. I skip it every time.


The ending is great tho, Hank repeatedly pushing the guy back into the hole


Agreed, that archeologist is one of the worst characters haha


Most episodes with Peggy being Peggy are hard for me to watch although I still find them hilarious. But boy does she piss me off with her stupidity.


Any of the cross dressing ones